The airport facilities themselves raised a ton of questions regarding the true purpose of the mega-structure. Numerous “creative” theories are floating around the DIA regarding underground military bases, aliens and/or reptilian creatures. While I’m aware that anything is possible, we will stick to the documented facts.
The airport was built in 1995 on 34,000 acres. Its construction forced the Stapleton International airport to shut down, although it used more gates and runways than the DIA. The initial cost of construction was 1.7 billion $ but the final project elevated the bill to 4.8 billion: 3.1 BILLION $ over budget. Numerous irregularities have been reported regarding the construction of the site:
Different contractors have been hired for different parts of the airport. They’ve all been fired after their job was done. This lead observers to believe that it was a strategy to make sure nobody had the full scope of the project.
110 million cubic yards of earth have been moved, way more than usually required. This arose suspicion of construction taking place underground.
5300 miles of fiber optics were installed for communications (USA coast to coast is 3000 miles in comparison).
Fueling system that can pump 1000 gallons of jet fuel per minute. This amount is totally absurd for a commercial airport.
Granite imported from all over the world even if the project was already grossly over budget.
Construction of a huge tunnel system (trucks can circulate in them) and underground trains. Most of those aren’t used at the moment.
Analysis of the data available makes me reach at least one conclusion: this gigantic structure will eventually become much more than a regular commercial airport. It has the capacity to handle a huge amount of people and vehicles, leading observers to think that the structure might be used as military base and others even add that it will be used as a civilian concentration camp in the near future. I will not advance on this subject because I do not have proof of those claims. I however would understand why such plans would be top secret. Let’s look at the soothing, traveler-friendly art on display at the DIA.
1. Horse of the Apocalypse
So this is what welcomes you when you enter the gates of hell…sorry, I meant the gates of the airport. A 32 foot high fiberglass stallion with veins popping out of its whole body and demonic eyes that glow red. Nice. I heard the children love it. Interesting fact: the horse killed his creator, Luis Jimenez, while he was working on it. A portion of the sculpture came loose and smashed him, causing fatal injuries. His friends now say that the horse is cursed.
What does it represent? The 1st thing that came to mind when I saw this horrendous piece (for an aiport anyways) is: the Pale horse of the Apocalypse. It is the fourth horse in the book of Revelation in the Bible and is appropriately called “Death”. “And I looked, and behold a pale horse;
and his name that sat on him was
Death, and Hell followed with him. And
power was given unto them over the
fourth part of the earth, to kill with
sword, and with hunger, and with
death, and with the beasts of the earth”.
-Revelation 6:7-8
In other words, the horse “Death” brought killing with weapons, with hunger, and with disease. That’s pretty extreme a family airport, right? Doesn’t seem like that horse should be there. You will soon realize that it fits perfectly with the rest of the DIA. By the way, this is one scary horse anus!
2. Masonic Capstone
The stone is situated in the “Great Hall” of the airport (term that is also used by masons to refer to their meeting hall). There’s Freemason symbols on the stone and on the “keypad” which seems to be written in braille.
Notice on the capstone the mention “New World Airport Commission”. This particular commission does not exist, so it most likely refers to the New World Order. There is also a time capsule buried under the stone to be opened in 2094. The angled arm is very enigmatic seems to have a purpose other than being decorative. Any insights on this?
3. Prophetic murals
Divided into four walls, the murals painted by Leo Tanguma are supposed to represent peace, harmony and nature. But I’m not getting these messages at all. When you analyze the symbolism of the murals, you realize that they tell a terrifying story of future events about to happen, as if it was some sort of prophecy. There are specific social and political references and other occult details that basically turn those paintings into a New World Order manifesto. Tanguma reportedly confirmed that he was given guidelines for the paintings and was paid 100 000$ for the first ones. He later denied he was given instructions and refuted any questions regarding hidden meanings in his paintings. Previous Leo Tanguma murals were typical Chicano art, politically charged and community oriented. However, his work at the DIA sends a totally different “vibe”, giving me the gut feeling that he simply drew someone else’s vision
So the airport’s official website says that the name of the mural is called “Peace and Harmony with Nature”. Really? At the center of the piece, saddened children with extinct animal and plant species. In the background, a forest on fire and further back, a city on fire.
An interesting fact about that city is that it has been retouched and painted over many times during the years, as if it represents something important for the creators. It seems surrounded by an ill colored haze, as if it was attacked by a bio-chemical weapon.
