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Author: hhhhh

Hana Kimi - Ella, Wu Chun & Jiro Wang [PART 1]

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Post time 15-11-2007 09:56 AM | Show all posts
lawalah myst bila ella potong rambut pendek cenggini...comel...

myst ff the marrige tu adakah author dia Qi2??

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Post time 15-11-2007 02:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19618 myst_leen's post

ermm..btul la ella cntik..comel je..mmg nmpk muda rmbut pendek..
mmg dia sesuai rmbut pendek je kot..citer reaching for the stars rmbut dia pnjg ckit nmpk tua..kulit dia nmpk lembutkan..nmpk licin n cntk mgkin sbb kamera kot..

[ Last edited by  yufa_321 at 15-11-2007 02:51 PM ]

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Post time 15-11-2007 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by myst_leen at 15-11-2007 09:02 AM
a'ahh ...ella la tuu ..mmg ella ni kalau nak dikirakan lawa sebenarnyer...cuma dia jarang2 nak tonjolkan kecantikan dia..sebab dia prefer pakai t shirt dengan jeans biasa je selalunyer..and dia p ...

baru je lps tgk kat utube mv boom yg akak ckp tu..grup s.h.e kan..ella seksi n mgoda..
skrg tgh tgk mv s.h.e yg lain plak.. dlm  byk2 yg yufa tgk stakat ni,plg suka zen me ban..masa ella pkai dress itam dgn yg putih tu..cntik giler..mula2 tgk mcm tak sgka tu ella..wu zun mcm tergoda je..huhu..lps ni nk pksa abg tgk video klip zen me ban tu..

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Post time 17-11-2007 08:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19618 babyface76's post

ekeke...sori ..aku tak check thread ni beberapa hari ..uhukss..mesti ko akan baca msg aku ni hari isnin ni ..takper..nanti aku akan pm ko ...huhuh..dan hari ni la berita yg paling menggembirakan buat CE ...aku tak boleh pos dekat sini sebab ianyer dikira agak berkait dengan personal life CE ..

aaa.. ni dia link utk ff The Marriage (R)

citer ni rated takpe la..sebab kita2 ni dah ckp umur ..

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Post time 17-11-2007 08:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19619 babyface76's post

laaa..aku tak perasan laks ko dah tanya author dia qi2 tu ..a'ahh.. dia la..ekeke ... ko baca la lelama jadi boring jugak sebab cam awal2 ni takde halangan dalam cinta diorang ..aku lebih suka citer yg banyak halangan ..macam cookie dough boy tu ..sammie dah update dah semalam ..huhuhh..besttt..Ella dah terdengar Chun ckp dia cookie boy ..Ella terkejut .. citer tu cliffhanger kat situ laks. hehe.

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Post time 17-11-2007 08:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19620 yufa_321's post

mmg Ella ni kulit dia cantik dan lawa..sebab dia sendiri pun ckp dia habiskan banyak duit utk beli barangan penjagaan kulit ..sebab dia tak suka mekap , jadi tu la pasal dia nak pastikan complexion dia elok supaya tak yah pakai mekap . ehehe..yerp ..mmg suka dia berambut pendek kalau dia rambut panjang sket dan buat ala2 stylo macam dalam  mv Zhen Me Ban tu ..mmg cantik giler..suka tgk dia dengan fesyen rambut gitu ..

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Post time 17-11-2007 09:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19621 yufa_321's post

ehehee..yerp , MV Boom tu mmg dia seksi giler..sampaikan ade la someone ni pi ckp secara hint2 laks dia tak suka wanita yg pakai seksi meksi ..tup2 beberapa hari lepas tu terus Ella pakai tutup ...

samala..akak pun suka giler dia pakai dress hitam tu ..dah la mekap dia dan gaya rambut masa tu pun cantik ..ekeke..tetiba teringat laks masa diorang shooting MV ni , Chun ckp Ella seksi ..siap malu2 laks tu nak peluk Ella..ekeke.

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Post time 17-11-2007 09:22 PM | Show all posts

Ella and Selina at a wine party (16.11.2007)

huhuh..Ella pakai dress lagi tu ..kalau tak , mmg jenjarang sgt dapat tgk dia pakai dress kat event2 biasa cenggini ..

Ella gi tgk perlawanan baseball dengan Blackie dan jugak kakak dia ..semangat giler gi sokong pasukan negara dia tu ..huhuh..siap tulis entry lg bagitau yg pasukan kegemaran dia dapat masuk ke separuh akhir dan mitak fans datang bg sokongan penuh utk pasukan tu ..

kat bawah ni gambo yg Ella poskan kat blog entry dia ..ehehe

ekeke..pakai simple macam ni pun tetap nampak kiut!

fanmade poster , banner and billboard of Ella..ekeke..kreatif betul fans ni ..siap dengan paper bag , tiket dan poster kat bas pun mmg suka betul tgk pose Ella utk advertisement Dalphe ni ..mmg penuh bergaya .


