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Adakah JESUS pernah berkahwin?

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Post time 30-6-2014 04:30 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Salam buat saudaraku semua
mohon perbincangan dengan topik ini
semoga sejahtera hendaknya sentiasa...................

Tak akan ada umat Kristen yang mau mempercayai bahwa Yesus mempunyai istri dan keturunan. Karena, mana mungkin Tuhan menikah dan mempunyai anak? Bahkan kita umat Islampun, akan tercengang tidak percaya bahwa dalam sejarah hidupnya Yesus pernah kawin dan mempunyai keturunan, karena selama ini kita juga dijejali oleh cerita kaum Kristen bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan, maka mustahil seorang Tuhan menikah bahkan mempunyai anak.

Kita umat Islam meyakini Yesus (Isa as) adalah seorang manusia, seorang nabi sebagaimana nabi-nabi yang telah berlalu sebelumnya. Sehingga tidak mustahil bahwa Yesus menikah dan mempunyai keturunan. Namun sosok Yesus sebagai manusia yang terlibat dalam sejarah telah dikaburkan sedemikian rupa, sehingga sejarah asli Yesus benar-benar gelap bagi sebagian besar umat manusia. Yang tinggal adalah Yesus yang dibungkus dengan pakaian ketuhanan sehingga bagi orang-orang yang tidak mampu menggunakan akal sehatnya, menganggap Yesus benar-benar sebagai Tuhan.

Tapi bagi sebagian manusia yang mau menggunakan akalnya, ketuhanan Yesus menjadi sumber pertanyaan akal yang tidak pernah berhenti. Mereka-mereka inilah yang sedikit demi sedikit, menguak misteri sejarah hidup Yesus.

Salah satunya, adalah seorang teolog, pakar Perjanjian Baru dan Gulungan Laut Mati, Prof. DR. Barbara Tiering, dari Univ. of Sidney Australia. Setelah melakukan penelitian terhadap gulungan-gulungan Laut Mati (The Dead Sea Scrolls), selama 20 tahun, sampai kepada kesimpulan bahwa Yesus, beristri, bahkan lebih dari satu, alias poligami.

Menurut sang Profesor, dalam sejarah kehidupan Yesus, Yesus pernah kawin bahkan dua kali. Dan upacara perkawinan Yesus, dapat ditelusuri dalam Perjanjian Baru sendiri, yaitu dalam Injil Markus-14:3, Yohanes-12:3 dan Lukas-7:37 dan seterusnya.

Ketika Yesus berada di Betania, di rumah Simon si kusta, dan sedang duduk makan, datanglah seorang perempuan membawa suatu buli-buli pualam berisi minyak narwastu murni yang mahal harganya. Setelah dipecahkannya leher buli-buli itu, dicurahkannya minyak itu ke atas kepala Yesus.

Yohanes-12: 3
Maka Maria mengambil setengah kati minyak narwastu murni yang mahal harganya, lalu meminyaki kaki Yesus dan menyekanya dengan rambutnya; dan bau minyak semerbak di seluruh rumah itu.

Hubungan istimewa Yesus dengan Maria Magdalena, berabad-abad dibantah oleh gereja. Bahkan Maria Magdalena, difitnah sebagai seorang perempuan pendosa. Lihatlah Injil Lukas-7:37.
Tapi lanjutkan dengan membaca ayat-38 dari Injil yang sama: Lukas-7:38
Sambil menangis ia pergi berdiri di belakang Yesus dekat kaki-Nya, lalu membasahi kaki-Nya itu dengan air matanya dan menyekanya dengan rambutnya, kemudian ia mencium kaki-Nya dan meminyakinya dengan minyak wangi itu.

Seorang perempuan yang mencurahkan minyak wangi ke kepala, ke kaki, dan menciumi lelaki tersebut, menurut Profesor Thiering, adalah upacara perkawinan bangsawan Yahudi. Dalam masyarakat Yahudi, tidak akan pernah ada seorang perempuan pun, yang ujug-ujug datang mencium seorang lelaki yang bukan muhrimnya karena perbuatan itu hukumannya adalah hukuman mati.
Yang perlu dipertegas lagi, Yesus adalah orang Yahudi yang meneruskan ajaran Nabi Musa as. Berdasarkan tradisi Yahudi, seseorang justru hanya akan diakui sebagai Rabi dan guru apabila seseorang itu menikah. Diperkuat dengan kenyataan bahwa orang Yahudi berpegang teguh pada perintah “Beranak cuculah dan bertambah banyak” (Kej. 1:27) dan pernyataan “Tidak baik kalau manusia itu seorang diri saja” (Kej. 2:18) serta tradisi bahwa seorang laki-laki Yahudi pertama-tama harus mempelajari Taurat (sebagai orang Yahudi Yesus juga mempelajari Taurat) sedangkan untuk mempelajari Taurat syaratnya adalah menikah.
Bantahan Prof. Thiering terhadap klaim gereja yang selama berabad-abad menutupi hubungan istimewa Yesus dengan Maria Magdalena, didukung oleh penemuan Injil Philip di daerah Nag Hamadi, Mesir pada tahun 1945.

