1. If Jesus is God, God begat God. Heb. 1:5.
2. God humbled himself. Phil. 2:8.
3. God died. Phil. 2:8b.
4. God changed to a fleshly human. Jn. 1:14.
5. God gave his blood for sin. (What blood?) Eph. 1:7.
6. God became sin!…for us!! 2 Cor.5.21 …and God made God who had no sin to become sin for us so that in God we might become the righteousness of God.
7. Mary is the mother of God, so God had a mother, a father and, he had a God.
8. God forsook God. (My God, why hast thou forsaken me?) Mt.2 7:46.
9. God became obedient? Who would God obey? (to the point of death) Heb. 9:12.
10. God doesn’t know the day or hour he will come back? Mt. 24:36.
11. God is a high priest and offered sacrifice to God for sin. Heb. 9:26
12. God is a prophet. Mt. 21:11
13. God bore disgrace. Heb. 13:13.
14. God prayed to God in the garden, “Not my will but yours be done.” Mt. 26:39.
15. God said to God, “You are the only one who is truly God.” Jn. 17:3.
16. God offered himself unblemished to God. 1 Pet. 1:18, 19.
17. God was baptized to fulfill all righteousness. Mt. 3:15.
18. God said, “Don’t believe my words, believe God’s.” Jn. 12: 4
19. God offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to God. Heb. 5:7.
20. God reverently submitted to God. Heb. 5:7.
21. God was made perfect through suffering. Heb. 2:10.
22. God suffered and was delivered up by the foreknowledge of God. Acts 2:23.
23. God was beaten. Mt. 27:26.
24. God was the first fruits of human resurrection. 1 Cor.15:20.
25. God resurrected God from the dead. 1 Cor. 15:15.
26. God was a holy servant of God whom God anointed. Acts 4:27.
27. God will be given the throne of his father David. Lk. 1:32.
28. God was the seed of Abraham, Lk.1:33, Judah, Lk.1:34, David, Lk. 1:32, and woman, Gen. 3:15.
29. God was given God’s Holy Spirit without measure. Jn.3:34 (How could God put God into God?)
30. God was GIVEN all authority in heaven and earth from God. Mt. 28:18.
31. God is greater than God. Jn. 14:28.
32. God could only speak what the Father taught him. Jn. 8:28.
33. No man has seen God at any time but God taught everyone about God as a man. Jn. 1:18.
34. God was the second ADAM! 1 Cor. 15:22, 45.
35. God approved of God. Jn. 6:27.
36. God grew in favor with God and man. Lk. 2:52.
37. At the end of his reign, God will turn the kingdom over to God. 1Cor. 15:24.
38. God put his words in God’s mouth. Deut. 18:18.
39. God has nothing, no teaching, except what God gave him. God can do nothing of himself. Jn. 8:28.
40. God is spirit but has flesh and blood. Jn. 4:24 vs. Heb. 2:14
41. God was made like his brothers. Heb. 2:17.
42. God grew in stature and increased in wisdom. Lk. 2:40
43. God was our example of a sinless person. 1 Cor. 11:1.
44. God was made a little lower than the angels. Heb. 2:9.
45. God inherited a superior name. Heb. 1:4.
46. God was a humble servant of God. Acts 4:27.
47. God is the Lamb of God. Jn. 1:36.
48. God was born for the purpose of becoming King. Jn. 18:37
49. God revealed to God what must soon take place. Rev. 1:1.
50. God was born under the Law of God. Gal. 4:4-5.
51. God fulfilled the whole law of God. Jn. 5:17, Eph. 2:15.
52. God ascended to his God and our God. Jn. 20:17.
53. God was raised and seated on the right hand of the throne of God. Heb. 12:2.
54. God was tempted. Heb. 2:18.
55. God was made like his brothers in every way. Heb. 2:17.
56. God is an apostle and a high priest. Heb. 3:1.
57. God who made men holy and those who were made holy are of one family. So God is not ashamed to call them brothers. Heb. 2:11.
58. God was amazed at the lack of faith in Nazareth. Mk. 6:6.
59. God thanked God for his food. Acts 27:35.
60. God was the first-born from the dead. Col. 1:18.
61. God, through God, was pleased to reconcile all things to Himself.
Col. 1:20.
