The Secret - The Law of Attractions! (merged with seribulan)
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ambe kongsi sbb ni board idea & epitotology, bkn cam baord RFS di mana hina dan marah sama lain
ni beberapa post oleh member Bodhitakso dicari
Everything that exists is empty because there is no essence to anything and nothing has ever existed in its own quality – nothing is permanent and unchanging. All objects exist conditionally without an eternal essence. They only exist in relation to each other as appearances that in turn vary as per the perceptions of the beholders.
Energy is the underlying element for all existence and it is dependent on conditional phenomenon. And phenomenon is thing that appears to or is perceived by senses and therefore, it is empty as well. At the end of the day, we could summarise that emptiness is the beginning for all existence. Every existence is empty and emptiness is in every existence.
From direct experience, we know that humans and things cause pleasure and pain, and that they can help and harm. Therefore, phenomena certainly do exist but the question is how? They do not exist in their own quality but only have an existence dependent upon many factors, including a consciousness that conceptualises them. But in what way is consciousness mistaken? Because all phenomena appear to exist in their own quality, all of our ordinary perceptions are mistaken. We have taken in a wrong sense that living beings, things and phenomena appear to exist in and of themselves. It seems that phenomena could be established in their own right or quality, and from the object’s side upon conceptualising our consciousness. Unfortunately, with this false mode, we are hindering ourselves from recognising the discrepancy between appearance and reality.
Nevertheless, one could train oneself to develop wisdom and eliminate one’s ignorance on the ultimate truth. Upon seeking through in-depth analysis, one could find inherent existence of whatever object one is considering — oneself, another person, one’s body, one’s mind, or anything else is completely lacking. For example, when you examine an object such as car, its inherent existence is negated, but what is left is a body dependent on an engine, seats, lamps, window glasses, tires, gases, etc. In other words, what is left after the analysis is a dependently existent phenomenon.
Thus it is not that you come to understand that the object or phenomenon does not exist but rather, you find that its inherent existence is unfounded. This is the ultimate discovery about the orientation of the nature. Nature is a system of existence fully occupied with factors that rise and fall dependently in continuum. At the end of the day, dualism of the subject and object, and the appearance of multiplicity arises out of our ignorance on the true nature would vanish once emptiness appears. We could then differentiate the way things are perceived to exist and the way things really exist.
verything that exists is empty because there is no essence to anything and nothing has ever existed in its own quality – nothing is permanent and unchanging. All objects exist conditionally without an eternal essence. They only exist in relation to each other as appearances that in turn vary as per the perceptions of the beholders.
Energy is the underlying element for all existence and it is dependent on conditional phenomenon. And phenomenon is thing that appears to or is perceived by senses and therefore, it is empty as well. At the end of the day, we could summarise that emptiness is the beginning for all existence. Every existence is empty and emptiness is in every existence.
From direct experience, we know that humans and things cause pleasure and pain, and that they can help and harm. Therefore, phenomena certainly do exist but the question is how? They do not exist in their own quality but only have an existence dependent upon many factors, including a consciousness that conceptualises them. But in what way is consciousness mistaken? Because all phenomena appear to exist in their own quality, all of our ordinary perceptions are mistaken. We have taken in a wrong sense that living beings, things and phenomena appear to exist in and of themselves. It seems that phenomena could be established in their own right or quality, and from the object’s side upon conceptualising our consciousness. Unfortunately, with this false mode, we are hindering ourselves from recognising the discrepancy between appearance and reality.
Nevertheless, one could train oneself to develop wisdom and eliminate one’s ignorance on the ultimate truth. Upon seeking through in-depth analysis, one could find inherent existence of whatever object one is considering — oneself, another person, one’s body, one’s mind, or anything else is completely lacking. For example, when you examine an object such as car, its inherent existence is negated, but what is left is a body dependent on an engine, seats, lamps, window glasses, tires, gases, etc. In other words, what is left after the analysis is a dependently existent phenomenon.
Thus it is not that you come to understand that the object or phenomenon does not exist but rather, you find that its inherent existence is unfounded. This is the ultimate discovery about the orientation of the nature. Nature is a system of existence fully occupied with factors that rise and fall dependently in continuum. At the end of the day, dualism of the subject and object, and the appearance of multiplicity arises out of our ignorance on the true nature would vanish once emptiness appears. We could then differentiate the way things are perceived to exist and the way things really exist.
Everything or anything (physical or non-physical) that exists is nothing but energy. And energy is nothing but a mere element of vibration. The basic level of a matter is energy. The basic level of energy is vibration. Therefore, matter is a vibrating mass of energy in which the different frequency of vibration would determine the shape and the size of it. So energy and matter are both referring to the same thing - both reflected in different forms per se. Just like cause and effect are the same things - both reflected in a different time of events.
