Lebanese cuisine All you need to know about Lebanese cuisine-it is very tasty. That does not take it-yummy. You can safely go in the Liwa and spend days walking to restaurants. 01. Let's start with the most important ... 02. Shawarma 03. Lebanese shawarma-the only thing that is not liked. What crap. From the slučše. 04. Slema hummus with meat and nuts, cheese, vegetable salad with lemon. 05. Cheese rolls with cheese 06. 07. 08. Forgot the name. This is eggplant, fried on the grill, then add sesame oil with frayed, salt-spices and oil. That's good. 09. 10. at breakfast tortilla layered with meat. In General still eat something like pizza with cheese or strongly of thyme. 11. Cheese 12. 13. the cheese is put in a bun and covered with honey. 14. 15. breakfast is ready. 16. 17. 18. pancakes with cottage cheese 19. Oh and sweets 20. 21. 22. Here 's. I actually have had a lot of photos and step-by-step pictures of how to Cook, but all left on the stolen laptop. So this post is just to tease you and awaken your appetite. ;)
cikatilia posted on 18-10-2013 12:52 PM
baklava kat sini mana nak beli eh?
teringin gak membeli/ merasainye