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Florida Pedo Trailer Park home for 130 130 unsupervised pedophiles and sex preda

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Post time 18-11-2020 10:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
WITH more than a hundred unsupervised sex predators living side by side - this notorious trailer park - described as a "hotbed of drugs and hookers" - may be one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the US.

From the outside, Palace Mobile Home Park - dubbed "Pervert Park" - looks just like any other trailer village – full of Americans scraping by on minimum wage or less.

It’s mainly eerily silent and still, aside from the occasional sighting of a man shuffling to the mailbox, or a browbeaten resident sitting outside their trailer puffing on cigarettes while he watches the world go by.

But Sun Online's exclusive investigation into the community reveals local residents outside the park live in fear.

Ambiguously declaring itself an “adult community”, Palace Park houses 100 mostly unsupervised registered sex offenders, aged between 25 and 91 who pay $375 per month to share shabby trailers and communal bathrooms.

The residents' crimes range from being busted looking at child pornography, soliciting minors online for sex, through to molesting their own children.

Palace Mobile Home Park describes itself as an 'adult community' Credit: Jeff Rayner/Coleman-Rayner

The trailer park is home to 100 unsupervised sex offenders Credit: Jeff Rayner/Coleman-Rayner

Some of them were systematically abused themselves throughout their own childhood and admit they’ve repeated the pattern, while others insist that they hold university degrees or are family men and claim police lured them in online pedophile ring stings.

A neighbor to the Saint Petersburg, Florida park – who refused to be named because his own father is a resident – told Sun Online that the theory is the offenders can be reintegrated into society after serving prison time.

“But you should see and hear this place at night,” he says.

“It’s a hotbed of drugs and hookers – and the hookers know who they’re sleeping with, and they don’t care.”

While the surrounding neighborhood is known for drug dealers and prostitution rings, it is also home to elderly people and young families, who are terrified of the sex offender compound at the top of the street, where residents are free to come and go as they please as long as they don’t go within 1,000 feet of a school.

Destara Anderson, a mom of three girls aged 15, 10, and nine, lives just metres from Palace Park – and only found out about what it really was a year after she moved into her modest home with her husband, their girls, and a wheelchair-bound mother-in-law.

“A work colleague told me about it and I was shocked. It was really upsetting. My youngest walks past there every day which worries me, and I don’t let my kids play outside anymore,” she says.

“The local sheriff is keeping an eye on it – there’s always cops by the bus stop before and after school, and they distribute flyers whenever a new offender moves in.”

Destara Anderson said she doesn't let her kids play outside anymore Credit: Jeff Rayner/Coleman-Rayner

Retiree Sarah Walls, who lives one block from the park, adds, “There’s always hookers parading up and down the street, it’s rife with drugs.

"When my adorable little granddaughter comes to visit, we have to rush her from the car into her grandpa’s house just up the street [closer to the park].

"I’ve been here five years. I’m going to have to leave soon.”

Some Palace Park residents wear court-mandated ankle-brace tracking devices or are required to check in with police regularly as part of their parole conditions - but otherwise are free to come and go as they please.

The facility was the subject of 2014 documentary “Pervert Park” but operators claim claim that none of their residents has ever re-offended.

"We provide a safe place for sex offenders to return from prison and begin transitioning back into society," the park's website reads.

Nearby resident Sarah Walls, whose young granddaughter is usually whisked straight from the car into the house, claims that “hookers” walk the streets day and night Credit: Jeff Rayner/Coleman-Rayner

"Palace Mobile Home Park has provided housing for sex offenders for over a decade.

"We provide safe, affordable housing, while offering guidance and services to help an individual return to a  normal life after incarceration. In our existence, no resident has been convicted of a new sex offence."

They also says residents are offered on-site church and counselling services, plus AA and NA meetings.

However the park's management told Sun Online that they don't provide supervision - and any supervision that residents do get is provided by the Department of Corrections and only for those on parole.

A St. Petersburg police spokeswoman confirmed there were no special supervision measures in place for Palace Park.

She said: “Whenever a person is registered as a sex offender there are restrictions on where they can live based on guidelines.

“Sex offenders have a probation officer and are monitored through the courts but police don’t get involved unless a crime has happened or one is in progress.

“That is just way the system is set up. If there are complaints or a specific issue police will take care of that.

“We can’t and don’t just sit on people and wait for them to do something wrong. If someone is concerned about residents’ behaviour they can always call us.”

Many psychologists and psychiatrists have spoken out about the Palace Park’s philosophy.

LA-based Forensic Psychiatrist Dr Carole Lieberman said: “The only time something good could come out of a bunch of sex offenders living together, would be if they were in a forensic psychiatric hospital and getting treatment.”

angpa boleh baca lebih detail dari website ni.

yg berada di Florida, berhati2 ya tentang trail park ni.

