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ako-amy dah berbaik-baik... we r friend again~

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Post time 12-9-2012 08:16 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
salam semua...
ini bukan satu masalah besar tuk ako...
but i just want to figure out...
   1)salah ke klu ako terasa hati???
   2)salah ke klu ako ckp ako sakit hati ngan sikap kawan ako ni??

kisah nye begini.... i have a friend yg mengaku ako ni bestfriend dia... ako kenalkan dia sebagai amy (bukan nama sebenar). kitaorg kenal betul2 kenal dah almost 4 years...jatuh-bangun-susah-senang-gelak-sedih-belajr... byk dah benda yg kitaorg dah buat sama2 selama ini...

until one day she said that dia dah bertunang ngan org kampung dia... itu pon after dah bagi tahu kt org lain dulu...siap tanya kt org lain lagi, mcm mn n patut ker bagi tahu perkara ni kat ako...sbb dia tahu yg ako xsuka tunang dia tu...mcm mn nk suka, first impression ako kt mamat ni mmg teruk...mcm nk menggunakan kawan ako jer...
    a) bila sesak ngan dateline nk cari lecturer untuk ditemuramah, baru r contact si amy ni
    b) lepas hilang sesak dia, dia akan hilang kan diri.... then the cycle will go like that

masa dah bertunang, pon sbnarnye ako dah mule sikit2 terasa hati ngan amy ni... sikit2, tunang... apa2 tunang... ako bosan kot... klu kitaorg kluar, hp tu asik sgt msg2...klu korg tgk kitaorg dlm train mcm 2 strangers yg duduk sebelah2 yg xkenal sesape... i hate that... but instead of saying that, i just remain silent... n sumbt telinga layan lagu...

now diaorg dah kawen... pon satu hal gak.... masa tu ako tgh praktikal... amy chat kt fb... saying that she will get married ramadan hari tu ats sbb ayah dia yg suruh... katanya ayah dia pi umrah bebaru ni dpt hidayah suruh diaorg kawen... n amy pon ckp, lepas ni dah susah lah nk jumpa, ako dah final sem... sibuk ngan project... n dia siap ajak ako lagi kluar... nk spend time together2 for the last time. n nk bagi wedding card by hand.. n ako ok jer... but then, masa mcm suntuk sgt2... so ako message kt fb... ajak keluar pi bazar ramadan after ako abis kerja... tp dia xbls pon... so ako pikr xpelah may be kt hostel wireless connection xde... but one day ako tgk, kt fb dia byk jer benda2 yg berkaitan ngan kawen-mawen, doa segala dia tag kenkawan dia yg lain...but my message??? dia xreply pon.....

n ako lagi sedih bile one day, Mila (bukan nama sebnr juga) ckp kt ako yg amy ada pass kan wedding card dia utk ako... but then ako ckp: xpyh lah weh... ko simpn je card tu... ako xheran dah...hati ako dah sakit...
ako sakit hati bukan ape... klu amy ada msg ako ckp "sorry xsempt nk jumpa, card dah pass kt Mila...sorry sgt2"
then i will be ok... sejuk sikit hati ni... tp itulah...hati ini selalu ckp, mengalah ako, mengalah!... may be time tu dia busy sgt2...

                  n masa pon berlalu~~~~raya dah~~~~ ako pon dah habis praktikal... dah masuk sem baru...
                                                       ~~~azam baru, dah xnk pikir2 lagi pasal sakit hati segala~~~

baru nk lupa kisah zaman batu tu...
hari pertama sem baru... hati ako skit lagi
amy mesage:
  1. "salam... ape khabr cik kak? <b><font color="Red">mana kau menghilang</font></b>? ko ada kt bilik ke atau kt *KOE?"
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ako menghilang?? ako menghilang??? o... selama ni ako yg menghilang??? otak tgh b'suara sabar Ako... sabar!!!
ako balas:
  1. "sape yg menghilang?? huhu.. ako kt e-voke tgh makan"
Copy the Code
then amy reply balik:
  1. amboi, jauhnye... aku dlm bas ni. kau ada kelas ker ari ni?? jumpa petang nnti r... klu free, mai r bilik aku
Copy the Code
ako nk tanya kt korang... salah ke ako terasa?? salah ker klu ako terang2 ckp yg ako sakit hati bile semua org tanya ako, ape cite amy skrg?? n people around me always say that, jgn la mcm tu.. xelok n bla bla bla~~~

*KOE-kuliyah of engineering
ps-sorry terpanjang.... ako dah xde sape nk bebel... kt sini jer r pon...sorry sgt2...

