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[Dunia] Kediaman Kim Kardashian nyaris rentung

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Post time 11-1-2025 06:20 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by maklukpenggoda at 11-1-2025 03:00 PM

New photos show how close Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's $60 million Hidden Hills mansion came to danger in the Woolsey Fire.

The jarring images of the close call comes after reports the couple hired a private squad of firefighters to protect the property amid the recent Southern California wildfires.

The firefighters persistently dug ditches and hosed down the area amid the searing fires, TMZ reported last week.

A fire to Kim and Kanye's home, which is situated paralleled to a field and at the end of a cul-de-sac, could have triggered further home fires.

Kim kept her massive social media following in the loop amid the fires last week, at one point taking to Twitter to address the status of the home.

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2025 10:51 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 11-1-2025 08:46 AM | Show all posts

Dua tiga tahun lepas pun dia hire private firefighters. Orang ramai tak kisah pun asal jangan suruh normal firefighters yg buat kerja itu sudah cukup.

nota provoke:- padan muka retis retis ni. Baru mereka tau kehidupan rakyat Palestine yg hilang rumah akibat serangan yahudi.

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Post time 11-1-2025 10:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak pe rumah ada 10 lagi. Insurance pun mesti berjuta2 kan dah cover.  

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Post time 11-1-2025 11:05 AM | Show all posts
memang diorang semua duduk di kejiranan yang sama kah?

antara spekuan lain: nak hapuskan bukti skandal p.diddy

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Post time 11-1-2025 11:30 AM | Show all posts
hancur rumah juta-juta...

orang yg ada lebih satu rumah boleh lagi .. orang kebanyakanlah susah.

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Post time 11-1-2025 11:32 AM | Show all posts
Do you still have to pay your mortgage if your house burns down? Some multimillion-dollar homes may not qualify for disaster relief.                                

The multimillion-dollar homes burning in the L.A. wildfires may not qualify for mortgage relief

So your house just burned down - do you still have to pay the mortgage? That's a question that thousands of Los Angeles homeowners are confronting as wildfires continue to burn across the region, destroying an estimated 10,000 structures as of Friday.

The answer is not as straightforward as a yes.

Yes, a homeowner who takes out a loan to pay for their house has to eventually pay their mortgage back. But there are laws on the books that can give most homeowners time to get back on their feet after a disaster destroys their house, or if they experience a serious financial setback.

Families and individuals affected by natural disasters, such as wildfires, can apply for assistance such as forbearance to pause their mortgage payments for a period of time. The first step is for homeowners with a mortgage to contact their mortgage servicer and inform them of their inability to pay.

But some of the larger mortgages that paid for the multimillion-dollar homes that have been damaged in Southern California may not be eligible for the same type of disaster relief available to homeowners with smaller loans.

No matter the size of the loan, mortgage-loan servicers - the companies that homeowners work with to pay their mortgage to the lender who owns the loan - are prepared to help, said Donna Schmidt, managing director of DLS Servicing, a consultant that works with loan servicers.

But they anticipate a difficult road ahead for homeowners who've been affected by the fires, she added.

"This particular incident is now going to be more like a hurricane-type incident, only with a lengthier rebuilding schedule," Schmidt told MarketWatch.

On top of that, homeowners' lives have been turned upside down, with jobs lost and schools destroyed, and it may be especially difficult for servicers to help borrowers. "It's going to be hard to reach people," Schmidt said.

Because of the increasing frequency of destructive disasters - from hurricanes to floods to fires - she's heard from some national loan servicers that they're starting to experience "natural-disaster fatigue."

Here's how financial relief for mortgage borrowers works, based on loan sizes.

Disaster relief for homeowners with a 'conforming' mortgage

Mortgages that finance a home purchase fall into two broad categories: conforming and nonconforming loans. Either they conform to the federal government's limits on how big the mortgage can be, or they don't.

The limits vary by city. The nationwide limit for a conforming loan balance is currently $766,550, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.

But in Los Angeles County, the conforming limit for a mortgage that's backed by the federal government can be as high as $1.2 million. In other words, the federal government's backing is behind each mortgage at or under that limit.

