Novel terbaru GHOST- forumner CARI ZURA RAHMAN(mistyQue)
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masa... mmg banyak masa spent utk menulis dan reserach. kena tekun dan cekal hati. dengan keadaan industri buku (novel spt saya punya) yg sangat teruk sekarang mmg rasa macam nak bungkus laptop letak dalam almari.
salam miemie,
my new novel akan terbit may ni, ada kat pesta buku,
visit my fb ya... zura rahman novelis
nanti i buka satu thread inshaAllah.
mistyQue replied at 10-4-2018 05:34 PM
#GHOST tu inshaAllah ada kat popular. kalau tak ada u tanya je kat kaunter atau boleh minta dia or ...
Saya dah beli dan akan baca selepas habiskan satu novel dulu.
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salam uols.. iols letak sini review utk buku undercover wife sbbnya i nak baca perempuan yakuza itu lepas uw.
pyi ni citer psl kwn hero dlm uw..
after i finish dua2 ni, i akan baca ghost.
anyway, rasa macam ada terselit ghost jaa dlm uw ni tp x byk..
i letak sini je la review uw tu sbb maleh nak buka benang baru..
cc @Catpaw
this novel reminds me of cecilia ahern’s ps i love you book.
bezanya, suami watak dlm buku ahern ni dah pass away tp dlm buku ni tak.
still, hilang suami jgk laa..
i sedih la bila baca novel ni sebabnya citer pasal elena yg tercari2 mana suaminya yg hilang masa accident 4 thn dulu..
dia terjumpa seseorang yg iras suaminya masa bercuti di itali. masa tu lelaki tu dgn seorang blondie. elena igt sampai situ je tp terjumpa lg lelaki iras suaminya bila dia ikut kawan pejabatnya pergi ke kelab karaoke (rasanyalah)..
dannnnn lelaki tu tetap dgn blondie tu jgk. so, dia start mintak tolong best friend dia yg juga teammate/colleague suami dia utk siasat lelaki dan kelab tu..
teammate tu rafique, dia pun terasa jgk nak csi background lelaki tu yg nama wolfe.
selain tu, elena ni pun csi wolfe jgk dgn cara dia sendiri sampailah dia terkantoi dgn wolfe/roman ni.
yg kesian, wolfe/roman yg sebelum ni dah syok kat elena terus hilang syok bila elena asik mengaku dia tu isteri wolfe/roman..
one day, rafique build a case utk tahan wolfe sbb dia nak interrogate wolfe ni. dia nak soal wolfe who is he before 4 yrs back.. selama ni wolfe cuma tahu apa yg jadi kat dia these 4 yrs based on what blondie gf dia tu ckp..
what happened before that, he cannot remember.
anyway, since he’s on the run lps kena tahan, he abandoned his condo n balik ke rumah elena..
in between that, elena mintak wolfe/roman ni buat dna test n lepas tu dia takkan kacau or cari wolfe/roman ni lagi dah..
sbb dna test tu positif, roman became restless of who he is and was.
tu yg dia pi balik rumah elena. gf blondie dia pun dah lari sembunyi bila tau wolfe/roman kena tahan.
i mmg sedih la baca how elena try to make roman ni igt dia tu roman..
rafique also try to help roman remember himself and at the same time ask roman what does he know about the syndicate that he was part of.
now, roman is really on the run sbb of course la boss (in this book called queen) nak dia mati supaya rahsia kegiatan haram diaorg tak terbongkar.
even orang suruhan queen called nick pun dah mati. roman went back to his old office to get his stuff n cari apa2 yg boleh make him remember n also documents yg boleh go as evidence.
even then, tak byk cos his access been blocked..
anyway... sampai tamat baca novel ni, roman still cannot remember himself even lps dia go through his old personal belongings.
roman dpt this one amnesia condition yg penulis mention but i just baca sambil lalu hahaa! i’m that depressed..
i’m too sad with the fact a husband cannot remember his beautiful wife.
even after dia dah bersama dgn elena semula pun, he still cannot remember. my heart breaks with elena but on positive note, roman feels like he’s falling in love again dgn elena for the second time.
maknanya, dia kena start all over again..
at one time, roman siap bergaduh dgn rafique cos he saw rafique got too close for comfort with elena..
dia tuduh rafique ada affair dgn elena during the time yg dia tak de..
not helping when nick asik feed the same provocative story yg rafique syok dgn elena..
aihh, yg dia dok bergf dgn blondie tu dia tak pikir ke elena jeles tahap gaban??
indeed, life is unfair..
finalenya, reader got to know what happened on the night roman got into accident and how his body was never found.
there is happy n relieved ending tp also sad sbb roman still cannot remember. maybe it takes time.
at least elena got back her old husband with new memory. i’m proud of elena yg still setia dgn husband. tak de pun sibuk nak cari pengganti and always trust her gut feeling yg husband dia still hidup.
for me, this book is 90% action thriller. romance is 10%. just like the movie polis evo tu. ada la romantic scene tp tak sampai nak muntah, just nice to spice things up,
if you like action book, this is for you. as for me, i like zura’s other romantic books.