62. As they sailed, God fell asleep, Lk 8:23, and was awakened, Lk. 8:24.
63. God conferred on his apostles a kingdom, just as God’s Father conferred one on him. Lk. 22:29.
64. God exalted God above everyone. Phil. 2:9.
65. God was a man accredited by God with miracles, signs and wonders. Acts 2:22
66. The grace of God (unmerited favor) was upon God. Lk. 2:40.
67. God was the Holy One of God. Mk. 1:24.
68. God said, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.” Mk. 10:18.
69. God was the son…of Adam, the son of God. Lk. 3:38.
70. We are heirs of God and co-heirs with God. Rom. 8:17.
71. God had to drink the cup God gave God. Jn. 18:11.
To be sure, there are mysteries in Scripture, but since God has revealed Who He is (11,000 times with singular personal pronouns), Who He is - is not one of those mysteries. Nor, since we are told by God that Jesus is His Son (Luke 1:35), is the Son’s identity one of those mysteries. Granted, in our culture we misunderstand what is meant by Son of God and think it means God. Please note that Fuller Seminary’s Colin Brown says this: “To be called a ‘Son of God’ one has to be a being who is not God.”[13] I humbly submit this challenge to the status quo. Thinking is allowed in our world: “The power of reasoning was given us by our Maker, for this very end, to pursue truth.”[14]
Maryam berkata : “Wahai Tuhan ku! Bagaimanakah aku akan beroleh seorang anak, padahal aku tidak pernah disentuh oleh seorang lelaki pun?” Allah berfirman : “Demikianlah keadaannya, Allah menjadikan apa yang dikehendaki Nya. Apabila Dia berkehendak melaksanakan sesuatu perkara, maka Dia hanyalah berfirman kepadanya : “Jadilah engkau”, lalu menjadilah dia.” (Al-Imran : 47)
Truth.8 posted on 20-10-2013 05:13 PM
if Jesus is not God ...how come his mother give birth to Jesus without any intercourse??
First of all, you MUST prove a few FACTS before asking people for proof or explaination. Prove the following first :
1. That there was a person named Mary.
2. That she was a virgin at the time of conception.
3. That the father is God of Israel AND NOT someone else (who was human).
4. And that a child called Jesus was born and made claim that he was the Son of God (of Israel).
Prove this four to be correct first before asking whether the mother (assuming she exists) was a virgin or not.
Do you know what is the ultimate proof that Jesus is NOT the son of God (of Israel)? Simple - God of Israel PUNISHED MANKIND and the Halfling called Nephilims (born through conception between Angels and Human daughters) for the same crime that Christians claimed that He (God) had done with Mary to produce Jesus. So are you saying that God punished the whole human race (by flood) for sleeping with angels and producing halflings ONLY to go and sleep with Mary and produce another halfling himself?
There is no broken history in Veda and its events can be traced according to the moments of the Stars, Planets and changes of the Season. Matter a fact, Hinduism is the ONLY religion which is recorded according to historical events (like places where the constellations were at the said moment of the event). No other religions have the same affinity to History.
Proof of your religion is False is the very claim of Jesus's birth. I find it highly irrational that the God who condemned Mankind (and Nephilims) to death by drowning for procreating (across species) could repeat the same mistake with Mary and create a halfling called Jesus.
Truth.8 posted on 21-10-2013 01:33 PM
well thats ur own assumption...any one can claimed...
if ur faith is true..why is many kinds of i ...
If you think what I said is MY assumptions (and not facts), then WHY bother asking me silly questions? No matter what I say, you will turn around and say I'm making it up. In the end, I will be like talking to a wall.
When you want to find God, come look for me and I will guide you. Till then, go and worship your dead god.
Sephiroth posted on 21-10-2013 02:58 PM
If you think what I said is MY assumptions (and not facts), then WHY bother asking me silly questi ...
..that because your hindusim are fallling everyday....peoples coming to Christ
even king asoka left your faith because u peoples when shit it out to corrupt it
Hehehe.....why quoted so many Bible verses to support your fantasy my Nicuya-san ustazy ???
Don't you muslims die-die believe Bible is corrupted ??? Why quoted something to contradict yourself ??? Wait a minute, utmost imbecility is signature for all muslims.
You need this half free thinker to embarass you again in this forum ??? You're like a horny bitch which craves for spanking, don't you ???