Children of all colors, dressed in folkloric costumes give weapons wrapped in their country’s national flag to a… German boy? Huh? Yes the Bavarian costume leaves no doubt. The boy at the center of the image, holding the hammer and apparently building something is German. Even the American kid (dressed as a boyscout) seems eager to give his weapons and flag to the German boy. You’re in the largest airport of America, in the middle of the USA, and this is the mural we display. America joyfully submitting to Germany. It’s just too odd to compute. This obviously represents countries of the world giving up their military might and their national identity for “the common good”. Another reference to a New World order, with one government and one army. But why is the German boy at the center of everything? There are so many allusions to Germany and Nazism in this airport, there is NO WAY it can be a coincidence. I can’t help but to think of”Operation Paperclip“, which brought prominent Nazi scientists and researchers to the USA after WWII. Laying at the bottom of the mural is a broken figure holding a riffle (representing war) with two doves sitting on top of it (representing peace). Heartwarming. Now follow the movement the of the rainbow that starts underneath that statue, going around the children and leading you to part II of the mural (which has recently painted over)
All of the extinct species of the 1st mural are all back in action and you even see a little dove appearing in the plant. How nice. They feel so much better now that there’s much less people on earth now. The animals are happy too and they thank you for dying. People can now use high levels of scientific knowledge to live in a state of synthesized happiness provided by genetically modified plants. Good for them. The whales are jumping in the air, high-fiving humans. If you look closely at the baby tigers, they have faces of human children. Its it quite bizarre. This whole piece reeks of genetic modification and magick.
To sum up, those murals clearly depicted admitted goals you can read in documents calling for a New World Order:
Massive depopulation of the earth
Death of Judeo-Christian beliefs
One World government
Restoration of nature
If you’ve read my piece about the Georgia Guidestones, you might notice that the themes are strikingly similar. Coincidence? The Georgia Guidestones also feature a capstone with a time capsule buried under it. There is no “conspiracy theory” here, those are facts. Everything is written in stone for you to see. The elites own this place and they build monuments to celebrate their culture. Their “divine knowledge” is however inaccessible to you unless you’re a high ranking member. There is so much to interpret in those murals that I’m convinced I’ve missed a lot of details (colors, shapes, movement, symbols).
The Floor
These photos are of a strange set of symbols that run in the floor from the south end of The Great Hall on Level 5 and progress to the north end of The Great Hall. Note the black disk which is occulting the sun. There is no mistaking the architecture in the floor as depicting the sun, and the black disk is beginning to eclipse it. When we arrive at the north end of The Great Hall, there is a statue of Jeppesen which is covering the sun. Is it a reference to the black sun, as revered by the Nazis?
For the first time a whistle-blower from within the DIA complex confirms the existence of a massive deep underground military facility located beneath the airportBy Shepard Ambellas
DENVER (INTELLIHUB) — The Denver International Airport (DIA) is nestled on a vast 53 square mile complex and is owned and operated by the City of Denver. In fact it’s the largest airport in the United States in terms of land mass garnered and the second largest airport in the world to Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd International Airport as I pointed out in my appearance on the Travel Channel series America Declassified.
The airport serves over 50 million passengers a year and is now incorporating a massive new project called “Airport City”, an aerotropolis, which has been presented publicly by the Mayor of Denver, Michael Hancock, who respectively declined an interview with Intellihub. However, interestingly, the new aerotropolis will incorporate an expansive business district with new lodging as well as an agricultural and technical district within the confines of the airport property to attract more revenue to Denver’s growing economy. Between the planned aerotropolis and Colorado’s booming marijuana industry, DIA just might be the next biggest thing since sliced bread. Advertisement
The concept is innovative, a first for an airport in America, and is likely to become the envy of other airports around the world. According to Airport City Denver’s official website: In 2010, DIA and the City and County of Denver took a major step in DIA’s evolution to fulfill its gateway role by inviting firms from around the world to submit proposals to assist DIA in planning, assessing and creating an Airport City at DIA as the core of and competitive accelerator for the emerging Denver aerotropolis. Later that year, DIA selected MXD Development Strategists (MXD) and its collaborative team including Design Workshop, CH2M Hill, Dr. John Kasarda, Integrity Parking, Transcore and Ambient Energy to prepare the Denver International Airport City Development Strategy.
But local residents and others have been questioning the new construction in and around the airport property as several red flags have been raised. Since the first construction phases of the airport started in the early 1990’s there have been several indicators that something else may be taking place on or under the grounds of the 53 square mile complex. The FacilitySome speculate that a deep underground military facility that is part of the Continuity of Government (COG) program exists on the site. A massive underground city to be used by our government in the event that Washington or our Central Government’s command hub is compromised. According to some investigative reports, including one headed up by the former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura, the underground city that lies beneath the airport quite possibly connects to other deep underground military installations throughout the country. Additionally a source of mine within the airport confirmed for the first time astonishing information regarding the underground facility, providing details unknown to airport staff and the general public until now. Advertisement
The following are details regarding a deep underground military installation located on the grounds of the DIA as provided by my source:
Level 1 of the airport is inset into the ground to protect from vibrations coming from underneath. The baseboard characteristics lead on to this by way of their technical design. The employees have been told the reason for this is to protect from vibrations from the public train that leads back and forth to all concourses, A, B, and C.
