Can a second chance at love and dreams mend the scars of the past? Melo Movie invites you to explore the possibilities behind this question as it premieres on February 14. The teaser unveiled today showcases the exceptional cast and promises a blend of romance and growth that will warm audiences’ hearts.
At the heart of Melo Movie is the rekindled romance of Ko Gyeom, played by Choi Woo-shik (A Killer Paradox, Parasite), and Kim Mubee, portrayed by Park Bo-young (Daily Dose of Sunshine, Strong Girl Bong-soon). Gyeom, a lifelong cinephile turned film critic, crosses paths again with Mubee, a budding director with a complex past. Though they were drawn together in the past, an unexpected incident caused them to stay apart — until fate brings them back to face each other, confronting both old wounds and sparks.
Behind the scenes, Melo Movie boasts a powerhouse creative team. Director Oh Choong-hwan, known for his magical touch on hits like Hotel del Luna and Start-Up, joins forces with Our Beloved Summer writer Lee Na-eun. Together, they craft a story that captures the essence of youth and the bittersweet journey of growth, with love and laughter.
The series also features Lee Jun-young (Mask Girl, Badland Hunters) as Hong Si-jun, an aspiring musician and Gyeom’s best friend, and Jeon So-nee (Parasyte: The Grey, Our Blooming Youth) as Son Ju-a, a screenwriter and Si-jun’s ex-girlfriend. Their journeys parallel the main plot — exploring the pursuit of dreams and balancing love in adulthood.
As the teaser poster aptly asks, “Will there be a happy ending?” Mark your calendars for February 14 with Melo Movie, only on Netflix.
Melo Movie is more than just a story; it's a journey of love, healing, and second chances. With its stellar cast and a teaser that hints at heartfelt moments, this film is set to captivate hearts starting February 14. Don’t miss out—stream it on the official app and dive into this beautifully crafted narrative. Discover how love and dreams can overcome the wounds of the past!
Post time 15-2-2025 09:55 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by Rahah at 15-2-2025 09:56 AM
Iols dah tengok 1st episod... agak slow sikit... sesuai la dengan tajuk drama... tapi watak Wooshik ni kelakar... nama watak Park Bo Young dalam citer ni unik... Mubee = Movie...
2nd couple tu breakup after 7th year anniversary couple... sedih tengok... bf tu belikan present lagi...
ada yang dah habis tengok ke? iolls tengok first episode tapi slow so masuk list dulu lah. pls review kalau best lepas first episode boleh iolls sambung marathon. tapi yang bestnya citer ni si woo shik ni memangnya bodoh bodoh rasa dia bagus nak bagi suggestion dekat kangdongnim setiap kali nak shooting. the level of confidence!
Post time 16-2-2025 10:59 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
serawadurian replied at 16-2-2025 09:01 AM
ada yang dah habis tengok ke? iolls tengok first episode tapi slow so masuk list dulu lah. pls revie ...
Iols belum habis tengok... tapi nak komen citer ni memang agak slow... title pun melo... so far boleh dilayan lagi...
Kalau baca synopsis citer ni, Wooshik jadi pengkritik film... tu sebab dia selalu bagi komen kat PDnim tu... tapi masa ni belum official jadi pengkritik... dia ada bagi review pasal movie2 yang dia tengok... tapi tak semua la... dia takde talent berlakon tapi pandai bagi kritikan/review pada film2 yang dia tengok... tu Ma PD suka kat dia...
dah tajuk pun Melo Movie memang melo lah jadinya
citer ni dari writer Our Beloved Summer, kalau tgk style dia, dia memang suka buat citer yg melo2 camni...
btw iols baru sampai epi 2...
epi 1 :
ni cerita pasal couple yg sorang extrovert sorang introvert...
Ko Gyeum ni memang minat dlm film making industry tapi dia takdelah bagus sgt...
tapi determination dia memang kuat...
Kim Mubee ni pulak masuk dlm movie industry sebab nak buat cerita yg lagi bagus dari appa dia sebab movie2 appa dia tu teruk sgt...
Ko Gyeum ada crush kat Kim Mubee...mula2 si Mubee ni tak berapa suka sgt Ko Gyeum ni sebab kacau je dia punya peaceful introvertlah katakan, dia memang tak suka org lain ganggu ketenangan hidup dia...
tapi lama2 dia terima jugak tapi once diorg dah start couple, Ko Gyeum menghilang...
epi 2 :
actually ada sebab kenapa Ko Gyeum menghilang...
dia jaga abang dia lepas accident...
lama tak nmpk Kim Jae Wook, lain rasanya tgk dia bawak watak yg tenang camni...
Ko Gyeum dlm masa yg sama ambik upah jadi writer...
satu hari secara tak sengaja dia attend Mubee punya movie screening & bagi soalan yg agak mencabar utk Mubee jawab...
tak lama lepas tu diorg terjumpa lagi sekali...
agak frustrating ye bila Ko Gyeum tak nak jawab dgn jujur kenapa dia ghosting Mubee...
actually Ko Gyeum pernah try nak contact Mubee 3 tahun sebelum tu tapi tak dpt sebab dah kena block...
then dgn tak semena2 tiba2 Mubee dpt tau yg diorg berjiran...
Post time 16-2-2025 12:24 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
I pun baru 1 epi. Sbb slow betul pace nya kan so takde la terasa nak marathon. Watak gyeum ni mmg woosik in person kot ya..mcm beloved summer sebijik gayanya. Stress nengok mubee ni haha sbb mcm takde perasaan atau murung je.
Post time 16-2-2025 04:21 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by Rahah at 16-2-2025 04:32 PM
Ko Gyeom ni selfish... iols faham je reason pasal abang dia... patut 2nd time jumpa Mubee, bagitau la reason kenapa tiba2 ghosting dia... pandai kritik film tapi tak pandai jaga perasaan Mubee... memang style writernim kan suka create character tarik tali macam ni... Mubee pulak jual mahal... kata tak suka... tapi sibuk juga ambil tau pasal Ko Gyeom... cehhh...
Iols suka Ma PD... walaupun katanya Ko Gyeom ni agak harsh bagi kritikan film tapi dia boleh terima sampai jadi bestie... maybe dah kenal lama... memang setiap manusia tu peel lain2, tak semua boleh terima kritikan tapi pada iols bagus ada character macam Ma PD ni... dah la kelakar... movie plop pun relaks jer lay low dulu...
Pasal PDnim yang telan pill tu pun salah faham jer... padahal takde kaitan dengan review Ko Gyeom pasal film dia... pendek kata kena dengar dulu penjelasan sebelum bash tak tentu hala salahkan orang...
Post time 17-2-2025 03:52 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by Rahah at 17-2-2025 07:11 PM
Episod 1 - 3... masa tengok 3 episod ni memang rasa slow giler... ada certain part rasa boring sampai tertido2 nak habiskan...
Episod 4 - 6... citer ni dah start best... masa ni memang enjoy tengok... for me worth watching...
Episod 7 - 8... heartbreaking episode... unexpected betul & terjadi jugak... walaupun dah ada spoiler awal2 tu..
Skang iols kemurungan... tak tau macam mana entah nak habiskan lagi 2 episod... why writernim... iols dah tau ending citer ni... tapi tak seperti yang iols harapkan... waeee...