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Bunyi kuat dan 2 gerhana di bulan Ramadhan

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Azizul This user has been deleted
Post time 23-9-2005 08:56 AM | Show all posts |Read mode

Saya masih mencari-cari akan kebenaran akan datangnya
bunyi yang kuat pada bulan Ramadhan tahun ini.Itu semua
dijanjikan Allah SWT & diberitakan oleh Rasulullah SAW.

Pasti ramai yg tidak percaya.Propagandalah,khabar anginlah,
dan macam-macam lagi.Pasti saudara-saudara sekalian pernah
terbaca email yg berkaitan dgn hal ini.Terdapat khabar angin
yg mengatakan bahawa bunyi itu datang daripada bencana
alam yg bakal memusnahkan sebahagian besar dari Amerika

Sebagai penuntut Malaysia yg belajar di Amerika Syarikat, saya
bersa bimbang dan berusaha mengkaji akan kebenaran khabar angin
ini.Percayakah tuan2 dan puan2 tentang apa yg saya jumpa?
Ini bukan email yg disebar-sebar, tetapi hasil kajian saya sendiri
berdasarkan hadis Rasulullah SAW dan kajian ahli geologi di
Amerika Syarikat.

Dari pandangan Islam, bencana itu akan datang dalam bulan
Ramadhan yg padanya ada dua gerhana.Bunyi kuat yg
menggerunkan itu dapat didengari di segenap pelusuk dunia.
Umat Islam perlu  menyediakan bekalan makanan selama
setahun setelah terjadinya hal itu.Terdapat juga hadis
Rasulullah SAW yg mengatakan bahawa sebelum
terjadinya kiamat, tuhan akan menurunkan azab berupa kabut
yg merupakan salah satu tanda-tanda kiamat.

Sudah puas dgn kata-kata orang bahawa khabar angin
sedemikian tak perlu dipercayai, saya teringat akan ayat-
ayat Al-Quran yg menceritakan bagaimana Allah membinasakan
kaum-kaum terdahulu yg ingkar.Bumi diterbalikkan, taufan,
panahan petir dan sebagainya yg membinasakan kaum-kaum
yg ingkar itu secara total.

Dgn kejahatan manusia di Amerika pada zaman sekarang, tidak
hairanlah kata-kata Nabi bahawa Allah SWT akan menurunkan
bencana yg amat dahsyat pada akhir zaman. Sebagai seorang muslim
yg menetap di Amerika, saya terbaca kata-kata ini.

HELL's FIRES FOREVER!  Allah is satan!

Inilah 1/100,000,000 punca bencana yg Allah akan turunkan nanti..
Setelah lama saya tertanya-tanya akan "significance" kata-kata
nabi bahawa terdapat bunyi yg kuat yg dapat didengari di
seluruh dunia, dan mengapa perlu disediakan bekalan makanan untuk
satu tahun, saya seakan-akan telah mendapat  jawapannya..Untuk
maklumat lanjut, saudara-saudari boleh cari sendiri.

-->Yellowstone Super Volcano PREDICTION: WILL BLOW BY END OF 2005.
EXCELLENT page,November 5, 2003
Parks was asked if there would be an eruption soon
he said - There has been a rapid change in the region that has never
been seen before. One instrumentation station shows a dramatic
change from mid September into October, 2003.
We should start seeing some kind of activity in the
Pacific northwest part of Yellowstone within 18 to 24 months.

-->United States Geological Survey, University of Utah
Lying underneath one of The United States largest and most picturesque
National Parks Yellowstone, is one of the largest super volcanoes in
the world.
When one erupts the explosion will be heard around the globe.
The sky will darken, black acid rain will fall,
and the Earth will be plunged into the equivalent of a nuclear winter.

-->God last chance before millions die. I see it in nature with
Yellowstone building to a possible disaster, and it may be in
weeks, I cannot know. I do not deny man may be causing
this. If the Illuminati are about to trigger this blast,
it will be far beyond anything they can control. I hope you
have at least a weeks supply of food and water.
SHARE with your neighbors!