Dalam Injil Philip ini, disebutkan dengan jelas, “Ada tiga orang yang selalu berjalan bersama Yesus: Maria ibundanya dan Maria saudara ibunya, dan Magdalena, yang disebut sebagai pasangannya. Dan pasangan dari Sang Juru Selamat (Saviour) adalah Maria Magdalena. (Dia mencintai) nya, melebihi cintanya kepada murid-murid yang lain dan sering menciumnya di mulutnya. Murid-murid yang lain berkata kepadanya: “Kenapa engkau lebih mencintainya dari pada kami?”. Sang Juru Selamat menjawab dan berkata: Kenapa aku tidak mencintai kalian seperti mencintai dia?" (59, 6-12; 63, 32- 64, 5)
Selanjutnya dari hasil penelitian Prof. Thiering, terungkap fakta bahwa acara pernikahan Yesus dgn Maria Magdalena, diselenggarakan pada hari Jumat tgl 22 September  tahun 30 Masehi. Acara resepsinya diselenggarakan tiga tahun kemudian, yaitu pada 19 Maret tahun 33 Masehi, jam 12 malam. Besoknya Yesus ditangkap, dan disalibkan.

Pada tgl 14 Juni 37 M, jadi 4 tahun setelah penyaliban, lahirlah anak Yesus yang pertama, yang diberi nama Jesus Justus. Anaknya yg ke-3 lahir pada 10 April 44 M. Namanya tidak diketahui. Anaknya yang ke-2 tidak ada informasi. Perkawinan Yesus yang kedua berlangsung dengan seorang perempuan yang bernama Lidia.

Kalau umat Islam, meragukan bahwa Yesus pernah kawin dan punya keturunan, maka buanglah keraguan itu jauh-jauh, karena Allah SWT berfirman dalam Alquran :

Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus Rasul-Rasul sebelum engkau, dan Kami memberikan istri-istri dan keturunan kepada mereka. Dan tidak ada hak bagi seorang Rasul mendatangkan sesuatu ayat (atau mukjizat) melainkan dengan izin Allah. Bagi tiap-tiap masa ada Kitab. (Qs.Ar-Ra’d: 38).

Jadi dimana kebenaranya, adakah Yesus hidup membunjang atau berkahwin?



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Post time 7-7-2014 11:51 AM | Show all posts
Among two (out of few) controversies that surrounds Jesus is :

1. Whether he existed before birth.
2. Whether he had taken a wife during his life time in the World.
(3rd one could likely be whether he had a child through Mary Magledene).

It is common knowledge that he had special with Mary Magledene. He had 13 disciples (include Judas) but it was Mary Magledene which stay throughout his hardship. From the time of his trial, his cruxification and finally resurrection.

So it is possible that Mary Magledene has a special connection to him which his other disciples did not have. What was that connection? Did the Church in latter years omitted out the truth from their Bible to hide the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magledene?

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Post time 8-7-2014 03:57 PM | Show all posts
Mariam, salah satu nama yang sangat popular sepanjang waktu. Dalam Kitab Injil, tercatat ibu Yesus sendiri yang bernama Mariam. Mariam Magdalen Berigitu juga ibu Yakobus dan Yoses, Ibu Klopas, kakak Marta dari Betania, Ibu Markus dan Ibu Roma...

Mariam Magdalen tiba-tiba menjadi popular sangat selepas cerita romance Dan Brown...walaupun tiada kaitan, tapi seronok dibaca juga..

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 Author| Post time 9-7-2014 05:50 PM | Show all posts
louiektc posted on 8-7-2014 03:57 PM
Mariam, salah satu nama yang sangat popular sepanjang waktu. Dalam Kitab Injil, tercatat ibu Yesus s ...

saya masih kurang faham.
boleh tolong huraikan sikit tak?


