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British Airways Terbakar, 14 Cedera Ringan

9-9-2015 12:57 PM| Diterbitkan: CARI-SFG| Dilihat: 8784| Komen: 36

Oleh : Fyruz Hanna

Satu kebakaran berlaku di Lapangan Terbang Las Vegas yang mengakibat kan 14 orang dihantar ke hospital akibat cedera (cedera ringan).

Kebanyakkan yang cedera merupakan penumpang pesawat British Airways 2276 yang menggelongsor keluar dari Boeing 777 itu.

Menurut salah seorang penumpang yang dikenali sebagai Jay Jenning, ia merupakan satu pengalaman yang mengerikan.

Menurutnya, pesawat berhenti sebelum kapten mengarahkan semua penumpang keluar akibat daripada enjin pesawat yang terbakar.

Pesawat membawa 159 penumpang beserta 13 anak kapal. -CARI Infonet.







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Quote DeMax 9-9-2015 12:20 PM
Balasan cash Ayah Pin
Quote Magika 9-9-2015 12:21 PM
British Airways 777 Catches Fire in Las Vegas After Engine Failure

A Boeing Co. 777-200 operated by British Airways suffered a major engine failure as it was beginning its takeoff in Las Vegas, triggering a fire and requiring an emergency evacuation, the Federal Aviation Administration said.

The failure occurred in the left engine as the aircraft was accelerating on the runway for takeoff late on Tuesday, an FAA spokesman said.

The jet stopped safely before becoming airborne, allowing passengers and crew to exit the aircraft safely before the fire worsened, he said.

The jet, operating as flight 2276, was the airline’s scheduled service from McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas to London Gatwick airport.

McCarran Airport said later that the fire had been extinguished.

British Airways, a unit of International Consolidated Airlines Group SA, didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

A tweet from Boeing’s Twitter account said it was aware of the incident and was gathering information.

The aircraft was operating with General Electric Co. engines, and the manufacturer said it was gathering initial information about what transpired in Las Vegas.

Though they are extremely rare, engine failures on takeoff are among the most trained-for incidents by airline pilots. Aircraft and their crews are dispatched with precise speeds and weight calculations to allow an aircraft to stop safely during the high-acceleration during the takeoff process.

If an engine fails just as the nose of a Boeing 777 is lifting or the instant the plane leaves the ground, its automated fly-by-wire systems automatically adjust thrust in the remaining good engine and manipulate controls to assist the pilot and ensure the jet remains controllable.

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Since this model of aircraft started flying passengers 20 years ago, Boeing and safety regulators world-wide have regarded the 777, and particularly its various engine variants, as one of the industry leaders in safety and reliability.

The early 777 fleet broke new ground by receiving approval from U.S. and foreign authorities to fly routes over water, taking the jets increasingly longer distances from emergency strips.

Later, the 777 was the first model to get such approvals based entirely on flight and ground tests of engines, without first demonstrating reliability in commercial service.

Some two years ago, Boeing officials emphasized that the 777’s engines were so reliable that not a single jetliner had suffered an engine failure on a takeoff roll just as it was about to become airborne.
Quote matamata 9-9-2015 12:22 PM
Lagi kes triple seven
Quote chinta89 9-9-2015 12:36 PM
macam2 kes flight skg ni..
Quote prettyuglybabe 9-9-2015 01:07 PM
nasib baik semua selamat.. menakutkan..
Quote Emperor95 9-9-2015 01:44 PM
makin banyak betul kes2 melihatkan kapal terbang
Quote batmana 9-9-2015 02:22 PM
sib baik semua slamat..
Quote mattzzx 9-9-2015 02:25 PM
nasib baik bukan MAS...
Quote johnazizul 9-9-2015 02:49 PM
Insiden2 kecik kapal terbang tiap2 hari ada... Cuma xmasuk media..
Quote kucen_miang 9-9-2015 03:32 PM
ayoyooo yg hand carry tu boleh gak la selamatkan beg. yg dah check in beg tu wassalam jer la.
Quote JohnPuteh 9-9-2015 03:53 PM
Zaman akhir ni mcm2 benda2 yg jadi..
Quote indah30 9-9-2015 07:06 PM
Quote Modngengade 9-9-2015 07:29 PM
Ummah kokesen mendapat cash...

Quote matamata 9-9-2015 07:32 PM
Kali ni GE pulak yg kena jawab.....sblm2 ni asyik RR je yg kena...
Quote mbhcsf 9-9-2015 07:47 PM
Though they are extremely rare, engine failures on takeoff are among the most trained-for incidents by airline pilots. Aircraft and their crews are dispatched with precise speeds and weight calculations to allow an aircraft to stop safely during the high-acceleration during the takeoff process.

>>> sesiapa nak jelaskan lagi ke tang part ditebalkan itu? this is interesting...any input , please...this is truly exciting mechanism

If an engine fails just as the nose of a Boeing 777 is lifting or the instant the plane leaves the ground, its automated fly-by-wire systems automatically adjust thrust in the remaining good engine and manipulate controls to assist the pilot and ensure the jet remains controllable.

soalan :

mechanism ni  boleh digunakan untuk berapa engine minimum 2 ? or 1? ( kalau 1  aiyoo seram gak ni )
Quote mbhcsf 9-9-2015 07:49 PM
boleh terangkan lagi tak the concept seakan akan ' point of no return'  as in...bila gain speed yg pilot tu tahu yg dia tak boleh lagi dah nak manipulate kelajuan kapal atau slowing down lagi dah...kat berapa unit kelajuan ye yg depa pilot ni dah tak boleh nak buat apa apa dah ?
Quote MissNigga 9-9-2015 08:00 PM
look horrible ... luckily the air craft was still on the ground
Quote Decaffeinated 9-9-2015 10:11 PM
kucen_miang replied at 9-9-2015 03:32 PM
ayoyooo yg hand carry tu boleh gak la selamatkan beg. yg dah check in beg tu wassalam jer la.

Dah berbuih safety announcement dalam kapal " case of emergencies, leave all your personal belonging bla bla bla..."

jangan sibuk nak selamatkan handbag ko tu....

btw, yang terbakar ni cuma enjin, bukan ruang cargo kat fuselage tu. insyaallah beg2 tu selamat...

Quote airfilterkotor 9-9-2015 10:23 PM
Gambar gambar tu seme kamerapon zaman bila punya tu... huduh benor gambar.

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