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Sains Matahari...........

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Post time 20-7-2003 09:44 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

sapa sini dlm field astronomy @ astrophysics? ada org dari BAKSA ka sini?

apa beza astronomy dgn astrophysics?..

nih gamabq matahri paling dekat penah amik..
berapa dekat??

dia punya suhu kat corona dia (lapisan luaq) 1 million Celsius..
dia punya loops boleh  span 250 000 batu,..lebih kurang 30 kali diameter bumi......

macamana matahri bekeja?...apa yg terbakar?..apa sumber dia?
sampai bila dia terbakaq?..bila masa dia akan habis terbakaq?...

paparock, mbhcf, semua2 kat sini..sapa2 tau...??

p/s macamana kat akhirat nanti, bila matahri sejenkai jer ataih kepala?
taubat aku.......:cry::cry:

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Post time 20-7-2003 10:27 PM | Show all posts


sebelum itu, cerita kucing erwin tak habih lagi.....

okay,  kena start dengan systematic approach dulu .... like ...apa tu matahari?
matahari ni nak habaq bagi adalah ...dan tugasnya yg utama bagi earthlings adalah sebagai sumber chy , tenaga ( solar) dan bagi tumbuhan  for photosynthesis..( actually proses phosynthesis ni menark sangat Subhannallah)
tu yg kita boleh relate kan apa tu matahari dan fungsi ..bagi nampak bende ni dulu...
( lepas ni kena rujuk buku laaa)

lepas tu coming to those questions...
okay matahari tu bintang so it doesn't tell us much right , pakar quantum kan...? ( perli sikit naa)
matahri ni dia ni kan bebola gas..yep it 70-80 % of the sun...( syamsiah in arabic and in Greek it is called helios) is made up of gas..haa tu dia...gas ape ..gas hydrogen.the rest tu helium..lah..

okay ni i kena  bagi ,org lain cerita pulak laaa

tentang process yg berlaku dlm matahari ni...sure yg physics tu tau kan...ala nuclear fusion ( bhs Melayu  pelakuran? kaa depa panggil)...di mana proton ( hydrogen ) combines to another proton kan..lantas membentuk = helium
selalunya ini ade persamaan physics kan ..say adah lupa...
nak tahu berapa suhu yg process ni terjadi?
well the answer is 14 million degree centigrade..... dan basic sains la bila ade percantuman dua  atom / jirim selalunya ade la pembebasan tenaga ..( ini Form 1 punya basic kalau tak salah bab 3..KBSM naaa)..okay i pass it on to others...

p/s: kucing erwin.....
color=Black]source: the giant book of what do you know...[
yg tak jawab apakah instrument yg depa guna nak kaji bende ni?
yg saya dpt ialah spectograph
may be hubble space telescope ni I am not so sure
lagi  soalan saya
sun spots
solar winds ( ni sesiapa yg ambil telecomunicatns studies ( engineering ) tahu kot)....
okay bless you all........

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Post time 21-7-2003 06:52 PM | Show all posts
Salam to both of you

Anis suka topic nih..bayangkan kebesaran Allah yang menjadikan matahari sedemikian hebat dan besar tapi kalau dibandingkan dengan bintang-bintang lain sebenarnya matahari ini terlalu kecil…

Fakta penting tentang matahari:
稤ia dah tua berumur 4.5 billion tahun

稤ia terletak di penghujung Our solar system is on the edge of a spiral arm (A plane curve traced by a point circling about the center but at ever-greater distances from it) called Orion's Arm, dan diantara

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Post time 21-7-2003 09:50 PM | Show all posts
aku tak sampai tahap ni nak bercakap topic astronomist.. ni tahap tinggi ni..

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Post time 21-7-2003 10:28 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by Awang Ganu at 2003-7-21 21:50:
aku tak sampai tahap ni nak bercakap topic astronomist.. ni tahap tinggi ni..

tak tau tak pa..ypu can ask i think it is okay to ask ..