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Post time 17-11-2007 09:34 PM | Show all posts
Ella Becomes City's (Village) Lady Official

Last Saturday Momo (reporter) went to Kang Street to eat mango slush, and coincidentally bumped into Ella buying her dinner. Ella apparently looked like a city (village) lady official, greeting store owners from every corner, Ella was too busy that she forgot her change.

She first went to Da Lai Xiao Guan restaurant to pick up her phone order,when she saw the owner she said hello. After she paid, she ran to the sushi restaurant next door and started a conversation with employees and the owner.Ella was too busy greeting people left and right (immersed in her job), that she even forgot the change. Quite klutzy in fact.

Ella's (city) official way of talking did not stop there, as she crossed the road to the parking lot, she conversed with the parking uncle for a period of time. She truely is Yong Kang Street's most popular public relations person. Momo feels, With her personality with people, and ability to attract vast wide of people, after she retires from S.H.E, Ella is bound to be Yong Kang Street's elected official.

translated by pinky007 @ CE FC FORUM

ni lah antara sebab2nyer yg kita minat sangat kat Ella ni ..sebab dia ni memang jenis yg sgt peramah , tak sombong dan bebetul jenis yg down to earth ..padahal dia mmg femes dia tak pernah pun berlagak seolah2 dia ni diva atau artis yg terkenal ..kat luar , pakai pun simple jer..menjalani hidup macam org biasa.. peramah dengan fans dan org sekeliling .. lepas tu satu lagi ..tak pernah lekang dari senyum kalau time dia takde sebarang masalah ... huhuh..tgk pakaian Ella skang ni ..makin lama makin feminin kan ? kalau tak gi ke mana2 event dia tak pakai seksi2 .. tp masalah nyer tak tau la kenapa wartawan suka sangat memburuk2kan dia..tgk macam laporan berita ni ..walau pun Ella ni peramah dengan org dan baik wartawan ni sebenarnyer seolah2 macam perli yg Ella ni terlalu banyak ckp macam least dia puji jugak Ella dalam perli2 tu .

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Post time 17-11-2007 09:40 PM | Show all posts
(15.11.2007) Wu Zun hopes to open gym in Singapore

From Lian He Wan Bao

Super-popular Wu Zun has two gyms in Brunei, but denies that his family is wealthy, for the sake of Singapore fans, hopes to open a fitness gym in Orchard Road!

Fahrenheit anchor Wu Zun gained immense popularity because of idol drama Hana Kimi. Yesterday, e-entertainment reporter held a long-distance interview with him and found out that the well-built Wu Zun was very polite when speaking, when he heard sensitive topics, would reply very genially.

Amidst the chaotic hubbub in the background, see how this e-entertainment reporter engages in a quick Q&A with Wu Zun.

R - reporter
C - Chun

R: Heard that when you came to Singapore previously to model, you stayed in a condominium in Bukit Timah?
C: Yeah, I stayed there for more than a month! But I've forgotten the name of the condominium.
R: Considering that you've opened 2 gyms in Brunei within 3 years, do you have plans to open a fitness gym in Singapore? If yes, where would you hope to locate it?
C: (laughs) Yes, I've thought of opening a gym in Singapore, just that I haven't met any partners I can trust. As to where would be a suitable location, the Orchard Road area is not bad, but have to see how much the rent is.
(Chun expressed that if he opens a gym in Singapore, it would allow all his fans to have a good place to exercise. Speaking of this, he encouraged all to exercise for the sake of looking good, saying laughingly that he could consider publishing a Wu Zun fitness book, or a Wu Zun healthy set meal, but would have to wait for his company's arrangement.)
R: Outside sources say that your family is loaded, that you're a rich man's son. Just curious, does the money you earn in the entertainment world match the wealth of your family?
C: My family background is just ok, not as wealthy as what they say. I even have to take a loan from the bank to start my gym business, if I were really that wealthy, why would I want to owe the bank?!
(How much did you loan?) This is not convenient for me to say lah.
R: Recently there've been rich women "sponsoring" the hottest stars on the chart, you're named among them, how do you feel about this? (not very clear what is meant)
C: (laughs) I am very honoured! Just joking lah, I only think it's super funny! (Are there any rich ladies drooling over your charm and trying to approach you?) No leh, no one dares to date me.
R: Your good physique is universally known, I still have to ask a stale question, if Ang Lee approached you to film Lust, Caution, would you strip for the role?
C: Don't want bah, I don't have that kind of experience. I am not as experienced as Tony Leung! People's impression of famous stars filming Lust, Caution is different from that of watching newbies, it would feel really weird for a newbie to film that movie! Wait for five or six more years bah, perhaps by then I would be able to do it.
(Besides Lust, Caution, Wu Zun is willing to gain weight, lose weight, shave his head for movies, he says laughingly that he hopes to have some differences in his roles.)

