eh how they calculate the moon;s circumference ar....
just something that i;ve been wondering after answering this question...
soo basically it;s because of this guy...

Besides just being a cool sight to watch, a lunar eclipse gives us a way to determine the moon's true size.
Aristarchus applied modern geometric methods in order to measure the size of celestial bodies such as the moon
Where S is the object's diameter, D is the object's distance, and θ (theta) is the angular size of the object in the sky.
By observing a lunar eclipse, Aristarchus found that the Moon moved across the sky an amount equal to 2.5 times the Moon's angular diameter. Consequently, the Earth's shadow on the Moon loses a distance equal to the Moon's diameter. He then concluded:
2½ Moon Diameter = Earth's Diameter - 1 Moon Diameter
Earth's Diameter = 7/2 Moon Diameter
Moon's Diameter = 2/7 Earth's Diameter
Substituting the Earth's diameter into the equation reveals an answer of 3.64 × 106 M. This answer does not match the figure that my sources use, but is very close. The slight deviation is most likely the result of inaccurate tools and measurements

The earth's shadow, at the moon's location,
is nearly three times as wide as the moon itself.

that;s the history...
as for now, we know the moon mean radius= 1737.5km...
using circumference of a sphere formula...
c=2pie r
c=2pie (1737.5)
c= 10 917.0 km

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Elle_mujigae posted on 26-11-2013 01:52 PM 
eh how they calculate the moon;s circumference ar....
just something that i;ve been wondering afte ...
ntah le.... aku pun tak tau.
hang yg patut jwp sbb...
kan hang teror mate ni.
klu aku.. aku tarik je tali tape tu keliling bulan.
Elle_mujigae posted on 26-11-2013 02:03 PM 
mana ada i terer mathhhhhhhh.........i tak pernah cakap la kat mana2 pasal math ni..memanda ...
dulu aku ada jumpa 1 website pasal ni semua.
tapi aku tak ingat apa namanya.
klu tak silap aku dari NASA.
tu pun klu aku tak silap..
ip_lepat posted on 26-11-2013 02:09 PM 
dulu aku ada jumpa 1 website pasal ni semua.
tapi aku tak ingat apa namanya.
klu tak silap aku ...
oh sayang je you dah lupa nama website tu...
takpe takpe...i will just google.....
Elle_mujigae posted on 26-11-2013 02:12 PM 
oh sayang je you dah lupa nama website tu...
takpe takpe...i will just google.....
cantikkkk.... try gugel.
klu ada, tepek le.
blh sama2 bljor..
tak baek kedekut ilmu.
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