Baby's Head Detached in Botched N. Sumatra Delivery
Medan. Police in North Sumatra's Asahan district have launched an investigation against a self-declared midwife after a baby died with its head reportedly coming off during the delivery process on Sunday.
Farida Hanum, 33, was giving birth to her third baby, with the assistance of a woman named Dumaria Siahaan in Aek Tarum village on Sunday night. The baby however had a serious abnormality on the spinal cord, which apparently resulted in the head coming off during the delivery process, while the rest of the body was still inside Farida's womb.
The mother was later rushed to the nearby Abdul Manan Simatupang Public Hospital to undergo surgery to remove the baby's body.
“We have questioned four people in Farida Hanum's case,” the Asahan Police chief, Adj. Sr. Comr. Tata Dirsa Atmaja, said on Tuesday, including the midwife and Farida's husband, Bagus.
Police said Dumaria does not have a license to perform deliveries despite advertising herself as a registered midwife.
Adj. Sr. Comr. Anderson J. Siringoringo, the Asahan Police criminal investigation chief, told Tribunnews news portal said that Dumaria only has a diploma from a nursing school and was not trained in midwifery.
Dumaria reportedly said that she was merely trying to help Farida, whom she said had personally asked her to perform the delivery. She added that she did not realize that the baby had an abnormal spinal cord.
Ini Penjelasan Perawat Tentang Kepala Bayi Farida Hanum yang Putus
Baby's HePerawat DS (25) mengatakan, berat badan bayi yang dikandung Farida Hanum besar atau berat badanya di atas normal sehingga sulit keluar saat proses persalinan normal berlangsung.
"Saya [color=rgb(1, 111, 186) !important]perawat bukan [color=rgb(1, 111, 186) !important] bidan, keluarga pasien yang meminta untuk tolong persalinan. Tapi, saat proses persalinan berlangsung baru diketahui berat badan bayi besar, prosesnya agak sulit, saya enggak tahu tiba-tiba kepalanya putus," ujarnya di Polres Asahan kepada wartawan yang meliput, Selasa (12/1/2016). Dia menuturkan, sebelum proses persalinan berlangsung tidak diketahui berat badan bayi yang kandung Farida Hanum besar, di atas normal. Karena itu, pada proses persalinan kepalanya tertarik. "Saat persalinan saya dibantu dukun melahirkan, dan Boimen (suami Farida Hanum)," katanya. Ia menambahkan, sejak 2010 sudah membantu proses persalinan normal warga Kecamatan Bandar Pulau, Asahan. Namun, dia tidak tahu kronologis putusnya kepala bayi itu.
Tapi dalam proses persalinan kepala bayi putus, dan badan bayi masih tertinggal dirahim. Berdasarkan informasi yang santer berkembang di Polres Asahan, usai melihat kepala bayi putus, [color=rgb(1, 111, 186) !important]bidan DS meletakkan kepala bayi di kamar. Setelah itu, dia melarikan Farida Hanum ke Rumah Sakit Umum (RSU) Abdul Manan Simatupang.(tio/
ad Detached in Botched N. Sumatra Delivery
Baby's Head Detached in Botched N. Sumatra Delivery