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The Secret - The Law of Attractions! (merged with seribulan)
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Post Last Edit by seribulan at 20-7-2010 08:41
Nak tau ada sesiapa di sini yang penah tengok video or baca buku 'The Secret'?
Bagi ed..'The Secret' memberi banyak kesan positif dalam kehidupan kita seharian.
Kita akan menjadi lebih berfikiran positif dan sedikit sebanyak dapat mempengaruhi orang di sekeliling kita....
Boleh tak 'share' pendapat forumer di sini?
Sekian,...mod..kalau salah topik sori byk2... |
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"I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative."
The Law of Attraction responds to whatever vibration you are sending by giving you more of it, whether it's positive or negative. It simply responds to your vibration.
source: Michael J. Losier, 2006 |
ni macam dlm buku Secret jer... |
nope, the book Law of Attraction... |
secret tu la law of attraction. aritu dlm oprah dorunk dok citer pasal mende ni... interesting gak |
Dah carik buku ni kat Kinoluniya tp tak jumpa lagi. |
online kan ade...kat youtube ade videonya part by part
buku Secret menghuraikan law of attraction..kan?
[me addicted to oprah sejak dulu...inspiring]
errr..actually ramai motivator cthnya mcm dr fadhilah kamsah dah penah hurai almost similar topic..tapi dlm konteks islam lamaaa dahhh |
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kat popular ader... |
Reply #6 ninoZ's post
Yup dalam Islam ada benda ni. Cuma nak tengok dr pendapat lain.
P/s sama lah me too addicted to Oprah. Sekarang Martha Stewart plak. |
anjing tak payah baca buku tau law nih  |
anjing tau by NATURE..
manusia lak NATUREnye amik tau..
bagi yang dah tau lak NATUREnya beri tau [read: bebel]
"attract"lah orang yang tau supaya bagitau! |
law of attraction as I understand it is...everything is vibrations/energy..that fundamentally it all begins at the thought level...if we always think we are a loser etc...that is what we will attract in life. Vice versa if we are vibrating light/love energy that is what we attract in our life.
[ Last edited by SleepyFish at 7-9-2007 01:53 PM ] |
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got this in my email tuk sapa yg nak baca
10 Steps to Unlocking 'The Secret'
Use these keys to help open the life of your dreams.
You may have heard about it on Oprah or at the dentist's. Indeed, "The Secret," a best-selling self-help book and DVD, is out. As author and producer Rhonda Byrne says herself, the "secret"--that we create our reality with our thoughts--is nothing new. But it's not easy to digest that every person, thing, and experience in your life is there because, unconsciously or not, you brought it there. Yet using that knowledge to create a dream life is where the juicy fun begins.
"The Secret" gives three steps--"ask, believe, receive"--we offer 10 micro steps to practicing The Secret, an approach also known as "the law of attraction."
1. Clear Your Mind
Find a place in your home to designate as your "intention space," suggests author Lynne McTaggart in her book about the law of attraction (LOA), "The Intention Experiment." You might want to set up an altar, or set plants nearby. Even when you're not here, you can summon this spot for future intention-setting. Then sit, quietly, comfortably, and breathe. Meditate for five to 10 minutes, writes Taggart, to help your brain slip into a relaxed, receptive state
2. Decide What You Want
You need to get clear about what you actually want, or, say LOA experts, you'll attract mixed results. In their book, "The Law of Attraction," Esther and Jerry Hicks say that the thought "I don't know what I want" is really just the psyche's way of saying "I'm afraid of what I want." So get clear and dream big. You might need to confront some scarcity demons, but don't dwell on them, just keep focusing on your desires, whether it's a law degree or a million dollars.
3. Ask For It
Write down what you want very specifically, says philosopher Bob Proctor in "The Secret." And, he says, write it in present-tense, as if you've already gotten your wish: "'I am so happy and grateful now that...' And then explain how you want your life to be, in every area," Proctor says. It's also crucial to ask for it in a way that's positive-the Universe, say LOA experts, responds to every word. For example, instead of the potentially self-sabotaging "I want to get out of debt," (the Universe will "hear" debt and keep on sending more your way), say, "I am living a life of abundance and wealth."
4. Visualize Having It
Every day, close your eyes for several minutes and imagine yourself standing inside your dream home, embracing your soul mate, standing in your ideal body. Keep focusing on what you want and imagining it so clearly that you can see, feel, smell, hear, and taste it.
Recent brain imaging tests show that imagining doing something is almost exactly the same to the brain--and the body--as actually doing something. The idea is to have your thoughts and feelings "vibrate" at the same frequency as what you want; if you desire stupendous wealth, raise your emotional bar to bring that in--expand, expand, expand.