With an average home value of $878,733 in Los Angeles County, according to Zillow (Z) (ZG), many homeowners could have conforming mortgages.

Having the federal government's support can be a game changer. If a homeowner is in distress or loses their home, they can contact the loan servicer that manages the loan and ask for assistance. If the loan is backed by the Federal Housing Administration, the servicer must follow servicing guidelines laid out by the FHA.

Mortgage forbearance is one option under those guidelines. It allows a homeowner to pause payments due to a hardship or an inability to pay.

The duration can vary. Loans backed by Fannie Mae, for instance, can be in forbearance for up to six months initially, with extensions granted thereafter.

Disaster relief for homeowners with a 'jumbo' mortgage

But most larger loans that pay for properties in the pricier suburbs of Los Angeles may not be subject to the same federal-government guidelines, because they exceed the conforming limit or are owned by other lenders who aren't necessarily the U.S. government.

These "noncomforming" loans are also referred to as "jumbo" loans. They may be more common in places like fire-scarred Pacific Palisades, where the average home value is about $3.4 million, according to Zillow.

What happens to homeowners in those cases?

It's a little less clear. Most mortgage experts MarketWatch spoke with said these homeowners could still qualify for financial relief depending on their individual circumstances, and that the lenders and servicers behind these larger loans are still governed by certain laws set out by the state of California.

But while the state has specific laws on loan servicing, lenders are not legally mandated to offer forbearance or a loan modification, said Joffrey Long, a loan servicer for mortgages in the Los Angeles area.

Long, who has extensive experience with loan servicing and jumbo mortgages in Los Angeles, said that the state protects mortgage borrowers with a Homeowner Bill of Rights.

These state laws, which were enacted in 2013 by then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris - who has a home in the fire-evacuation zone in Los Angeles - require loan servicers to try to contact homeowners at least 30 days before starting a foreclosure process, to discuss options to avoid foreclosure.

The state's Homeowner Bill of Rights could also provide some protections to homeowners affected by the wildfires. Under the law, the loan servicer has to provide foreclosure-prevention alternatives, Long said - which could include loan modification or forbearance; refinancing the loan; selling the property; or a deed in lieu of foreclosure, where a property owner transfers the property back to the lender.

How long can a homeowner with a jumbo loan defer their mortgage payments? It depends on the loan servicer's policies, Long said, because it's up to their discretion.

Generally, "most loan servicers or lenders will tend to take an approach of working things out rather than simply not cooperating with the borrower at all," he said.

But at the same time, borrowers should be proactive, he advised. "Borrower responsibility is very important in these matters, and that they contact their servicer and lender, and follow up in writing anything they discuss," Long said.

Remember that a servicer or lender may be dealing with tens of thousands of loans and a huge backlog of requests for assistance because of the fires, he noted. Persistence and meticulousness are key, both when getting in touch with a loan servicer and when keeping track of documents.

"We've had these major disasters before, and the mortgage meltdown [in 2008-09] - which was far worse than this will be - but loan servicers and lenders are prepared for something like this," Long said.

"It's just a matter of working with the borrowers and finding out what the insurance coverage is, how bad the damage is, and determining what the lender of the loan wants to do," he added.

-Aarthi Swaminathan


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Post time 11-1-2025 11:40 AM | Show all posts
plywood replied at 11-1-2025 11:32 AM
Do you still have to pay your mortgage if your house burns down? Some multimillion-dollar homes may  ...

mcm kena bayar jugak.. cuma mungkin dpt penangguhan sahaja..

pergh bayangkan bayar hutang rumah yang tak ada bertahun-tahun...


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Post time 11-1-2025 01:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau xde MRTA bayar cash ja lah unless boleh simpan dalam ASB atau KWSP.

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Post time 11-1-2025 01:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DARSITA replied at 11-1-2025 08:46 AM
Dua tiga tahun lepas pun dia hire private firefighters. Orang ramai tak kisah pun asal jangan suruh ...

