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Rendahnya mentaliti peminat fanatik Mariah Carey!

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Post time 21-8-2005 03:41 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

When I first saw this crap, I was speechless...aku betul2 tak tau nak cakap apa sebab terlalu terkejut! Rasa sedih pun ada pasal tak sangka wujud gak manusia yg pemikiran macam ni...

Mmg betul album Madonna American Life flopped, tapi kat US fact it did well in other countries esp European markets...Her Re-Invention tour played to empty seats? Hello, it was the highest-grossing tour of 2004! - $ 124,780,078 - 56 dates - 897,214 tickets --->

Nampak sangat diorg ni main serkap jarang jerr...:siok: Fanatik diva2 lain cam Madonna, Whitney, Celine ngan Janet takdela sampai seteruk ni...

Sorry TeambLamb, usaha sia2 korg tu takkan berjaya :blah:

[ Last edited by *Orseas_Urusha at 22-8-2005 02:55 AM ]

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Post time 21-8-2005 11:55 PM | Show all posts
ermmm mmg fanatik gile laaaaa
boring2 .......

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Post time 22-8-2005 01:36 AM | Show all posts super fanatik nih

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Post time 22-8-2005 02:56 AM | Show all posts
hahaha... kelakarnya gambo mariah yg badan michael jackson tu!
:lol :lol :lol

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2005 03:02 AM | Show all posts
Walaupun ramai peminat Madonna yg anti ngan Mariah, kitorang takdela sampai tergamak nak mengajak atau menghasut mana2 pihak supaya boikot album baru dia.

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Post time 22-8-2005 03:08 AM | Show all posts
nasibla aku bukan fanatik mariah... celine pon aku dah so-so aje skang...
skang takde fanatik sesapa dah...
minat biasa2 je.
ala orseas... takyahla take serious mende cmtu... anggap aje as a joke.

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2005 03:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sayangidaku at 22-8-2005 03:08 AM
nasibla aku bukan fanatik mariah... celine pon aku dah so-so aje skang...
skang takde fanatik sesapa dah...
minat biasa2 je.
ala orseas... takyahla take serious mende cmtu... anggap aje as a joke.

Hehe.. aku pun saja2 jerr nak berkongsi benda ni ngan korg...:love:

Kelakar betul la.....fanatik tahap dewa kat seseorg artis pastu ada pulak masa nak buat kempen hancurkan career artis lain...padahal dlm hidup ni ada byk lagi benda penting yg nak difikirkan...

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Post time 22-8-2005 07:33 PM | Show all posts
bagi aku, mariah carey & madonna masing2 ader kelebihan. mariah carey paling byk single no.1 kat Billboard, paling successful dekad 90s & 2000s. tapi madonna tak kurang hebatnya... dia menang grammy lebih byk daripada mariah carey. tambah pulak dia start career dia mid80s. time tu pulak madonna ader byk lagu no.1 kat Billboard.

bagi aku, betul ler.. dua2 Queen of Pop tapi.. madonna Queen of Performance. Mariah pulak Queen of Vocal.

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2005 11:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Muntz at 22-8-2005 07:33 PM
bagi aku, mariah carey & madonna masing2 ader kelebihan. mariah carey paling byk single no.1 kat Billboard, paling successful dekad 90s & 2000s. tapi madonna tak kurang hebatnya... dia mena ...

In term of social impact, Madonna's much bigger. Enuff said. In many years to come, nobody will give a damn about those multiple #1 singles. Kalau berjaya kumpul sampai 100 #1 singles sekalipun sebenarnya takde apa yg nak dibanggakan.

Despite all recent "flops", Madonna is very smart, and unlike other divas like Whitney, Mariah or Janet, she knows what she's doing and she's more than in control...Madonna famous sebab dia pandai kontrol career dia...dia jenis yg buat kerja betul2 pakai otak..bukannya main ikut jerr telunjuk org lain...she does what she wants.

Yg bestnyerr...Madonna's career has never gone as down as Mariah's or Whitney's, and when things don't look good, Madonna fixes everything on her own, with incredibly amazing projects, like the amazing Re-Invention Tour after relased album American Life yg org kata tak laku tu...

