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Through My Windows (Bunkface, Mila, Dafi, Shila, Tomok)
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Post Last Edit by dealova_fan at 9-12-2009 14:26
Video Musik Bunkface - Through My Windows With Lyrics(karaoke)
(Iklan TV)
(Full version)
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Akim, Mila, Dafi - Through My Windows (video karaoke w/Lyric)
Post Last Edit by jimon at 11-11-2009 03:25
Video Musik Akim, Mila, Dafi - Through My Windows With Lyrics(karaoke)
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Shila - Through My Windows (Video karaoke w/Lyric)
Post Last Edit by jimon at 11-11-2009 03:23
Video Musik Shila - Through My Windows With Lyrics(karaoke)
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Tomok - Through My Windows (malay version karaoke dengan lirik)
Post Last Edit by jimon at 11-11-2009 03:25
Video Musik Tomok - Through My Windows (versi bahasa malaysia karaoke dengan lirik)
*kredit to
sore akim jer
dalam ketiga-tiga iklan TM yang ni paling aku suka
sangaattt suke yg ini compare to the others
love Tomok malay version.. very the cool
aku konfem dia xmau lg nyanyi lgu new boyz yg dl2, hahaha, aku pn geli dgr lgu new boyz!
why not? he's growing up , rag to riches with new boyz song, takkan nak lupa terus. Modified ikut latest style , bagi nafas baru.. sure best.. go tomok and nb
lagi best versi Tomok drpd versi anak ND Lala tu...
Lagu "Throught My Window" mampu ke peringkat antarabangsa!
Post Last Edit by hayrin86 at 21-11-2009 15:41
Apa pendapat korang kalau lagu "Throught My Window" sampai ke negara luar?
kalu bunkface nyanyi mmng layak,,,,,
setujuuu...mula2 denga ingtkn band luar nye lgu...xsangka bunkface!!nice song!!
bunkface nyanyi lagi ni ada style...
mula2 aku igat lagu luar..
aku plak ingatkan greenday...rupanya...bunkface...nice song uolls..