rafiacmilan posted on 4-8-2012 01:54 PM
wahh tq blackmore..hbt jgk ko ni..aku pon itw 8 ogos ni gk..mtk2 la aku dpt jwb..aku ni jnis gugup ...
...how was your interview outcome??....
...as mentioned...last wednesday aku attended the second interview...unlike the other day...this time only the director yang interviewed aku...kira macam one to one session...berdebar2 jugak rasanya...but it turned out well...i really appreciate her effort taking time to talk to me and to find out kenapa aku nak downgrade myself from a senior position bila aku apply kerja kat tempat dia...after knowing that i did that mainly becos aku lack degree in that area...she promised to groom and develop me once aku dah confirmed...so...dia suruh aku consider my application...she took her time explaining to me my career path dan sebagainya...bila aku cakap aku nak move towards so and so...dia reassure aku yang the senior position dia nak offer aku tu is flexible and i still can achieve my goal if i were to accept that post...
...so...di akhir interview...aku accepted her proposal...im expecting another call from them next week...this time...aku diberi peluang to view the salary package yang dia akan offer aku dan kalau aku happy with it...she said i can start writing my notice of resignation...so...alhamdulillah...i will be given a much better post...hopefully the salary package would be good also...insyaallah...