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Makanan Popular Di Tel Aviv

14-4-2014 12:17 PM| Diterbitkan: admin9| Dilihat: 6932| Komen: 15



I love to eat, but do not pay travel this due consideration. I can eat a couple of times a day any sandwich - and this will be enough. And especially do not want to spend money on restaurants: as a rule, and the food there is not cheap, and time spent on the service very much.I can not afford to sit pants when in the meantime you can watch something or write a post.

In the Middle East Restaurant and SRES no sense. If you're going to go there and dive - eat on the street. After all, so do all. And today I will talk about the main food of Israel and Palestine.

Hummus 1 whole head. Of course, I ate hummus before a trip to Israel. In Russia, it is sold in almost any large supermarket. If you do not try - it is soft butter chickpeas. We usually spread on his bread. Delicious. But if pereesh - fart going long. Peas still.

The local hummus only postpone reminiscent of what we sell. This is the same pasta peas, but here it is the whole dish. It may look quite different, but always at the heart of this pasta and "nuts", in fact, boiled peas. Another dish is often watered tehina - oil from sesame seeds.

2 During the two-week trip to Israel and the Palestinian Authority hummus I ate almost every day. Everywhere he was different. But the most delicious in the beginning of a journey to the city of Acre. All told me: "In this city the best hummus!" - And it was so. And the point is, just that it's hot in Acre, in other places it is served cold. And more of the ordinary, in akkianskih humusnyh added fried minced lamb. It is surprisingly tasty, and nowhere more so I did not feed.

3 Jews believe their national food hummus, Arabs - its. You can argue for a long time, this panblizhnevostochnaya food, and you'll find it in the most Jewish neighborhoods in Israel, and in the most noisome places in Palestine.

Usually in a dish put onions and greens. On the first day I learned how to ask not to do so.
bli bli Batsalev and petraziliya - without onions and without parsley, please. Then, in the Palestinian Nablus I said so when ordering, only then realized that I voiced it in Hebrew. Thank God, did not notice

4 In addition to the dishes themselves hummus, you will be given a few more cymbals with snacks. Usually there is just onions and other pickled vegetables, each owner of your set. Local love all sorts of pickles, so pickles or pickled cabbage - an indispensable diet. In a photo Ahmad (left) and Josef, who helped me to travel around Palestine.

5 eat Hummus in the east so: take pita round cake, tearing it as convenient dipped in hummus and tortillas ... is the most common, and so you can dip anything: bread, vegetables, yes even sausage. By the way, all the pickles and bread included for free, and you can always ask a supplement.

6 Interiors cafe humusnyh usually far from perfect. There's a simple interior, old furniture and even may seem dirty. Do not pay attention to these countries have important rule: if a lot of local visitors - it's a nice place. People do work "for the" and any stuff very quickly pops out.

7 The second most popular food of these places - falafel. Accent on the second syllable, although falafel sounds interesting I wonder what falafel is composed of the same ingredients as hummus, that is, from crushed chickpeas, chickpea. Just another way of preparation, in the form of balls, which are fried in oil.

8 I have not tasted the falafel, perhaps due to the fact that there is a lot of greens, and I can not stand her.


10 Fresh orange juice is worth less than a packet of concentrated in Moscow. Although usually more expensive Russian Israel.

11 Strawberry huge.

12 So look fruits chickpeas. The same one used to make the majority of the Arab and Jewish food

13 What surprised - there is almost no culture of eating fish, even though the Mediterranean. Of course, in a tourist restaurant will give you a refined fish, and the market you will always find seafood. But it is in the culture of the peoples do not.

14 Third, the main dish of Israel and the Palestinian Territories - shavarma. Even say that it pidumal a Turkish immigrant living in Germany, but the dish spread throughout the Arab countries. Yes, and not only in Arabic, which Muscovite knows shawarma and piterets - shawarma? Shavarma here, and here her know how beautiful lodge.

In different places in very different ways, but there are basically two kinds of shavarmy in pita bread or pita. In pita better as more breaks.Much more! The tastiest place shavarmoy I came in a suburb of Bethlehem , where the Christian Arabs live.

15 Special knife you cut the meat to choose from, veal or chicken.

16 And then you go and choose yourself the ingredients of a dozen species. You put as much as you want. Then just need to go back to the seller, and he zavernet pancake.

