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KUCHING: Tiga maut manakala 26 cedera dalam kejadian letupan di lombong arang batu di Selantik, Sri Aman, semalam, kira-kira 130km dari sini.
Penolong Pengarah (Operasi) Bomba dan Penyelamat Sarawak, Farhan Sufyan Borhan, berkata kejadian berlaku kira-kira 11 pagi dan punca letupan sedang disiasat.
Menurutnya ketiga-tiga mangsa maut di tempat kejadian dan mayat mereka dihantar ke Hospital Sri Aman.
Katanya enam daripada mereka yang cedera telah dirujuk ke Hospital Serian, kira-kira 60km dari sini dan lima lagi ke Hospital Umum Sarawak, di sini.
Ketua Polis Daerah Sri Aman, DSP Mat Jusoh Mohamad, berkata tiga yang maut dalam kejadian kira-kira 9 pagi itu dikenal pasti sebagai warganegara Indonesia, Korea Utara dan Myanmar.
"Bagaimanapun, butiran lanjut berkenaan identiti mangsa-mangsa yang mati ini masih belum diperolehi sepenuhnya," katanya.
Menurutnya siasatan awal mendapati kejadian itu berpunca daripada percikan api kipas angin yang rosak dan seterusnya menyebabkan kebakaran gas dan letupan di dalam sebuah terowong lombong itu yang sedalam kira-kira 69 meter.
"Semasa kejadian itu, 29 orang pekerja yang berada di dalam terowong itu telah bergegas keluar untuk menyelamatkan diri di samping membantu rakan sekerja mereka yang mengalami kecederaan serius," katanya.
Mat Jusoh berkata mayat ketiga-tiga mangsa yang terkorban dalam kejadian itu telah dibawa ke Hospital Sri Aman untuk dibedah siasat sementara 16 orang daripada mereka yang tercedera turut dirawat di hospital sama.
Mangsa lain yang cedera telah dirujuk ke Klinik Desa Pantu dan Hospital Daerah Serian, kira-kira 60km dari sini, katanya.
Menurutnya lombong arang batu berkenaan yang terletak tiga kilometer dari jalan utama Sri Aman-Kuching telah beroperasi sejak lapan tahun lepas.
"Kini terdapat 119 orang pekerja warga China, Myanmar, Indonesia, Bangladesh dan Korea Utara yang bekerja di lombong berkenaan," katanya.
Berikut senarai penuh mangsa kejadian yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Sarawak hari ini.
1. Tun Tun Win, 36, (Myanmar)
2. Pang Chung Hyok, 29, (Korea Utara)
3. Kardianto, 38 (Indonesia)
4. Ahmad Zidin, 27 (Indonesia)
1. Abdul Salam, 26
2. Nurul Huda, 21
3. Sutarman, 38
4. Triono, 28
5. Mohd Zainudin, 25
6. Ahmad Zidin, 27
7. Nur Fatoni, 25
8. Nyiar, 53
1. Aum Tok, 36
2. Aung Myint Htut, 26
3. Nyi Nyi Lwin, 27
4. Kyaw Moe Win, 25
5. Kyi Ngwe, 27
6. Win Soe, 41
1. Yang Chol Lin, 36
2. Nie Jing Wen, 43
3. Li Xiao Long, 30
4. Qin Han Qiang, 47
5. Chen Liang, (umur tidak diketahui)
6. Nie Jing Wen, 44
1. Mohamad Jakir, 45
2. Maha Bubu, 30
(Korea Utara)
1. Kim Kum Song, 28
2. Kwak Ju Hyok, 28
3. Chin Shol Ju, 28
4. Ri Ho Chol, 28
5. Ju Kim Song (umur tidak diketahui)
6. Sin Chung Hyon, 28
7. Jong Song Nam, 28
8. Kim Ji Song, 28.
N. Koreans working in S’wak legally
MIRI: Disciplined, dedicated and tough - that is why North Koreans are hired to work in Sarawak’s coal mines.
Deputy Home Minister Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said the North Koreans were brought into Sarawak to work via a special arrangement between the Sarawak and North Korean governments.
“Only Sarawak has North Korean workers (in Malaysia). This is not (allowed) in the peninsular,’’ he said when commenting on the presence of dozens of North Koreans at a coal mine in the Sri Aman division.
Besides the 46 North Koreans, the mine’s 119 foreign workers were from Myanmar (29), Indonesia (19) China (15) and Bangladesh (10).
Wan Junaidi, who is the Santubong MP, said it was the right of Sarawak to hire the North Koreans because “the state government has autonomy on immigration and labour matters.”
“When it comes to industries such as coal-mines, the jobs are very dangerous and tough. The mines can extend hundreds of metres below.
“No local or Sarawakian will dare to take up such jobs; that is why the need for foreign workers. In the coal-mining sector, only Britain, China and North Korea have highly-skilled workers,’’ Wan Junaidi pointed out.
Backing Sarawak’s decision to hire the North Koreans, he said there was no record of crimes involving them in the state.
On Saturday’s explosion at the mine, Wan Junaidi said checks showed that all the foreign workers had valid work permits.
“The entry of these workers were handled by the Malaysian Immigration Department and their work permits were issued by the Sarawak Labour Department,” he added.
Wan Junaidi said the Malaysian Government had no issue with nationalities from different ideologies working in the country as long as they “have working permits, do their jobs and not spread their ideology”.
“There are many people from communist countries working in our country and having businesses here,” he said. “All we require is that they come here legally, work legally and stay free of trouble with our laws.”
UPDATE 26.11.14
Hospital Umum Sarawak memohon orang ramai tampil ke hadapan untuk menderma darah bagi membantu mangsa letupan kuari.

