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Indonesia has a grand US$412b plan to rebuild the country
Indonesia has a grand US$412b plan to rebuild the country
Thursday, 16 May 2019 11:13 AM MYT
JAKARTA: Indonesia is drafting ambitious plans for more than $400 billion in building projects, from constructing 25 airports to new power plants, as the government seeks to stoke growth in Southeast Asia’s largest economy, according to the country’s planning minister.
The sweeping proposal calls for a record 5,957 trillion rupiah ($412 billion) in investments from 2020 to 2024, Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said in an interview this week.
JAKARTA: Indonesia is drafting ambitious plans for more than $400 billion in building projects, from constructing 25 airports to new power plants, as the government seeks to stoke growth in Southeast Asia’s largest economy, according to the country’s planning minister.
The sweeping proposal calls for a record 5,957 trillion rupiah ($412 billion) in investments from 2020 to 2024, Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said in an interview this week.
As much as 40% of the total will be funded directly by the government, 25% through state-owned enterprises and the rest through the private sector, he said. About 60% of the spending will go toward transportation-related infrastructure, according to a draft of the plan seen by Bloomberg and verified by the ministry.
Such spending would build on President Joko Widodo’s strategy of using infrastructure as a key plank to boost economic growth and spread wealth beyond the main island-powerhouse of Java, where the capital is located. Building critical ports and facilities are particularly complicated and costly in Indonesia because the country is dispersed across 17,000 islands through an area spanning the distance between New York and London.
“The only way for Indonesia to have higher economic growth is connectivity,” Brodjonegoro said in Jakarta.
“We are planning to establish the equivalent of a highway for the skies by building airstrips or smaller airports for connectivity” in remote areas such as the Papua region, he said.
Despite the potential benefits, massive projects have been challenging for the government to finance in recent years, partly due to low tax compliance in Indonesia and weak commodity prices that have strained the state budget.
Several projects have been shelved or delayed, even as bodies including the World Bank have warned of a massive infrastructure gap limiting economic growth.
Indonesia has been expanding at about 5% a year. While the government is aiming for growth of 5.3% to 5.6% next year, that’s still short of the 7% Jokowi had targeted before his first term began.
The president, popularly known as Jokowi, is expected to be confirmed for a second term when official results of the April 17 election are announced next week.
The ministry is preparing final documents on the investment plan to present to the president for approval, a ministry spokesman said.
The proposed investments exceed the $350 billion infrastructure drive -- then the largest in the nation’s history -- set during Jokowi’s first term.
The new spending plan is equivalent to about 5.7% of gross domestic product from 2020 to 2024, during which the government has targeted economic growth of 5.4% to 6%, according to the draft of the proposal. The government is open to the possibility of financing some projects through debt, Brodjonegoro said.
According to the draft plan, about 17% of the infrastructure spending will go toward energy, followed by 10% for irrigation.
The proposal also calls for the upgrade of as many as 165 existing airports and the development of water-based facilities for seaplanes to access remote islands in the world’s largest archipelago, Brodjonegoro said.
Tourist Drive
Better infrastructure would also complement the government’s efforts to attract more tourists to help narrow the current-account deficit, which widened to a four-year high in 2018 and pressured the nation’s currency, bond and stock markets.
Separately, the minister said the government will push for certification of the domestically developed N219 propeller plane to support the expanding air-travel and tourism industries in the nation of more than 260 million people.
The head of state-owned PT Dirgantara Indonesia, the maker of the aircraft, said May 13 that he expects local regulators to approve the plane this year. - Bloomberg
Nampaknya Indon tak jadi tukar gomen. Dorang retain jokowi dan jokowi announce projek besar-besaran bertilion-tilion RM dan rupiah. Bukan announce hutang trilion ye. 
Banyakle job di serata indon pasni. Bolehle semua indon balik cari job kat sana. Ada macam2 projek.
TAHNIAH dan all the best kepada jiran kita indonesia. Semoga boleh memacu economic growth di nusantara ni. 
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Patut la Ada Indon NI potong buah Sawit lewat ramai dah angan2 nak balik Indonesia. |
Katenye nak buat 10 Bali, pelancong yg dtg melawat Bali pun dah ramai mcm jumlah pelancong melawat seluruh malaysia |
Jangan jadi macam lombok sudah.dahla overprice, pegi diving takde apa and snorkeling pulak dia bawak tengah laut. |
Moga Indonesia terus maju dan kekal menjadi negara yg punya pemandangan indah. |
Indonesia makin maju, Malaysia makin ermmmm.. |
Lepas ni byk lah kot pendatang Malaysia ke Indonesia cari kerja  
Indonesia ni sebenarnya banyak sumber alam dan sumber manusia cuma perlukan pemimpin yang berwawasan untuk majukan Indonesia. Kalau tengok filem diorang pun sekarang dah dasyat dah siap bergabung dengan pelakon hollywood.
Yeay lepas ni duit kita lg murah dari indon |
Ramai org Malaysia yg salah paham....Indon tu besar....yg dtg kat sini tu yg duduk kat ulu2 banat...yg jauh dari pembangunan..Indon tu besar berkali2 Malaysia....kalau kawasan kaya atau sederhana kaya tu jauh lagi besar dari kita....hidup diaorg mcm kita jugak...even ramai yg lebih baik |

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Post time 17-5-2019 09:18 AM
From the mobile phone
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matamata replied at 17-5-2019 09:13 AM
Ramai org Malaysia yg salah paham....Indon tu besar....yg dtg kat sini tu yg duduk kat ulu2 banat... ...
Itu pasal gomen dorang buat projek untuk connectivity. Buat port, buat airports, buat kapal terbang, buat train, buat hsr untuk connect tempat2. 60% of the bajet. |
apam replied at 17-5-2019 09:18 AM
Itu pasal gomen dorang buat projek untuk connectivity. Buat port, buat airports, buat kapal terban ...
Kalau perhatikan betul2...ini semua asas utk trigger pembangunan kalau dijalankan dgn baik......wonder template ni ambik dari mana?...ring the bell? |
dari segi filem indo mmg ok la dr kita..ada pelawak indo ni dia jd pelakon dlm filem malaysia pengacara tu tya psl filem yg dia lakonan kan dia ckp dr segi penceritaan agak kurang berbanding aku akui la filem kita ni ambik pelakon hollywood ka pelakon dr seberang ka ssh la nak p jauh..
Indon buat project2 besar tapi still maintain debt ratio under 30% |
tapi indon ada kereta terbang x? |
akan bakalan direncana..pyropura  |
Walupun besar...Indon tetap masih kalah segalanya dari Malaysia.... negara yang dimiliki dan dikuasai oleh umah suchi mulia perkasa dan cerdik pandai ini mungkin akan tetap kAlah Hingga akhir jaman ... |
Tt, gomen Jokowi ni sama lah dgn PH, dikuasai parti kristian, liberal, LGBT, kurang pertahankan Islam, pro Ahok  |
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