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Post time 10-7-2014 10:15 AM | Show all posts
orangbesi posted on 9-7-2014 05:50 PM
saya masih kurang faham.
boleh tolong huraikan sikit tak?

Terdapat lima orang wanita yang membawa nama yang sama, Maria/Mariam di mana disebutkan dalam Al-Kitab pada masa masihi. Dan banyak lagi wanita-wanita yang bernama Maria yang tidak dicatatkan.

Begitu juga, nama Yesus. Yeshua, Isa...Akiologist sudah mendapat sekurang-kurang 70 lebih kubur yang bernama Yesus pada masa tu. Sekiranya tiada catatan Yesus Al-masih yang bernikah dengan Maria Magdalen, maka kesimpulan profesor sememangnya hipotesis yang belum terbukti. Mungkin fakta yang mendorong profesor sekadar rasa simpati terhadap Yesus pada masa tu. Maka wujudlah hayalan bahawa Yesus pernah dilamun cinta dan bernikah sebelum disalibkan.

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Post time 11-7-2014 08:19 AM | Show all posts
by louiektc

Terdapat lima orang wanita yang membawa nama yang sama, Maria/Mariam di mana disebutkan dalam Al-Kitab pada masa masihi. Dan banyak lagi wanita-wanita yang bernama Maria yang tidak dicatatkan.  

Memang benar banyak wanita bernama Mary masa itu. Tetapi yg bernama Mary Magledene hanya SATU dlm seluruh kitab Bible. Jadi ada bukti ke kewujudan seorang wanita yg bernama Mary Magledene? Kalau ada, benarkan dia bercinta (dan berkahwin) dgn seorang lelaki yg bernama Jesus yg mendakwa dirinya tuhan pada kurun pertama? Ini persoalan utama, BUKAN berapa banyak Mary yg ada dlm Bible.

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 Author| Post time 12-7-2014 04:33 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 11-7-2014 08:19 AM
by louiektc

ada nama mary magdelene dalam bible ke
very curious le
apa pun nak dikaji ni
anyway - tq


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Post time 12-7-2014 07:57 PM | Show all posts
orangbesi posted on 12-7-2014 04:33 PM
ada nama mary magdelene dalam bible ke
very curious le

Yg peliknya, antara semua nama2 yg ada di dalam Bible (nama wanita), hampir semuanya hanyalah nama2 panggilan seseorang - Daniel, Mary, James, Luke, Matthew etc. Tetapi HANYA name Mary Magdelene sahaja disebut dgn namanya serta nama keluarga (ibu bapanya). Yg lain semuanya nama sendiri bersamaan dgn title khas spt Nabi.

Kenapa nama Mary Magdelene diberikan sebutan khas dlm kes ini? Kemungkinan besar beliau ada memainkan satu peranan yg mustahak di dlm Bible asal (Kurun pertama) tetapi namanya dicarit di Bible yg ditulis kembali 300 tahun kemudian oleh Roman di mana kepentingan peranan wanita biasanya diturunkan dan diletakan di belakang seseorang lelaki. Memandangkan Jesus dan 12 Disciplenya adalah lelaki, tak hairan sangatlah namanya hampir hilang dari Kitab Bible rekaciptaan Rom.

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Post time 12-7-2014 08:01 PM | Show all posts
Nat Geo Documentary on Mary Magdelene.

Source :

Warning :- May contain information that could be offensive to some Christians so viewer discretion is required.

Basically it means - look at it as possible history and NOT religious movie. OK?

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 Author| Post time 17-7-2014 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 12-7-2014 08:01 PM
Nat Geo Documentary on Mary Magdelene.

Source :

ok thanks 4 sharing
memang aku tak tau pun....hehehe


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Post time 17-7-2014 06:58 PM | Show all posts
I was watching the documentary and noticed a statement. According to the New Testament, there was not two Mary in the New Testament. there were about six or seven, including Jesus's aunt, an unknown lady who washed Jesus's feet with oil and a prostitute.

Therefore, it is possible that New Testament were written during the 1st Century following the teaching of Jesus but to protect the followers' identity, they used a common names. It is logical to assume that Jews had lost to the Romans and the Romans were looking for followers of a new religion called Christianity. We know from historical facts that Romans who were following Christianity in the first 300 years were persecuted heavily by Rom.

Anyone who have found (at least in written text) to be followers of this new religion could probably be persecuted and killed by Rom. So it is possible that the names mentioned in the New Testament are not actual names. It is even possible that the disciples did not exist as well. It is possible these names are merely metaphor for a group of people instead of a group of followers.

