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Fakta dlm filem Forrest Gump
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Anonymous795 upvotes by Palaniappan Nagarajan, Abhishek Karwa, Vivek Sharma, (more)
1. When Forrest gets up to talk at the Vietnam rally in Washington, the microphone plug is pulled and you cannot hear him. According to Tom Hanks, he says, "Sometimes when people go to Vietnam, they go home to their mommas without any legs. Sometimes they don't go home at all. That's a bad thing. That's all I have to say about that."

2.When Gump calls to report the Watergate burglary, the security guard answering the phone says, "Security,Frank Wills." He was the actual guard on duty during that night, and he was the person who discovered the break-in, on Saturday, June 17th, 1972.

3.Gump's Medal of Honor ceremony uses the footage of the actual ceremony for Sammy L. Davis, who was awarded the Medal of Honor on 19 November 1968 by President Lyndon Johnson for his actions in Vietnam a year earlier. Tom Hanks head was superimposed on Davis' body.

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Last edited by alekxander on 11-12-2014 04:24 PM
antara cerita yg paling best,aku tengok~ walau dah berulang kali tengok...masih best |
kebanyakan citer tom hanks mmg best.. yang terbaru tgk citer dia jadik walt disney tu ,,, best |
TT knape ko ?  |
yup..kebanyakkn movies tom hanks mmg best, antara feveret aku.. saving private ryan, forest gump, the terminal, cast away, da vinci code, angel and demons, road to perdition, lain2 dh lupa.. |
Run Forrest Ruuuuuuuuunnnnnn... |
miss_bear posted on 10-12-2014 02:02 AM 
TT knape ko ?
what did i do wrong?
tell me...
asher posted on 10-12-2014 10:22 AM 
yup..kebanyakkn movies tom hanks mmg best, antara feveret aku.. saving private ryan, forest gump, th ...
the green mile
catch me if you can
sbg walt disney tu saving mr. banks
banyak lagi yg best
antara belum tgk lagi
lakonan die dgn julia roberts
ape ke tajuknya
alekxander posted on 10-12-2014 10:34 AM 
the green mile
catch me if you can
yup..dia nie dah kira legend hollywood dah..
alekxander posted on 10-12-2014 10:34 AM 
the green mile
catch me if you can
the green mile tu mmg sadis..walaupon citer tu berdurasi panjang, tp aku siyes harap ada sambungan biar le ke 4 jam ke 5 jam ke. hohohohoho
Tom hanks kebanyakkan filem lakonannya mempunyai valuenya yg tersendiri.aku lebih ingat watak lakonannya. Forrest gump dgn castaway wataknya amat terkesan pd aku. Green mile pula jln citer dia. Cuma da vinci code jer yg sampai skrang aku x tergerak hati nk tgk. |
scarflicious posted on 10-12-2014 11:32 AM
capt philips pon best.
baru tgk kat astro tp tgk masa dah time dekat nk abis
masa dia kena culik tu
mula tu tak cam dia sbb nmpk tua sgt, bila dengar suara mcm kenal |
lavendernovella posted on 9-12-2014 11:24 PM
kebanyakan citer tom hanks mmg best.. yang terbaru tgk citer dia jadik walt disney tu ,,, best
cite yg ni tak tgk abis pun sbb rasa cam slow je
walha suka pelakon2 nya |
apiang posted on 10-12-2014 04:14 PM 
the green mile tu mmg sadis..walaupon citer tu berdurasi panjang, tp aku siyes harap ada sambungan ...
die ade unsur2 fantasi/misteri
tp yg disebalik all the drama + fantasi/misteri tu yg buatkn kita nk tgk lagi & lagi
Tom hanx ni movie dia sume inspired&motivational movie..mmg terkesan kalo btul2 tgk&hayati.. |
asher posted on 10-12-2014 10:22 AM 
yup..kebanyakkn movies tom hanks mmg best, antara feveret aku.. saving private ryan, forest gump, th ...
tgk la green mile..
best gak cite tu...
apiang posted on 10-12-2014 04:14 PM 
the green mile tu mmg sadis..walaupon citer tu berdurasi panjang, tp aku siyes harap ada sambungan ...
kan.. cite tu best.. hehehehe...
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