Then these other divas have to sell themselves in order to be able to be "relevant" again: Top producers, rappers collaborating, and then they go out on press conferences justifying their new sound and maturity, which let's face it, is just obvious uninspired, commercial and forgettable material, LOL. Sorry if I sound too harsh but it's true.

Can Mariah Carey be proud of lyrical and songwriting juvenilia like "Honey", 揌eartbreaker

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Post time 23-8-2005 09:03 PM | Show all posts
off-topic kejap... madonna baru2 nie jatuh dari kuda kan? dah baik ker?

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Post time 26-8-2005 12:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Muntz at 23-8-2005 08:03 PM
off-topic kejap... madonna baru2 nie jatuh dari kuda kan? dah baik ker?

rasanyer dah beransur pulih ..

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Post time 26-8-2005 03:39 PM | Show all posts
aku tanak sokong memana pihak sebab dua2, mariah or madonna. ada yg aku suka ada yg aku tak suka.ada yg bagus and ada yg tak bagus.tapi apa yg teamlamb nak buat tu mmg BODOH. nile cth lebih sudu dari kuah ni. fanatic sgt. the person tak de pun suruh buat camtu. fans mcm ni mungkin betul2 fans takpun 'fans' yg ada hidden agenda nak tarnish any artist image yg dikatakan dieorg fanatic sgt tu. so i will take this thing as A JOKE.

aku rasa rapping, collaboration sume tu, mariah dah laaama nak buat. since die break up ngan tommy and mula take control in her career.dia buat apa yg dia suka. die bawak masuk kenkawan rappers die yg dulunya tak popular wasnt the IN thing pun masa tu. tapi mariah berani bawak masuk hiphop dlm music die.most of her fans tak suka. tapi aku suka.ekceli aku mula minat mariah since lagu die ada hiphop, remix2, featuring2..sume tu. masa tu, sapa je yg kenal da brat?missy elliot and jay z? not as mainstream as i salute mariah for that.somehow aku rasakan die antara few influential artist yg bring hiphop to the mainstream.tak silap aku, press/fans pernah marah and kutuk die bila dia memasukkan bebenda yg masa tu depa kata "tah hape hape tah" but look now?sume org buat kan.aku tataulak ada artist 80s yg influential like mariah did inthe 90s. kalo ada bolehla sesape share cerita tak kat sini.  maybe ada madonna buat?i think madonna tu was "mariah" of the 80s kan?

anyway pasal madonna plak. aku respect dia sebab dia bertahan smpai skrg. either her success tu was marketed by label or die punya decision tu aku rasa combination of both. and will always refered as the icon dimana artist2 baru look upon and research camne madonna bleh bertahan smpai skrg. flop or not, tu nasib. tapi aku rasa tak munasabah kalo fans madonna kata, semua success tu comes from her own original mind. which is not entirely true. kalo tengok balik she did adopt few things and put it in her new album kan.which is biasa bagi artist buat mcm tu selagi credit was given to the respected person.antara cth2 yg madonna amik dari somewhere and reinvent and make it hers- album ray of light, yg lagu nothing really matters - kabuki2 tu, and fyi utk album ray of light salah satu album yg madonna buat reference is album anggun - snow on sahara.(Released 1997 in france 1998 in usa) madonna ada bagitau album2 yg kasi die elements tuk album ray of light dlm interview with vh1. the only difference was, madonna buat lagi cantik and execution die lagi lawalah. tgklah video 'frozen' lawa kan? and if u wonder mana madonna amik inspirasi tuk gerak2 badan and tangan die dlm video tu, woner no more sebab cth dia anggun utk lagu snow on sahara tu. anyway aku respect madonna sebab die did mention about it to the press.and the album prove dat she can do serious thing, siap menang grammy lagi kan.

madonna tak rap?then dlm lagu american life, "im not a not a jew..yada2 tu" bukan salah satu percubaan die utk rap and appeal to the mainstream at that particular time?no?

hmm kalo sekarang, aku suka tengok cara gwen buat album dia. dia pakai concept harajuku/japanese concept kan dia buat?

next dgr kata christina tgh buat research kat india for her new album. tak sabar nak tgk camne hasil akhir dia. aku suka concept album dirrty tu. loud, in ur face, vocal. hmm..

anyway mmg unluckylar artist2 yg ada fans yg 'fanatic' mcm teamlamb tu.merosakkan nama baikdieorg je. ni boleh lawan ngan fans fanatic regine velasques kot. annoying gila!