-->"An area the size of North America can be devastated, and pronounced
deterioration of global climate would be expected for a few years
following the eruption," Self said. "They could result in the
devastation of world agriculture, severe disruption of food supplies,
and mass starvation. These effects could be sufficiently severe to
threaten the fabric of civilization."

-->Sis, Yellowstone is what geologists call a "super volcano." There is a massive caldera of molten fire beneath Yellowstone National Park. When this thing blows, geologists are saying that every living thing within six hundred miles is likely to die.

Yet our wonderful news media is not telling the public a thing about this. They are keeping it suppressed so that it won't effect the "economy." To hell with the lives of people, just protect the pocket books of the rich. When this things explodes it will produce an ash cloud that will cover the entire western U.S. clear to the Pacific on the west, British Columbia on the north, the Mexican border on the south, and then out into the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas on the east. And then the clould will blow east because of the prevailing winds, literally covering the entire nation with volcanic ash.

--> January 2004 reported that the largest volcano disaster since mankind has lived on earth is overdue and may be expected to erupt at any time beginning now. It's location? Yellowstone National Park. That anticipated detonation is estimated to be one thousand times greater than that of Mount St. Helens and its power greater than all nuclear devices on earth.

Pendedahan Discovery Channel tentang bencana ini sudah mendapat perhatian
ramai penduduk di Amerika Syarikat. Sila masuk ke link ini untuk maklumat
lanjut :

Bukankah kata-kata pakar geologi itu bertepatan dgn hadis Rasulullah SAW?


Jika ditakdirkan hal ini benar-benar berlaku, diminta saudara-saudari sekalian
mendoakan keselamatan saya di Amerika Syarikat ini.Semoga Allah
merahmati dan melindungi hamba-hamba-Nya yg beriman.

[ Last edited by  ibnur at 20-7-2007 10:22 AM ]



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Post time 23-9-2005 08:59 AM | Show all posts
Dari pandangan Islam, bencana itu akan datang dalam bulan
Ramadhan yg padanya ada dua gerhana.Bunyi kuat yg
menggerunkan itu dapat didengari di segenap pelusuk dunia.
Rasullah SAW menyarankan umatnya menyediakan bekalan
makanan selama setahun setelah terjadinya hal itu.

Ya Allah betul ker

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Post time 23-9-2005 10:47 AM | Show all posts
kalau betul kajian mereka ttg eruption super volcano tu,
tak kan mereka tak buat apa2 sekarang?
kalau betul mereka percaya, aku rasa sekrang ni dah berbondong2
rakyat Amerika keluar meninggalkan negara mrk..

tapi takde apa2 pun..



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deepjunior This user has been deleted
Post time 23-9-2005 10:54 AM | Show all posts
Aku pun sekarang belajar di US. Doakanlah aku supaya aku selamat.

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Post time 23-9-2005 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Apapun yg berlaku tetapkan imam kita kepadaNYA..sesungguhnya hanya Allah yg dpt membantu kita semua....Sama sama lah kita berdoa supaya dpt menghadapi dugaan ini dengn hati yg tenang dan redha.............



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Post time 23-9-2005 12:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Azizul at 23-9-2005 08:56 AM
Lying underneath one of The United States largest and most picturesque
National Parks Yellowstone, is one of the largest super volcanoes in
the world.
When one erupts the explosion will be heard around the globe.
The sky will darken, black acid rain will fall,
and the Earth will be plunged into the equivalent of a nuclear winter.

for the sake of authenticity, that particular statement does not come from USGS. google it.

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Post time 23-9-2005 12:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Azizul at 23-9-2005 08:56 AM
-->Yellowstone Super Volcano PREDICTION: WILL BLOW BY END OF 2005.
EXCELLENT page,November 5, 2003
Parks was asked if there would be an eruption soon
he said - There has been a rapid change in the region that has never
been seen before. One instrumentation station shows a dramatic
change from mid September into October, 2003.
We should start seeing some kind of activity in the
Pacific northwest part of Yellowstone within 18 to 24 months.

