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Perang US dan China - "Rod of God"

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Post time 30-8-2015 01:15 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
BOMBSHELL: China and America already at war: Tianjin explosion carried out by Pentagon space weapon in retaliation for Yuan currency devaluation... Military helicopters now patrolling Beijing
Monday, August 17, 2015
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Tags: Tianjin explosion, space-based weapons, military retaliation

(NaturalNews) EXCLUSIVE: Mainland Chinese dissidents have handed Natural News the following bombshell story. (Two minor updates / corrections are now included in this story, see below.)

The Tianjin explosion was waged as an act of "kinetic retaliation" by the Pentagon in response to China's currency war Yuan devaluation, according to dissident sources from mainland China. The Chinese government has put in place unprecedented secrecy surrounding the mysterious explosion, and aggressive police state tactics are now being invoked to control the flow of information surrounding this event.

"Last week's explosions sent massive fireballs into the sky and hurled burning debris across the industrial area at the world's 10th-largest port, burning out buildings and shattering windows kilometres away," reports the Daily Mail UK.

The Chinese government's official explanation for the explosion, which has now killed 114 people, is a complete whitewash. China is going to declare regional martial law in the next 18 days, Natural News has learned, in order to exercise total control over the movement of people and information. The government has banned reporters from entering the area and has begun arresting bloggers who promote what the government calls "conspiracy theories" regarding the cause of the massive explosion.

China has blacked out reporting on Tianjin in exactly the same way the U.S. media blacked out reporting on Dr. William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower who admitted the CDC buried evidence linking vaccines to autism. In both China and the United States, when the government doesn't want the citizens to know something, it censors the story across the entire state-run media, invoking "information totalitarianism."

Both before and after the massive explosion, the Chinese government has been flying "black helicopters" in formation across Beijing. (Update: Previously, this article stated the helicopters began flying after the explosion, but we have been corrected on this point, as helicopters were witnessed in the sky in the days before the explosion as well.) Chinese dissidents took numerous photos of these helicopters and were able to deliver these exclusive pictures to Natural News:

A warning shot from the United States: Don't crash the dollar or sell our debt

Chinese dissidents have told Natural News they have reason to believe the attack on Tianjin is a warning shot from the United States, which is terrified that China is on the verge of announcing its own gold-backed currency while declaring a fire sale on U.S. debt holdings.

The actions would collapse the U.S. dollar and destroy the U.S. economy, sending the United States into economic freefall. The "Rod of God" weapon deployment by the U.S. Pentagon, we're told, was America's "shot across the bow" to send a powerful warning message to China while disguising the attack as a domestic chemical explosion.

Timeline of events: China devalues currency, then Pentagon strikes in mere hours

Consider the calendar of events in all this:

August 11, 2015: China devalues the Yuan by 1.9%, sending "shockwaves" around the world and setting off a "devastating" impact to the U.S. economy.

August 12, 2015: Tianjin struck by Pentagon's secret "Rod of God" weapon, a space-based top-secret kinetic weapon that can be dropped from high orbit to strike almost any land-based target. The weapon instantly destroys six city blocks on the edge of the city of Tianjin, sending a message to China that's eerily similar to the message sent by the United States in the dropping of the world's first atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II. (Yes, the USA is willing to drop weapons of mass destruction on civilian populations. It has already done it twice!)

(For those following the Shemitah, the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan also occurred during a Shemitah year, in the month of august, 1945, exactly 70 years ago. This is precisely TEN Shemitah cycles ago, or what might be called a "deca-Shemitah.")

August 16, 2015: Obama issues stern warning "...about the presence of Chinese government agents operating secretly in the United States," reports The New York Times. "And it comes at a time of growing tension between Washington and Beijing on a number of issues: from the computer theft of millions of government personnel files that American officials suspect was directed by China, to China's crackdown on civil liberties, to the devaluation of its currency."

The Pentagon's secret space-based weapons

The "Rod of God" weapon consists primarily of a kinetic weapon arriving with unimaginable kinetic energy... more than a small tactical nuclear weapon, in fact, giving it the appearance of a tactical nuke.

U.S. websites are now speculating that the Tianjin explosion was a U.S. space-based weapons test involving a "Rod of God" weapon dropped from orbit. "The [resulting] lake [crater] in China proves a 5 kiloton blast, possibly nuclear or possibly from a space based 'rod from God' (pictured to the left) weapon [was] deployed by the space plane," says The Unhived Mind.

"After looking through the images of the soviet nuclear tests, the new lake in China appears to have been made by a slightly sub surface burst of at least a 5 kiloton nuclear bomb... This was NOT an accident and the fracture pattern around the crater proves a sub ground burst. If it was a sub ground burst, then a small nuclear weapon is the biggest possibility because once a nuke has to push dirt, the blinding flash will not happen. A slightly subsurface detonation would explain why camera sensors did not get strange artifacts. And if it was not a nuke, it was something else incredibly huge, but not a fuel air bomb because fuel air bombs will not leave craters."