Then what about countless of verses in Bible which refer Jesus as God ??? Does Bible contradict itself ???
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.… John 10:30-33 I and my Father are One... 1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word... Colossians 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.... Revelation 21:6 And He said to me; it's done, I'm the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and.....
wkk5159 posted on 26-10-2013 07:46 AM
Hehehe.....why quoted so many Bible verses to support your fantasy my Nicuya-san ustazy ???
Don't you muslims die-die believe Bible is corrupted ??? Why quoted something to contradict yourself ??? Wait a minute, utmost imbecility is signature for all muslims.
You need this half free thinker to embarass you again in this forum ??? You're like a horny bitch which craves for spanking, don't you ???
Then what about countless of verses in Bible which refer Jesus as God ??? Does Bible contradict itself ???
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.… John 10:30-33 I and my Father are One... 1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word... Colossians 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.... Revelation 21:6 And He said to me; it's done, I'm the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and.....
Ha ha , it is so easy to see that your response is just a copy paste from 'answering Islam'. I have said it a couple of times , that is about the worst site you can go for answers. You are just embarrassing yourself and Christianity.
You are a deluded person. So far you lost in all our encounters. Now you claim to be a free thinker because you cannot answer to any issues put forth , otherwise you are a Christian. Are you trying to help out your buddy 'truth.8' because he is having a problem in responding? You are about the worst person to come to his aid as your knowledge of the bible comes from 'answering Islam' not bible scholars. 'Truth.8' must be really desperate to send a SOS to you who has extremely shallow understanding of the bible.
It is so easy to refute you. Lets do it point by point :
(1) John1:1
a Greek Lexicon renders the word 'logos' in Joh1:1 to has the following meanings
speaking; words you say (Rom. 15:18, “what I have said and done”).
a statement you make (Luke 20:20 – (NASB), “they might catch him in some statement).
a question (Matt. 21:24, “I will also ask you one question”).
preaching (1 Tim. 5:17, “especially those whose work is preaching and teaching).
command (Gal. 5:14, “the entire law is summed up in a single command”).
proverb; saying (John 4:37, “thus the saying, ‘One sows, and another reaps’”).
message; instruction; proclamation (Luke 4:32, “his message had authority”).
assertion; declaration; teaching (John 6:60, “this is a hard teaching”).
the subject under discussion; matter (Acts 8:21, “you have no part or share in this ministry.” Acts 15:6 (NASB), “And the apostles… came together to look into this matter”).
revelation from God (Matt. 15:6, “you nullify the Word of God ”).
God’s revelation spoken by His servants (Heb. 13:7, “leaders who spoke the Word of God”).
a reckoning, an account (Matt. 12:36, “men will have to give account” on the day of judgment).
an account or “matter” in a financial sense (Matt. 18:23, A king who wanted to settle “accounts” with his servants. Phil. 4:15, “the matter of giving and receiving”).
a reason; motive (Acts 10:29 – NASB), “I ask for what reason you have sent for me”).
Do tell us where does 'logos' mean God? In your wet dreams again?
(2) John10:30-33
Ha ha , did you forget to read and understand verses 25-30 and also verse 34? If you have the ability to understand what you read , which I doubt , the context of joh10:25-30 is 'one in purpose'. The funny part is that in verse 34 , biblical Jesus called them gods as it is written in their law. Ha ha , in your literal world this means that your man God in biblical Jesus acknowledged that there are other Gods apart from him. Ha ha , you just shot yourself in your foot.
(3) 1John5:7-8
You have been conned by the zealots translating the bible. The following is the footnote from the NIV bible
Late manuscripts of the Vulgate testify in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. And there are three that testify on earth: the (not found in any Greek manuscript before the fourteenth century)
It is an interpolation or bluntly a lie in the bible
(4) Colossians1:17
This again shows that you do notunderstand your bible. Verse 15 and 16 states
15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him
Biblical Jesus is just an image of God , consistent with gen1:26. The image of God is not God. For him all things were created not 'he created all things'. You have a serious comprehension problem.
(4) Rev21:6
This again is evidence of your ignorance. If you refer to rev4 , the 'thing' that sits on the throne is God , 'the Father' not biblical Jesus. If you care to read further in rev21 , biblical Jesus , your man God is referred to being the 'lamb'.
Ha ha , this embarrassing for you. None of the verses you referred to in any way affirm that biblical Jesus is God. You have abysmally failed.