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Post time 22-7-2003 08:56 PM | Show all posts
Perlakuran Nuklear Di Matahari

Empat atom hidrogen ditukarkan kepada satu atom helium, mengeluarkan jumlah tenaga yang amat kecil. Tetapi matahari menukarkan  600 ribu juta kilogram hidrogen kepada helium setiap saat…

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Lone_Ranger This user has been deleted
Post time 22-7-2003 10:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by paparock at 22-7-2003 08:56 PM:
Perlakuran Nuklear Di Matahari

Empat atom hidrogen ditukarkan kepada satu atom helium, mengeluarkan jumlah tenaga yang amat kecil. Tetapi matahari menukarkan  600 ribu juta kilogram hidrogen kep ...

Ade sesiapa tak yang boleh buktikan dengan formular berapa lama lagik matahari dijangkakan padam atau ges dia abis...dulu ade le minah ulat buku tunjuk kat aku cara calculation nya gunakan formular ini:

4H ------> 1He + Energy (Macam paparock cakap)

then dia guna ---> E=mc2  

kedebuk gedebak dia dapat jawapan....nantilah aku punggah balik dairy lama aku rasanya aku ade tulis tapi kalau korang tau best gak...

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Post time 23-7-2003 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Lone_Ranger at 22-7-2003 10:31 PM:
Ade sesiapa tak yang boleh buktikan dengan formular berapa lama lagik matahari dijangkakan padam atau ges dia abis...dulu ade le minah ulat buku tunjuk kat aku cara calculation nya gunakan formular ...

Ada dua method yang Anis faham but kalau silap jangan marah ok sekadar berbincang….

Remaining Fuel of the  the Sun, T, can be computed from the amount of fuel that the Sun has and the burning rate.

burning rate x T = total fuel
burning rate corresponds to the solar luminosity: Lo

total fuel corresponds to the mass available for nuclear reactions: E = mc2

10% of the solar mass can be converted into He.
The efficiency of H --> He fusion is 0.7%.

total fuel = m c2 = Mo x 0.1 x 0.007 c2

1 Solar Luminosity = 3.89 x 1033 ergs/sec
Energy - Bah. Try and define that. Usually measured in ergs; an erg is about the energy of one flea jump. 1 erg = 1 gm*cm2/sec2 = 10-7 joules
[if you use E=mc2 with the mass in grams, the speed in cm/sec, then you get E in gm*(cm/sec)2, which is gm*cm2/sec2 = ergs]


So from above formular :

T = Mo x 0.1 x 0.007 c2 / Lo
Mo = 2 x 1030 kg (mass of the Sun)

c = 3 x 108 m/sec (speed of light)

Lo = 3.9 x 1026 Watts (luminosity of the Sun)

T = 3.2 x 1017 sec = 10 x 1010 years = 10 billion years

So  Sun now = 4.5 Billon year so we have around 5.5 Billon years more hopely..

Atau cara ke dua ( Tapi Anis tak pastilah saaada cara ni logic ke tidak just play around with formular..kalau ada sesiapa nak comment elok jugak) . Jawapannya lari sikit dari method yang di atas

Macam nih…………….

4 H atoms -> 1 He atom + energy

Note: energy is released because some of the mass of the Hydrogen atoms is converted to energy.

energy is produced via E=mc2

The question now how much energy is produced by producing one He atom from 4 H atoms?


Mass of 1 Hydrogen atom: 1.673 x 10-24 grams
Mass of 1 Helium atom: 6.644 x 10-24 grams
C= 3.00 x 1010 cm/sec

Note also :

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Lone_Ranger This user has been deleted
Post time 23-7-2003 07:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Tengku Anis at 23-7-2003 05:40 PM:
Ada dua method yang Anis faham but kalau silap jangan marah ok sekadar berbincang….

Remaining Fuel of the  the Sun, T, can be computed from ...

Apa panjang sangat Anis woiiiiii....pening kepala aku terus aku pingsan 13 x baca formular ko ni...Aku UMNO lah Anis dulu kini dan selamanya...