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Edited by mrsjones at 12-8-2020 05:03 PM
jemput laa kaka @adila39 @seribulan baca my review utk novel ni..
sorry la byk tulis dlm ingrish pulok sbb tak dpt cari ayat bm yg setara..
kena baca byk2 buku bm la cenggini.
perempuan yakuza itu
novel ni berkenaan rafique edruce, bff roman dan elena dari novel undercover wife. rasa lebih ceria bila baca buku ni dari uw sebabnya uw agak suram. ye la berkenaan seorang wanita yg masih lagi mencari suaminya yang hilang walaupun telah dipercayai mati.
bila terjumpa, suami pula hilang ingatan lampau.
ok, kembali pada pyi ni. ia adalah kisah personal, work, family and love life rafique.
kisah rafique seorang pegawai polis. suka duka dan kerja kerasnya menyelesaikan kes2 jenayah, hubungannya dengan bapanya yg tak mesra dan kesedihan lampau di atas kehilangan adiknya dan juga gelagat peminat2 rafique yg sentiasa ada.
rafique took a short holiday to japan during the peak of his investigation to cool him off. dia pilih ke jepun sebab dia minat anime dan manga. during his short vacay, he befriended a young japanese girl on a tour bus who can’t stop wanting to talk, lagi pun the girl tahu berbahasa inggeris.
masa bersiar2 menikmati pemandangan, the girl tanya boleh tak dia ikut balik malaysia.
rafique just dont know what to answer rasanya.. and when they arrived in tokyo and jalan2, suddenly the girl called reina tu was seized by a group of suited men.
rafique terkejut and reina gave him an eye signal to warn him to not do anything.
back in kl, he’s fast immersed himself into an ongoing serial killer case. while at home resting lepas buntu dgn butir2 kes yg ada, reina htr dm to his ig account.
at first, diaorg borak biasa2 je.. one day, while talking to each other over video call, rafique mendengar cerita reina yg sedang bersedih dgn hidupnya yg terkongkong dan bagaimana dia boleh jd begitu.
tak tau nak ceriakan reina mcm mana, rafique tegur loket yg reina tengah main2..
bila reina cerita sejarah loket tu, rafique terkejut kerana rupa loket tu saling tak tumpah dgn gelang manik yg dia pernah bagi kat adik dia masa hari jadinya. hari yg adiknya hilang.
at the same time pulak, bapa rafique busy nak jodohkan dia dengan calon menantu pilihannya. this rafique already getting bujang terlajak status kalau dibiarkan.
bapa rafique dah bosan tengok anaknya tak kawen2 lagi.
lepas rafique dengar penerangan asal usul reina, rafique mintak tolong rakannya ghost. kalau nak tau, ghost ni watak dari novel #ghost yg dulu..
ghost ckp dia boleh tolong tp perlukan duit, perlukan org yg sesuai..
rafique yg memang tak cukup duit, akhirnya tebal muka minta duit dari daddynya.
daddy of course la terkejut sbb jumlah duit tu byk and in usd.
kata rafique, nak suruh dia kawen, bg dia duit dulu. daddy pun kena la bagi..
so he got the money and a wife. since, dia busy dgn kes jenayah and preparation utk tolong reina, he ain’t got no time to know his wife..
this is where the book got so interesting..
how he managed to unexpectedly find the suspect to his serial killer case.
how he managed to form a rescue team and prepared the drill.
who is this reina that is so important for him to rescue..
how dia byk salah sangka dengan daddy dia for all what his daddy did to and for him.
how he got over his anger towards his daddy and soften towards bella the wife.
there are a few hilarious moments where husband n wife tried to live and adapt with each other..
the peak of this book is of course the rescue operation where gentlemen’s code is greatly observed no matter you are japanese or italian. it’s universal.
cerita akan jadi lg best kalau penulis tambah elemen2 komedi.. ada la sikit tp i like more.
boleh la repeat lg baca buku ni cos it’s not that depressing mcm undercover wife..
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mrsjones replied at 12-8-2020 05:00 PM
jemput laa kaka @adila39 @seribulan baca my review utk novel ni..
sorry la byk tulis dlm ingrish pu ...
wow... jap novel ni in bm or bi? wahh klu bm plot cerita dia x mcm novel melayu... ok sat malam kakak nk tgk balik ig dia.. tq mrsjones! |
adila39 replied at 12-8-2020 05:04 PM
wow... jap novel ni in bm or bi? wahh klu bm plot cerita dia x mcm novel melayu... ok sat malam ka ...
buku in bm ler kaka.. haa baca laa. iols nak start baca #ghost pulak and im done with her thriller genre..
kalau #ghost ni hbs, maka buku2 dia yg enam2 tu i dah baca tp review yg lagi 3 tu i x tulis lg.
yg tiga2 tu mostly chick lit la but in bm.. senang je nak igt..
buku yg first dia jatuh hati di paris tu i x de so kena beli dulu
jemput la kaka sekalian @adila39 @seribulan baca review meols pasal novel #ghost ni..
