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ant bully & monster house
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aku carik topik utk 2 filem ni takde pon? mmg takde ke? or ramai dah tak minat citer cmni?
dekat2 je tygan 2 filem animasi cgi ni kat mesia.
smlm bru tengok ant bully. BOSAN. sepanjang tngok asik fikir bila la nak abis.
skang ni citer cgi makin byk, tp jalan citer sumer dull.
pstu jln citer byk recycle citer2 animasi yg terdahulu.
citer monster house blom ngok lagi. hope bestla sket. dhla lama tak tengok citer animasi, the last time yg bagus pon, the cars(itupon baca review je) tak smpat nak tngok.
tp sblm tngok citer ant bully tu, ada tyg trailers utk 2-3 lagi citer cgi yg akan dtg.
'happy feet'...citer psl penguin tu mcm best je.
open season tau lagik.
pstu ada 1 lg citer psl lembu ntahapa2. |
nak tgk monster house... cambeshh.. |
Reply #2 izzati's post
aah...aku baca reviews pon ramai yg kata best.
jln citernya bukan tipikal utk bebudak kecikla. |
Monster House mmg best
jalan cerita mmg superb
animation pun cantik and the face expression pun real
standardlah since mereka guna technology sony dari flm Polar Express untuk face expression
overall... it's a must watch :hatdown: |
Originally posted by Stewie at 24-8-2006 07:28 PM
Monster House mmg best
jalan cerita mmg superb
animation pun cantik and the face expression pun real
standardlah since mereka guna technology sony dari flm Polar Express untuk face expression
wahhh..semakin aku teruja nak pi tgk... |
malam ni nk g tngok monster house. |
Originally posted by sayangidaku at 24-8-2006 08:33 PM
malam ni nk g tngok monster house.
nak itottt.....haha..
maybe pi tgk weekend neh kot... |
baru balik dr tngok monster house.
mmg best gilossssss!!!!!!!!!!!
ant bully semalam aku kasi 3.5/10 aje. sbb mmg bosan.
monster house...aku kasi 9/10!
amik kau.
nasib baik masih ada citer animasi cgi yg berkualiti cmtu.
:clap: |
ant bully tak best
monster house best
dan tengoklah citer talladega nights,mmg lawak giler :lol
oh and the descent....
haha promo citer plak |
monster house best giler! mesti nak tengok, especially chowder. ant bully tu macam boring. |
nak tgk la monster house...:bgrin: |
ant bully mmg citer budak2 sgt.... |
Reply #12 usagiKecik's post
budak2 keeciik yg menonton ant bully tu pon mcm tak terhibur sgt tngok, yg aku pasan la.
takde diorang ketawa pon dgn lawak2 bosan tu. maybe byk lawak yg diorang penah tngok dlm citer2 animasi sblm ni.
tapi monster house...masa aku tengok tu, ada gak budak2 kecik gi tngok...giler2 diorang gelak dlm pawagam. |
2-2 baru jer tengok.... rasa cam best ant bully |
ant bully bosan la...:kant: |
serius..aku vote for monster house!
baru je balik tgk monster house n yes, even bebdk kecik pon gelak gile babeng. kids never lie, mind u.
aku xpernah la rase puas ati sgt2 tgk citer animasi mcm aku tgk citer monster house ni. expression, behaviour of each character tu mcm natural je. betul2 mcm kelakuan bebdk hari2. cume tu la..time monster tu serang, aku pelik jiran2 bdk tu xjengah ke. 
tp psl steven speilberg yg bikin..fuh. mantap seh. |
waa..nk tgk gaks...tgk iklan kt tv pon dh teruje tgk budak anto newspaper yg kiut tu..hikhik...:cak: |
Reply #16 toshiba's post
kalo ikutkan time umah tu dah jadi monster bebetul n siap berjalan lagik, patut adala org yg pasan kan.
sumer tido kot...  |
Originally posted by gorgonz at 25-8-2006 06:51 PM
2-2 baru jer tengok.... rasa cam best ant bully
ant bully best? ko biar betul? : baru kuar gua ke? :nyorok: ahaha... :lol
takdela, jln citernya kan ala2 cliche gitu. bosan teramat. |
aduih.:stp::stp:.. sini kata yg tu best sana kata yg nie best...mana satu yg best nieh...takpelah..aku donlot aje dua dua ... |
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