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Mangsa Rogol Terima 200 Sebatan,Perogol Dipenjara 5 Tahun Sahaja

9-3-2015 10:42 AM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 10541| Komen: 71

Mangsa Rogol Terima 200 Sebatan,Perogol Dipenjara 5 Tahun Sahaja

Gambar hiasan

Riyadh- Seorang wanita Arab Saudi yang menjadi mangsa rogol beramai-ramai dijatuhkan hukuman enam bulan penjara dan 200 sebatan oleh makhkamah, selepas didapati bersalah bercakap kepada media mengenai jenayah yang dilakukan ke atas dirinya.

Pada 2006, wanita terbabit menaiki kenderaan seorang rakan lelakinya sebelum dibawa ke sebuah kawasan terpencil dan kemudian dirogol oleh tujuh lelaki lain.Ketika kejadian , wanita tersebut berusia 19 tahun.

Sebelum ini, dia dikenakan 90 sebatan kerana berada di dalam kereta bersama lelaki bukan muhrim. Undang-undang arab Saudi menetapkan bahawa wanita yang keluar di tempat awam mesti ditemani oleh saudara lelaki pada setiap masa.

Peguam yang mewakili wanita itu pula dilarang mengendalikan kes tersebut selain lesennya dirampas kerana mendedahkan isi kandungan rayuan Mahkamah Agung kepada media. Beliau juga telah dipanggil untuk pendengaran tatatertib yang dijadualkan akhir bulan ini.

Difahamkan, kumpulan lelaki yang merogol wanita itu hanya dijatuhkan hukuman penjara lima tahun .- Press TV








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Quote Knowlee 8-3-2015 10:49 AM
Haih... Taktau la.
Quote sabbath_shalom 8-3-2015 10:53 AM
Tu dlm ch Al-hijrah cakap lelaki malaysia sudah hilang taringnya.

Mmg x bersyukur
Quote sabbath_shalom 8-3-2015 10:53 AM
Tu dlm ch Al-hijrah cakap lelaki malaysia sudah hilang taringnya.

Mmg x bersyukur
Quote nagapompuan 8-3-2015 10:57 AM
Hamdulillah, kesucian isle dipelihara...inilah yang keadilan yang dimahukan lobai2 janggut kambing.

Selayaknyalah wanita itu disebat dan dipenjarakan. She asked for it. Memalukan ummah adja wanita itu. Sepatutnya dia dihukum mati adja. Tahniah kepada perogol2 kerna berjaya mengajar wanita itu dan wanita2 lain.

Quote AbukRokok 8-3-2015 10:58 AM
untung jd lelaki...hihihihi
Quote batman_2007 8-3-2015 11:37 AM
Undang2 macam ni la kita naaakk
Quote Mr.Virus 8-3-2015 11:47 AM
yang lelaki tak kene sebat ke
Quote PongKang 8-3-2015 11:52 AM
Xadil. Benci baca berita cmni.
Quote abangbikerz 8-3-2015 12:02 PM
Klu pas naik. Akn jadile benda2 camni dimsia
Quote taikor 8-3-2015 12:06 PM
alhamdulillah... hukuman yg adil dan saksama.... siapa suruh keluar jalan2 bersendirian... lelaki kan akan TERcabar untuk merogol.... itu tidak adil pada laki taw....!
Quote bellaa 8-3-2015 12:09 PM
untonglah laki ereb

boleh rogol berjemaah lepas ni
Quote pooh~key 8-3-2015 12:36 PM
wah..... ini adalah satu kemenangan untuk islam. maka bertambahlah lagi satu point untuk islam. takbir. @pyropura
Quote flying_cow 8-3-2015 12:47 PM
Isle arab sudah menang! 1-0

Tu dia keadilan versi syumul padang pasir unta for you.
Quote cmf_shalom 8-3-2015 12:55 PM
Undang2 pagan lagi adil daripada ni....
Quote FanTasyCreaTioN 8-3-2015 01:47 PM
mencari kebenaran...
sebab .. bagi kita sebagai seorang wanita beragama Islam
hukuman ni tak adil
sebab kita percaya Islam melindungi wanita2 nya

terjumpa komen ni ..

