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Individu Bujang Lebih Berisiko Untuk Mati Lebih Awal!

10-2-2022 12:53 PM| Diterbitkan: Agent13k| Dilihat: 2380| Komen: 29|Original author: Agent13k

Description: Sebuah kajian mendapati bahawa individu yang hidup dalam rumah tangga yang bahagia akan dapat menikmati hidup lagi lama dan lagi sihat,
Sebuah kajian mendapati bahawa individu hidup dalam rumah tangga yang bahagia akan menikmati hidup lebih lama dan sihat.

Kajian Pejabat Statistik Kebangsaan menunjukkan, kadar kematian dalam kalangan lelaki dan wanita bujang meningkat dua kali ganda berbanding mereka yang sudah berkahwin.

kredit foto: Relationship Matters

Petikan dari Kosmo, hal ini ekoran pasangan berkahwin sering mengingatkan pasangan mereka agar melakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan apabila salah seorang di antara mereka mengalami masalah kesihatan.

Malah, mereka yang menjalani kehidupan bahagia dapat membantu mengurangkan tekanan dan menggalakkan gaya hidup sihat, selain dikaitkan dengan pengurangan kebarangkalian untuk terlibat dengan tabiat berisiko.

kredit foto: Dreamstime

Sementara itu, kehidupan mereka yang bujang, bercerai atau menjadi balu dikaitkan dengan peningkatan kadar kesepian dan tekanan yang tinggi.

Dalam kajian itu, mereka menganalisis trend demografi dalam kadar kematian berdasarkan status perkahwinan dan berdasarkan data sepanjang 10 tahun, lelaki dan wanita yang berkahwin atau mempunyai pasangan secara konsisten, mempunai kadar kematian yang rendah berbanding individu bujang, duda, janda atau balu. - CARI








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Quote gekkou 10-2-2022 01:07 PM
mati awal lebih bagus
daripada tua esok
menyusahkan orang sekeliling pula untuk menjaga
plus, tak pening fikir cari duit nk sara hidup lepas pencen sementara menunggu mati
Quote helicornia 10-2-2022 01:26 PM
Bgmana pula kalau kawin tk bahagia, dideran mental Dan fizikal? Dlm artikel ni dibandingkan dgn pasangan yg bahagia je
Quote cmf_premierleag 10-2-2022 01:30 PM
gekkou replied at 10-2-2022 01:07 PM
mati awal lebih bagus
daripada tua esok
menyusahkan orang sekeliling pula untuk menjaga

dah la makin lama harga barang sume makin naik
kene tax lagi..lagi tinggi income, lg tinggi la PCB kene tolak
so better la mati awal
Quote pengecattaik 10-2-2022 01:40 PM
Pasangan yang berkahwin lebih bercerai dari mati.

k fixed!
Quote batmana 10-2-2022 01:47 PM
tgk che det sudah, bahagia smpai skrg

klu dia hidup sorg2, agknye jadi apa la ye
Quote Decaffeinated 10-2-2022 01:53 PM
'Fakta' yang terbentang di depan mata. Kalau ko bujang mereput sensorang memang cepatlah ko mati. Kajian ni cuma provide the data.
Quote ninja boy 10-2-2022 03:10 PM
Ada masalah humban masalah kat pasangan suruh setel,  xde wang boleh minta pasangan dan anak2, xde wang suruh sibling yg bujang tanggung hidup parent dan semua sibling lain termasuk sibling bercerai dan anak saudara, gituh
Quote BoongaKertas 10-2-2022 04:54 PM
tu kalau dpt psgn hidup yg menyenangkan hati. tp kalau dpt partner yg hazab (nauzubillah), boleh sbbkan mati awl gak deknon.
Quote Adrif 10-2-2022 06:51 PM
kerjalah macam hidup 1000 tahun

beribadatlah macam hidup tinggal sehari

somewhere along that line. ayat yang tampal kat tangga sekolah dulu, tak ingat
Quote Suchi 10-2-2022 07:08 PM
Rasanya yg hidup bujang mmg tanak pun hidup lelama.
Org dh beranak pinak je nak hidup lama skit sampai anak2 dah cukup umur bleh berdikari
Quote bakingsoda 10-2-2022 07:48 PM
better solution dari berlaki yg silap2 biawak last2 mati cepat jugak

Cat Lovers Live Longer
We are often urged to do various tasks for the sake of our health, some more complicated and expensive than others. However, one of the healthiest things we can do is simple, traditional and pleasant - we can care for a pet.

People have enjoyed the companionship of animals for thousands of years, and it's common knowledge that having a dog encourages you to go for healthy walks. Recently, though, research scientists have been trying to discover if there are actual, measurable health benefits associated with pet ownership, and how these benefits come about.

These researchers have found that pets are not only valuable for maintaining our well-being, but they can alleviate specific health problems.

