Reply 21# ciksurie
kat goodreads.com
leh tahan rate buku dia ...
ttg Tess Gerritsen
Internationally bestselling author Tess Gerritsen took an unusual route to a writing career. A graduate of Stanford University, Tess went on to medical school at the University of California, San Francisco, where she was awarded her M.D.
While on maternity leave from her work as a physician, she began to write fiction. In 1987, her first novel was published. Call After Midnight, a romantic thriller, was followed by eight more romantic suspense novels. She also wrote a screenplay, "Adrift", which aired as a 1993 CBS Movie of the Week starring Kate Jackson.
Tess's first medical thriller, Harvest, was released in hardcover in 1996, and it marked her debut on the New York Times bestseller list. Her suspense novels since then have been: Life Support (1997), Bloodstream (1998), Gravity (1999), The Surgeon (2001), The Apprentice (2002), The Sinner (2003), Body Double (2004), Vanish (2005), The Mephisto Club (2006), and The Bone Garden (2007). Her books have been translated into 31 languages, and more than 15 million copies have been sold around the world.
As well as being a New York Times bestselling author, she has also been a #1 bestseller in both Germany and the UK. She has won both the Nero Wolfe Award (for Vanish) and the Rita Award (for The Surgeon.) Critics around the world have praised her novels as "Pulse-pounding fun" (Philadelphia Inquirer), "Scary and brilliant" (Toronto Globe and Mail), and "Polished, riveting prose" (Chicago Tribune). Publisher Weekly has dubbed her the "medical suspense queen".
Now retired from medicine, she writes full time. She lives in Maine.
Reply 22# fly_in_d_sky
yg surie baca tue the surgoen...best 
dlm buku tue..pembunuh bersiri tue dapat ditangkap..tapi dlm buku kedua the apprentice dia terlepas..
kalu fly nak try baca ebook...surie ader post link dier kat benang ebookz....kat pages belakang2 |
Reply 23# ciksurie
masalah nyer fly nie alergik dgn ebook
xleh nak terima dgn ebook
mata sakit n xleh concentrate ...
tgk ler kalau de peluang fly cr buku kat mane2 bookstore ...
Reply MrsJohn
surie dah email...buku the gallows bird jugaks
koleksi makin b ...
ciksurie Post at 2-3-2012 06:59 
emel ai tak..? kang dah cakap... apa2 emel jer...
jap nak g cek... * lama tak cek emel |
Reply 25# gorgonz
dah...sekali dgn mrs john  |
sape de membership card POPULAR leh la cari buku Camillia Lackberg
de diskaun 20% ...
promo smpai 2nd sept 2012 ...
ada beli ice princess.. aku suka.. rasa mcm nak tambah lagi koleksi dia ni..
tunggu offer kot.. baru ni nampak the drowning kat MPH online.. tp mcm mahal lagi.. |
Reply 28# zehra2
hmm sabar adalah separuh dari iman
takpun tgk kat The Borders kot2 de stok
kalau de The Borders membership card de diskaun 10%
murah sket jadi nyer
cuma syg ler .... BookXcess xde buku Camillia Lackberg
kalau de sure murah giler babas
Reply 29# fly_in_d_sky
baru abis shopping kat MPH online.. stonecutter tu ada offer.. belasah jek laaa..
campur2 dgn 2 lagi novel melayu.. + 2 buku resepi apa ntah.. harap2 cepat ler pandai masak plak lps ni. hu hu.... |
Reply 30# zehra2
insya allah de usaha leh masak nyer
selamat memasak n membaca la ek ... ;-)
Reply 31# fly_in_d_sky
selalu survey kat sini nak cari buku2 yg best..
kita ni duduk kampung. susah nak pi Book Fair.. perjalanan ke KL jek setengah hari.
meh ler suggest kan buku2 thriller yg best2.. |
Reply 32# zehra2
buku thriller yg best2 ....
wat masa nie camilla lackberg
takpun kan refer kat goodreads.com
situ leh tgk rate buku brapa diorg bg
kalau minat Ramlee Awang Murshid
leh ler beli
gi kat KelabRAM order online
cuma jd mahal sket ler sebb de kos delivery ...
tu je le ...
mana nk cari the drowning tu
nak e-book atau hard copy?
hard copy kena pergi kedai buku
kalau ebook ... boleh je search VK The Drowning Camilla Lackberg
cuba ler .. takpun masuk kat thread ebook
ada cara cari buku ebook
I have some of her books tp x ingat dah tajuk. Kena cari kt dlm stor. |
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