Tapi TQ Anis yeeeee..aku baca dulu apa yang ko tulis ni ye ke ko tipu aku..

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Post time 23-7-2003 07:38 PM | Show all posts

good KAK Anis...

1 Solar Luminosity = 3.89 x 1033 ergs/sec
Energy - Bah. Try and define that. Usually measured in ergs; an erg is about the energy of one flea jump. 1 erg = 1 gm*cm2/sec2 = 10-7 joules

okay here 'a few questions for ya Dear Sister..

1) tolong define  or elaborate  what is this "FLEA JUMP" referred to?
sapa yg introduced thi sconcept? ape itu sebenaqnya?

2) Solar luminosity- okay ini saya amat tertarik..sbb logiknya terlalu simple dan saya pun tak pernah terfikir macm ni,  again bless you for telling..

betulkah apa yg saya faham ni...????

....sbb process nuclear  fusion tu la kan yg hasilkan tenaga chy and etc ..dan of course

..... nak tahu berapa lama lagi matahari boleh membakar / fully utilised the source of fuel, logically it needs to be depended on how much fuel that is still left ..kan that ? much tu depending on kadar pembakaran and bila mentioned rate / kadar, tentulah secara asasnya ia mempunyai kuantiti fizik seperti masa , T dan seterusnya, dan juga total fuel perlulah kita ketahui kan?  

.....Dengan tahu total fuel ni dan masukkan nilai dlm persamaan e= mc2 ....
dptlah nilai Mo= total fuel....
jadi dah dapt total fuel tu ....

.......kita masukkan dlm persamaan yg pertama di tas kan? ( bukan begitu) ??? sbb  burning rate = total fuel / t sekarang adalah utk dapatkan time , t  lah ..yg bermaksud jumlah masa thn yg diperlukan utk bakaq habih all the fuels....

3) sape yg introduced the concept of solar luminosity ni?
and may I know based from which observation ?

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Post time 23-7-2003 07:40 PM | Show all posts


apa beza astronomy dgn astrophysics?..

ini kena tengok ENcarta lerr..:bg:

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Lone_Ranger This user has been deleted
Post time 23-7-2003 08:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 23-7-2003 07:38 PM:
okay here 'a few questions for ya Dear Sister..

1) tolong define  or elaborate  what is this "FLEA JUMP" referred to?
sapa yg introduced thi sconcept? ape itu sebenaqnya ...

Abis le aku..aku lah lelaki yang tersepit diantara dua gadis yang bercakap bahasa orang marikh....

Tak pe kasih aku 2 ari nak fahamkan

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Post time 23-7-2003 09:57 PM | Show all posts


salam i am from jupiter la...

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Post time 23-7-2003 10:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-7-23 01:38 PM:
okay here 'a few questions for ya Dear Sister..

1) tolong define  or elaborate  what is this "FLEA JUMP" referred to?
sapa yg introduced thi sconcept? ape itu sebenaqnya ...

Salam…mbhcsf ( Susah nak Pronaun Nick name you nih)

Iklas Anis pun tak sure siapa yang jumpa concept ni…but dari segi teory Physic FLEA JUMP refer to Energy Tranfer  dan konsep ini berkait rapat dengan Elastic concept kalau you look at Physic view.  Dah lama diketahui manusia kalau you baca sejarah Rome ahli metematik diaorang dah lama calculate concept FLEA JUMP dalam rekaan atau senjata seperti  catapult dan Speeding Arrow. Dan of course unit FLEA JUMP harus disamakan dengan concept Joule supaya ahli Fizik dapat menggabungkan kedua-dua theory ini dalam satu bahasa yang sama …
Yes  To determining the Solar luminosity is easy, in principle, once the distance is known…
Actually the Sun has increased its luminosity by 0.036% over the past 10 years. Maybe due to  the greenhouse effect…hemmm this is not a good sign….