UPDATE : 26/11/14
The death toll from an explosion in a Malaysian coal mine manned by foreign workers including North Koreans has risen to four, police said today, while around two dozen others were injured, some with serious burns.
The accident took place on Saturday in Selantik, in the interior of Malaysia's rugged Sarawak state, which is located on Borneo island.
"The death toll has risen to four after an Indonesian worker succumbed to injuries on Tuesday," Chai Khin Chung, Sarawak's deputy police chief, told AFP.
A North Korean, a Myanmar national, and another Indonesian already have died as a result of the accident, in which underground gases are believed to have ignited, triggering the blast and a subsequent fire.
Other officials have warned the toll could rise due to the severity of injuries suffered by survivors.
Chai said authorities were investigating what exactly caused the accident.
Authorities have said the mine was operating legally and employed 119 workers, with 49 of them from impoverished North Korea.
As many as 100,000 North Koreans are believed to be working abroad , with their remittances a valuable source of foreign currency for the isolated regime.
The mine also had Chinese, Myanmar, Indonesian, and Bangladeshi workers. Officials have claimed they were all legal workers.
Malaysia's treatment of foreign labourers is frequently criticised.
A report released in September by US-based fair-labour organisation Verite said nearly one-third of the 350,000 workers in Malaysia's electronics manufacturing sector – many of them from impoverished neighbouring countries – toil in conditions akin to "modern slavery."
It said many endured a form of indentured servitude, unable to pay off excessive recruitment fees and often left powerless by employers who confiscate their passports. – November 26, 2014.
Last edited by FanTasyCreaTioN on 27-11-2014 07:57 AM

SALAH seorang daripada mangsa letupan di lombong arang batu Selantik tiba di Hospital Umum Sarawak di Kuching untuk rawatan lanjut selepas dipindahkan dari Hospital Sri Aman, semalam.
Sementara itu Timbalan Pengarah (Operasi) Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat, Datuk Soiman Jahid berkata tiada pekerja yang terperangkap dalam letupan yang berlaku di Lombong Arang Batu Selantik di Sri Aman kerana semua mangsa telah dipindahkan sebaik sahaja kejadian itu berlaku.
"Mereka yang cedera telah dihantar ke Hospital Umum Sarawak dan keadaan di lombong berkenaan masih terkawal.
"Beberapa pegawai masih memantau lokasi kejadian bagi memastikan keadaan di sana selamat," kata Soiman kepada The Star.
akhirnya ade gak yg bukak thread pasal ni.. |
semoga d kurangkan kesakitan yang dier rang alami ... |
myvios posted on 23-11-2014 04:17 PM 
akhirnya ade gak yg bukak thread pasal ni..
jaraang nak buka thread
sebab takut tiada komitment nak update thread yang d buka
melihat gambar2 tu ja
ntah camne la kesakitan yang dier rang rasa
kulit tentu tak leh kena pegang sembarangan ...
deng ... abang tersayang kitak dah mukak thread tok marek ... 
mohtep kitak terlepas perauk tambang nak nyeberang sungey...  |

PARAH: Pekerja warganegara Korea Utara yang terpaksa diberi alat bantuan penafasan, tiba di HUS semalam.

CEDERA: Pekerja-pekerja asing menunggu giliran untuk mendapatkan rawatan di Hospital Sri Aman.
Three killed in mine explosion in Malaysia
Malaysia Sun (IANS) Sunday 23rd November, 2014
At least three workers were killed and 24 others, six of them serious, injured in an explosion in a coal mine in Malaysia, media reported Sunday.
The explosion took place in a coal mine in Selantik, around 3,000 km from Kuala Lumpur when workers were about to start work Saturday, The Star reported Sunday.
The dead were identified as a North Korean, an Indonesian and a Myanmar national.
"The gas fire ignited at about 450 metres below the tunnel's entrance at 8.45 a.m. Saturday," The Star reported citing an official as saying.
Most of the injured were taken to the Sri Aman Hospital, where the bodies of the three deceased were also sent for a post-mortem examination.
The coal mine began operations eight years ago.
Of its 119 workers, the majority of them - 49 - were North Koreans.
The others comprised of Myanmar nationals (29), Indonesians (19), Chinese nationals (15) and Bangladeshis (10).
"There was an explosion when a switch for the conveyor belt was turned on," the official said, adding that an extractor fan used for expelling gas out of the tunnel was not working.
Sparks from the switch or the defective fan are being considered as the likely cause of the blast.
Credit To:
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 23-11-2014 05:02 PM
tertanya tentang ni gak tadi
korea ? jadi buruh?
Terkejut gak hehe |
dauswq posted on 23-11-2014 05:04 PM 
Terkejut gak hehe Of its 119 workers, the majority of them - 49 - were North Koreans. ramai tu ..
takziah kpd keluarga famili..
apa2 kecelakaan memang menyedihkan..tambah2 lagi bila melibatkan nyawa yg byk terkorban |
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