-->God last chance before millions die. I see it in nature with
Yellowstone building to a possible disaster, and it may be in
weeks, I cannot know. I do not deny man may be causing
this. If the Illuminati are about to trigger this blast,
it will be far beyond anything they can control. I hope you
have at least a weeks supply of food and water.
SHARE with your neighbors!

who wrote those?

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Post time 23-9-2005 12:23 PM | Show all posts
-->Sis, Yellowstone is what geologists call a "super volcano." There is a massive caldera of molten fire beneath Yellowstone National Park. When this thing blows, geologists are saying that every living thing within six hundred miles is likely to die.

yes, that is true.

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Post time 23-9-2005 12:27 PM | Show all posts
from the telefilm made by discovery channel, if yellowstone erupts, it may or may not cause supervolcanic eruption. if supervolcanic eruption occurs, yes, a huge portion of the country will be affected, mostly by the volcanic ash. if u inhale the ash, you can suffocate to death. a few inches of the dust on your roof is enough to collapse it, since it's very dense. but when will it happen? we donno.



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Post time 23-9-2005 12:29 PM | Show all posts
-->Sis, Yellowstone is what geologists call a "super volcano." There is a massive caldera of molten fire beneath Yellowstone National Park. When this thing blows, geologists are saying that every living thing within six hundred miles is likely to die.

Yet our wonderful news media is not telling the public a thing about this.

yes they tell us about it (about the potential of the volcano). they just dont say when it will erupt, because they donno.

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Post time 23-9-2005 12:35 PM | Show all posts
Pendedahan Discovery Channel tentang bencana ini sudah mendapat perhatian
ramai penduduk di Amerika Syarikat. Sila masuk ke link ini untuk maklumat
lanjut :

Bukankah kata-kata pakar geologi itu bertepatan dgn hadis Rasulullah SAW?


the front page is the ad of the show that i watched. good show. but it didn't say when it will or it will likely happen. so i can't say that kata kata geologist tu bertepatan ngan sabda Rasulullah, since the geologist tak cakap pon bile akan berlaku. and did Rasulullah mention Yellowstone, or you think it's yellowstone that Rasulullah was talking about? it makes a difference u know.



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Post time 23-9-2005 12:58 PM | Show all posts
ff: some pictures i took during my visit to yellowstone last spring break. one of the most beautiful place i've ever been.



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Azizul This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-9-2005 02:02 PM | Show all posts
Kopi-Topi, faham tak maksud ayat  ni???

"Yet our wonderful news media is not telling the public a thing about this. They are keeping it suppressed so that it won't effect the "economy." To hell with the lives of people, just protect the pocket books of the rich."

Dan kita perlu ingat, ketika Allah SWT menurunkan bencana dahsyat yang memupuskan golongan mungkar dari kaum-kaum terdahulu, tidak seorangpun percaya mereka akan ditimpa bencana sedahsyat itu bahkan mereka leka,bersuka-ria,berbuat maksiat & mencabar Allah SWT sebagaimana yang sedang dilakukan oleh sebilangan warga Amerika sekarang. Allah SWT yang menutup hati mereka agar mereka leka dan semuanya mati ditimpa bencana tanpa terlepas seorang pun.

Tujuan Allah SWT turunkan bencana tu sbb Dia murka & nak bagi pembalasan kat golongan mungkar. Tp kalau Allah sendiri yg buka hati kafir-kafir US tu utk berbondong-bondong tinggalkan negara tu, baik tak payah turunkan bencana..menghabehkan bogheh je.Tak 'padan muka' lah diorang tu. Tapi masalahnya aku sendiri yg dah terlanjur tinggal kat US ni.

Hmmm..apapun perkara sebegini PASTI akan berlaku cuma pastikah ianya Yellowstone??
Harap-harap tarikhnya bukanlah pada generasi kita.Amin..

[ Last edited by Azizul at 23-9-2005 02:15 PM ]



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Post time 23-9-2005 02:59 PM | Show all posts
-->Sis, Yellowstone is what geologists call a "super volcano." There is a massive caldera of molten fire beneath Yellowstone National Park. When this thing blows, geologists are saying that every living thing within six hundred miles is likely to die.