After all, why could Jesus provided hundreds of fishes and breads if he only had twelve followers and one woman (among others in a small group)?

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Post time 22-7-2014 09:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
The recent discovery and translation of the fourth-century "Jesus' wife papyrus" has reopened the discussion as to whether Jesus had a wife / was married. The "Jesus' wife papyus" says, "Jesus said to them, 'My wife ...'" This discovery is interesting in that it is the first Gnostic writing to explicitly state that Jesus had a wife. While a couple of the Gnostic gospels mention Jesus having a close relationship with Mary Magdalene, none of them specifically state that Jesus was married to her or to anyone else. Ultimately, it does not matter what the "Jesus' wife papyrus" or Gnostic gospels say. They have no authority. They have all been proven to be forgeries invented to create a Gnostic view of Jesus.

If Jesus had been married, the Bible would have told us so, or there would be some unambiguous statement to that fact. Scripture would not be completely silent on such an important issue. The Bible mentions Jesus’ mother, adoptive father, half-brothers, and half-sisters. Why would it neglect to mention the fact that Jesus had a wife? Those who believe/teach that Jesus was married are doing so in an attempt to “humanize” Him, to make Him more ordinary, more like everyone else. People simply do not want to believe that Jesus was God in the flesh (John 1:1, 14; 10:30). So, they invent and believe myths about Jesus being married, having children, and being an ordinary human being.

A secondary question would be, “Could Jesus Christ have been married?” There is nothing sinful about being married. There is nothing sinful about having sexual relations in marriage. So, yes, Jesus could have been married and still be the sinless Lamb of God and Savior of the world. At the same time, there is no biblical reason for Jesus to marry. That is not the point in this debate. Those who believe Jesus was married do not believe that He was sinless, or that He was the Messiah. Getting married and having children is not why God sent Jesus. Mark 10:45 tells us why Jesus came, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

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Got question

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Post time 24-7-2014 01:50 PM | Show all posts
by soonhock

Ultimately, it does not matter what the "Jesus' wife papyrus" or Gnostic gospels say. They have no authority. They have all been proven to be forgeries invented to create a Gnostic view of Jesus.

And who could invent such gnostic view, keep it hidden for 2,000 years so it could be revealed to a society which has Internet? I mean, what is the use of keeping a forgery hidden for so long? If it came out during Roman times, it could be discarded by the Roman Priests who serves Jesus as forgeries and we will not hear about it now. But today, we have the Internet and such "forgery" could be circulated around the World (like in Dan Brown's Da Vinci's Code).

If Jesus had been married, the Bible would have told us so, or there would be some unambiguous statement to that fact. Scripture would not be completely silent on such an important issue. The Bible mentions Jesus’ mother, adoptive father, half-brothers, and half-sisters. Why would it neglect to mention the fact that Jesus had a wife?

Maybe because the Roman Church do not want to create a Jesus Lineage.

Think about it - Jesus' mother born him ONCE - then she lost her virginity (upon his birth) and cannot give another virgin birth. His adoptive father, half-brothers and half-sisters are related only by name (and not by blood as Jewish tradition refers to a child by the name of his male descendant). Therefore, Jesus was an ORPHAN in that sense. However, IF he was married and had a lineage, it could mean there is a bloodline of a god within a human society.

The first 300 years, Rome have persecuted Jews and Romans who were Christians with extreme prejudice. However, Emperor Tibirus accepted Christianity but they changed many of its policies and belief to fit Roman pagan belief, including making Jesus into a god. But Christianity then was a doubt-edged sword. Just as Rome could unite and control the masses through Christianity, it could also split the masses. IF the masses were to find out that Jesus was a man and had a wife (and child), they could discard the Emperor as a worthy figure and rally behind Jesus's bloodline. In a single day, Rome could have fallen.

At the same time, there is no biblical reason for Jesus to marry.
Mark 10:45 tells us why Jesus came, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

And where does it says that he must not be married or have children before he could give his life for the cause? Where does it says that Jesus can only serve without bondage of love or marriage?

Who among you here who are married actually looked for a reason before you marry? IF you did, there could only be two reasons - LUST OR LOVE. IF you believe Jesus sinless (meaning he doesn't have lust), then he could surely have love. IF he has love, then why is it hard to believe that he is incapable of loving a woman?

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Post time 27-7-2014 05:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Was Jesus Christ Married? A Look at the Bible Facts

Some extra-biblical sources claim that Jesus was married and that He even had children. Is this true? Was Jesus ever married? What does the Bible say about this?

