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Harimau Putih Sebenarnya Cuba Selamatkan Remaja Lelaki?
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Pastinya semua masih ingat akan kejadian yang menyayat hati yang mana seorang lelaki telah dibaham harimau putih setelah terjun ke dalam kandang harimau tersebut di Zoo New Delhi
Menurut laporan media, lelaki tersebut mati selepas lehernya digigit dan diheret oleh hariamu putih tersebut jauh ke dalam kandang.
Namun, cerita tersebut bukan selesai di situ sahaja selepas laporan forensik dikeluarkan.
Menurut status Facebook yang dimuat naik seorang warga India, Manchu Vishnu, sebenarnya harimau itu berniat untuk melindungi dan menyelamatkan lelaki tersebut daripada ancaman orang ramai yang mula membaling batu ke arah mereka.

Kenyataan itu berdasarkan luka pada badan mangsa yang mana hanya terdapat pada bahagian leher yang mana ketika harimau tersebut menggonggong untuk dibawa ke tempat lain. ─ |
kebodohan org yang melihat telah menyebabkan org ni mati.......tapi harimau juga yg dipersalahkan |
Kebodohan ummah Tamil ... Gi buat drama tamil kat situ .. Panggil la zoo keeper tembak pelali ... Aduik |
Ok, kalau ni cerita betul aku kasihan dengan rimau tu. |
Tipu jah cerita ni katanya uol.
Now, another theory that has been put forward which is as hilarious as it is nonsensical. A message is being spread on social media that claims the forensic report of the incident says the tiger was trying to save that man from stones thrown by on lookers and kept him far from public, just as a tigress catches its kids by the neck to save them from threat. Unfortunately, according to them, tiger’s teeth caused the death of that man. The message justifies its claim saying that there were no injuries on the boy’s body except a wounded throat.
Just one point is enough to puncture the claim is that the animal was male and its name is Vijay. Why such hullabaloos is created over an incident in which tiger reacted according to its natural instinct. Can we, at least, leave the tiger now?
Modified Date: October 01, 2014 6:39 PM ... n-delhi-zoo-162884/ |
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Oh damn. Babi betul siapa yg baling2 batu tu. |
chazey posted on 4-10-2014 10:23 AM 
Tipu jah cerita ni katanya uol.
soalan aku: kucing jantan mmg takkan dukung anak2 kucing ke?
Boleh jadi jugak sebenarnya... Teringat berita pasal lioness dengan anak baboon ni... ni buktinya haiwan pun ada sifat belas kasihan...
Baby Baboon’s Frightening Encounter with Lions Ends with a Heroic Twist
Posted by Paul Steyn in Cat Watch on April 3, 2014
This is one of the most remarkable wildlife interactions that I have come across in my time. The photographs are amazing, but it’s the touching behaviour of the animals involved that makes this story so unique.
Photographer Evan Schiller and Lisa Holzwarth were on a game drive in the northern Botswana’s Selinda Camp when they came across a big troop of baboons charging through the bush.
“30-40 baboons were heading in our general direction making a lot of noise,” Lisa recalls.
The baboons were obviously frightened by something and they all scampered up trees, shouting, alarming, and making a big scene. It quickly became clear what the problem was: two large lionesses came out of the tall grass and rushed the baboons into the trees, soon joined by two more lionesses.
“Between the baboons shrieking and the lionesses communicating with deep guttural roars, it was a mad scene,” Lisa says.
But then the real chaos began! One brave baboon descended the dead tree and tried to make a run for it… but got snapped up in the jaws of a lioness.

The lioness grabbed a female baboon on the run. But there was something else there… As the baboon lay dying in the jaws of the lioness, a little baby (less than a month old) slowly disengaged from its mother’s body. Photograph by Evan Schiller

Instinct took over and the baby tried to make a go for a tree, but did not have the strength to climb. At this point the lioness noticed the “little guy” and went over to investigate. Photograph by Evan Schiller

Instead of snapping the baby up in a deadly movement, she started to play with the baboon. Photograph by Evan Schiller

The lioness was inquisitive and gentle at the same time. Photograph by Evan Schiller
“The baby was showing signs of physical harm and fatigue from the whole ordeal. The lioness picked the baby up in her mouth—it was in agony watching the baby’s ordeal—and I kept on turning off the video option on my camera because it was hard to record.”