Dokumentari YOUTUBE yg aku jumpa.



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Post time 18-11-2020 10:37 AM | Show all posts
waaa ala2 perkampungan pedo2 seUS gitu......

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2020 10:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsbob87 replied at 18-11-2020 10:37 AM
waaa ala2 perkampungan pedo2 seUS gitu......

betul...ada banyak pesalah pedo yg boleh dikatakan ganas.

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Post time 18-11-2020 10:57 AM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 18-11-2020 10:39 AM
betul...ada banyak pesalah pedo yg boleh dikatakan ganas.

uishhh..... bahaye gila... budak2 xbleh lepas sebarang2....

ptt klu cmtu orang awam tak yah duduk area situ,macam serah tengkuk je..

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2020 10:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsbob87 replied at 18-11-2020 10:57 AM
uishhh..... bahaye gila... budak2 xbleh lepas sebarang2....

ptt klu cmtu orang awam tak yah dud ...

dari hasil carian google, kak sarah baca kebanyakan  penduduk terpaksa sewa disitu sebab paling murah berbanding kwsn lain. kiranya yg dok situ ala2 B40 di malaysia

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Post time 18-11-2020 11:42 AM | Show all posts
sama kes mcm Platzspitz park..

kira nk buat taman khas buat penagih dadah.. so diorang bebas nak menghisap,mengedar semulah dalam taman tu.. even polis takde kuasa untuk amik tindakan..

tujuan buat cmtu,nk isolate penagih ni dari masyarakat umum.. biar kumpul reramai penagih dekat situ biarkan diorang mereput dengan dadah2.. tapi lain plak jadi, masaalah sosial makin teruk..
anak muda mati overdose boleh dikatakan tiap2 ari..

last2 city council cuci balik and restore balik Platzspitz park.. sekarang da jadi taman umum..

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2020 11:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsbob87 replied at 18-11-2020 11:42 AM
sama kes mcm Platzspitz park..

kira nk buat taman khas buat penagih dadah.. so diorang bebas nak  ...

Nanti kak sarah cari ttg park ni.. Dan post kat sini.. Ni pertama kali kak sarah dengar ttg Platzspitz park.. Menarik.. Boleh la org2 malaysia tau baik dan buruk ttg taman2 mcm ni.

Yap idea nak tempatkan semua pedo/penagih dalam satu tempat adalah baik.. Tapi kesan buruk pun boleh tahan byk.. Tambah2 bila ada juga yg berkeluarga.

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Post time 18-11-2020 11:56 AM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 18-11-2020 11:48 AM
Nanti kak sarah cari ttg park ni.. Dan post kat sini.. Ni pertama kali kak sarah dengar ttg Platzs ...

saya pun bru tau lpas tgok movie needle park...

niat kerajaan macam nak bunuh penagih2 ni dalam diam... tapi makin lame makin melarat plak..
klu tengok gambar dalam google,selamba je inject berjemaah..

boleh nak isolatekan penjenayah/penagih dari masyarakat umum.. tinggal lagi kena kawalan ketat lah
penguatkuasaan tu penting..

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2020 12:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsbob87 replied at 18-11-2020 11:56 AM
saya pun bru tau lpas tgok movie needle park...

niat kerajaan macam nak bunuh penagih2 ni dalam ...

Betul.. Kena buat ala2 penjara terbuka.. Diawasi sepenuhnya oleh warden.

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Post time 26-11-2020 11:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hish , unsupervised lak tu sex offenders nih. X sesuai la nk buat penempatan gini dkt dgn kwsn perumahan biasa. Biar la buat jauh sikit & kena la ada supervision.



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 Author| Post time 26-11-2020 12:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 26-11-2020 11:32 AM
Hish , unsupervised lak tu sex offenders nih. X sesuai la nk buat penempatan gini dkt dgn kwsn perum ...

Yap. Mmg tak diawasi.. Sebab tu byk penduduk trailer park ni rasa terancam.. Bimbang keselamatan anak2 depa

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Post time 26-11-2020 12:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 26-11-2020 12:06 PM
Yap. Mmg tak diawasi.. Sebab tu byk penduduk trailer park ni rasa terancam.. Bimbang keselamatan a ...

Mau x nya. Bkn takat anak2, elderlies pun mesti takut gak. Dgn dadah & hookers berleluasa lagik tu

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 Author| Post time 26-11-2020 12:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 26-11-2020 12:10 PM
Mau x nya. Bkn takat anak2, elderlies pun mesti takut gak. Dgn dadah & hookers berleluasa lagik tu

Paling membimbangkan adalah golongan kanak2 la..

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