According to the Einstein’s formula, E = mc2, energy can be generated by enforcing a matter into a circumstance of extremely high rate of vibration. At the same time, a matter can be formed by compressing energy into a circumstance of extremely low rate of vibration. In the material Universe, this is how we clarify that something arises as in object is not out of nothing but arises out of the energy elements that exist in a system. And dependent nature of phenomena is a necessary pre-requisite for energy or matter to exist; without it, the energy or matter would be impossible. As such, every existence does contain with the three basic elements - energy, matter and space. These basic elements would subject to the balance and the imbalance phenomena. Under a balance phenomenon, these elements would start to integrate with each other to create an aggregate activity. Under an imbalance phenomenon, these elements would start to disintegrate from each other to create a segregate activity.
Once again, everything in the material Universe is made up of energy. Atoms and molecules are made up of energy. Our bodies, our clothes, our cars, our houses are all made up of energy but what makes them different is their vibration. Energy is always vibrating at a different frequency under the influences of conditional phenomena. Everything has its own vibrational frequency – our thoughts, our feelings, the rock, the table, the car, the animal, the plant, the tree, etc. Even colours are merely expressions of certain vibrational frequencies. These scenarios are guided by a system of universal law known as the Law of Vibration.
In fact, the Law of Vibration serves as the foundation for the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that we attract what we are sending out i.e. like attracts like, unlike repels unlike. Hence, favourable energies attract favourable energies and unfavourable energies attract unfavourable energies. Human thoughts are cosmic waves of energy that penetrate all time and space and it is the most potent vibration that can attracts what is desired or wished for. In other words, all sentient beings are electro-magnetic beings with the subtle mind consciousness that acts as an antenna or a radar detector constantly attracting and magnetising vibrational frequencies. Human thoughts are frequencies to which other similar frequencies are constantly resonating. This resonance is the basis for a universal law – the Law of Attraction. At the end of the day, the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration go hand in hand at all times.
apa yg and baca ni adalah dhamma(reality), perasan tak, tak ada unsur keagmaan pun, semua quantum mechanic/nuclear science  |
wei_loon5063 posted on 31-5-2014 04:04 PM 
apa yg and baca ni adalah dhamma(reality), perasan tak, tak ada unsur keagmaan pun, semua quantum me ...
setiap agama ada tujuan tertentu, ada agama yang menaikkan vibration, ada yang menurunkan vibration, ini bergantung kepada
makhluk halus atau dewa yang inspired agama tersebut untuk tujuan penyerapan tenaga dari manusia (for feeding purposes).
untuk anda nampak 2,3,4,5 mental state ni, saya ambil contoh senang. kamu tengah makan, tiba tiba dengar bunyi "bangg" (2) feeling terkejut terlahir sebab telinga anda dengar bunyi "bang" dan anda tau itu bunyi "bang" sebab sebelum ni anda pernah dengar. kalau tak pernah dengar, akan ada perasaan neutral. kemudian minda anda akan cari balik dalam perpustakaan otak anda, ada tak perkara bang berlaku? perkara baik atau buruk? jika baik/buruk, anda akan anggap "bang" tu bunyi dari kemalangan so adalah buruk (3) kemudian, minda anda akan terjalin mental state(4), sini ada 52 jenis. (termasuk takut, terkejut,gembira, etc etc) dan baru jadi consciousness anda yg terkejut itu
Ada yang berpendapat penyakit phobia adalah kesan daripada kelahiran lepas, contohnya jika dia mati kena patuk ular dia akan phobia dengan ular, jika dia mati jatuh dari tempat tinggi, dia akan phobia dengan ketinggian. Menurut saintis barat reaksi terhadap sesuatu benda atau peristiwa adalah bergantung kepada memori yang ada dalam amygdala atau sistem limbik otak kita. Kadang-kala kita berasa takut kepada sesuatu tanpa kita mengetahui sebabnya. Ini kerana bahagian hippocampus tidak merakam memori tersebut secara sedar, tetapi sistem limbik atau amygdala merakam peristiwa tersebut sebagai perkara yang menakutkan. Last edited by Emoloser on 1-7-2014 09:52 AM
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Emoloser posted on 1-7-2014 09:50 AM 
untuk anda nampak 2,3,4,5 mental state ni, saya ambil contoh senang. kamu tengah makan, tiba tiba de ...
Ada yang berpendapat penyakit phobia adalah kesan daripada kelahiran lepas, contohnya jika dia mati kena patuk ular dia akan phobia dengan ular, jika dia mati jatuh dari tempat tinggi, dia akan phobia dengan ketinggian. Menurut saintis barat reaksi terhadap sesuatu benda atau peristiwa adalah bergantung kepada memori yang ada dalam amygdala atau sistem limbik otak kita. Kadang-kala kita berasa takut kepada sesuatu tanpa kita mengetahui sebabnya. Ini kerana bahagian hippocampus tidak merakam memori tersebut secara sedar, tetapi sistem limbik atau amygdala merakam peristiwa tersebut sebagai perkara yang menakutkan.
nak tegaskan dua konsep
buddha cakap
1) setiap masa setiap saat, anda(ayat bertuju pd sami&pelajar masa tu) di lahirsemula, reput dan mati
setiap saat, minda mencipta definisi "self" yg baru, badan sentiasa memperbaharui sendiri
2) volition(kehendak/keinginan) ini saya panggil kamma
so, jika kau cakap kehidupan lampau, ni mungkin cakap "anda" masa kecil, "anda" masa di rahim , "anda" yg wariskan gene ayah/mak etc...
