Ada forummer yg masih main Pokémon Go di sini?
At one point, Iolls berhenti skejap sebab bosan. Nak level up to gain EXP susah and lambat sgt.
But changes by Niantic made it easier and more fun to play the game.
Time Covid-19 ni, yg bagus nyer pihak Niantic allow us to raid remotely tanpa keluar rumah untuk ke "Gym".
Kalau ada sesiapa yg masih main PoGo ni, marilah bergabung sini.
Add friends, exchange gifts and go raiding together.
Photo Credit: https://pokemongohub.net/post/event/real-world-pokemon-go-fest-2021-celebrations/ |
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awal2 dlu main mmg ketagihla....naik motor cari pokemon.....haha
skrang dah lama benti maen |

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Post time 26-7-2021 12:34 PM
From the mobile phone
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kyozsamurai replied at 26-7-2021 12:24 PM
awal2 dlu main mmg ketagihla....naik motor cari pokemon.....haha
skrang dah lama benti maen
Itu MO kita jugak. Ronda2 sambil cari Pokémon, spin Pokestop.
Sekarang dah byk game development.
Dah ada mcm2 pokemon, legendary Mon boleh tangkap via Raid semua.
Tapi tu lah kalau main sensorang jenuh jgk. |
oooo...kira ramai lagila ni yang main
nanti2 kalau ada mood nk maen balik ak download...haha

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Post time 26-7-2021 12:49 PM
From the mobile phone
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kyozsamurai replied at 26-7-2021 12:45 PM
oooo...kira ramai lagila ni yang main
nanti2 kalau ada mood nk maen balik ak download...haha
U should.
I pun main bila free jer atau ada apa2 event.
Last week baru abes Pokémon go Fest.
Tpt jugak lvl EXP dgn cepat dlm dua hari tu. |

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Post time 26-7-2021 05:21 PM
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FanTasyCreaTioN replied at 26-7-2021 03:22 PM
FC salah sorang peminat tegar game ni
tapi ...
Alah. Main game ni secara biaser atau 'sniper' tu okay jer FC. Cuma kena hati2 jer la kalau si Niantic dah start buat worldwide ban lagi.
Iolls pun takde la ramai members main. Kadang2 terpaksa raid pakai PokeGenie.
Satu dunia nyer raid boleh pergi. Cuma kena sabar ah tunggu turn to be invited to join the raid. And terpaksa beli remote raid pass.

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Post time 26-7-2021 05:57 PM
From the mobile phone
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FanTasyCreaTioN replied at 26-7-2021 05:29 PM
Pasal kena ban aritu la iols terus uninstall
Dulu pernah la jadi sniper jugak.
Tapi hati2 ah. Kalau kat satu tempat tu tak la 'melompat' dari satu daerah ke satu daerah dlm masa yg terlalu cepat.
Disebab ada first wave worldwide ban tu terus tak snipe lagi. Tobat.
Kalau uollz nak boleh jer add Iolls.
Setiap hari boleh send dgn receive gifts. Itupun akan dpt tambahkan EXP. Gifts dapat from spinning Pokestops. |
Best lagi tak main pokemon go ni? macam dah pening dah game dia skarang. |

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Post time 27-7-2021 09:09 PM
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dalliha6781 replied at 27-7-2021 08:01 PM
Best lagi tak main pokemon go ni? macam dah pening dah game dia skarang.
Kalau u ngah menunggu semasa bekerja dan diluar rumah, boleh jer main.
Best jugak.
Cari pokemon baru, add friends, send/received gifts from friends, Pegi raid untuk tangkap Legendary Pokémons.
Banyak peningkatan la. |
masih main. sekarang banyak Pokemon baru. Setiap hari dia bagi free task, so tak perlu nak spin pokestop untuk dptkan daily task. |

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Post time 7-8-2021 11:17 AM
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xastor9 replied at 3-8-2021 04:24 PM
masih main. sekarang banyak Pokemon baru. Setiap hari dia bagi free task, so tak perlu nak spin poke ...
Yeah. Tak yah nak spin sgt Pokestop. Tapi kalau nak dpt EXP byk, kena add many friends to give/receive gifts. So, kena jgk spin Pokestops to collect gifts.
Cuma skrg ramai players in U.S dgn NZ ngah marah dgn Niantic for removing the distance thgy. |
Sekarang byk pokemon baru² n task daily pun senang² jugak..seronok bila raid legendary baru²..memang berebut nak raid kalo area aku ni |
Edited by HunterXh at 16-1-2025 07:06 AM
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Pokemon Go is still a cool game, because it makes gamers walk) It's a pity that there is less activity! |
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