This is funny. Quoting you :
Then what about countless of verses in Bible which refer Jesus as God ??? Does Bible contradict itself ???
First we have verses that affirm biblical Jesus is not God. In your wet dreams and interpolation , you asserted that there are verses (mentioned above) claiming biblical Jesus to be God. This means that the bible contradicts itself .... yes? TQ for affirming such
I just don't know why you are trying your best to run down Christianity and the bible. Ha ha , the Christians should seek a court injunction to bar you from arguing for Christianity. You are really damaging Christianity
sam1528 posted on 26-10-2013 09:47 AM
Ha ha , it is so easy to see that your response is just a copy paste from 'answering Islam'. I hav ...
Ha ha , it is so easy to see that your response is just a copy paste from 'answering Islam'. I have said it a couple of times , that is about the worst site you can go for answers. You are just embarrassing yourself and Christianity.....by Nicuya-san ustazy sam1528
Who needs copy and paste from other website to support my claim ??? On the contrary, an under educated madrasah trained ustazy like you desperately need it. Debating a retarded inbred muslim like you only require my medulla oblogata to accomplish it, spare my cerebral neuron....
Hey retard, ever wonder why no Christian even show slight interest in debating you ??? And only half free thinker like me when got boring and enjoy provoking retard muslim like you to get some saucy imbecilic response from muslim like you.
You are a deluded person. So far you lost in all our encounters. Now you claim to be a free thinker because you cannot answer to any issues put forth , otherwise you are a Christian. Are you trying to help out your buddy 'truth.8' because he is having a problem in responding? You are about the worst person to come to his aid as your knowledge of the bible comes from 'answering Islam' not bible scholars. 'Truth.8' must be really desperate to send a SOS to you who has extremely shallow understanding of the bible.by Nicuya-san ustazy sam1528
Still hasn't got enough spanking you filthy little Islamic whore, don't you ? Yea.....don't whine lah little whore but you have to perform much better than this to impress us.....
Don't use "Truth" as an excuse lah, it is crystal clear that you've lost big time in your debate with him.
It is so easy to refute you. Lets do it point by point :
(1) John1:1
a Greek Lexicon renders the word 'logos' in Joh1:1 to has the following meanings
speaking; words you say (Rom. 15:18, “what I have said and done”).
a statement you make (Luke 20:20 – (NASB), “they might catch him in some statement).
a question (Matt. 21:24, “I will also ask you one question”)......................................................by Nicuya-san ustazy sam1528
Do you even understand what you copied and pasted ??? Obviously you don't !
What ??? Simple direct verse like John 1:1 also need copy and paste from sources you don't even understand ???
You are really a islamic whore who is trying very hard embarrassing herself by flashing the venereal diseased pussy, don't you ?
wkk5159 posted on 26-10-2013 05:27 PM
Who needs copy and paste from other website to support my claim ??? On the contrary, an under educated madrasah trained ustazy like you desperately need it. Debating a retarded inbred muslim like you only require my medulla oblogata to accomplish it, spare my cerebral neuron....
Hey retard, ever wonder why no Christian even show slight interest in debating you ??? And only half free thinker like me when got boring and enjoy provoking retard muslim like you to get some saucy imbecilic response from muslim like you.
This is so funny. No answers from you except moaning and whining. Suddenly you shout that you are victorious. Hmmm , you are not suffering from inferiority complex .... are you?
No Christian responded because they can't respond. Only you are dumb enough to 'keep the Christian flag flying' with your constant moaning and whining but not actually answering the questions. Simple question about the nature of 'Trinity' got you so riled up that now you have gone bezerk. Ha ha ..... this is so funny. Go lah and refer to 'answering Islam'. This is just too easy.
Still hasn't got enough spanking you filthy little Islamic whore, don't you ? Yea.....don't whine lah little whore but you have to perform much better than this to impress us.....
Don't use "Truth" as an excuse lah, it is crystal clear that you've lost big time in your debate with him.
Am I not right? 'Truth.8' is in trouble . So he sends SOS to you for help. Here comes 'wkk5159' , the so called 'defender of the faithful' trying to defend the indefensible with his constant moaning and whining. Ha ha , you are just exposing your weakness. Maybe you should moan and whine with your wife or girlfriend or mistress or the prostitute you frequent. You are out of your depth here as you are pretty ignorant of your bible. 'Ahem - ahem' , yours truly need to coach you in bible understanding. Ha ha
Do you even understand what you copied and pasted ??? Obviously you don't !
