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Author: ebie

Adakah aku akan bergelar bujang terlajak?

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Post time 31-8-2010 05:17 AM | Show all posts
ahaks....hobi menambahkan kenalan.......

aii bukan nak memilih ensem pun....y sedang2 aje ...
Syik_Gojet Post at 31-8-2010 05:10

    Fuh ayat... yang berkarisma cewah hahahaa

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Post time 31-8-2010 05:20 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 31-8-2010 05:22 AM | Show all posts
Fuh ayat... yang berkarisma cewah hahahaa
unforseeable Post at 31-8-2010 05:17

   hohoho...bukan ayat berkarisma kapoor....
sekadar y terisirat di celah2 hati sanubari......chewaah..

~motip aii berjiwang2 di pagi nan hening ni..

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Post time 31-8-2010 05:22 AM | Show all posts
Reply  ebie

    Dude, get a hold of yourself la...., you said you did stupid things during the ...
unforseeable Post at 29-8-2010 16:47

waahh.. pretty good advise. me, i do think i'm sufferin a middle child syndrome too.

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Post time 31-8-2010 05:27 AM | Show all posts
hohoho...bukan ayat berkarisma kapoor....
sekadar y terisirat di celah2 hati sanubari... ...
Syik_Gojet Post at 31-8-2010 05:22

    Belasah je cik syik... haha sementara tunggu subuh hehe... whats your story macam heavy je... one year single tu... mesti u ni jenis ramai peminat ye tak? hehe

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Post time 31-8-2010 05:31 AM | Show all posts
waahh.. pretty good advise. me, i do think i'm sufferin a middle child syndrome too.
cursebreaker Post at 31-8-2010 05:22

    Thanks bro, really glad there's someone like me out there... People like us are the most misunderstood by our own family compared to our siblings... it tooks me years just to convince my parents that i'm not just a dead weight in the family if you know what i mean....

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Post time 31-8-2010 05:43 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Syik_Gojet at 31-8-2010 05:47

Reply 185# unforseeable

tak tau la nak ckp heavy ke tak..bagi org lain mayb first luv is 4 years ago....
itu pun sekadar tahan 2 bulan....

selepas tu memang de la kenal beberapa org....dlm proses kenal ni mcm2 org dh jumpa...kena tipu tu or dipermainkan perkara biasa..

de gak la y sangkut jd tapi tu la tahan sebulan..

paling latest pun tahan 3 bulan...

kadang2 aii pun tak faham nape aii ni tak normal mcm org lain...?

mayb gak niat aii, aii berkawan serius bukan utk buat kapel..tapi buat suami...
mayb dia bukan jodoh Allah putuskan kami cepat2..tiap kali de hubungan serius akan buat solat istikarah minta pentunjuk..

aii tak de  ramai peminat...coz i ni jenis very simple,down to earth n tak lawa pun..
y minat kt aii tu rabun kot...<--jd sindrom tak caya org iklas suka kt kita.. (ramai girl kt luar sana hebat2..sapa lah aii..cewah)

dh setahun solo bukan kerana terlalu cintakan ex ke apa......tapi kerana so far tak jumpa lagi y betul2 boleh ketuk pintu hati nie..<--kadang2 rasa mcm sindorm takut fall in luv..

so far nak break dr benda2 mcm ni...penat gak la hati kena calar berkali2.......klu la bantal aii tu leh berkata2, mesti dia mengeluh berliter2 dibasahi oleh air mata...

hidup mesti diteruskan..... everything have a reason....aii serahkan diri 100% pd Allah.....n keep smiling....

~erk..mcm terpanjang pun dh cukup ringkas nie..haha

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Post time 31-8-2010 05:45 AM | Show all posts
waahh.. pretty good advise. me, i do think i'm sufferin a middle child syndrome too.
cursebreaker Post at 31-8-2010 05:22

me also a middle child...we r in a same boat..

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Post time 31-8-2010 06:02 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cursebreaker at 31-8-2010 06:11


i do really understand how does it feel being the middle child. btw, i'm 28 & still finding my career doesnt speak out loud on my presence. and i dont earn taht big too. hehe. good that u've found the potential which has brought u to what u've become now. congratz & kudos to u. so, are u in engineering field? just curious.