Jesus of Nazareth

There is no doubt that Jesus Christ is the man Who has had more written about Him than any other single character in the history of mankind.  He has had more books published about Him than anyone.  Some books claim that Jesus was married and that He even had children.  Is there any truth to this?  Some authors claim historical evidence but the Bible clearly says nothing about Him ever being married.  Since the Bible is silent on this subject does it mean that He could have been?  Why, if Jesus was married, would the Scriptures leave out this very important item?  There is no reliable evidence in the Bible or outside of the Bible that He was ever married.  There is only speculation and the idea that Jesus married Mary of Magdalene is blatantly false. There is no such evidence that this ever happened.

Mary of Magdalene

Some believe that Mary of Magdalene is the second most important woman in the Bible or at least in the New Testament.  Jesus cleansed her of seven demons (Luke 8:2) and after that became a devoted follower of His.  She was a prominent figure in the New Testament as she was with Him after she was healed and also with Him at His crucifixion and the first to see Him after His resurrection.  Some of the extra-biblical writings say that before Jesus began His earthly ministry she had dealings with Him but is this true?  She was said to have been a harlot, His secret love, and a confidant of His prior to His three-year ministry.  These writings have no substantiation at all. They are not supported by historians.  They are scorned by the early church fathers and there is nothing in the Bible whatsoever about Jesus ever having an affair, a relationship or being married to Mary of Magdalene. These accusations against Jesus are nothing new because all throughout history, people have tried to drag Jesus and His character through the mud and demean Him and make Him more human and less divine. The fact is that Mary was only a follower of Christ’s and she was among a group of women who financially supported the Lord and His disciples (Luke 8:1-3).

The Da Vinci Code and Brown’s Lies

Several years ago, author Dan Brown wrote about the so-called Holy Grail in the Last Supper and he wrote that it was Mary Magdalene that was lying on Jesus’ bosom.  The truth is that this was the Apostle John and not Mary.  The thought that this was Mary would have been laughed to scorn by Leonardo Da Vince himself.  The common knowledge was that he painted this Last Supper with the twelve disciples.  If Mary were the one leaning on Jesus’ bosom, then where was John?  Surely John, the disciple whom Jesus loved (John 20:2) would have been in the painting.  Would Da Vinci intentionally leave out the Apostle John?  Most certainly not, yet Brown insists that Jesus not only was married to Mary Magdalene, He had children with her.  It must be remember that if you want to read Brown’s Da Vinci Code, you will have to look in the fiction section of the library because that’s what it is…pure fiction and not factual nor historical. This book and later, the movie, are so full of errors that it is a stretch beyond even the most liberal’s scholar’s imagination.  I did find three facts that were true in this book; that Paris is in France, London is in England and Rome is in Italy.  Besides these facts, nothing else in this book is true…it is replete with lies. Brown was only interested in selling books and not in writing about the facts of history.  There are no mainstream biblical scholars that believe that Jesus was ever married, not to mention that He ever had children.  If that was the case, this truth could have never been suppressed for two thousand years!

Jesus Was Not Married

There is not even the single, smallest detail or hint given anywhere in the Bible that Jesus ever married. The abundance of the absence of evidence makes it a landslide in favor of His never having married.  Some have stated, falsely, that the Wedding at Cana (John 2) was Jesus’ marriage celebration but there are no explicit suggestions in the New Testament that He was ever married and so the roaring silence of evidence compel us to conclude that He never did marry.

Jesus Marries the Church

Jesus will marry ... this marriage made in heaven will culminate in the great wedding feast of the Lamb of God to the church.  
Jesus will marry … this marriage made in heaven will culminate in the great wedding feast of the Lamb of God to the church.
Jesus is going to marry but it is the church that He marries and that is why He is working in the Body of Christ today to make a Bride ready for Himself and this marriage made in heaven will culminate in the great wedding feast of the Lamb of God to the church.  Revelation 19:7-9 says “Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”—forthe fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.”


If you are not born again then you are not betrothed to Jesus Christ as the church is.  When Christ returns for His Bride, you will be shut out of the wedding feast and it will be impossible for you to be with God or in His presence.  Paul writes “For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God; for it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then each of us will give an account of himself to God” (Rom 14:10b-12).  You will either confess this in joyful adoration or at the horror of finding out that Jesus is God and Savior and that you rejected Him and then it will be too late!  We can either say to God “thy will be done” or God will say to you, “Okay, have it your way.  Your will be done” and “Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matt 25:41).