Space-based kinetic weapons "dropped" onto targets are explained by Popular Science in this article from 2004:

When instructed from the ground, the targeting satellite commands its partner to drop one of its darts. The guided rods enter the atmosphere, protected by a thermal coating, traveling at 36,000 feet per second--comparable to the speed of a meteor. The result: complete devastation of the target, even if it's buried deep underground.

"When required these projectiles can be commanded to dive, singly or en masse, at targets on the Earth's surface, smashing into the victim at orbital speed. As the projectile's kinetic energy is released, the blast would be equivalent to a large conventional bomb," explains

China to declare martial law as total control of information and people kicks into high gear

Martial law will be declared across Beijing in the coming days, dissidents have told Natural News. Meanwhile, the Chinese government -- which runs a massive state-controlled firewall that snoops into all internet traffic and blocks VPN access -- has added "Tianjin" as a red flag keyword to its internet traffic filtering.

Local police raids have already begun at the locations of bloggers and independent journalists who have attempted to report true stories on what really happened at Tianjin. The Chinese government is engaged in a total cover-up.

Natural News has learned that the Chinese government is now setting up roadside checkpoints near and around both Tianjin and Beijing. Additional security measures now in place to control the movement of people include:

• All hotels are reporting details of visitors to the government, including passport numbers, nationalities, names and phone calls made from the rooms.

• Tourists who don't stay in hotels are now required to register with local police or risk arrest. The Chinese government has mandated that it must know the location of every person at all times.

• Red armbands are now being worn by workers to indicate they are serving as Stasi-like obedient police snitches. The red armbands indicate total obedience to the government, and the workers wearing them have all been trained in how to spot dissident behavior. It's China's version of "If you see something, say something" just as was pushed in the United States.

• In preparation for China's Sep. 3 celebration for the defeat of Japanese occupation -- it's the 70th anniversary -- China has banned Japanese writing in most of its large cities. Government propaganda runs 24/7, condemning the Japanese and the horrifying war crimes committed by Japanese soldiers against China. (It's true, the Japanese committed unimaginable atrocities such as mass-raping women and then chopping them into pieces with machetes to destroy the "evidence.")

• Helicopter patrols are now routinely witnessed across Beijing and Tianjin, where military choppers are flying in formation as a show of strength.

• Massive populations of laborers are now living in underground dwellings, underneath the clean, high-tech buildings of Beijing that seem like world-class architectural achievements. (Update: Previously, this story stated "underground cities" but we have been corrected on this point and have updated the description to "underground dwellings." Essentially, they are below-ground mass housing basements.)

If this war escalates, it could unleash a global currency war of attrition

If this covert war between China and the United States continues to escalate, it would ultimately devastate the economies of both nations. Both China and the USA are currently experiencing shockwaves in their stock markets as bubble economies built on debt begin to unravel.

In these times of shaky financial foundations, it doesn't take much to topple public faith and unleash a mass exodus away from currencies and markets. It's also clear that the United States considers currency games to be acts of war while justifying "kinetic responses" to such events.

This is all fully aligned with the government policies set in motion by President Obama in 2011. "Washington will to [sic] consider using conventional weaponry in response to a cyber-attack on the United States, according a new US strategy," reported The Telegraph:

The White House's strategy statement on cybersecurity said the United States "will respond to hostile acts in cyberspace as we would to any other threat to our country".

"We reserve the right to use all necessary means – diplomatic, informational, military, and economic – as appropriate and consistent with applicable international law, in order to defend our nation, our allies, our partners and our interests," the May 16 document said.

Pentagon spokesman Colonel Dave Lapan confirmed that the White House policy did not rule out a military response to a cyber-attack.

Even further, Henry Kissinger had the following to say about U.S. China relations, as quoted from his website, in an article entitled The Future of U.S. - Chinese Relations; Conflict Is a Choice, Not a Necessity:

Just as Chinese influence in surrounding countries may spur fears of dominance, so efforts to pursue traditional American national interests can be perceived as a form of military encirclement. Both sides must understand the nuances by which apparently traditional and apparently reasonable courses can evoke the deepest worries of the other. They should seek together to define the sphere in which their peaceful competition is circumscribed. If that is managed wisely, both military confrontation and domination can be avoided; if not, escalating tension is inevitable.

If the United States defines currency war attacks as "cyber attacks," then we may have just witnessed the first application of that new war doctrine, where electronic "attacks" are met with kinetic responses from the Pentagon.

Let us all hope this doesn't escalate even further, or America will likely find itself on the losing side of any war involving economics, currencies or cyber warfare. ... ry_retaliation.html

BURN....! BURN....! BURN....! BURN....! BURN....!


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 Author| Post time 30-8-2015 01:16 AM | Show all posts
AUGUST 18, 2015

A bizarre conspiracy theory touted as a “bombshell” is currently being circulated in the conspiracy theory blogosphere. According to conspiracy theorists, the U.S. was behind the deadly twin blasts that devastated a large area of one of China’s major ports in Tianjin, killing more than 100 people.

The Pentagon, according to The Unhived Mind and Michael Allen Adams’ Natural News, caused the explosion with a weapon launched from space but tried to disguise it as an accident.