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Post time 31-8-2010 06:02 AM | Show all posts
Reply  unforseeable

tak tau la nak ckp heavy ke tak..bagi org lain mayb first luv  ...
Syik_Gojet Post at 31-8-2010 05:43

    wow in 4 years dah 3 kali jumpa ok aper... takder la se-loser kita ni... hahaha LoL at least rase la gak pearsaan cinta tu... tapi yang tu bagus aper sebenarnye cari trus buat stok pasangan hidup... to its perfectly practical and normal... takde la waste of time and money... kita ada membe2 yang dok cita masalah kapel, putus tunang la, cerai la (diorang suka cerita kat kita sebab usually i would snap them back to reality haha... jahat gila gua)... all those investment for nothing, tu yang kita cakap masalah2 camni selalunye buat hati kita tak tenang sbb masalah remeh temeh jer, takder aper pon... that is why kita sendiri pun actually dah give up lama dah kat benda2 ni huhuhu... pasni kalo la ada rezeki pon mmg buat stok bini trus...

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Post time 31-8-2010 06:06 AM | Show all posts
me also a middle child...we r in a same boat..
Syik_Gojet Post at 31-8-2010 05:45

    fuh ramai gak middle child kat sini ek... hehe, teruk woo dapat perasaan camni, rase macam kita ni not belong to our family jer... kita sampai hr ni tak rapat sangat dengan mak ayah ngan adik beradik, bayangkan dalam family sendiri kita selalu kene reject and jadi black sheep of the family... mana lah sangat nak terima kasih sayang org luar... dalam kepala asyik terbayang kene rejek memanjang jer... ye tak...huhuhu

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Post time 31-8-2010 06:08 AM | Show all posts
Adoi dah azan dah.... lupa korek hidung....

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Post time 31-8-2010 06:14 AM | Show all posts
Reply 191# unforseeable

Just sharing what MCS is all about...
Middle child is the second born child in a family of more than two children. As much as our parents impact the shaping of our over-all personality, so do our siblings. Sometimes, the middle child suffers from a lack of belonging and constantly strives to get his/her parent’s attention. There is a feeling of insecurity in the middle child, because he/she feels ignored between the eldest and youngest sibling and this is called the Middle Child Syndrome. The birth order does make a difference to the parent’s psychology, as a lot of importance is attached with the birth of the first and the last child. The article explores what exactly is a Middle Child Syndrome, apart from the symptoms that a child suffering from it exhibits.

Symptoms Of Middle Child Syndrome

Lack Of Belonging
The middle child may not feel a sense of belonging to the family in the same way as other children. He/she struggles to be close to the family because of feeling ignored and ‘unwanted’. Sometimes, the middle child also feels sandwiched between the other siblings. It is important as a parent, to not let such feelings overcome their middle child.

Low Self-Esteem
Since a middle child feels that he/she is basically unwanted, he/she may have a very low self-esteem. There is nothing worse than to feel not needed and it can badly affect even an adult. For a child, it has a serious bearing on his/her overall development. Such a child will continue to suffer from a lack of self-belief on growing up. A middle child’s confidence may be shaky due to the feeling of being overlooked upon, by his/her parents.

It is, usually, seen that a child suffering from middle child syndrome is not too extrovert or social. There is a tendency among such children to become loners in life. They feel like an outsider in the family and therefore, become a recluse in other areas of life as well. Such a child believes in spending time with him/her self rather than others, because he/she feels uncared for. And so, he/she tries to create a world of his/her own and lean on his/her own self for support.

No Sense Of Direction
The children suffering from middle child syndrome also lack a sense of direction. There is certain disillusionment among them and they struggle to find the real direction of their life. They are not comfortable confiding in their parents, not even in their brothers or sisters. This is not to say that all middle children turn out to be failures in their life. Only those suffering from this syndrome have a tendency to lack any direction in life.

Trust Issues
A middle child, on feeling ignored and un-loved, may have trust issues. As a child, we first lean to trust and completely rely on our parents, but a middle child fails to do that and consequentially, faces such issues. Such a child has difficulty in opening up and confiding in anyone. However, not every child suffering from middle child syndrome has a distrusting attitude. Sometimes, such a child is pining to trust and lean on someone.