ambil dari sains barat- pyschology
ni adalah
cultural ritual-
"value" adalah "nilai/idea etc" atau programme yg di tulis dalam minda anda
"hero" adalah idola etc yg terdapat dlm budaha anda(ni bkn budaya melayu ke cina, tapi merger of perception adalah dipanggil budaya)
"ritual" adalah perbuatan yg di buat mengikut hero dan bermaksud dgn value
"symbol" adalah segala yg membaya benda ke minda(panda indara)

balik kepada ayat kedua - kamma adalah keinginan
bila anda ingin(minda/cakap/perbuatan biar baik/buruk), anda membentuk diri anda ke masa depan(becoming).
cth: sebab anda di gigit kucing masa kecil, jadi anda marah/takut bila nampak kucing. dan anda beraksi dan marah kucing tu.
tindakan marah tu membentuk anda sebagai pemarah di hadapan. cth ni adalah sama seperti programme PC, anda tukar mengikut anda dan programme tu jalan mengikut apa yg di programme
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wei_loon5063 posted on 3-7-2014 03:16 PM 
Ada yang berpendapat penyakit phobia adalah kesan daripada kelahiran lepas, contohnya jika dia m ...
macamana budha boleh mencapai nothingness?
Emoloser posted on 31-7-2014 11:15 AM 
macamana budha boleh mencapai nothingness?
Dua perkataan
neither and nor
neither got nor nothing
release from all perception, all atrachment, all craving
untuk ambil persepsi yg ada dgn tak ada. Kedua dua adalah percepsi di dua cabang yg jauh.
Thus I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was living at Benares, in the Deer Park at Isipatana (the Resort of Seers). There he addressed the bhikkhus of the group of five: "Bhikkhus." — "Venerable sir," they replied. The Blessed One said this. "Bhikkhus, form is not-self. Were form self, then this form would not lead to affliction, and one could have it of form: 'Let my form be thus, let my form be not thus.' And since form is not-self, so it leads to affliction, and none can have it of form: 'Let my form be thus, let my form be not thus.' "Bhikkhus, feeling is not-self... "Bhikkhus, perception is not-self... "Bhikkhus, determinations are not-self... "Bhikkhus, consciousness is not self. Were consciousness self, then this consciousness would not lead to affliction, and one could have it of consciousness: 'Let my consciousness be thus, let my consciousness be not thus.' And since consciousness is not-self, so it leads to affliction, and none can have it of consciousness: 'Let my consciousness be thus, let my consciousness be not thus.' "Bhikkhus, how do you conceive it: is form permanent or impermanent?" — "Impermanent, venerable Sir." — "Now is what is impermanent painful or pleasant?" — "Painful, venerable Sir." — "Now is what is impermanent, what is painful since subject to change, fit to be regarded thus: 'This is mine, this is I, this is my self'"? — "No, venerable sir." "Is feeling permanent or impermanent?... "Is perception permanent or impermanent?... "Are determinations permanent or impermanent?... "Is consciousness permanent or impermanent?" — "Impermanent, venerable sir." — "Now is what is impermanent pleasant or painful?" — "Painful, venerable sir." — "Now is what is impermanent, what is painful since subject to change, fit to be regarded thus: 'This is mine, this is I, this is my self'"? — "No, venerable sir." "So, bhikkhus any kind of form whatever, whether past, future or presently arisen, whether gross or subtle, whether in oneself or external, whether inferior or superior, whether far or near, must with right understanding how it is, be regarded thus: 'This is not mine, this is not I, this is not myself.' "Any kind of feeling whatever... "Any kind of perception whatever... "Any kind of determination whatever... "Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future or presently arisen, whether gross or subtle, whether in oneself or external, whether inferior or superior, whether far or near must, with right understanding how it is, be regarded thus: 'This is not mine, this is not I, this is not my self.' "Bhikkhus, when a noble follower who has heard (the truth) sees thus, he finds estrangement in form, he finds estrangement in feeling, he finds estrangement in perception, he finds estrangement in determinations, he finds estrangement in consciousness. "When he finds estrangement, passion fades out. With the fading of passion, he is liberated. When liberated, there is knowledge that he is liberated. He understands: 'Birth is exhausted, the holy life has been lived out, what can be done is done, of this there is no more beyond.'" That is what the Blessed One said. The bhikkhus were glad, and they approved his words. Now during this utterance, the hearts of the bhikkhus of the group of five were liberated from taints through clinging no more.
Last edited by wei_loon5063 on 1-8-2014 03:12 PM
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tahun lepas kot kat SUK selangor ada aku terserempak dgn program psikologi ke apa tah .. dia org... salah satu input.. Law of Attraction.... aku tak pegi laa tapi aku dengar org cakap cakap mcm bes... |
Be positive  |
Tak pernah baca buku ni.. |
Semalam baru nengok 'the secret' kat netflix. Terpikir nak cari kat forum ni kot ada perbincangan mengenai topik ni.
ada testimoni ke sesiapa yang pernah try cadangan dari buku ni? |
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