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Ibu Dera Dan Pukul Anak Usia 6 Tahun Sampai Mati, Mayat Disumbat Dalam Beg Dan Dibuang Di Padang

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Post time 26-7-2023 11:23 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Seorang kanak-kanak berusia enam tahun, Nao Hosaka, yang didakwa dipukul hingga mati di Tokyo, Jepun sebelum ayatnya kemudian disumbat ke dalam beg pakaian.

Beg tersebut kemudiannya dibuang di padang rumput berhampiran rumahnya yang akhirnya ditemukan pada bulan lalu.

Lebih menyayat hati apabila pelaku kepada perbuatan terkutuk tersebut adalah ibu dan adik-beradiknya yang sudah didakwa di mahkamah pada Ahad.

Foto: Agensi

Suspek termasuk ibu Nao, Saki Hosaka, 34, abangnya Daichi, 32, dan kembar keluarga itu, Tomomi dan Asaka yang berusia 30 tahun.

Nao dan neneknya, 57, tinggal bersama keluarganya itu di sebuah apartmen.

Licik mengaburi mata penguatkuasa, Saki sebelum ditahan sempat membawa penyiasat ke kawasan berumput yang menjadi tempat pelupusan mayat Nao, kira-kira 800 meter dari apartmen itu.

Saki memberitahu polis, empat beranak itu termasuk dirinya membawa mayat di dalam beg pakaian dari rumah mereka.

Empat suspek itu dilihat berjalan dengan membawa beg pakaian berhampiran rumah kanak-kanak itu kira-kira pukul 5 petang 19 Jun lalu berdasarkan rakaman video kamera keselamatan yang diperoleh dari kawasan kejiranan.

Polis wilayah Hyogo mengesyaki Nao dipukul sehingga mati dengan paip logam pada 19 Jun lalu.

Badan Nao mempunyai kesan lebam terutama di bahagian belakang badannya dan polis mengesyaki Nao didera setiap hari ketika dia masih hidup.

Tanda awal Nao menjadi mangsa penderaan juga dapat dilihat apabila kakitangan taska yang dihadiri Nao mendapati wujud kesan lebam di bahu dan punggungnya pada April lalu.

Selain itu, pada Mei lalu, seorang jiran berusia 20-an yang tidak didedahkan identitinya turut melihat Nao menangis di balkoni apartmen dan meminta bantuan.

Punca kematian berkemungkinan akibat kejutan traumatik.

Melihat kepada pukulan tanpa belas kasihan itu, polis sedang mempertimbangkan pertuduhan tambahan termasuk kerana meninggalkan mayat dan kegagalan membawa Nao ke hospital untuk mendapatkan rawatan.

Polis menyimpulkan, suspek sama ada berniat untuk membunuh atau tidak sengaja membiarkan Nao mati, yang juga sepatutnya membawa kepada kesalahan membunuh.

Polis merampas beberapa objek berbentuk kayu termasuk paip logam dari tempat kejadian. -CARI

Sumber: mStar/ The Japan Times

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Post time 26-7-2023 11:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau taknak anak tu, bg la for adoption.. kat sana takde sistem anak angkat ka camne?

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Post time 26-7-2023 11:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cumilnya.. rasa nak cubit pipi

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Post time 26-7-2023 11:51 AM | Show all posts
sian ko adik...syurga tempatmu.

org yg dera ni memang ada masalah mental. stress berlebihan, last2x anak jd punching bag.

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Post time 26-7-2023 12:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Comel camni pon ko sanggup pukul
Gila ke korang ni?

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Post time 26-7-2023 01:02 PM | Show all posts
saya rasa tajuk thread ni tak betul ... polis masih siasat siapa yg dera Nao ...

kemungkinan besar pakciknya Daichi yg berumur 32 tahun tu yg dera Nao ... sbb kejadian dera ni jadi lepas pakcik tu datang duduk ngan dorang akhir tahun lepas ...
sebelum tu Nao duduk di rumah tu dgn nenek, mak dan makcik kembar yg umur 30 tahun ....

suspek skrg ni 4 org ~ mak Nao, pakcik Nao dan makcik kembar ...
ada antara suspek ni yg mungkin lembam ...