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Post time 31-8-2010 06:17 AM | Show all posts
Adoi dah azan dah.... lupa korek hidung....
unforseeable Post at 31-8-2010 06:08

korek idung x batal pose

ko keje oil n gas ke?
ada kosong tak?

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Post time 31-8-2010 06:19 AM | Show all posts
wow in 4 years dah 3 kali jumpa ok aper... takder la se-loser kita ni... hahaha LoL at lea ...
unforseeable Post at 31-8-2010 06:02

   huhu...tapi tu la...i start kenal erti cintan ni start 23..time tu memang budget 1st luv is forever...tapi rupanya takat 2 bulan..sah2 dipermainkan...
sadis sgt....
so far i tak rasa i betul2 penah bercinta...sbb tah la...asyik jumpa mcm harem jer..(sori terkasar bahasa)

mayb u dah fokus kt keje u..sbb tu la tak fikir sgt nak cari someone....
1 hari nanti hati u akan terbuka utk mengenali sesorg gadis dgn lebih mendalam....time tu mayb dh sampai masanya u lepaskan past u n mengejar kebahagiaan sendiri..... u pun mcm org lain jugak kan, jauh di sudut hati nak juga de bini n anak2...

bila kita bersedia utk menyayangi seseorang kita kena gak sediakan diri utk dilukai oleh pain no gain..hehe...

i dh byk dilukai tapi i tetap percaya ada cinta utk i....penting utk kita fikir positif sebagai mana pentingnya kita percaya qado n qadar dr Allah...

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Post time 31-8-2010 06:20 AM | Show all posts
Adoi dah azan dah.... lupa korek hidung....
unforseeable Post at 31-8-2010 06:08

   hohoho...rugi la..patutnya lupa, terminum or mkn..hehe

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Post time 31-8-2010 06:21 AM | Show all posts
kalo pikir soal hati dan perasaan ni bukan setakat 2 bulan
2 hari pun boleh sakit jiwa
cuma kalau 2 hari mungkin kesan dia 2 hari je
2 tahun kesan dia 2 tahun


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Post time 31-8-2010 06:24 AM | Show all posts
Reply 193# cursebreaker

    Dead on brother... my case of 4 siblings, the eldest the achiever, Im the second the black sheep and the hand-me-down ones, the third is the smartest, jewel of the family, the fourth the most loved and get-away-with-things ones... i always got scolded not to lived up to my parents expectation and get compared to my brothers all the time... when comes to family reunion i'm always felt left out... even though i kinda doing ok right now... seriously

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Post time 31-8-2010 06:26 AM | Show all posts
korek idung x batal pose

ko keje oil n gas ke?
ada kosong tak?
bronok Post at 31-8-2010 06:17

    hahaha pandai la nko...

takde la bro aku keje kat bidang len... tapi membe aku cakap kalo nko nak keje oil and gas jangan anta resume pakai pos... nko pegi sendiri kat kerteh ke dungun ker mintak trus kat sana... tak pun cari vendor yang supply manpower untuk oil and gas...

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Post time 31-8-2010 06:37 AM | Show all posts
huhu...tapi tu la...i start kenal erti cintan ni start 23..time tu memang budget 1st luv is ...
Syik_Gojet Post at 31-8-2010 06:19

    sama la kita, start terluka tu pon umor dalam lingkungan tu gak... trus fobia sampai la skang ni....

of course, bila kita ni memebesar sebagai middle child, hati tu rasa nak create the most perfect family yang ada kat dalam dunia ni... nak make up balik on what i missed during growing up kat anak2 tu nanti...tapi tu la isu hati terluka ni bukan kes kecik wooo efek dia lama beb... bole makan tahun-tahun tu...

betul no pain no gain... tapi kalo boleh nak cari orang yang dah merasa ape yang kita rasa ni... kenkadang tu cakap macam2 kata paham yang kita lalui la apa la... tp takat paham takan dapat compared to actual life experience kita tu....

betul cinta tu ada utuk suma orang... skang ni dok harap tuhan je boleh tunjukkan yang the one untuk kita... hehehe

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