...100 Books Every Man Should Read...
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ipes2 replied at 25-1-2018 08:35 AM
mekasih for the tag, nora
dah scan top parts of list nora tuh
Haiiii dr ipes. Sekarang ni buku2 tu ada lagi ker dah rosak masa banjir hari tu? Rasa macam nak gi rumah dr kat kampung tu dan pinjam buku2 jer  |
Ada baca tak sampai 20 pun out of 100 semua tu pun thanks to elective subject in humanities dulu |
The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien <---- ni pun ada? Tercabarnyaaaa movies pun tak tengok |
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banjir ari tu tak teruk
masa sy remaja, air naik tinggi rosakkan semua buku scrapbooks, buku2 masa kecik, report cards sekolah rendah etc
sayang sungguh
tinggal kenangan dalam minda sahaja
dtg la rumah belakang ibusawat telekom tuh
Pernah baca Pride and Prejudice je. Thanks for the list mod. Reminder for myself kena lebih membaca lepas ni  |
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Books are always a good idea. They helped me to change and broaden my horizons. I also like articles and essays on various topics. If you are too, then this book https://efleming44.wixsite.com/m ... character-of-dorine this essay will be useful to you. It has a lot of information. |
thanks mod listkan buku2 ni.. actually buku2 ni adalah buku2 yg wajib baca kat UK, sebelum diorg abis skolah.. so diorg jd critical and pasal history tu akan build character.. tp x byk yg dah baca sbb banyak yg berat2.. yg baca seperenggan nk hadamkan tu ambik masa dan bukan light reading.
rasanya sangat bagus kalau buku2 ni dpt diterjemahkan ke dalam BM, in case org lebih senang faham.. sbb kebanyakan buku2 ni dah diterjemah dalam banyak bahasa.. sbb nk fahamkan ilmu..
Thanks sgt2 mod.. mmg tgh carik thread pasal buku2 critical thinking.. selak2 thread jumpa ni.. |
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Immortal words - braverton
ni sangat bagus utk kata2 terakhir dari tokoh2 ternama dunia |
Edited by poishishikochi at 19-6-2020 02:45 AM
Incredible books! This is one of the best tops that I have ever seen. But I would like to put Band of Brothers by Stephen Ambrose in the first place. I don't know why but this book, marked me a lot. Maybe it was because my grandmother gave me it for reading. Those who didn't read it, you have to do this. It will change your life for sure. By the way, I have found some light novel websites where are some books filmed or something like that. I guess that you can find something interesting too, of course, if you are a booklover.
good reminder!
I have a few of those books
nak kena baca balik
skrg baca lite novels
sbb busy sgt dgn keja |
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