Read more: http://www.whatchristianswanttok ... acts/#ixzz38c5qo6Dq Last edited by soonhock on 27-7-2014 05:49 AM


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Post time 28-7-2014 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Soonhock - all you are doing is taking words written by someone who is as doubtful as you are. None of these words belongs to you. And I doubt it belongs to the writer who wrote it as well.

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2014 06:05 PM | Show all posts
soonhock posted on 27-7-2014 05:48 AM
Was Jesus Christ Married? A Look at the Bible Facts

“As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then each of us will give an account of himself to God” (Rom 14:10b-12)

ini yang benarnya kan
merangkumi sekalian manusia

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2014 06:07 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 28-7-2014 11:30 AM
Soonhock - all you are doing is taking words written by someone who is as doubtful as you are. None  ...

eerrr...abis tu
kita nak dapat sebarang keterangan dari mana lagi?

dah dapat semua kenyataan tu
barulah kita concludekannya...itupun kalau berani leeeee


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Post time 29-7-2014 11:35 AM | Show all posts
orangbesi posted on 28-7-2014 06:07 PM
eerrr...abis tu
kita nak dapat sebarang keterangan dari mana lagi?

Kepala kamu itu penuh dgn apa? Batu? Habuk? Fikir sendiri lah. Pergi buat penyelidikan sendiri, baca banyak buku dan tengok banyak reference dari pelbagai sumber. Internet dgn Youtube kan banyak.

Saya tengok orang2 yg takut akan kenyataan (banyak dlm agama Islam dan Christianity) yg suka sangat cari sumber lain kemudian berlagak macam kata2 itu adalah miliknya dan dia itu pandai sangat.

Kalau kamu sendiri takut akan kenyataan, itulah buktinya bahawa agama yg kamu menganuti itu adalah agama PALSU. APA GUNANYA AGAMA KAMU ITU?

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 Author| Post time 29-7-2014 02:28 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 29-7-2014 11:35 AM
Kepala kamu itu penuh dgn apa? Batu? Habuk? Fikir sendiri lah. Pergi buat penyelidikan sendiri, ba ...

Kepala kamu itu penuh dgn apa? Batu? Habuk? Fikir sendiri lah. Pergi buat penyelidikan sendiri, baca banyak buku dan tengok banyak reference dari pelbagai sumber. Internet dgn Youtube kan banyak.
Saya tengok orang2 yg takut akan kenyataan (banyak dlm agama Islam dan Christianity) yg suka sangat cari sumber lain kemudian berlagak macam kata2 itu adalah miliknya dan dia itu pandai sangat.
Kalau kamu sendiri takut akan kenyataan, itulah buktinya bahawa agama yg kamu menganuti itu adalah agama PALSU. APA GUNANYA AGAMA KAMU ITU?

sory la, kepala aku dah penuh sangat
tak mampu nak research pasal ISA ni
kan betul tu - memang banyak referencenya
   dari manusia lain jugak kannnnnn  boleh jadi betul ataupun tak

masa bila aku takut
topik ni aku buka, untuk bincang
manalah tahu ada yang memberi pendapat yang lagi boleh diterima pakai
kerana ini cerita dahulukala, susah mau dapatkan bukti yg kukuh

mana ada AGAMA YANG PALSU!!!!!
manusia je yang memalsukan KEBENARAN
selalunya untuk kepentingan sendiri kerana NILAI DUNIA YANG SEDIKIT............BETUL TAK?
hanya mereka yg mensucikan hati, akan mendapat KEBENARAN


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Post time 29-7-2014 08:40 PM | Show all posts
by orangbesi

an betul tu - memang banyak referencenya
   dari manusia lain jugak kannnnnn  boleh jadi betul ataupun tak

Memang reference dari manusia lain. Kamu nak malaikat turun dan bagi kamu reference kah?

Yang mustahak bukan dari mana datangnya reference itu, tetapi adakah orang yg menberikan reference itu mampu menbuktikan kata2nya. Kalau apa yg dikatakan itu ada bukti saintifik yg kukuh, maka ianya harus diterima pakai. Contoh - Bumi mengelilingi Matahari. 500 tahun yg lalu, ianya tak diterima tetapi kini ada bukti saintifik.

mana ada AGAMA YANG PALSU!!!!!

Ada banyak. Pergi ke Youtube dan type Modern day cults. Kamu akan nampak pelbagai contoh "agama palsu" yg berjaya menipu banyak orang termasuk mereka2 yg terpelajar dan pandai. Satu contoh - Scientology.

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