Paola Pisi Nessie • 11 hours ago

At least now the Muslim brotherhood 's webisite MEMO added at the bottom of the article this statement << Please note: The rape victim and her male companion were pardoned by the late King Abdullah in Dec 2007.>> (English translation : Please note: this story is bullshit, and we posted it just to trash & slander Saudi arabia ).
Paola PisiNessie&#8226;6 hours ago
no, this is not a new punishment ( after 8 years !) . you can read the full story on wikipedia : "Qatif rape case" . She was sentenced in October 2006 to 90 lashes for "being alone with a man who is not a relative " . Then in the retrial (november 2007 ) << the woman's sentence (originally based on being alone with an unrelated
man) was increased after she admitted to having an extramarital affair
with the man whom she had given the picture to. >> & she was sentenced to six months in jail and 200 lashes. Finally the late king Abdullah issued a pardon for the girl (December 2007 ). End of the story .

makna nya :

- kena hukum 90 rotan sebab "being alone with a man who is not a relative " tahun 2006
- pastu kena retrial dan hukuman lebih berat d kenakan sebab mengaku berhubungan dan ada bagi gambar (hukuman 6 bulan penjara 200 rotan)
- tapi hukuman tu dapat pengampunan tahun 2007


Quote FanTasyCreaTioN 8-3-2015 01:52 PM
mencari2 lagi kebenaran ...

cerita dari wanita tersebut ..

Forbidden from approaching young women directly, young men make contact by publicly displaying their own mobile phone numbers on cards as they pass in the street or by dropping the cards through open car windows.

Others make contact using their phone's Bluetooth technology, which allows users to send messages to nearby mobile phones without knowing the telephone number.

"I had a relationship with someone on the phone," recalled the Qatif girl.

"It started when we were both 16. I had never seen him before, I just knew his voice. Then he started to threaten me and I got afraid.

"He threatened to tell my family about the relationship. Because of the threats and fear, I agreed to give him a photo of myself."

But when the girl wed another young man she became worried about the photo she had given to her "ex-boyfriend".

"I asked him for the photo back but he refused. He said: 'I'll give you the photo on the condition that you come out with me in my car.'

"I told him we could meet at a souk [market] near my neighbourhood in Qatif."

She recalled: "He started to drive me home, and when were about to turn the corner to my house, another car stopped right in front of our car.

"Two people got out of their car and stood on either side of our car. The man on my side had a knife.

"They tried to open our door. I told the individual with me not to open the door, but he did. He let them come in. I screamed."

The ordeal had begun.

Quote FanTasyCreaTioN 8-3-2015 01:58 PM

"One of the men brought a knife to my throat. They told me not to speak. They pushed both of us to the back of the car and started driving. We drove a lot, but I didn't see anything since my head was forced down.

"They took us to an area with lots of palm trees. No one was there. If you kill someone there, no one would know about it."

First, they took the girl's male companion from the car.

He was the victim of homosexual rape a number of times during the course of the evening.

"I was so afraid," the girl said.

"Then they forced me out of the car. They pushed me really hard. I yelled out: 'Where are you taking me? I'm like your sister.'"

They took her to a building. Then two men came in and stripped her.

"The first man with the knife raped me. I was destroyed. I tried to force them off but I couldn't. Another man came in and did the same thing to me. I didn't even feel anything after that."

For two hours the girl begged the two men to take her home.

"I told them that it was late and that my family would be asking about me.

Then I saw a third man come into the room. There was a lot of violence.

After the third man came in, a fourth came. He slapped me and tried to choke me.

"The fifth and sixth ones were the most abusive. The fifth one took a photo of me like this. After the seventh one, I couldn't feel my body any more. I didn't know what to do. When a very fat man was on top of me I could no longer breathe."

Before she was eventually taken home by the gang, she was raped again by all seven attackers.

They took my mobile and saw my husband's picture in my wallet.

"When I got out of the car [at her home], I couldn't even walk. I rang the doorbell and my mother opened the door. She said: 'You look tired.'

She thought I was with my husband.

"I went to the hospital the next day. I didn't eat for one week after that, just drank water. I didn't tell anyone, but I would see the rapists faces in my sleep."

However, the story began to leak out.

The criminals started talking about it in my neighbourhood. They thought my husband would divorce me. They wanted to ruin my reputation. Slowly, my husband started to know what had happened."

But he stood by her, outraged at what the men had done and the fact they were going unpunished.

"Two of the criminals were walking round our neighbourhood, right in front of me," her husband said.

He complained to the police on four occasions before anything was done.

sambungan ..
boleh bacer kat sini

Quote FanTasyCreaTioN 8-3-2015 02:04 PM
hukuman ...

Then the senior judge turned to her and her male companion on the night of the gang rape.

"He said: 'You get 90 lashes. You should thank God you're not in prison.'

"I asked him why and he said: "You know why. Because mingling begets evil.' "

She had been convicted under the khalwa - Sharia law which forbids any woman from being alone in the company of a male to whom she is not related.

Quote setokinpurple 8-3-2015 02:05 PM
mmg la salah dia mula2 ikot jantan tu..
tp adil ke sampai dia kena hukuman cmtu..yg laki plk lebih ringan hukuman dr dia?

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