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...It doesn't hurt to be friendly...
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Setakat mana kita perlu menghulur silaturrahim kepada seseorang? |
Originally posted by seribulan at 22-10-2007 07:00 PM 
Setakat mana kita perlu menghulur silaturrahim kepada seseorang?
setakat mana maksudnya..?
bagi aku silaturrahim sampai akhir hayat berterusannya...
unless kalau dia menyakiti hati kita dengan cara sengaja, menjatuhkan air muka, fitnah...dan lain2 yang membabitkan kes yang berat... |
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Reply #1 seribulan's post
Perlu - banyak kebaikannya - we can expand our horizon, improve diri kita sendiri.As a matter of fact, manusia dijadikan pelbagai bangsa agar mereka saling mengenali antara satu sama lain - so asasnya ialah agar kita saling mengenali. |
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friendship ... being a good friend hurt me a lot of time ... but i keep trying to be a better friend for i believe the concept of "favour bank" - doing good to A and Y or K or T will do good to you ........... one fine day |
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A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED...rasanya ada new meaning or twist to it nowadays....
A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND IN DEED...kebanyakan manusia sekarang memilih kawan jika ada kepentingan sahaja tanpa keikhlasan @ there's rapport between...
Jika berkawan itu boleh memberi pulangan, barulah hubungan diteruskan...
Berapa ramai di kalangan, mempunyai kawan rapat yang tidak pernah putus hubungan walau masa merubah segala? |
ikut gaklah...setakat nak say HI to anyone, takde masalah
nak buat kawan, kena tgk dan pilih bulu gaklah....kalo byk sgt disagreement, menyakitkan hati dan perasaan...i choose to back off |
setakat nie my kawan sejati...bukan yg tahu perubahan hidup ikut daily basis tapi yg hanya tanya berita dlm 2-3 kali sethn....
bebaru nie terajin nak carik depa thru skype...jumpa dan tgk2 muka dan anak2 mamasing tnru camera sweet kann dgn teknologi sekarang...
nak jumpa?..tunggulah 2-3 thn lagi kalo rezeki melimpah tapi yg pasti kawan nie sampai ke hari tua |
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Casual friends are ok but to be real need to be careful........bukan pilih bulu but choose those who may give positive impact....won't let you down, those whom you can trust and those who can encourage you and so on. Fair weather friends keep them at armlength. Gossippers.......don't tell them too much especially the personal stuff.
[ Last edited by hamizao at 23-10-2007 11:57 PM ] |
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Being friendly doesn't mean we have to make a good friendship with someone.
As long as we are courteous to others that is being friendly.
It really doesn't hurt to be friendly. It is better than to be rude and proud.
Having more friends is better than having no friends. |
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Friendly ni bagus untuk kesihatan mental dan fizikal serta rohani. Amatlah disarankan kepada ibu-ibu yang mengandung agar anak dalam kandungan sihat ktiga-tiganya dan kepada mereka yang sedang kecewa agar mudah bertemu jodoh ...... |
Everyone needs friends/others around them for companionship walaupun not everyone admits it. Bila berkawan pun mesti ada level yang berbeza, ada yang berdasarkan minat yang sama, pernah sekolah bersama, kerja bersama, experience the same things together. Jadi tahap keperluan kepada rakan berbeza, satu untuk cerita bola, satu untuk cerita keje etc.
Kepada persoalan seribulan, Berapa ramai di kalangan, mempunyai kawan rapat yang tidak pernah putus hubungan walau masa merubah segala? Biasalah mengejar masa, karier, keluarga memang ada kala akan terputus hubungan dengan kawan rapat tapi jika dibina atas kecenderungan/ keihklasan/ pengalaman, bila berjumpa lagi, faktor masa yang terputus tu tidak dirasai sangat.. just carry on the friendship je.. |
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extends it as far as u feel comfortable, and as far as that party allows it... |
i dont need friends...friends need me
but i need love..since love doesnt need me |
the world is a lonely and bored place w/o frens to be with us
good frends nowadays are as precious as a rare diamond
how far we want to extend frenship depends largely on what are we looking for in people
there are casual frens...there are frens that will go thru thick and thin with u
and I always believe you reap what you sow |
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I'm Not So Friendly...
i seldomly talk to strangers... i find it just uneasy to be talking face to face to someone i didn't know...
-i didn't know their motive (strangers might have bad intention)
-i'm being careful (better safe than sorry)
-i'm not good at initiating small talks (it's just lame to be ignored)
-i'm being myself, my quiet self (i am, even with my family )
-it's not easy for me to meet new friends (i observe my mates before we became friends)
why am i acting this way? i have been emotionally hurt be someone closed to me & i need some time (adapting) before getting close to someone...
look what the world are becoming now... ! would you be talking to strangers and the next thing you know you landed in a hospital, stabbed or shot & badly injured... i don't think so... even worst, for all you know it might still be like that if you're talking to a friend. double the pain if someone you trust hurt you...
at times i do talk to strangers... if i found a comfort to do so  |
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Reply #15 sinalegna's post
double the pain if someone you trust hurt you...
I do agree...when someone that you trust...stabs you in the backed
it comes as a double whammy...isn't just send you rock bottom...and makes you wonder, how on earth did u not see it coming |
hi sinalegna
how about we become friend
your words looks nice , i like it |
PM her lah mardaus |
Reply #17 mardaus's post
hi, friend! |

being friendly is the way the world should be because by being friendly you totally diminish the 'bad first impression'.
however, being friendly as a humanitarian concept is totally idealistic and not applicable in this current realistic world.
to be able to comprehend and live in the realistic world, refer to sinalegna's post #15.
when being friendly, we just have to be able to distinguish acquaintences and friends.
friends then divided into close friends and normal friends.
this is where the sifting begins... |
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