5. Express and Feel Gratitude
Make a list of all that you're grateful for. Gratitude will further magnetize good things to you. It will also open your heart and assure your unconscious that you are capable of having a beautiful life, because in fact, you already do.
In "The Secret" book Byrne writes: "With all that I have read and all that I have experienced in my own life using The Secret, the power of gratitude stands above everything else. If you do only one thing with the knowledge of The Secret, use gratitude until it becomes your way of life."
6. Release Control
You've cleared your mind, decided what you want, visualized those things and experiences, and expressed gratitude for what you already have. Now, see your request going out to the Universe. It will sweat the details, the "how" of manifesting your request.
7. Stay Positive
Be aware of your thoughts. But, as author Marci Shimoff says in "The Secret," it would be impossible and exhausting to watch every single thought-we have about 60,000 a day. Instead, be aware of your thoughts by monitoring your feelings.
If you're tilting toward sad or angry, re-calibrate quickly. Read a beloved book, walk in nature, listen to a stunning piece of music-anything to stay up, light, and inspired. If you start doubting, replace it with knowing, with that feeling of having it. The more you saturate yourself with having your desire, the higher your positive vibration becomes.
8. Be Patient
As metaphysician Joe Vitale says in "The Secret" film, there's no guaranteed timeline for these sorts of things. But don't give up. If your wish or some version of it doesn't manifest in a few, or even 30, days, worry not. Just keep on believing and sending out positive thoughts and feelings. The important thing is to keep doubt--and negative feelings--at bay.
9. Invite It In
Really receive your gifts and enjoy them. And remember to send out gratitude and love for this magical-seeming process based on the connectedness of all matter. Also, continue to steep in it--surround yourself with photos of what you desire, say your desire aloud, go to an open house, a test drive. Do what it takes to let it enter your life.
10. Share the Wealth
Though "The Secret" doesn't specifically address using this manifesting power to help the world, the Law of Attraction is a perfect tool for that. As Jack Canfield, founder of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series, says in the film, Mother Teresa said she wouldn't attend an anti-war rally, but if there was ever a peace rally she'd be there. Along those lines, see Iraq and other troubled places filled with smiling, calm, peaceful people, bustling markets, sweetness, and inspiration. Feel peace in your body, send your love.
And enjoy the secret: "If it ain't fun, don't do it," Canfield says. |
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The Secret to Law of Attraction = ubah apa saja yang negatif kepada positif. Kurangkan penggunaan JANGAN (don抰).
Jangan mencarut  Jaga tutur kata
Jangan makan banyak  Makan secukupnya
Jangan melengah kerja  Kerjalah ikut masa
Jangan meninggikan suara  Suara biarlah lembut
Jangan biar lampu terpasang  Tutup lampu
Bila terlalu banyak penggunaan JANGAN, biasanya kita akan memberontak dan kita selalunya akan melakukan sebaliknya. Contoh: Jangan pandang belakang, otomatik kita akan menoleh belakang.
Pythagora, a wise man based his famous theory on certain assumptions. In dealing with people, the person who makes assumption that the people who work for him are untrustworthy, lazy and dishonest, will surely make them so. But if you assume that they are good and reasonably honest, the odds are thay they will live up to it. |
semalam ... on the way to gua musang .. singgah kat BP yg ade kedai mamak tu ... nampak one lady tgh baca this book .... 
anybody from here ke tu?
Originally posted by dafiza at 6-9-2007 12:36 AM 
Berapa harga?
more than 50.. less than 100  |
Reply #16 seribulan's post
oooo paham cikgu
agak2 kalo jumpa statement org pasal..."org tu dengki kat aku", rerasanya dia pun 2 kali 5 ajelah ekkk dgn org tu...sebab dia yg negatif will attract sumthing yg negatif jugaklah...
ada satu citer me baca, sorang minah nie jumpa sorang alim ulamak tgh jalan keluar dr sebuah kota, ulamak nie tanya..."cemana org2 kat dlm kota tu?"...minah nie jawab..."ooooo...jahat2lah org kat dlm tu"..ulamak tu menjawab, "a'ah hati2 kalo u pergi kota yg satu lagi...byk gak org jahat didalamnya"
bila ulamak nie jumpa minah lain pulak, baru keluar dr kota tersebut dia tanya lagi "cemana org2 dlm kota tersebut"...minah nie jawab.."ooo...org2 dlm kota tu semuanya baik-baik"...ulamak tu menjawab, "kamu akan jumpa org yg baik jugak di dlm kota yg lagi satu"
dan bila org suka bertanya, kenapa aku dikelilingi oleh org2 yg rosak akhlak....lihatlah dlm diri sendiri,apa akhlak kita yg rosak dan membolehkan kita berada dlm kelompok sedemikian
tazkirah ptg ramadhan... |
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