17 And how kebab, you ask? Yes, these little sausages on skewers also sold here. Yes, and many other things, but if we talk about trends, they are not so popular.

18 Pickles - also an important part of Middle Eastern cuisine, buy them in bulk, home.

19 And what about the haredi and religious Jews? After all that has been shown before that of food - non-kosher! Not at all, hummus and falafel can be very kosher. If you know the person who prepared it. More precisely - of what specific ingredients to what dishes you filed it, it's all important. Kashrut is not only religious rules, but also an ancient manual on nutrition and health standards

20 So fries can also be kosher. And generally, in Israel there is kosher McDonalds, no kidding! But unfortunately, I'm so in any not visited.They are literally a few pieces to the whole country.

21 Ship oranges trunk.

22 If we talk about some exotic, it is, of course, camel meat. So exotic that camel can only buy in one city, in Hebron, and every day they score only one camel. It's not Jewish and Arabic food, but mainly Bedouin.

23 evening of Middle Easterners eat sweets. This is also a tradition. Especially popular cakes of cheese and topped with burnt sugar.Tasty, but not much to eat.

24 If you talk about the price, the same things can be quite different. For example, Israel is three times more expensive than Moscow, and Palestine - two times cheaper than in Israel. If the Old City of Jerusalem is one shaverma in pita bread costs 500 rubles, in Palestine can be ordered hummus with additives and drinks for five people for the same money.








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Quote Wanieesyah 12-4-2014 07:27 PM
Kenapa bahasa tonggang-langgang..x faham.
Quote sambaldurian 12-4-2014 11:27 PM
teringin nk mkn hummus tu, mcm kacang pool pun ade gak..btw OT kagum ngan bdk tu dok jual falafel, aku dulu bdk2 main game je taw
Quote munchkin 13-4-2014 04:42 AM
Sedap nya....
Quote nour2001 13-4-2014 05:47 AM
Hommus akk tak boleh hadam sgt tapi baba ghanoush ( minced grilled eggplant, tahini paste,salt n olive oil) teringat je dah meleleh air liur...makan dgn pita bread tu je..yimmm...
Quote Artemesiaa 13-4-2014 01:32 PM
Kat Malaysia pun dah banyak makanan sebegini tak yah gi jauh2
Quote fealefea 13-4-2014 03:34 PM
kat mesia sume ade. lalu x lalu jek. mknan mmg arab habis. puak ini kan puak yang bijak katenyer. x mkn fast food ka
Quote HannahMontana 13-4-2014 05:48 PM
nour2001 posted on 13-4-2014 05:47 AM
Hommus akk tak boleh hadam sgt tapi baba ghanoush ( minced grilled eggplant, tahini paste,salt n oli ...

kentut  susah nak berhenti ,sambung-menyambung

mmc kilat sabung-menyabung
Quote anees~nuhara 14-4-2014 10:21 AM
ala.....xnmpk pic
Quote Dark_Vampire 14-4-2014 10:30 AM
besar2 strawberry dier
Quote ais_kosong 14-4-2014 12:29 PM
macam xsedap ja..
Quote shamsadis 14-4-2014 01:03 PM
sambaldurian posted on 12-4-2014 11:27 PM
teringin nk mkn hummus tu, mcm kacang pool pun ade gak..btw OT kagum ngan bdk tu dok jual falafel, a ...

ko kisar je la kacang kuda tue jadi
Quote kentel 14-4-2014 02:38 PM
Wanieesyah posted on 12-4-2014 07:27 PM
Kenapa bahasa tonggang-langgang..x faham.

macam bahasa masuk google translate..hahahah
Quote cikatilia 14-4-2014 02:43 PM
semua pon nampak sedap
mayb sbb aku posa kot
Quote lylea 14-4-2014 02:50 PM
kentel posted on 14-4-2014 02:38 PM
macam bahasa masuk google translate..hahahah

sama arrr payah aku nk hadam bahasa dia
Quote sambaldurian 14-4-2014 09:02 PM
shamsadis posted on 14-4-2014 01:03 PM
ko kisar je la kacang kuda tue jadi

Nk merebus pun malas apatah lg nk mengisar. Taw nk masuk mulut je.

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