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Post time 26-7-2023 01:07 PM | Show all posts
Edited by kayla at 26-7-2023 01:10 PM

Uncle of 6-year-old found dead in Kobe directed disposal of body
  • Flowers in front of the home of 6-year-old Nao Hosaka, who was found dead nearby last week, in Kobe on Saturday | KYODO

    Jun 26, 2023

The uncle of a 6-year-old boy found dead in Kobe instructed other family members to prepare the suitcase used to discard the boy’s body, investigators said Monday, citing the boy’s grandmother.

The grandmother, 57-year-old Yumiko Hosaka, who was found on the street after allegedly being hit with a steel pipe by her children and confined at their home, says that Daichi Hosaka, 32, gave the instructions to his siblings Saki Hosaka, 34, the boy’s mother, and twins Tomomi Hosaka and Asaka Hosaka, 30, police sources said.

Police arrested the four siblings for allegedly assaulting the grandmother, and are investigating their involvement in the death of the boy.

The murder case surfaced last week after the grandmother was found on the street with bruises. She said she had escaped from the family home, where she had been detained for about three months in a closet.

During the course of the investigation, Saki Hosoka guided police to a grassy area near their home, where Nao was found dead in the suitcase with bruising on his back, with an autopsy showing that Nao died around June 19. Security video footage showed the four siblings going out with a suitcase on that date.

The grandmother had been living with her three daughters and Nao until Daichi Hosaka moved in with them at the end of last year. The situation at the home appears to have deteriorated after that — Nao started to be absent from day care from February, and day care staff found multiple bruises on his shoulder and buttocks in April.

A police officer stands guard in front of the home of Nao Hosaka in Kobe on Saturday. | KYODO

In early May, neighbors saw Nao crying and shouting from the balcony, “Help, I can’t go inside.”

After the day care reported a case of possible child abuse to the city in April, municipal officials visited the home. But Saki Hosoka and the grandmother said that they had no clue where the bruises came from.

When city officials visited the home again on May 1, the bruises were gone, prompting them to conclude that there was no imminent need to deal with the case further. However, Saki Hosoka asked city officials whether it was possible for the city to temporarily take the child in, saying she found it difficult to raise him.

The city’s children’s welfare center prepared to take in the boy the next day, but when they visited the home, the grandmother told them that the family could take care of Nao on their own.

“We had taken necessary measures,” said Yoshiko Maruyama, a city official in charge of child policies.

But Jun Saimura, a professor emeritus on child welfare at the Tokyo University of Communication, said that the municipality should have done more given that the mother had asked the city to take care of her son.

Meanwhile, Shueisha Online has reported that Saki Hosoka herself had been a victim of child abuse when she was young, quoting classmates who said that she regularly went to school with the same clothes for a week or two and had been locked out on the balcony of her home.

It also reported that some of the suspects in the Nao case had been eligible for benefits granted to people with intellectual disabilities.

source :


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Post time 27-7-2023 08:40 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 27-7-2023 12:31 PM | Show all posts
Suspek termasuk ibu Nao, Saki Hosaka, 34, abangnya Daichi, 32, dan kembar keluarga itu, Tomomi dan Asaka yang berusia 30 tahun.

Kalau maknya pun dah 34 tu abang siapa yang umur 32?

Kembar keluarga tu apa?

Cam syial la baca berita alih bahasa ni

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Post time 27-7-2023 12:34 PM | Show all posts
kayla replied at 26-7-2023 01:07 PM
Uncle of 6-year-old found dead in Kobe directed disposal of body
  • Flowers in front of the home of ...

  • Now we know kenapa dalam undang2 selalu ada sebut kalau ada perbalahan dalam versi BM, rujuk yang BI.


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    Post time 4-8-2023 12:41 PM | Show all posts
    Decaffeinated replied at 27-7-2023 12:34 PM
    Now we know kenapa dalam undang2 selalu ada sebut kalau ada perbalahan dalam versi BM, rujuk yang  ...

    hahaha betul ... kalau tak faham berita alih bahasa, google sendiri cari berita asal ...

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