What ??? Simple direct verse like John 1:1 also need copy and paste from sources you don't even understand ???
You are really a islamic whore who is trying very hard embarrassing herself by flashing the venereal diseased pussy, don't you ?
Round and round goes 'wkk5159' without understanding of where he is going. You don't seem don't know that the original language of the NT is koine greek. The word 'logos' in Joh1:1 has never in context to mean that biblical Jesus is God.
You are in trouble here. There are numerous other verses that states that biblical Jesus is not God. Either
(1) Biblical Jesus is not God ; or
(2) The bible contradict itself
Heads I win , tails you lose. Ha ha , you are in a lose - lose position.
sam1528 posted on 26-10-2013 06:39 PM
This is so funny. No answers from you except moaning and whining. Suddenly you shout that you are ...
This is so funny. No answers from you except moaning and whining. Suddenly you shout that you are victorious. Hmmm , you are not suffering from inferiority complex .... are you?....by Retarded Inbred Ustazy sam1528
Make no mistake, typical manifestation of a sore loser
No Christian responded because they can't respond. Only you are dumb enough to 'keep the Christian flag flying' with your constant moaning and whining but not actually answering the questions. Simple question about the nature of 'Trinity' got you so riled up that now you have gone bezerk. Ha ha ..... this is so funny. Go lah and refer to 'answering Islam'. This is just too easy. by Retarded Inbred Ustazy sam1528
What can we say ??? Again and again you are exposing your own vulnerability and stupidity by boasting your own ignorance. Like i said, try posting it on Christian forum and the best part you can't even refute me even if i just use my medulla oblongata without even working my cerebral neuron, what ??? You don't know the function of medulla oblongata ?? Go and look it up in physiology textbook lah you ignoramus imbecile !
Am I not right? 'Truth.8' is in trouble . So he sends SOS to you for help. Here comes 'wkk5159' , the so called 'defender of the faithful' trying to defend the indefensible with his constant moaning and whining. Ha ha , you are just exposing your weakness. Maybe you should moan and whine with your wife or girlfriend or mistress or the prostitute you frequent. You are out of your depth here as you are pretty ignorant of your bible. 'Ahem - ahem' , yours truly need to coach you in bible understanding. Ha ha by Retarded Inbred Ustazy sam1528
Ahem ahem what ??? Your throat got clogged up from too much cunnilingus with hookers ??? Apparently it is !
Round and round goes 'wkk5159' without understanding of where he is going. You don't seem don't know that the original language of the NT is koine greek. The word 'logos' in Joh1:1 has never in context to mean that biblical Jesus is God.by Retarded Inbred Ustazy sam1528
Come on lah, you don't even understand simple english, now you want to talk about greek ???
You are in trouble here. There are numerous other verses that states that biblical Jesus is not God. Either
(1) Biblical Jesus is not God ; or
(2) The bible contradict itself
Heads I win , tails you lose. Ha ha , you are in a lose - lose position.
Poor you .... are you in tears now? Ha ha by Retarded Inbred Ustazy sam1528
This retarded inbred ustazy sure never triumphant in any contest or win anything in his misery life before that he has to resort to self-comforting himself with self acclaimed victory......
sam1528 posted on 26-10-2013 06:39 PM
This is so funny. No answers from you except moaning and whining. Suddenly you shout that you are ...
No Christian responded because they can't respond.
If no respond that doesn't mean Christians have no answer....
from what I have experience, Christians are peace living peoples...
my pastor ask me to avoid arguing with muslims....simply because it only leads hatred and fight...so he ask us to pray for them as God will leads the the truth...
So, u see...christians not war monger like u rather peace living peopels..
war mongers like u driven by satan to make the world unbalance...
Amen Last edited by Truth.8 on 26-10-2013 10:29 PM
Mahesh, seorang Kristian menanyakan soalan kpd Dr Zakir Naik benarkah Jesus Christ (Nabi Isa a.s) tidak disalib ? Anda boleh menilai sendiri sikap beliau yang kerap kali enggan menjawab soalan yg dikemukakan Dr Zakir Naik walaupun beliau tahu jawapannya.