Last edited by ako_chan on 11-1-2013 08:00 PM


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Post time 13-9-2012 10:39 AM | Show all posts
bila aku baca, aku terbayang muka 'ako mustapha'.. mengapa ye????

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Post time 13-9-2012 10:52 AM | Show all posts
name ko 'ako' ke?

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Post time 13-9-2012 11:19 AM | Show all posts
Alahai... tingat zaman kecik2 dulu... mcm ni le gadonye

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Post time 13-9-2012 12:20 PM | Show all posts
hehe... tu la aku pon teringat zaman2 asek bergadoh ngan kawan2... hehe.. well... ko x salah la gak.. sebab sape2 kt tempat ko akan terasa kot.. tapi kekadang orang yg wat kt ko yg x pasan die wat tu salah...

kalau ko nak cakap kt die.. "aku sakit ati kat ko ar" pn cam xd gunenye sangat sebab die da kawen.. die da ade komitmen lagi penting drp jage ati sorang kawan...

ko carik kawan yg laen je la...xpon ko pon carik boipren.. xyah sibuk sal orang yg xnk pk sal ko.. hehe

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Post time 13-9-2012 01:50 PM | Show all posts
stendet ar weyh..
kawan2 mesti ada gado punye..konpem..wajib...
macam aku dengan membe aku..susah senang menangis merayu selami ni sama2..
lepas grad gaduh besar gila..

alhamdulillah...aku malas nak panjang cerita..
dah tau perangai dia macam mana
dia pun dah paham perangai aku macam mana agaknya..
masing2 cuba larik dari buat silap yang sama ar..

sekrang selamat je minggu2 aku lepak dengan dia..
bile pk..die lah manusia yang paling aku tak ngam..
tapi selalu sama2 sebab kitorang je melayu dalam kelas..selalu ponteng pun berdua semua..
penah setahun duduk sebilik..macam2 jadi..

so apa yang aku buat..aku pikir je semua benda baik yang dia dah buat..
and benda tuh aku buat basic dalam otak..dalam persahabatan kitorang

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 Author| Post time 13-9-2012 03:09 PM | Show all posts
prettyuglybabe posted on 13-9-2012 10:39 AM
bila aku baca, aku terbayang muka 'ako mustapha'.. mengapa ye????

sile buang that 'ako' jauh2 masuk gaung~~

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 Author| Post time 13-9-2012 03:11 PM | Show all posts
delimaputih posted on 13-9-2012 10:52 AM
name ko 'ako' ke?

my name bukan ako...
ako chan merupakan watak kartun dekt tv1 zaman dulu...
is not la 'duluuuuuuuu' sgt2.... masa tahun 2006 la jugak....


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 Author| Post time 13-9-2012 03:26 PM | Show all posts
biozipstar posted on 13-9-2012 12:20 PM
hehe... tu la aku pon teringat zaman2 asek bergadoh ngan kawan2... hehe.. well... ko x salah la gak. ...

enth r weh....
ako skrg ni asik buat damage control jer...
always remind myself... sabar sabar n sabar...
xlm je lagi.... ujung tahun ni grad la....xpyh nk jumpe dah
kakak tu.... biar hilang kan diri seperti yg didakwa~
but dlm mcm 2... ako jadi sedih...hanya mampu menangis dlm hati jer...

emm... may be dah takdir kot...
every relationship yg letak nama 'bestfriend' dlm hidup ako
akn berakhir dgn kesedihan dipihak ako n kegembiraan to other party???
takdir ker??? atau mmg dah tertulis yg ako ni will walk alone until the end of my life??
mcm tu ker??? x ker tragik sgt bunyi nye???

weh...pasal part ko suruh ako cr kawan lain??? kawan ako ramai jer...
kawan gelak2, kawan masak2, kawan study sampi mata lebam, kawan jln2 cari makan sampi kenyang...
tp amy ni how to say ha?? ako xpenah nk letak dia sbg bestfriends, sbb ako penah ada kisah hitam pasal bff ni...
but then, dia yg klu kitaorg jln kemana2, dia sendiri yg ckp kt org ramai yg ako ni bestfriend dia... n melekat r title tu...

part cr boifrend tu ako xsetuju... ko ingt cari boifrend ni mcm cari ikan kt pasar ker??? dah r ni last sem... dr sibuk nk mcari pakwe yg ntah apa2... better ako pokuskan kt study....

