yuall berbicara begini membuatkan aii rasa tak sedap hati jer....
dah la aii rasa semakin menjauh...
aii harap dorang ada pm bawah tanah jer..
biarlah aii tak tahu pun tak per....
yuall berbicara begini membuatkan aii rasa tak sedap hati jer....
dah la aii rasa semakin menjauh...
aii harap dorang ada pm bawah tanah jer..
biarlah aii tak tahu pun tak per....
soebyuk Post at 21-2-2010 23:19
kenapa kaka soe rase semakin jauh
aii harap derang ade pm bawah tanah jer<<apekah maksud ini..tk ghetii ai nk tangkap maksud ini
aii harap derang ade pm bawah tanah jer
Ley Post at 21-2-2010 23:25
ia lah... semua sibuk GHS sibuk ngan movienyer ... LMH sibuk ngan movienyer gak...
aii rasa tak mungkin dorang ada masa utk dating ** imagine jer lah.. khekhe
harap dorang contact by phone jo la....<<< ini maksud pm bawah tanah...
kaka soe punya statement ni ai igtkan apa la tadi....
dont worry...our MinSun is doing very well...
hanya pm bwh tanah tu je la yg leh menghubungkan dua hati menjadi satu...waaa terjiwang sudah....
26hb ni diorg akan terpisah...
hyesun nk kena pegi Jepun...'org tu' pulak dh stat shooting drama dia...
Lot more pix of GHS in her blog. Blogger genie also has many quotesfrom GHS. I will translate some new GHS quotes and any new informationfrom genie blog.
GHS:<This project, this movie, is thebeginning. In the future, I plan to direct more movies. I know I haveto do a good job. Because I need to show the movie to many people, Iwant to show my sincerity and genuineness.>
GHS:<Being alow-budget movie, it was very difficult. However, through the help ofFilm Director and all the staff, I was able to complete it quite well. Magic is about young musical friends' lives and loves that I wanted to portray in a different way.>
GHS:<It is difficult for me to say whether acting or directing is moreattractive to me. However, I learned a lot from directing that wouldhelp me in acting.>
GHS:<For my next project, I ampreparing for acting. I cannot tell you that acting is my mainoccupation, but since I have been acting all along, I will soon meetyou all as an actress. For the next directorial work, I have manyscripts already written. Most likely it will be a love story.>
Director Lee Joon Ik directed the famous movie/drama The King's Man. He met GHS through the late Rep.Jung Seung Hae.He says that GHS came to Rep Jung for her help in order to prepare tomake her dream of directing a reality. He hopes that GHS becomes a kindof director who will be well received and who can communicate well withthe public through her movies. He feels that, under thosecircumstances, another young director has been born!!!
Rep Jung must be so proud of her protegee. MAGIC FIGHTNG!!!!
배우 구혜선이 장편영화감독으로 출사표를 던졌다.
Officially, actress GHS enters a new career as a Director with her full-length movie
구혜선은 21일 경기도 고양시 고양아람누리 새라새 극장에서 열린 자신의 첫 장편 연출작 <요술>(제작 YG엔터테인먼트)현장공개 및 기자간담회에서 포부를 나타냈다. 구혜선은 "단편영화 <유쾌한 도우미> 이후 두 번째 연출작이다. 오늘마지막 촬영이라 많이 아쉽지만 책임감 있게 진정성을 담으려고 노력했다"고 말했다. Magicis directed by GHS and produced by YG Entertainment. GHS opened herfilm location to the press today. She told the reporters that she willmiss the work with her crew and her actors as today is the last day forfilming and that she did her best with deep sense of responsibility andsincerity.
구혜선은 이날 야구 점퍼에 스키니진 등 편안한 복장으로 나타나 촬영장을 진두지휘했다. 구혜선은 한 손에는 무전기를 들고 다른 한 손에는 콘티북을 든 채 스태프들에게 일일이 지시하고 사인을 보내며 감독의 면모를 유감없이 발휘했다.
Inher comfortable baseball jacket and skinny jeans, GHS held her radiocommunicator on one hand and the codi-book in the other. Witheverything, she carried out her instruction, signals and directionwithout regrets or dissatisfaction.
음악영화 <요술>은 젊은 아티스트들의 우정과 사랑을 그렸다. 구혜선은 "지난해 첼리스트 송영훈의 공연을 보고 영감을받아서 시나리오를 구상하게 됐다. 남자 첼리스트를 처음 본건데 굉장히 멋있었고 많은 아이디어를 줬다"고 말했다. GHS's inspiration for her screenplay, Magic,comes from having watched the performance of a male cellist, Song YoungHoon, last year. It was her first experience watching a male cellist perform. She thought the performance extremely charming and gave her so many ideas.
극중 천재와 노력파 아티스트가 등장하는 것을 두고 본인은 어느 쪽에 가깝냐는 질문에 구혜선은"노력파라고 하기엔 게으른 것 같다. 좋아하는 것에 관심을 갖고 열중하는 편이다"라고 말했다. Inher movie, there are musicians who are geniuis and who are hardworkers. Reporters asked her which one is she~genius or hard worker.GHS's answer: 'I am lazy to be called a hard worker. Only, when I amdeeply interested in something, I tend to concentrate on that.'
(Sheis humble and modest. Isn;t she? Also, she really can write a text bookon how to give a good interview, as the F4 once said about her.)
구혜선은 이번 작품에서 연출뿐 아니라 각본, 음악감독, 배우까지 1인4역으로 참여해 만능엔터테이너의 끼를 쏟아 부었다. 주연은신인배우 임지규,서현진이 맡았다. 구혜선의 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트가 제작을, CJ엔터테인먼트가 배급을 맡았으며 올해 하반기개봉된다. GHShas 4 roles in her movie as director, writer, composer and actress. Shereally is a multi-talented entertainer. The lead actors are Lim Ji Gyuand Suh Hyun Jin. GHS's Agency YG Entertainment is the producer of herfilm and CJ Entertainment is in charge of the distribution of her film. The Magic opens at the second half of the year.
I am very confused. Now, this reporter says the movie opens in the second half of the year. We need few more articles that can confirm this information. Nomatter what, Congratulations to GHS, her staff and the entire MagicTeam for completing the film and I hope and pray for giant blockbusterhit for Magic!!!!
GHShas 4 roles in her movie as director, writer, composer and actress. She really is a multi-talented entertainer.
Ley Post at 22-2-2010 14:12
Hye Sun fighting :pompom::pompom:
xtau nk cakap apa...tp sgt berbangga dgn pencapaian hyesun skrg ni...
dan saya sgt berbangga kerana menjadi peminat yg sangat setia bersamanya sehingga kini :pompom::pompom: