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Post time 20-5-2009 12:57 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by Kacip_Fatimah at 19-3-2010 13:42

nak tanya macama mana nak buat biskut cam ni ek ?..nampak lawa sangat..


selalunya nak buat biskut ni guna resepi apa ?
resepi sugar icing utk biskut cam mana ?
mana nak dapatkan acuan biskut yang comel ?..


[ Last edited by  cendawan_liar at 20-5-2009 01:03 ]

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2009 01:01 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 20-5-2009 02:54 PM | Show all posts
mesti budak2 suka kan (actually mak budak pun same )... bentuk & warna nampak sanngggggaaaatttt menarik.  Ade tak sesapa yang boleh kongsi info kat sini ....

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Post time 20-5-2009 03:48 PM | Show all posts
comel la..... sumer gambar2 biskut tu.....

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Post time 20-5-2009 04:26 PM | Show all posts
nad pun tercari2 resepi fancy cookies ni.....ade sesape bleh share

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Post time 20-5-2009 06:26 PM | Show all posts
la ni guna royal icing.


putih telur dari 2 biji telur
gula aising
sedikit jus lemon


campurkan putih telur dan jus lemon. kemudian masukkan gula aising dalam 2 sudu. pukul guna mixer. kalau guna hand mixer, guna beater yang utk doh tu, bukan whip.
kalau guna stand mixer macam kenwood tu, guna lah paddle yang macam K tu.

kalau nak kepekatan tinggi, utk pipe bunga2 guna piping bag dan tip tu, masukkan gula aising sikit demi sikit, sampai peringkat stiff peaks (kiranya bila kita tarik beater ke atas, adunan tadi akan tercacak2).

kalau nak yang cair sikit hanya utk sapu atas cookies, then tambah kan air setitik demi setitik sambil kacau, hingga dapat kepekatan yang diinginkan.

royal icing ni kuantiti gula tu, ikut keinginan kita nak kepekatan macam mana, dan kepekatan tu bergantung pada macam mana kita nak decorate cookies tu.

kalau setakat sapu, then cair lah patutnya.

kalau nak pipe macam orang pipe buttercream tu, kena pekat.

harap penerangan di atas dapat menolong.



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Post time 20-5-2009 06:29 PM | Show all posts
kejap, yang gambar tapak sulaiman warna ungu tu, macam fondant pun iye.

lagi satu lupa nak tambah, royal icing ni, tak boleh kena udara, dia akan mengeras.

jadi, lebihan dalam mangkuk tu, semasa kita tengah decorate cookies tu, make sure tutup dengan kain lembab, atau pun cling wrap, supaya tak terdedah kepada udara.

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Post time 20-5-2009 08:51 PM | Show all posts
resepi cookies lak?

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Post time 20-5-2009 09:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #8 attyra's post

boleh pakai resipi biskut marmar.......

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 Author| Post time 21-5-2009 12:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mclaren at 20-5-2009 18:26
la ni guna royal icing.


putih telur dari 2 biji telur
gula aising
sedikit jus lemon


campurkan putih telur dan jus lemon. kemudian masukkan gula aising dalam ...

tq mclaren.. nanti nak try buat utk bsday anakk nanti..mahal ek biskut ni..tgk dorg jual online 3.50 sekeping..

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Post time 21-5-2009 12:37 PM | Show all posts
dah nak buat bukan senang macam goreng ikan atau tanak nasik, mahal lah jadi nya.

kalau benda yang semua orang berkebolehan nak buat, cara senang, then tak apa lah nak jual murah.

macam decorated cakes jugak. orang komplen mahal, kalau dah rasa mahal kan, buat lah sendiri. if rasa tak boleh nak buat, tapi nak jugak, hargailah titik peluh those yang buat tu kan.
ni me tumpang thread ni lepas kan keluhan, maaf sebab hijack the thread.

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Post time 21-5-2009 12:41 PM | Show all posts
mek cam ada kesah jer ni

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Post time 21-5-2009 12:53 PM | Show all posts
me belum lagi berhadapan (belakang2 tak tahu lah) dengan problem ni, tapi kawan2 me ada.

orang pandai tahu nak paling sedap paling cantik, tapi tak tahu appreciate all the extra hours & labors those people put into baking and decorating the foods.
mereka nampak, tepung gula butter, alah berapa ringgit sangat.
walhal tak kira duit minyak lagi kadang2 baker tu kena spend mencari bahan (kadang satu kedai tak ada, cari pulak kat kedai lain), masa lagi yang dibuang, bukan sejam dua, berjam2.
electricity lagi kalau bakar guna oven elektrik.
bahan2 lain pewarna semua, as if lah free.

cuba mereka sendiri yang buat kan. tapi mereka tak mampu nak buat. mereka tak nampak masa yang kita spend utk buat benda2 ni, mereka nampak, tepung gula butter je.
maaf sekali lagi.. keluhan bagi pihak kawan2 ku.

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Post time 21-5-2009 01:09 PM | Show all posts
yup mek, saya pon pernah kena....turun merundum semangt for that day....masih dlm line ni sbb minat, ikutkan rasa fedap cm nk berenti jer keje part time nih...minat punya pasai saya kentalkan gak hati ni....opppp terlebih sudah....

nk tanya royal icing tuh, kalu nk pipe bunga cam rose ke, lily ke mmg consistency tuh kena sampai jadi terpacak yer...selalu jadi royal icing ni jadik cam kembang

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Post time 21-5-2009 01:15 PM | Show all posts
saya rasa kalau nak pipe bunga, consistency kena lah pekat dan teguh sikit. macma jugak buttercream kan kalau lembik, gula kurang, tak jadi nak buat rose, melepet semacam aje

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Post time 22-12-2009 01:19 PM | Show all posts

to sapa2 yg nak try buat sugar fancy cookies ni, boleh try ikut step kat bwh...

Step 1:

Pipe the outline of the cookie. Let it dry a few minutes before you flood with the runny icing.

Step 2:

Take the squeeze bottle filled with runny royal icing. Start piping from the outside and work your way into the middle. Be careful not to over flood the cookie. If any air bubbles comes use a pin to perforate them.

Let the cookies dry overnight. Use a tip no.2 to pipe second and other details.

Tip 2f you want to decorate with glitter or sanding sugar? Then shake it over the wet cookie. Let it dry comepletely before you shake off any excess glitter.

Tip 1:You can make dots on a flooded cookie. Take another squeeze nozzle bottle and a tip 2, fill it with runny icing in another color and pipe dots into the wet icing.

I always let my flooded cookies dry over night before I continue decorating.



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Post time 22-12-2009 01:27 PM | Show all posts
just nak share deco utk guna fondant. ni pun dpt dlm tenet. just sharing maring
Step 1:

Roll out your fondant thinly and cut out the wings with the cookie cutter.
As it is only the wings we are going to need. You dont have to cut out the whole shape like I did. Just the wings.

Step 2:

Cut the wings in shape with a knife like shown on wing A.

Step 3:

Brush a thin coat of corn syrup on the sugar cookie but only on the wings and gently put the wing pieces on top

Step 4:

With your finger smooth out the edge all around the wings.

Step 5:

Take your veining tool and mark the wings with fine lines.

Step 6:

If you like you can brush luster dust on the wings.

Step 7:

Take a small piece of fondant and make the body and the head. You can make small marks on the body with the veining tool.



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Post time 22-12-2009 02:30 PM | Show all posts
ini sangat bergunaa....
saya teringin nk buat tp x buat2 jugaaa....
sapa2 ada resipi biskut x? selain dr resipi marmar...

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Post time 22-12-2009 02:57 PM | Show all posts
baru je plan nak buat ngan anak dara kecik aku
tp mana nak beli cookie cutter yg cute2 & besar mcm ni eh?

pahtu ada x jual fondant online?

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Post time 22-12-2009 03:43 PM | Show all posts
sy ada simple recipie sugar cookies ni...

jap yea sy try cari dlm gerobok.

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