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Post time 26-8-2005 11:48 PM | Show all posts
aper pun.. masing2 ader kelebihan. tadi baru tengok egos and icons "madonna". tak sabar lak nak donlod lagu2 dia yg aku belum ada lagi... esp lagu2 dari 80s.

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 Author| Post time 27-8-2005 01:28 PM | Show all posts
Hmmm....OK...kiranya Mariah 'berjasa' la sebab berjaya mempopularkan kawan2 Hip-Hop dia tu...;)

Aku TAK pernah kata semua idea yg Madonna pakai utk buat album/music videos dtg 100% drpd otak dia sendiri...tarian Voguing yg popular dari video Vogue (1990) tu pun sebenarnya merupakan tarian yg dah lama dipraktikkan kat gay clubs di New York masa 80's dulu (invented by Black and Latino men)...dan video Nothing Really Matters berinspirasikan buku Memoirs of Geisha...ntah sapa penulis dia..tak ingat...sebab tu la Madonna dipanggil The Queen of Reinvention...

Aku tak fikir dia rapped dlm lagu American Life utk membolehkan dia appeal to the US mainstream music scene yg tgh dikuasai R&B/Hip-Hop.....well American Life isn't even a Hip-Hop's electronica with a bit acoustic elements卍an Madonna sendiri awal2 lagi tentu dah faham muzik electronica mmg dah tak hangat kat US waktu tu (dan sekarang).

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Post time 27-8-2005 04:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by *Orseas_Urusha at 27-8-2005 01:28 PM
Hmmm....OK...kiranya Mariah 'berjasa' la sebab berjaya mempopularkan kawan2 Hip-Hop dia tu...;)

Aku TAK pernah kata semua idea yg Madonna pakai utk buat album/music videos dtg 100% drpd otak dia ...

sy tak ckp die  berjasa. sy ckp die salah satu yg berani bring her unknown frens collaborate with her. yes in a way. mmg ada dia byk tolong and missy E ngan da brat ada give her credit for that. kalo u nak sindir sy sebab sy 'ckp' mariah bring hiphop to the mainstream. u salah. dan sy tak ckp mcm tu pun. end of that.

and madonna. yes. shes the queen of reinvention. sume org tahu tu. memoirs of geisha ditulis oleh arthur gordon. mmg kalo dari segi reinvent something and make it hers sy mmg puji madonna sebab die buat sesatu benda tu lagi cantik n lawa. kreatif la jugak dari segi reinventing2 ni kan. unline vanila ice, madonna survive tru time.

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Post time 27-8-2005 07:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ulatdaun at 27-8-2005 04:23 PM

sy tak ckp die  berjasa. sy ckp die salah satu yg berani bring her unknown frens collaborate with her. yes in a way. mmg ada dia byk tolong and missy E ngan da brat ada give her credit for th ...

yup. mariah mmg berani mengcrossoverkan pop & hip-hop waktu tu.. tapi aku rasa j.lo lebih berjaya.. walaupun j.lo bukan pertama kali buat camtu, tapi lepas dia buat lagu I'm Real feat. Ja Rule, aku rasa seluruh tahun 2001 sampai 2004 gila dgn featuring rapper nieh... sampaikan ramai rapper jadi kaya dsbbkan mereka juga feature artis2 pop yg lain.

aper pun, time 80s dulu ader gak collaboration hiphop & rock iaitu RUN DMC dgn aerosmith. best gak.