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 Author| Post time 13-9-2012 03:37 PM | Show all posts
nycest posted on 13-9-2012 01:50 PM
stendet ar weyh..
kawan2 mesti ada gado punye..konpem..wajib...
macam aku dengan membe aku..susah  ...

emm... good for you sbb dua2 pihak sedar silap masing2...
tp kt sini, ako sorg2 je menjeruk rasa....
the other party??? happy la kot....

skrg ni.... yg ako xphm... org keliling mcm nmpk yg ako ni bersalah sgt2...ako ni yg jahat sgt2.....
mule2 they will say, they understand my feeling, but in a second they will say...
"enough la layan sakit hati tu... kesian kt amy, dia perlukan support kawan2 dia"
"emm... cukuplah~ just think positive... may be time tu dia busy ker..."
"why not ko ajak dia jumpa??... face to face... may be dia ada reason semua tu..."
"erk... xbaik r cam tu... ko doa kan aje dia happy ngan hidup dia sekarg"
"bagi r dia sikit masa... nk adjust life dia skrg ni... bukan nye senang, dulu iyelah sorg2... sekrg dah berdua... ko xphm sbb ko xpenah berchinta...."

series mmg ako stress dgr segala benda ni....
elok ako diam, diaorg tanye.....
bile ako jawab: "entah, xthu... hidup lagi la kot..."
diaorg marah, bebel mcm yg kat ats tu~~

Last edited by ako_chan on 13-9-2012 03:38 PM


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Post time 13-9-2012 05:30 PM | Show all posts
ako_chan posted on 13-9-2012 03:37 PM
emm... good for you sbb dua2 pihak sedar silap masing2...
tp kt sini, ako sorg2 je menjeruk rasa. ...

bagi aku...antara membe2 memang ada je mcm tuh..

bestfren ke tak..
yg penting..attitude kau kat orang..
biarlah mcm mana org layan ko...

kita just cuba yg terbaik je untuk jaga hubungan sesama manusia..

so jangan stress ye dear...


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Post time 13-9-2012 06:52 PM | Show all posts
ako_chan posted on 13-9-2012 03:26 PM
enth r weh....
ako skrg ni asik buat damage control jer...
always remind myself... sabar sabar n ...

alah adik tt, this is the cycle of life ... nothing remains the same 4ever ... u cant stop what is meant to be ... x perlulah nk sedey2 thinkg u'll b walkg alone ... each n everyone of us will walk alone at one time or another ... thats life, c'est la vie ... baiklah pk nk abeskan studi, grad ... new life, new beginnings, ya

Cer google this line and read the poem .... people come into your life for a REASON, a SEASON or a LIFE TIME

Last edited by missus_meow on 13-9-2012 06:53 PM


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Post time 13-9-2012 10:08 PM | Show all posts
Aku rs ni kes 'communication breakdown'. Dia ingt TT x suka boyfren dia, tat's why dia x involvedkn TT dlm wedding dia. TT plak ingt dia sengaja jauhkn diri dr TT... So its either 'u forgive n forget' or communicate to each other heart to heart...

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Post time 13-9-2012 11:13 PM | Show all posts

citer ko ni cm citer pelangi kasih....sikit je lar....xsemo....

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Post time 14-9-2012 10:09 AM | Show all posts
ako_chan posted on 13-9-2012 03:26 PM
enth r weh....
ako skrg ni asik buat damage control jer...
always remind myself... sabar sabar n ...

hahaha.. dulu aku ade masalah sejibik cam ko.. aku ad besfreng cam amy ko tu.. kakaka.. tapi tetap kecewa..
aku memang dah malas pk sal kawan... dan pokus stadi... dan aku dapat 3.94 mase last sem...! kakakakaka
saje nak belagak... ko bukan kenal aku kan...

