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Bloodcurdling Local Legends
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Here is a list of some of the most creepy local urban legends you have ever heard. You better not be reading this in the dark! 1. Mothman, Point Pleasant, West Virginia
From 1965 to 1966, people from Point Pleasant in West Virginia repeatedly informed the authorities they witnessed a strange red-eyed beast with huge black wings. According to the police reports, the last sighting of this creature was at the town's Silver Bridge, which collapsed shortly after. The mysterious creature was never seen again.
2. Clownman, Swissvale, Pennsylvania
People from a small town next to Pittsburgh called Swissvale all share the same fear from the clown butcher who allegedly lives in the woods and in the abandoned steel mill that is located on the river bank. It is a legend of a man who walks alongside the river with a bloody butcher knife, in search for his next victim. He is dressed in a clown costume and has a creepy mask on his face. The fact that a girl's severely bruised body was found next to the mill only increases the fear.
3. The Jersey Devil, Pine Barrens, New Jersey
This terrifying legend begins with the birth of a healthy little boy, during a stormy night. Mama Leeds, as the mother who bore the child was called, had 12 children before the boy came along, and this was undoubtedly her most painful labor. She was in such a pain she screamed and begged the midwives to get that child out of her. In the end, she cursed the baby saying this was the Devil's deed and that the child is his son. The born baby looked healthy and chubby, but after a while, his skin became black and horns grew from his head. He was now bigger than an average human, and one could tell he is no ordinary creature: he ate all of his midwives and even his siblings before he took off into the dreary night.
4. Charlie No-Face, Pennsylvania
Western Pennsylvania has something to offer too: people are easily scared by the story of a Charlie No-Face, who supposedly walks around when night falls with the hope he'll steal other people's faces. According to the story, he lost his face in a horrible accident. Actually, there is a real no-face guy called Raymond Robinson, but this story was obviously combined with the Mexican ghost story about Llorona, a woman who ambushes people who walk alone at night.
5. The Pope Lick Monster, Pope Lick Creek, Louisville
The Pope Lick Monster is a creature that's something between a goat and a human being. Legend says this creature will try to persuade you into walking his way by using his charm and flattery. The ones who fall under his spell will end up being killed by the arriving train. He lives under the railroad over Pope Lick Creek, hence the name.
6. The 13 Curves Road, Syracuse, New York
This is a Halloween story and it brings us to the famous 13 curve road next to Syracuse. This is the deal: a newly wedded couple died in a car accident back in the 1950s. Their spirits are still roaming the roads, and the legend says that if you drive on these roads during a Halloween night, the grieving bride covered in blood will appear in front of your car and try to cause an accident.
7. The "H" Man, New York
There is a local myth about a camp for boy scouts near New York, and it follows the story of a murderer called the "H" man. Everything started when a boy went missing during a camp, and the team couldn't find him until the very last day of camp. His body was found under the mattresses and a huge letter "H" was engraved all over his chest. This is the killer's signature. The story also claims his house is deep in the woods, and when the group of campers explored it they found a lonely house in the desolate area.
8. Dead Kid’s Playground, Huntsville, Alabama
Huntsville, Alabama, has its own local urban legend: it is a legend of a haunted playground which people visit every day without knowing that at night, it transforms into a dead children's playground. Witnesses claim that if you pass by it at night, you can see the empty swings moving and you can hear the children's laughter.
9. The Boy Scout Camp Ghosts, Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Nearly forty years ago two snowmobilers died in the camp's bathroom stall. The snow was so heavy and so much of it accumulated on the bathroom roof that the shed collapsed, killing the two men inside. They found their bodies in the spring, when the snow melted. It is said that you can still see the two guys walking around the camp's area.
10. The Stüpp Werewolf, Germany
The German Werewolf or The Stüpp how they call him is a creature that attacks lonely passengers by climbing onto their back, and from that moment on, the passengers are unable to get rid of this "backpack." The creature eventually grows bigger and bigger, so the victim experiences a painful death that includes broken bones or they simply collapse.
t if you turn your back while passing by him. According to some sources, he even leaves his spot to feed the ducks that usually float nearby. 11. The Mill Ghost, Georgia
Residents of northeast Georgia tell a story about a haunted grist mill that was once the property of a rich plantation owner, who had many slaves working for him. But, he was not exactly the boss you would desire: he treated his workers badly, and he even killed some of them. After this, the slaves organized a riot, kidnapped their owner and punished him in the attic of the mill. The legend says that if you drive by the mill at night, you will see a weak light coming from the upper part of the mill.
12. The Tombstone Curse, Unknown US Town Photo:
This is a story of a young teenage girl who practiced dark magic and witchcraft and for that, she was burned alive. In the village in which she was living strange things started to happen: some people became ill and a little boy even died. So naturally, the residents accused her of it as soon as they found out she is interested in black magic. Her last words were engraved on her gravestone and the legend says whoever reads it out loud, his life will be filled with misfortune.
13. The Flying Wooden Crow, Unknown US Town
Graveyard stories are always incredibly spooky. This Redditor shared a story of how a wooden crow (that was a part of a tombstone) turned to life, looked at him and flew away. The cemetery's history is long, and it dates back to the 1850s. The creepy part about this story is that there weren't any wooden crows on the monuments the next time he visited the cemetery.
14. The Whistler, Venezuela
This legend of a cursed man who roams the roads, whistles, and carries the bones of the ones he killed in a bag is definitely something you should be afraid of if you have plans of visiting Venezuela. You will recognize him by his slender and tall figure, a gigantic hat that covers his skeleton-like appearance, and the fact that he whistles all of the time. Supposedly, if the whistle sound you hear is pretty loud, you are still far away from him, but if that sound becomes more silent every second, run as fast as you can.
15. The Wooden Monk That Pays Visits at Night, Waltham Abbey, England
This story even ended up in the TV series 'Strange But True.' It is a tale about a wooden monk monument that visits you at night if you turn your back while passing by him. According to some sources, he even leaves his spot to feed the ducks that usually float nearby.
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