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Post time 27-8-2005 10:00 PM | Show all posts
bosan sungguh aku ngan fanatic2 yg mcm nih厖tapi klakarlah jugak..hahahah

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 Author| Post time 27-8-2005 10:17 PM | Show all posts
Muntz, tahukah kau Nile Rodgers (producer yg bertanggungjawab menaikkan nama Madonna masa era Like a Virgin dulu) pernah cakap "Madonna is actually uncredited with her contribution to R&B music".

Mungkin ada di antara korg yg akan fikir aku ni mengarut/gila, tapi hakikatnya, satu ketika dulu masa early 80's Madonna mmg sinonim dgn muzik R&B!

Her debut album (1983) is totally R&B influenced with dance...cuba dengar betul2 lagu Holiday, Lucky Star, Everybody, Physical Attraction..

Singles Madonna yg berjaya masuk carta R&B (aku letak peak position sekali):

Holiday #25
Lucky Star #42
Like a Virgin #9
Material Girl #49
Crazy for You #80
Angel #71
Into the Groove #19
Dress You Up #64
Who's That Girl #78
Like a Prayer #20
Keep It Together #66
Vogue #16
Justify My Love #42
Take a Bow #40
Human Nature #57

Petikan drpd :

Each of Billboard's many charts use this basic formula. What separates the charts is what stations or stores each chart uses. Each genre's department at Billboard is headed up by chart managers, who makes these determinations. Sometimes, what's ok on one chart is not ok on another chart. The most famous example of this was the song "Into the Groove" by Madonna. It was initially only available as a 12 inch single. At the time, this was not acceptable to the managers of the Hot 100 chart. So even though the song got extensive airplay, it was not allowed to chart on the Hot 100. However, the R and B singles chart did not have this restriction, so "Into the Groove" actually charted on the R and B singles chart.

Tapi aku rasa lagu Madonna yg paling, paling R&B ialah lagu Inside of Me (Bedtime Stories - 1994)...siap ambik sample lagu Aaliyah - Back & Forth.

When Everybody (her FIRST single ever) came out in the early 80's everyone thought Madonna was black, when Lucky Star came out, people still thought that she was black. Her early singles mmg byk received airplay kat radio R&B...rasanya ada dlm satu interview masa Madonna mula2 nak keluar album debut, dia ada cakap yg dia artis R&B.

It was only until the premiere of the Borderline video (which is probably video yg paling popular from her debut album..thn 1984 kalo tak silap), that people started realizing Madonna is actually white.

Her most critically acclaimed album Like a Prayer (1989) is R&B-ish, listen to the title track with its gospel choir and a few other tracks, you'll see what I mean. Sepanjang era 80's, satu2nya album Madonna yg takde elemen R&B ialah True Blue (1986), yg ada lagu Papa Don't Preach & La Isla Bonita.

Album Erotica (1992) yg kena banned kat M'sia tu pun ada gak elemen R&B (title track, Bye Bye Baby, Waiting, Bad Girl)...dan album Bedtime Stories (1994) lagila byk unsur R&Bnya...

It was only until Ray of Light (1998) that Madonna broke away from her R&B/pop roots and decided to carve a path through Electronica...sampai la skrg. Album Confessions on a Dancefloor yg akan released this November tak tau la macam mana konsep muziknya.



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Post time 27-8-2005 11:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by *Orseas_Urusha at 27-8-2005 10:17 PM
Muntz, tahukah kau Nile Rodgers (producer yg bertanggungjawab menaikkan nama Madonna masa era Like a Virgin dulu) pernah cakap "Madonna is actually uncredited with her contribution to [b ...

terharunye, 'nama' aku ada masuk dalam posting ko wpun tak menonjol... :bgrin:

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Post time 28-8-2005 06:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by *Orseas_Urusha at 27-8-2005 10:17 PM
Muntz, tahukah kau Nile Rodgers (producer yg bertanggungjawab menaikkan nama Madonna masa era Like a Virgin dulu) pernah cakap "Madonna is actually uncredited with her contribution to [b ...

bagi aku, lagu madonna paling r&b ialah Secret & Take A Bow. yg lain2 tu aku tak berapa nampak lagi r&b nyer..

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