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The secret government bunker hidden under a luxury hotel stocked with 30 years of supplies to keep America’s most influential alive in a nuclear fallout
tengok tajuk pon dah tahu, memang ada dan wujud ,dah siap lama dah....kesian dekat org miskin, tak hiduplah kamu...
dan orang kaya, boleh bersedap sedapan, manataw esok bom lintas atas kepala, puak puak ni maseh boleh memancut air kepala takuk sepuasnya...
[size=1.2em]It is the 'Day After' nuclear war with the Soviet Union and the government of the United States convenes to try and steer the nation through the apocalyptic aftermath - but this is not Washington D.C.[size=1.2em]
[size=1.2em]Instead Congress are meeting in a secret bunker built under the luxurious Greenbrier Hotel in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, protected by 3-foot-thick concrete walls and an air-intake system designed to filter out dangerous radioactive fall-out.
[size=1.2em]Secretly constructed under the luxurious hotel five hours away from the capital by order of President Eisenhower from 1958 to 1962, the bunker was codenamed 'Project Greek Island' and was built as scions of America's political classes such as the Kennedy's and even the Duke and Duchess of Windsor vacationed above. [size=1.2em]
[size=1.2em]Finally complete in 1962, the bunker was the size of a Walmart store and boasted rations for 30 years and 1,100 beds, assigned individually to a serving member of the United States government.
[size=1.2em]Built under the guise of completing a new west wing to the famous retreat, the 112,000-square-foot bunker, deep under the posh Greenbrier resort boasted an 'Exhibit Hall' 89 feet (27 m) by 186 feet (57 m) beneath a ceiling nearly 20 feet (6.1 m) high and supported by 18 support columns.
[size=1.2em]ither side of this room were two smaller halls - one seating about 470 people, which was big enough to host the 435-member House of Representatives, while the smaller hall had a seating capacity of about 130, suitable as a temporary Senate chamber.
[size=1.2em]The Exhibit Hall was designed to be used for joint sessions of Congress.

[size=1.2em]At the time, the cost of the whole secretive venture was $14 million.
[size=1.2em]In addition to the huge bunker that had a a broadcast center, a dormitory to sleep 1,000 people, a kitchen and hospital stocked up with 30 years of supplies, there was also a huge 7,000-foot landing strip.
[size=1.2em]This was designed to be able to fly the government as quickly as possible from Washington D.C. to West Virginia in the event of a Soviet Attack.
[size=1.2em]The bunker, which had 18- to 25-ton blast doors, was built at the direction of President Eisenhower and according to Fox News was completed in 1962, when the United States and the former Soviet Union were bracing for nuclear war.

[size=1.2em]For 30 years, though, staff working undercover as television repairmen kept the bunker constantly ready to support 1,100 people, with everything from food to books, magazines and board games.
[size=1.2em]But the rows of narrow steel bunk beds were set up for efficiency, not comfort.
[size=1.2em]'This was not built to preserve individuals,' said Linda Walls of the Greenbrier Hotel to [size=1.2em]NPR.
[size=1.2em]'This was built to preserve a democratic system of government.'
[size=1.2em]Some 70 Greenbrier employees worked there on a need-to-know basis. Signs, several of which are now on display, blared such warnings as, 'Share a Ride, Not Your Secrets' and 'Keep It Under Your Hat ... The Enemy Has Ears.'
[size=1.2em]There were working radio broadcast booths and a TV studio with two backdrops, the U.S. Capitol framed by fall leaves and the White House rimmed in spring flowers.[/siz |
bertabahlah kita yg miskin ni... org kaya pon dh byk nk miskin jgak  |
a kitchen and hospital stocked up with 30 years of supplies
tudia... 30 taoun bapak banyak |
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