After a while she picked up the baboon softly in her mouth and walked away, then settled down with the baby between her paws. Photograph by Evan Schiller

In a strange behavioural twist, the baboon started to try and suckle the lioness. Photograph by Evan Schiller
What happened next blew our minds – the baby, in another instinctual moment, held onto the lioness’ chest and tried to suckle…

Photograph by Evan Schiller

The lioness got distracted—this time by two male lions who arrived on the scene. Their advances, however, were met with aggression by the lioness. Was she defending the baby baboon? Or just uninterested in their mating advances? Photograph by Evan Schiller
Here’s where it gets interesting: Waiting in a nearby tree is a big male baboon, who is obviously intent on saving the baby. The male lions were causing such a ruckus that it presented a short window of opportunity for the brave hero to descend the tree, grab the baby and head back to safety.
“I was touched by how gently the father baboon held this little baby who was in tough shape after its ordeal.”

The heroic male baboon, having just saved the baby from the lions, cradled him in his arms. Photograph by Evan Schiller

The father baboon had to make a move. Holding the baby, in all sorts of contorted positions, he tried numerous times to climb down the tree. He tested the lionesses’ interest with each descent. Photograph by Evan Schiller
The baby baboon was really struggling with the heat and the father baboon really needed to get him into the shade. Finally, with the combination of daring courage and the lions own desire to take cover in some shade, he was able to dash to the safety and shade of a neighbouring tree.
And what happened to the baby? It seems the little guy survived with the help of his troop. He was alive and safe in his father’s arms when Evan and Lisa left.
“No matter what,” Lisa says. “The young baboon remains an inspiration to me—and a reminder, that life is fragile and no matter how much we fight to control its outcome, all we can do is live in the moment.”
http://newswatch.nationalgeograp ... ith-a-heroic-twist/ |
binatang x kejam
manusia mmg kejam |
chazey posted on 4-10-2014 10:23 AM 
Tipu jah cerita ni katanya uol.
tertipu la ni.. |
cmf_conan posted on 4-10-2014 10:30 AM
soalan aku: kucing jantan mmg takkan dukung anak2 kucing ke?
Tak penah pula nampak kucing jantan iol dukung2 anak uol. Asyik ibu dia jah rajin pindahkan merata2. Kucing jantan iol rajin buang sperma jah. |
perang_sivil posted on 4-10-2014 11:05 AM 
tertipu la ni..
Baru nak sedih2 untuk rimau tu tau. 
chazey posted on 4-10-2014 11:17 AM 
Baru nak sedih2 untuk rimau tu tau.
btw apa jadi pada rimau tue? sihat walafiat lagi atau kena death sentence??
perang_sivil posted on 4-10-2014 11:20 AM 
btw apa jadi pada rimau tue? sihat walafiat lagi atau kena death sentence??
Jap carik news. Rasanya tak kena tindakan. Hidup aman2 jah.
Btw, ada orang kata lelaki yang seblom ni dikatakan mentally ill (namun hal ni masih tiada pengesahan kerana masih disiasat) sebenarnya jatuh sebab hilang keseimbangan badan masa baling batu kat Vijay.
But several witnesses said the young man appeared to have lost his balance while standing on the edge of the barrier, possibly while throwing stones at the seven-year-old tiger, said to weigh around 470lbs. He then fell 18ft into the moat.
“After he fell down, the white tiger came towards Maqsood,” one witness, Himanshu, told the Indian Express newspaper. “As the tiger came closer he clasped his hands and seemed to be praying. The tiger watched him closely for 15 minutes.”
Kalau betul, selayaknya mati. Dah la rimau tu tak bebas kena kurung, pi baling2 batu lak.
keling dan kebodohan berpisah tiada |
perang_sivil posted on 4-10-2014 11:20 AM 
btw apa jadi pada rimau tue? sihat walafiat lagi atau kena death sentence??
Vijay Aman2 Saja Makan Lepas Membunoh
Nah ni ada cerita lebih pasal Vijay.
Btw, punya la baik si Vijay ni tak buat apa just tengok jah mangsa selama 15 minit. Tapi bodoh onlookers pi baling2 batu kat Vijay sampai dia agitated terus bunuh mangsa. Zoo keepers pun bangang ambik masa 15-20 minit untuk sampai ke kandang. Tamil betul.
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alfida posted on 4-10-2014 11:27 AM
keling dan kebodohan berpisah tiada
Termasuk juga bangsa lain kan hihi .. |
dah memang karnivor.. keling suke spin cerita
obelisk posted on 4-10-2014 10:35 AM
Boleh jadi jugak sebenarnya... Teringat berita pasal lioness dengan anak baboon ni... ni buktinya ha ...
wow, great story |
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