Demand for jobs in health care
These careers may not be as popular as medicine or dentistry, but a shortage of professionals in the allied health sciences have led to a high demand for graduates in these fields.
WHILE some parents and students may think allied health sciences careers are poor cousins to the more 揼lamorous |
tp nowadays course farmasi ni mmg competitive la....even dpt result bagus pn tp kalu kt IPTA tu payah nak dpt course ni, even utk diploma level..sbb ramai yg apply...tp bg sesapa yg amik health sciences ni, mmg senang bangat dpt keje.. |
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Reply #2 sakurahati's post
bagus kalau ada degree in chemistry
or in pharmacy -
few of my friends get a job in lab
and as well in health care places
with degree in those areas -
even with diploma - the perspective
is quite wide --
let's hope more going to choose this area -- |
ada sorang member amik diploma fisioterapi aje...lepas grad dpt keje kt private hospital...gaji bleh tahan lumayan...dorang ni besanya blom grad lagi pn dah dpt offer keje...tp cuma course ni agak kurang glemer di kalangan student..dah la diploma fisioterapi ni kalu dlm borang masuk U, dorang tulis diploma pemulihan anggota..tu yg orng takut nak apply kot.. |
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