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Post time 17-9-2012 05:52 PM | Show all posts
besela dalam ramai2 kawan mesti ada mcm ni
aku pun dlu de member antara yg rapat masa belajar
sama2 sehostel makan sama g kelas sama
tapi bila kawen hanta msg kat frienster
dahla zaman tu org dah guna fb
aku tebaca msg dia sehari sebelum kenduri
tu pun tegerak nak buka frienster yg besawang tu
mmg jangan harap aku nak pegi
mcm ko kata kalo dia sms aku ajak
btau tak sempat hanta kad
aku tak kisah sgt pon
alih2 paste msg kat frienster
kawan aku yg tak rapat sgt pon leh hanta kad

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2012 10:48 AM | Show all posts
nycest posted on 13-9-2012 05:30 PM
bagi aku...antara membe2 memang ada je mcm tuh..

bestfren ke tak..
bestfren ke tak..
yg penting..attitude kau kat orang..
biarlah mcm mana org layan ko...
kita just cuba yg terbaik je untuk jaga hubungan sesama manusia..
ok baru ni dpt masuk cari setelah hujung minggu sibuk ngan open house bagai... biasa r org nk habis kan stock kuih raya kan...

well... thanx for ur brilliant advise.. attitude huh???
attitude.. explain plis???
for me... ako rasa ok jer r xthu la pulak kan the other party rasa cam mn???
ako ni jenis:
1)ako commited ngan keje...
2)ako xreti nk nyibuk hal org,org cite ako dgr. bukan jenis ako nk tanya khabar org... takut dikata busy body
3)pasal kengkawan, ako jenis yg memerhati, memilih... first impression tu penting, tp i will give 2-3 chances for them to impress me.... if not hai2 bye2 la ye...because for me, xperlu nk buang masa layan org yg kite sendiri xleh nk get along kan?? buat letih jer...
4)bagi ako, friends ni satu relationship yg jenis business... ada, we will have something in common.. klu ako je yg asyik memberi, the other party asik terimeeeeee jer....mmg haram kejadah la kan???

em... so ko nilai kan lah sendiri... may be ni positive attitude yg ako pikir ada kt ako... tp negatif kt kengkawan~ entah....


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 Author| Post time 18-9-2012 10:56 AM | Show all posts
mushroomsup posted on 17-9-2012 05:52 PM
besela dalam ramai2 kawan mesti ada mcm ni
aku pun dlu de member antara yg rapat masa belajar
sama ...

kan??? tragik sgt kan???
tu la pasal... susah sgt ker nk message through phone...
ako bukan nk dia karang ayat bebunge2 bebaris2...
just say: "sorry sgt2, xsempat nk jumpe.. aku dah pass kan card tu kat si polan"

n then ako akn reply: ok...
kite pon phm kot.... masa sgt2 singkat...
student-wedding-exam... semua tu menuntut masa yg bukan sedikit... tp byk kot...

tp itulah.... mungkin dipihak dia, hati dia xpenah kot terpikir mcm tu...
ker kite je yg pikir terlebih2????


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Post time 18-9-2012 11:07 AM | Show all posts
ako_chan posted on 18-9-2012 10:56 AM
kan??? tragik sgt kan???
tu la pasal... susah sgt ker nk message through phone...
ako bukan nk d ...

sebenarnya kita je rasa dia penting dlm hidup kita
tpi dia tak anggap pong kita ni penting


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 Author| Post time 18-9-2012 03:59 PM | Show all posts
missus_meow posted on 13-9-2012 06:52 PM
alah adik tt, this is the cycle of life ... nothing remains the same 4ever ... u cant stop what is ...

saje jer nk brdrama sikit...
heheheee.... everyone will walk alone huh??
well thanx for the inspirational poem...
i love to share with others...
Reason, Season, or Lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you figure out which one it is,
you will know what to do for each person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty;
to provide you with guidance and support;
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend, and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it. It is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons;
things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person,
and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

— Unknown
emm... i wonder if i give this poem to amy, n ask her which one are you??? season?? reason??
should i or shouldn't i???


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