Natural News cites a 2004 article by Popular Science describing the operation of a hypothetical space-based weapons system dubbed “Rods from God” to support its conspiracy theory speculation that the Chinese were hit by a spaced-based weapon fired by Pentagon.

But Popular Science makes it clear that the technology for the hypothetical “kinetic-energy” space weapon it described was “very far out in miles and years.”

But according to conspiracy theorists, the latest incident is evidence that China and U.S. are already at war over recent disputes.

Scene Of The Tianjin Explosion

Pentagon launched the attack as a “kinetic retaliation” against China for devaluating the Yuan because Washington construes the move as intended to collapse the U.S. economy.

“The ‘Rod of God’ weapon consists primarily of a kinetic weapon arriving with unimaginable kinetic energy…”

Natural News claims that its sources said that Pentagon launched the attack specifically to forestall the Chinese government’s planned announcement of a gold-backed currency and “fire sale” of its U.S. debt holding.

According to the alleged “sources,” such action by the Chinese could trigger total collapse of the U.S. economy and crash the dollar. Thus, the “kinetic-energy weapon” attack was meant to warn Beijing to reconsider the move.

Recalling that the action comes soon after the U.S. warned China about its agents seeking dissidents within its borders and threats of retaliation from Washington following alleged Chinese cyber attacks targeted at U.S. systems, conspiracy theorists speculated that other related factors might have contributed to the desperate action by Washington.

Natural News cites a 2011 report by The Telegraph which quotes a U.S. strategy statement that “Washington will consider using conventional weaponry in response to a cyber-attack on the United States.”

The alleged space-based “Rod of God” weapon allows the U.S. military to take out any land-based target from high orbit. The website Unhived Mind claims that the crater resulting from the Tianjin explosion suggests that it could have been caused by “subsurface” burst of a 5 kiloton nuclear weapon.

Incredibly, Unhived Mind is claiming that the U.S. might have hit China with a nuclear weapon in retaliation against a decision by the Chinese to devalue their own currency!

“That’s eerily similar to the message sent by the United States in the dropping of the world’s first atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki… Yes, the USA is willing to drop weapons of mass destruction on civilian populations. It has already done it twice!”

Natural News claims that it obtained information from “mainland Chinese dissident sources” that the country’s authorities were investigating the incident but have implemented aggressive tactics to guard information they have obtained about the cause of the explosion.

A Miliary GPS Satellite In Orbit

The alleged sources asserted that the official explanation of the incident by the Chinese authorities was deliberate fabrication to allow the government to dissimulate while conducting further investigation into the cause of the explosion.

As part of efforts to impose a news black on the incident, the Chinese government cordoned off the area and banned reporters from accessing the site. The government also commenced a crackdown on bloggers it accused of promoting “conspiracy theories” about the incident.

“China has blacked out reporting on Tianjin in exactly the same way the U.S. media blacked out reporting on Dr. William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower who admitted the CDC buried evidence linking vaccines to autism.”

Meanwhile, conspiracy theorists debate the target of the attack.

Some, according to the Daily Mail, claim that Pentagon targeted a Chinese government supercomputer, Tianhe-1A, located at the Chinese National Supercomputing Center close to the scene of the explosion.

The supercomputer is used by the Chinese military to run the country’s space program.

China’s official Xinhua news agency reports that the computer was shut down after the attack. According to officials, although the computer was not damaged or affected by the explosion, part of the building in which it was located was damaged.

Other conspiracy theorists claim that Pentagon launched the attack following a botched attempt to assassinate the Chinese President Hu Jintao. A source reportedly told the Indian NDTV that Hu Jintao was scheduled to travel through the area where the explosion took place but changed plans unexpectedly.

“The original plan was to wait until the Chinese communist meeting in Beidaihe to finish so when the high ranking officials returned, there will be an explosion on the railway between Tianjin and Heibei.”

Pentagon conspirators, according to conspiracy theorists, launched the attack to cover up incriminating evidence of a planned assassination attempt.

The speculations in the conspiracy theory blogosphere reflect rumors circulating in the correspondingthe Chinese-language conspiracy theory blogosphere.

Meanwhile, efforts to clear up the debris from the explosion were hampered by heavy rainfall.

The downpour raised fears that sodium cyanide contamination from a storage facility in the area could be spread by rainwater and that nearby water sources could become contaminated.

[Images: Getty; Wikimedia]

Read more at ... ps5LyIAU4M58390c.99


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 Author| Post time 30-8-2015 01:18 AM | Show all posts

China Explosion Scene Looks Eerily Similar To 911


Use magic Report

Post time 30-8-2015 01:22 AM | Show all posts
besok pergi batu caves sis

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Post time 30-8-2015 07:25 AM | Show all posts
Nice conspirashit teory

Use magic Report

Post time 30-8-2015 11:35 AM | Show all posts
What kind of bullshit is this

Use magic Report

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Post time 3-9-2015 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Biar betul..mcm baca majalah konspirasi yg selalu tuan rumah lama aku bawak blk. Dalam tu cerrita alien..time machine....UFO...Nazi kat Antartika.....aduyaiii..pening2..

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Post time 3-9-2015 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Rod of cuck

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