Betullah Lifetime = Amount Of Fuel/rate of consumption

Bila tukar ke tahun the basic will be : 1 year = 3.15 x 107 seconds …so Anis rasa pemahaman you betul this is the basic part bila kita talk about  energy consumption …

Cara termudah dalam mendefinasikan  pemerhatian solar luminosity adalah dengan asas analisis dan metematik  seperti  time-dependent heat flow around the spots and faculae.Using  inverse square law for radiation.

Untuk mengkaji  i bolometric luminosity of the Sun kita kena hantar  probes above the Earth's atmosphere. Melalui ujikaji ini Saintis mendapati bahawa  Solar luminosity of 3.9x10E26 Watts seperti yang Anis terangkan kat atas..

Ok bye…

Note: Lone Ranger kalau nak pandai kene joint Reformasi sebab kita orang hari-hari belajar Fizik. Anis darik Zuhal bukan Marikh

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Post time 23-7-2003 10:44 PM | Show all posts

salam and bless you Kak Anis..

Cara termudah dalam mendefinasikan  pemerhatian solar luminosity adalah dengan asas analisis dan metematik  seperti  time-dependent heat flow around the spots and faculae.Using  inverse square law for radiation.Salam卪bhcsf ( Susah nak Pronaun Nick name you nih)


what is so special about sunspots and faculae?  (yg I tau sunspots boleh pengaruhu cuaca di bumi) ...

why these are the target spot to study luminosity?

p/s Kakak anis boleh panggil saya Da..for short..

hai how' s the ring? Saturn  SIS..?

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Post time 23-7-2003 11:14 PM | Show all posts
3.9 x 10E26 watts atau bersamaan dengan sejuta juta juta juta biji mentol 100-wat....:bg:

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Post time 23-7-2003 11:23 PM | Show all posts

ooo .okay then..

Originally posted by paparock at 2003-7-23 23:14:
3.9 x 10E26 watts atau bersamaan dengan sejuta juta juta juta biji mentol 100-wat....:bg:

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Post time 23-7-2003 11:32 PM | Show all posts
Sun spots amat mudah dikesan... Tak berapa lama dulu, keta aku pancit kat tol kajang... waktu matahari hampir terbenam. Kebetulan masa tu jerubu agak tebal jadi matahari boleh dilihat dengan mata kasar jer... Aku pakai binocular dan aku boleh nampak sunspots kat permukaan matahari dengan jelas sekali... Tapi ye la, jauh kan... jadi nampak tompok-tompok hitam jer la...

Fenomena sunspots masih belum dapat difahami sepenuhnya. Malah antara tahun 1645 dan 1715 didapati tiada sunspot berlaku dipermukaan matahari... Ini membingungkan dan belum ada teori yang boleh menjelaskan kehilangan sunspot pada tempoh masa itu...

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Post time 23-7-2003 11:38 PM | Show all posts

no ...should not..

Originally posted by paparock at 2003-7-23 23:32:
Sun spots amat mudah dikesan... Tak berapa lama dulu, keta aku pancit kat tol kajang... waktu matahari hampir terbenam. Kebetulan masa tu jerubu agak tebal jadi matahari boleh dilihat dengan mata k ...

eh we are not suppose to look at or teropong the sun directly la Papa...kalau nak kena guna filter sbb nanti kan retina mata rosak far as i am aware of..alamak ni medical lak
ni mcm ujikaji  yg kitaambik kanta cembung  dan focuskan sunlight atas kertas ..then kita lihat kertas tu terbakaq.....
but..lucky you...:bg:

K Anis your professional opinion.....

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Post time 23-7-2003 11:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-7-23 11:38 PM:
eh we are not suppose to look at or teropong the sun directly la Papa...kalau nak kena guna filter sbb nanti kan retina mata rosak far as i am aware of..alamak ni medical lak
ni mcm ujikaji ...

Kan jerubu yang tebal tu dah jadi filter yang berkesan mbhcsf.. Aku tau la selamat tak selamat, selain standard procedures ada jugak common sense...:bg:

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