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[Dunia] musim gempa bumi: equador kena gegar 7.8, at least 77 innalillah

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Post time 17-4-2016 03:47 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Powerful earthquake kills 77 in Ecuador
A powerful earthquake killed at least 77 people, injured hundreds more, ravaged coastal towns and sent residents fleeing for higher ground in Ecuador on Saturday night.

The 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck off Ecuador's Pacific coast and was felt hundreds of miles (km) away in the capital of Quito as well as in the large commercial city of Guayaquil, where rubble lay strewn in the streets and some buildings were cracked or partially collapsed.

A bridge in the city collapsed on top of car, crushing it.

The earthquake was Ecuador's worst in decades and officials said the death toll was likely to rise even higher as rescue teams headed into the hardest-hit areas.

"It was terrifying, we were all scared and we're still out in the streets because we're worried about aftershocks," said Guayaquil security guard Fernando Garcia. "Everything is damaged."

A state of emergency was declared in six provinces.

The areas worst affected include Pedernales, which draws tourists with beaches lined with palm-trees and tropical thatch-hut restaurants, as well as nearby Cojimies.

"There are villages that are totally devastated," Pedernales' mayor, Gabriel Alcivar, said in a radio interview. "What happened here in Pedernales is catastrophic."

Ramon Solorzano, 46, a car parts merchant in the city of Manta, said he was getting ready to leave the city with his family.

"Most people are out in the streets with backpacks on, heading for higher ground," he said, speaking in a trembling voice via a WhatsApp phone call. "The streets are cracked. The power is out and phones are down."

The quake struck at a depth of 20 km (12.4 miles), and was followed by 55 aftershocks.
President Rafael Correa declared a national emergency and cut short a trip to the Vatican to coordinate the rescue efforts.

"Everything can be rebuilt, but lost lives cannot be recovered, and that's what hurts the most," he told Ecuador's state television channel from Rome. "The material part is the least important, what is fundamental is guaranteeing human life."

Parts of the capital were without power or telephone service for several hours, though the city government said that services were quickly restored and that there were no reports of casualties in the city.

The government described it as the worst quake in the country since 1979, when 600 people were killed and 20,000 injured, according to the United States Geological Survey.

A tsunami warning was lifted on Saturday night but coastal residents were encouraged to seek higher ground in case tides rise.

The OPEC nation's oil production was not affected by the quake but that the principal refinery of Esmeraldas, located near the epicenter, had been halted as a precaution.

Across the Pacific in Japan, a 7.3 magnitude tremor struck Kumamoto province early Saturday, killing at least 32 people, injuring about a thousand and causing widespread damage, in

the second major quake to hit the island of Kyushu in just over 24 hours. The first, late on Thursday, killed nine.

(Additional reporting by Alexandra Valencia in Quito; Writing by Brian Ellsworth; Editing by Kieran Murray)

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 Author| Post time 17-4-2016 03:48 PM | Show all posts
akak nak tanya lingkaran gempa bumi ini berkaitan antara satu sama lain ke sister??
since last week akak perasan dok gempa sana sini almost every day..

yg akak mula perasan gempa di india/afghanistan, lepas tu myanmar, jepun dua kali,, equador pula..ini konsep gempa2 yg kuat la sis... takat suam2 kuku tak kira kekdahnya

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Post time 17-4-2016 04:01 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-4-2016 04:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ala2 ada pertandingan dlm 2.3 hri ni...tertinggi equador 7.8..tercorot msia (ranau) 3.1 rs..

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Post time 17-4-2016 05:03 PM | Show all posts
aah banyak gegaran dalam lingkaran gunung berapi eh.

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Post time 17-4-2016 05:18 PM | Show all posts
gempa berlaku setiap hari .. some undetectable ...
yang major jer yang akan dirasai dan meneyebabkan kemusnahan dan kematian

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Post time 17-4-2016 05:29 PM | Show all posts
Takziah buat mereka ramai jadi mangsa berbanding di Jepun.  Rasanya tiap tahun bila dlm process peralihan musim mesti ada je terjadinya benca alam.  Tak ribut, gempa, tak pun banjir.  

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Post time 17-4-2016 06:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Changa replied at 17-4-2016 03:48 PM
akak nak tanya lingkaran gempa bumi ini berkaitan antara satu sama lain ke sister??
since last week ...

agaknya la kaka..
gempa jadik sebab plat bumi bergerak kan..
iols imejin macam dominola..satu bergerak yg seterusnya pun jadik tak stabil...

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Post time 17-4-2016 06:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dalam beberapa hari ini kok bumi gempa terus ya? Apapun moga keadaan kembali pulih semula

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Post time 17-4-2016 06:11 PM | Show all posts
Changa replied at 17-4-2016 03:48 PM
akak nak tanya lingkaran gempa bumi ini berkaitan antara satu sama lain ke sister??
since last week ...

google "lingkaran api pasifik" atau "ring of fire"
ko masa sokolah dulu2 tak belaja geografi ke senah?

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Post time 17-4-2016 06:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baru balik dari jepun bulan lepas alhamdulillah...selamat..

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Post time 17-4-2016 06:48 PM | Show all posts
Changa replied at 17-4-2016 03:48 PM
akak nak tanya lingkaran gempa bumi ini berkaitan antara satu sama lain ke sister??
since last week ...

bala.......ini bala  hadiah dari Tuhan

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Post time 17-4-2016 07:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Takziah semua mangsa2. Moga aman2 selalu di sana

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Post time 17-4-2016 07:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xdpt nak bygkan   perasaan  diorg  ms gempa  tu....

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Post time 17-4-2016 08:15 PM | Show all posts
matamata replied at 17-4-2016 06:11 PM
google "lingkaran api pasifik" atau "ring of fire"
ko masa sokolah dulu2 tak belaja geografi ke s ...

Cer tanya soklan ni kat dia.
Gempa di Sabah tempohari adalah disebabkan oleh aktiviti lingkaran api pasifik.
Betul atau salah?


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Post time 17-4-2016 08:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 17-4-2016 08:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bayangkanlah tiba2 negara kita bergegar2 and we are not prepared for eqrthquake. Nauzubillah for sure panic sana sini.

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Post time 17-4-2016 08:27 PM | Show all posts
Tadi baca mmg tgh aktif sekarang ni, gunung berapi pun berpuluh yg tgh meletus. Mereka meramalkan akan ada gegaran yg lebih kuat.. Sorry tak leh paste link..

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Post time 17-4-2016 08:28 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-4-2016 08:32 PM | Show all posts
sekrg bnyk pulak kes gempa bumi start bulan 5 keatas sibuk dgn tornado, banjir kat amerika.. huhuhu

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