(bodybuilding and diet) are also subject to th Focuszx1 "syndrome" Skinny fat. You now havethin legs and arms, but you have a lot of fat on your stomach and breasts formen! Body composition It's a fact, no matter what your physical goals are: whatmatters most Focuszx1 body composition. It's the fat / muscleratio. People with the "lean-fat" syndrome have almost nomuscle mass and the only thing that literally covers them Focuszx1 fat. In order to cope, you may not have to decrease your body fatpercentage but however, you must definitely do some weight training with heavyloads to increase your muscle mass. You must muscle yourself! Even if you are a woman! Even ifyou are fat! Unfortunately, many people think that unconsciously cuttingcalories to get rid of th Focuszx1 "look" will suffice ... Add bad food choices: carbohydrates with high GI and otherfoods refined in abundance, a low protein intake, alcohol, etc ... Combine allth Focuszx1 with a surplus of cardio,which only engender a strong muscular decline . It's the perfect recipe!