3 wilayah, 2 fugitives, 1 cinta hehee dramatiknya meols..
ghost ni definitely bkn cerita hantu tp more about pengembaraan, percintaan dan pergelutan of an undercover agent being on fugitive dengan seorang doktor yg telah selamatkan dia dari kecederaan.
kimi rafael aka rid aka ghost is an undercover person from a special elite force equivalent to us’ navy seal. his cover was blown up during his undercover mission which forced him to be on the run and abort the mission of being a part of weapon smuggling syndicate.
selepas ditembak ketika cubaan melarikan diri, his path cross unexpectedly with the pretty doctor - dr daryn areena while he tried to take cover and tend to his injury.
luckily for him, dia cari perlindungan dlm sebuah rumah kebetulan milik seorang doktor yg baru balik dari bertugas di hospital. daryn yg terkejut dgn kemunculannya setuju untuk membersihkan luka tembakannya atas dasar ikrar kedoktorannya.
kerana budi baiknya membersihkan luka ghost, daryn turut menjadi sasaran ketua sindiket dan juga pihak berkuasa yg sedang memburu ghost. sedar yg daryn mula diekori, ghost datang memaksa daryn mengikutnya bersembunyi.
so, bermulalah perjalanan persembunyian daryn bersama2 ghost menuju sempadan negara demi keselamatan masing2.
hence, the ups and downs of their relationship starts.
daryn wants all this to get over soon and be done with. not an easy feat when you are hunted down aggressively.
she even tried to escape and go home while still in the country from in the middle of thick oil palm plantation.. big mistake but never learnt.
i think she attempted at least three times, such a silly girl. she cannot escape long enough alone each time cos she’ll get herself encircled by mat rambo’s gang like a pack of hyenas on the little simba.
and each time, ghost will appear out of nowhere rescuing her from hounded. waste of energy woman but a great show of ghost’s sharp shooting and combat ability.
ghost’s romance with now-called-arin started when they had to share a room while in hiding at ghost’s adopted family house, pak da in narathiwat. they had to cover up themselves as husband and wife to avoid being the talk of town in the quaint village.
here, i get all stressed with arin’s irrational and childish behaviour because of their squabbles where i think she should enjoy her adventure and her feelings towards the sexy, fit as a fiddle ghost..
as a trained doctor, she should be able to stay focus, be alert and not panic under pressure.
mcm tak sejajar pula..
penulis patut banyakkan elemen2 komedi dlm percintaan tak sengaja mereka. dah la masa mereka di rumah pak da itu panjang jadi ada banyak ruang utk penulis selitkan adegan komedi percintaan sehingga mereka terpaksa bernikah sebab ghost rasa tak selesa dengan keadaan mereka yg terpaksa intim..
kalau penulis hidupkan watak arin sebagai seorang cemerkap, it will be much less stress and writer will be able to show her ability in writing their sparring dialogues.. more romantic especially bila terpaksa kongsi bilik tidur kan. lagi pun elemen komedi boleh mengimbang perangai childish arin yg tak faham situasi genting mereka.
akibat kedegilan arin yg cuba untuk melepaskan diri, persembunyian mereka di rumah pak da semakin tidak selamat. mereka terpaksa melarikan diri dari kepungan geng mat rambo dan menuju ke bangkok.
di bangkok pun sama, arin buat perangai lagi dgn cubaan melepaskan diri tp sebenarnya menyebabkan their safety breached dan mereka terpaksa melarikan diri ke Ayutthya pula.
here in Ayutthya, ghost can’t help falling hard in love with his only-on-paper wife despite arin’s hardheadedness and foolishness. when it’s safe for arin to go home, arin can’t help feeling disappointed when it’s not ghost the one who escorted her back to kl pada hal ghost selalu janji untuk selamatkan nyawa dia. she even heard that she was merely coded as package among ghost and his alpha team members..
mesti lah arin rasa kecewa, dah la jadi laki bini kan, tak de pun peluk cium apa ke masa berpisah tu.
ghost ni mmg a typical guy yg tak tahu nak menzahirkan perasaan cinta dia tapi dari cara dia melayan arin, memang nampak ghost sangat sayang pada arin.
the peak of this book chronicles ghost’s elite team’s operation to ambush mat rambo’s secret warehouse where they kept full to the brim with all sorts of weapons and ammunition, ready to be smuggled and sold..
who blew up ghost’s cover during his mission?
what’s gonna happen to ghost’s marriage to arin after she’s back in kl?
why ghost reluctant to express his feelings to arin or even annul their marriage?
last checked, madam writer is working on a sequel. hope, all questions arise from this book addressed there. |
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