Yet our wonderful news media is not telling the public a thing about this. They are keeping it suppressed so that it won't effect the "economy." To hell with the lives of people, just protect the pocket books of the rich. When this things explodes it will produce an ash cloud that will cover the entire western U.S. clear to the Pacific on the west, British Columbia on the north, the Mexican border on the south, and then out into the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas on the east. And then the clould will blow east because of the prevailing winds, literally covering the entire nation with volcanic ash.

paham. dalam perenggan pertama, dia cakap yellowstone tu ade capability for super eruption (i said that in message #8). takde sebut bile. the media tells us about the capability. we know that. they just dont tell us WHEN it will blow. you expect them to publicize it based on rumors or certified geologsts?

look at this sentence
"Yet our wonderful news media is not telling the public a thing about this.

the word THIS refers to the paragraph before it, which only talks about the capability of yellowstone, not when it will happen. so the media does tell us about THAT.

[ Last edited by BeanDiesel at 23-9-2005 03:05 PM ]



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Post time 23-9-2005 03:01 PM | Show all posts
please respond to my previous message (#11). did Rasulullah mention Yellowstone? if not you'd better take it back. jangan fitnah Rasulullah.

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Post time 23-9-2005 03:07 PM | Show all posts
ff: do you go to RPI? are u doing engineering or science by any chance?

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Post time 23-9-2005 03:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Azizul at 23-9-2005 02:02 PM
Tujuan Allah SWT turunkan bencana tu sbb Dia murka & nak bagi pembalasan kat golongan mungkar. Tp kalau Allah sendiri yg buka hati kafir-kafir US tu utk berbondong-bondong tinggalkan negara tu, baik tak payah turunkan bencana..menghabehkan bogheh je.Tak 'padan muka' lah diorang tu. Tapi masalahnya aku sendiri yg dah terlanjur tinggal kat US ni.

how do you know that for sure? there can be many reasons for bencana alam. it can be the way to show His power. or it can be a test for us. or  it can also be pembalasan. or it can also be the way to see how we muslims from other parts of the world respond to it. we dont know which one for sure (or a combination of any of those). so don't say why it happens/will happen for sure. you dont know that.

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Post time 23-9-2005 05:32 PM | Show all posts
ntah yellowstone tuh tanda kiamat atau peringatan. cam ayat al-Quran ilang tuh peringatan dulu. blum btul. :hmm:
ntuk pastikan kita tunggu dan lihat.
tapi mungkin dia meletup time org tak expect. mungkin awal. mungkin lambat. mungkin tanpa amran langsung.

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Azizul This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-9-2005 10:00 PM | Show all posts
Apa fitnah2 plak ni Mr Exaggerate..takut sebab your location ke?

If you really love and you want to protect your beloved American,let me say that dunia terutama Amerika akan menjadi aman harmoni selama-lamanya tanpa sebarang bencana,tanpa kematian yang menakutkan..people will live in peace,forever and ever..the hadiths are not applicable. Is that what you want? I probably hope so, but God is God.

I was just talking about the probability of something bad that will happen based on what Rasulullah we're finding the same thing from the 'rumors' of the geologist or probably they want to make fool of the Muslim's belief on Rasulullah's hadiths. Kalau bukan Yellowstone, baguslah. I did pray everyday that the great disaster will not be the one at the Yellowstone.

It's just a 'source' of disaster that is likely to match the hadiths.

- DEARTH OF FOOD (before the coming of Messiah)

If Yellowstone erupts, but you still claim that it's  still not the one in the hadith,you probably want more than that. Nuclear? asteroid? tidal wave? At Japan/Malaysia/Saudi Arabia/Canada? God has no problem to give a thousand more.

And remember one thing,when the actual disaster come,nobody can run away. Everybody will say that it's a 'rumor',even how smart they are...

"Nay, the wrong-doers (merely) follow their own lusts, being devoid of knowledge but who will guide those whom Allah leaves astray? To them there will be no helpers."
-Ar-Ruum 29 -

[ Last edited by Azizul at 24-9-2005 08:37 AM ]



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sesuci This user has been deleted
Post time 23-9-2005 11:04 PM | Show all posts
hmm bersedia mentally physically n i man

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