Tak pyh le kutuk retis hollywood yg ditimpa musibah.. Bkn semua depa suka tindakan yahudi laknat tu.. Ade yg donate duit pd palestin pun ade.. Even yahudi seendiri pun ade yg tak suka pd penindasan palestin tu cuma takat leh ckp aje laa.. Mcm aku kau.. Nak suruh stop mmg tak mampu.... Bg aku.. Aku lg benci dgn org arab yg sekeliling palestin tuu.. Pemimpin pemimpin arab tuu..

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Post time 11-1-2025 01:43 PM | Show all posts
Samerosie replied at 11-1-2025 10:05 AM
Tak pe rumah ada 10 lagi. Insurance pun mesti berjuta2 kan dah cover.

ada terbaca syarikat insurance dah tak cover

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Post time 11-1-2025 01:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 11-1-2025 01:56 PM
maklukpenggoda replied at 11-1-2025 10:51 AM

Ni kan pro palestine? Jadi mangsa jugak ke ?

Aku harap sapa2 pun tak kisah le side mana.. kesian la sikit tengok org dilanda musibah.. jgn sampai tepuk tangan tengok org susah.. aku pun mengecam yahudi bom gaza strip tu... semoga stop la semua ni

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Post time 11-1-2025 09:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hyie replied at 11-1-2025 11:05 AM
memang diorang semua duduk di kejiranan yang sama kah?

antara spekuan lain: nak hapuskan bukti skan ...

Ye kejiranan luas 2 size putrajaya. Meols wondering gak dorg ni ada ke persatian kejiranan gang2 mcik marhaban atau pon langsung x pnh tgok muka jiran.

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Post time 12-1-2025 03:18 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 11-1-2025 01:54 PM
Ni kan pro palestine? Jadi mangsa jugak ke ?

Terpaling. Semua benda nak kait dengan Palestine.

Orang Palestine sendiri pun tak ada kot nak bersorak LA terbakar. Mereka pun faham bencana alam happens di seluruh dunia.


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Post time 13-1-2025 06:43 AM | Show all posts
Buritan replied at 10-1-2025 09:34 PM
Tak pyh le kutuk retis hollywood yg ditimpa musibah.. Bkn semua depa suka tindakan yahudi laknat t ...

siapa retis tu ya?

Acu bagi nama nanti aii boleh hantar makanan dan minuman pd mereka :-)


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Post time 13-1-2025 07:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mortgage   ....tkkan ada loan lg..Semua org kayo atau dah abih bayar. Income depa tinggi...dan semestinya ada rumah lain.

Kwn2 pun circle kaya..mesti tolong punya.

Sedih pun...sbb kenangan rumah tu..n duit yg abis buat kediaman.

Muhasabah diri....kalau Allah nak uji...tarik balik semua harta...dlm sehari ja Allah boleh tarik.

Teringt sorg kwn..dok up la..suami ada moto besaq...ada virago la tetron la..bila cerita ja sebut brand2..mknn kucing paling mahai.

Allah uji...bercerai...skrg..nk beli mknn kucing paling murah pun tk mmpu..kucing pun tk mmpu bela. Nk mkn seharian pun kais pagi mkn pagi...

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Post time 13-1-2025 07:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
raihaneem replied at 12-1-2025 03:34 PM
mortgage   ....tkkan ada loan lg..Semua org kayo atau dah abih bayar. Income depa tinggi.. ...

Selalu rich US beli property guna life insurance...or under company

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Post time 13-1-2025 10:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
DARSITA replied at 13-1-2025 06:43 AM
siapa retis tu ya?

Acu bagi nama nanti aii boleh hantar makanan dan minuman pd mereka :-)

Ade le 5 ke 6 eko retis.. aku pun tgk sekali lalu jahh

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Post time 13-1-2025 10:55 AM | Show all posts
Buritan replied at 13-1-2025 10:40 AM
Ade le 5 ke 6 eko retis.. aku pun tgk sekali lalu jahh

ramai , bukan takat 5 ke 6 eko


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Post time 13-1-2025 10:56 AM | Show all posts
skng tgk live, area Hollywood Hill katanya


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