The airport’s gate and door numbers correspond to emergency action and response plans that indicate specific details to “people in the know”.
The design of the airport is built to throw people off as levels are labeled differently on each in some cases and grading changes make it difficult to pinpoint your actual elevation. This was a security feature added by the designers.
Due to alleged lawsuits or potentially staged events the United Airlines section ,which lies within one of one of the basement levels at DIA, is said to have an infectious mold/fungal outbreak that prompted officials to quarantine off areas of the underground making them inaccessible to the airport personnel. The quarantined section of the underground was confirmed by the source to be located in Concourse B’s East side lower levels.
The landfill located off of Tower Rd. two miles west of the Jeppesen Terminal was added onto in the early 2000’s despite the airports appeal to the District Court against the landfill in 2002 which claimed that it was an FAA safety hazard. The landfill has a functioning element to it but is “mocked-up” to look like a landfill hidden in plain sight. There isn’t much garbage in the landfill and is otherwise spotless.
There is a militarized ‘intermediary entrance’ located in the United Airlines section of the underground. The actual door number was reveled by my source with great hesitation. The cosponsoring door number is “BE64B” which has been unknown to the general public until now.
A swift door will also allow access to the intermediary entrance of the facility if you have the proper “speed-pass” clearance on a Department of Defense (DOD) level. This door was also a secret to the general public until now. The actual door number is “T-47 M” located on the level 4 exterior.
The dirt in parts of the train tunnels looks to be unnatural and “if anyone steps on it they know”, said my source.
Gates can “lock-down” certain sections of the airport in the event of an emergency.
A nearly 3 mile long tunnel heads out from the intermediary entrance “BE64B” to a full-blown Department of Defense (DOD) sanctioned militarized entrance nestled in a set of 5 buildings 120′ beneath the surface located Northeast of the Jeppesen Terminal.
All VIP activity typically originates under the Northwest section of “Concourse C”
Department of Defense Ties To Domestic Airline CarriersNew information uncovered by Intellihub investigators concludes that yes indeed the DOD has ties to at least one commercial airline carrier that operates out of the Denver International Airport.
Documents requested by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the Investigative Report Workshop in 2004 reveal that “United Airlines, Inc” is involved in a DOD “Air Transportation Program” likely connected to COG. This contract would allow United Airlines to fly VIPs, sitting Senators, Congressmen, and top-level officials to-and-fro the main COG hub located on DIA grounds.
According to the Investigative Report Workshop, “The Department of Defense audits commercial air carriers it contracts with to fly DOD employees. The Workshop and PBS FRONTLINE sent a FOIA request to learn about United Airline’s maintenance procedures. Last year, we had sent the same request for another company and the audits proved to be very informative. This time, however, we received about 94 mostly blank pages.” The Dirt Came From SomewhereAccording to my source from inside a massive pile of dirt was added to an existing landfill in the area despite the FAA’s request that it was dangerous to travelers and could pose a radar issue causing a potential disaster. This addition to that landfill was pressed hard and was supposed to take place over a 40-60 year period, but instead took place over the course of about 4 years. The pile of dirt, which is masked as a landfill in-plain-sight, now exceeds 300′ in altitude.
An excerpt from the FAA appeal reads: In the Hazard Determination and Affirmation, the FAA found that the Tower Road landfill at its proposed height “would be in the radar line of sight and vehicles [i.e., dump trucks and graders] operating at the landfill may cause radar reflection and consequently create false targets.” JA 7. The Determination and Affirmation themselves provide no evidentiary basis for the “false target” finding. Indeed, we can find at most only two pages in a 462-page record to support it. The FAA’s aeronautical study reports that Airways Facility radar technicians have “identified the potential for false targets. At the current elevation of 5,423′ AMSL [above mean sea level], the landfill is below the radar line-of-sight. At the new height of 5,542′ AMSL, the large dump trucks, graders, and other heavy equipment create the potential for reflecting the radar and causing false targets…. The impact in this circumstance would be an erroneous position indication for the aircraft.” ConclusionThe Denver Airport (Location) is part of a Continuity of Government Program and does indeed house an underground facility.