Lowering stress levels
Keeping your heart healthy
Keeping elderly people active
Children and pets
Pets and general well-being

Lowering stress levels
Stroking a pet or simply watching aquarium fish helps us to relax. Even just being with a pet has a soothing effect. The relaxation we feel can be measured as a slower heartbeat and a drop in blood pressure.

Research has shown that this reduction is particularly noticeable in people who suffer from high-blood pressure. The reduction in blood pressure from pet ownership is the same as you would get by changing to a low salt diet or by cutting down on alcohol.

Pet ownership can also help reduce the risk of asthma, and it can help us cope with the death of a life partner.

Keeping your heart healthy
Pet owners are more likely to survive after a heart attack than non-pet owners.

The fact is, when pets help us relax, our blood pressure is lowered. In fact, research has shown that pet ownership is better than drugs for reducing high blood pressure.

When American researcher Erika Friedmann studied heart attack sufferers, she found that pet owners were more likely to survive heart attacks than non-pet owners. As both cat and dog owners and owners of other pets showed better survival rates, the difference could not be attributed to the extra exercise that dog owners take. However, people who live alone or are depressed are less likely to survive after a heart attack, so the presence of a pet may provide support simply through companionship.

Keeping elderly people active
In a Canadian study involving over 1,000 people, Dr Parminda Raina found that elderly people with pets were more able to cope with daily activities than those without. He also found that older pet owners had lower health care costs than non-owners.

Another research project discovered that a group of elderly people in residential homes who were given budgerigars, coped better with other aspects of the aging process.

Children and pets
Most children love having a pet, and scientists have been discovering the benefits.

Children who have pets tend to be more self-reliant, more sociable and less selfish than children without pets. In a German study, 90% of parents thought that their dog played an educative role with their young children, and improved the child's quality of life. 80% of the children interviewed considered their dog to be primarily their friend and confidante.

Adolescents, too, can benefit. A study of young people from large cities found those with dogs to be more content with life, with a more positive relationship with adults. There could be an important role for dogs in the prevention of delinquency, therapy for the young unemployed and others, such as drug addicts.

At Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital in London, weekly visits from pets helped children overcome the depression brought on by lengthy hospitalization and unpleasant clinical treatments.

The presence of a dog in a class of children with severe learning difficulties markedly sustained their interest and attention.

Pets and general well-being
Pets provide us with companionship and generally foster a feeling of well being.

A pet can act as a social lubricant. Walking in the park or visiting the vet provide opportunities to meet and talk to other people. Studies have shown that people walking a dog have far more positive encounters than those out walking alone. A pet can be an ice-breaker, a topic of conversation.

Owning a pet also means having to make an effort to get out, buy food and provide exercise. The routine, sense of purpose and feeling of fulfillment in caring for a pet gives meaning to the lives of many isolated people, and helps fight off depression and loneliness.

sila2 pungut kucing stray buat anak angkat
Quote Friska 10-2-2022 08:30 PM
Kasian ya, yang masih belum ketemu jodoh.
Quote makadek 10-2-2022 08:47 PM
Biola Tak kan nk layan cobid ni sampey kiamat pandey2 la
Quote makadek 10-2-2022 08:49 PM
Aku penah try hidup sorang2 mula2 sonok aman jur tadak sapa kacau masuk Hari ke 4 aku dah Mula nampak bayang2 anak aku laki aku ..rindu rupanya ..
Quote AbukRokok 10-2-2022 08:52 PM
mati awal bleh jumpa bidadari bidadara terdampar di tebing sungai susu
Quote kakikuDibibirmu 10-2-2022 08:56 PM
Andartu (Anak dara tua) dengan Andalusia (Anak dara lanjut usia) tersenyum sinis
Quote lattehazelnut 10-2-2022 09:23 PM
Edited by lattehazelnut at 10-2-2022 09:30 PM

Setau i lelaki bujang or duda je mati awal sbb xpandai jaga diri sendiri.. basuh spender pun suro emak..

Dalam kajian itu, mereka menganalisis trend demografi dalam kadar kematian berdasarkan status perkahwinan dan berdasarkan data sepanjang 10 tahun, lelaki dan wanita yang berkahwin atau mempunyai pasangan secara konsisten, mempunai kadar kematian yang rendah berbanding individu bujang, duda, janda atau balu.

Yang duda janda balu tu bukan kira pasangan berkahwin jugak ke?
Quote doubleharmonic 10-2-2022 10:08 PM
bukan orang2 baik ke mati lebih awal orang2 jahat mati lambat? ko tengok jah noreen2 lahanat  jibun jahid segala tu punya liat nyawa tak mampos2 lagi?
Quote KucaiHijau 10-2-2022 10:35 PM
Apa gune hidup berteman kalau miserable

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