No time to date, is not against dating those within the entertainment circle
R: Recently, Taiwan has been cooking up a storm over Chun-Angela romance, would you feel very bothered by it? Is the Chun-Angela romance real??
C: I do feel quite irritated, because we're actually playing happily, but because afraid of what the media would write, we're unable to play naturally, have to purposely reign in our actions, and it only makes things embarrassing.
(Did you and Angela feel the sparks? Are you dating?) No sparks lah, playing happily together doesn't mean that we are naturally boyfriend and girlfriend.
R: You're really not in a relationship currently?
C: No, work is too busy, can't even find the time to meet, do you know?Even though organisers want us to perform opening ceremonies, we are too busy to go, we don't even have the time to earn money!
R: Can you talk about the 3 leading ladies you've worked with - your impressions of Ariel, Ella and Angela?
C: Ariel is quieter, Angela is the morose kind, character is very direct, once you're familiar with her then you can play, Ella's character is the most forthright, even if you don't know her, she can also be very 'friend' with you; the common point is, they're all very professional!
R: Would you reject dating some pretty girl from within the entertainment circle? What criteria do you have for your partner?
C: I wouldn't choose a girlfriend based on whether she's in this circle or not, have to see the 'feel', if the other party lets me feel that there's a future when we're together, that's sufficient. (If she's older than you by 10 years?) That's very hard to say, perhaps she's young at heart, it's not impossible.
R: What kind of girls can't you stand?
C: Girls who are irresponsible, very affected, whose behaviour is very fake, these are the kind I can't tolerate the most.

Rumoured to be married with kids - Chun: How is that possible?
R: Perhaps because you're too famous, overseas media are suspicious of your sexual inclinations, they also say you're married, with kids, what do you say?
C: You tell me how do I prove to people that I'm not gay? Those who know me definitely know I'm not! As for being married with kids, haha! I've also read these reports, how is that possible? The media just like to write rubbish.
R: If you meet true love, would you give up your career for love?
C: If I meet it, and it makes me feel that it's very important to set up a family, I would probably give up my career, but now I have not met it yet.
R: Tell us about your plans in showbiz?
C: There's Ah Bi Jian, Wu Xia Liang Zhu, Basketball Fire.. (Do you think you're suitable to play Liang Shan Bo?) I don't want to say so early whether I'm suitable or not, I haven't even acted, how would I know? It's like none of my friends believed I would be an artiste, because I was too introverted and shy.
R: Boyz frenz is the band your Brunei manager He Xia Tian groomed. What do you think of their performance?
C: We've known each other previously, Boyz frenz are really hardworking... (But some reporters say that they will be competing with FRH?) What is there to compare? As long as you've put in effort, it's enough, there's no end to the competition in this circle, working hard and doing well is what is important.

translated by fishybiznes @ CE FC FORUM

*suka baca artikel ni ..sebab artikel macam ni la baru kita tau benda sebenar yg berlaku ..sebab interview ni datang dr mulut Chun sendiri ..takde la macam laporan berita lain yg selalu mengarut dan dan diputar belitkan faktanyer .. kalau tgk kat sini , Chun sebenarnye seolah2 macam terasa hati bila dia digossipkan sebagai gay .. mmg tak patut la yg buat laporan kata kononnyer Chun gay tu ..and ..suka bila dia bagi ulasan pendapat ttg ketiga2 aktres yg pernah bekerjasama dengan dia..sebab dalam tu , dia puji Ella sebagai seorang yg mmg sangat jujur  , real  dan jugak friendly ..sampaikan org yg tak pernah kenal Ella pun bleh jadi kawan dengan Ella .. .melalui artikel ni jugak , kita boleh tgk yg Chun ni mmg jenis yg sgt jujur dengan pandangan dan perasaan dia..salah satu persamaan Chun dengan Ella..huhuh..

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Post time 17-11-2007 09:55 PM | Show all posts
actually ni adelah interview Ella yg bertarikh 8 November 2007 ..seminggu aku baru letak sini ..sebab interview Ella ni pun menarik utk dibaca..and take note..cuba korang baca alasan Ella kenapa dia tak boleh date dengan Chun ..huhuh..dan korang bandingkan dengan alasan Chun dalam interview dia yg bertarikh 15 November 2007 tu ..alasan yg sama je manjang ..alasan sibuk dan jugak takde masa utk berdating .. huhuh .. and aku suka baca setiap interview Ella sebab dia mmg jenis yg berfikiran matang  ...

Ella's interview with Ming Pao (8 November 2007)

Ella Talks About Loss of Dog

It is often said that dogs are a man's best friend, because they know how to comfort their owner. A dog's life is always shorter than a huaman's, and we cannot bear the pain of our beloved friend passing away, a pain which all previous dog owners have probably experienced. There are many dogs in this world that after being born, will lead a life of wandering, and never experience the feeling of love, satisfied with the warmth of food in their belly. SHE's Ella is a dog lover, and she loved her passed away dog Qiang Qiang , therefore she made a charity EP (CD), a memorial for her dog, and donated it to Homes for Stray Animals.

Passed away due to allergic reaction to anaesthetic

Meeting at an upstairs caf

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Post time 17-11-2007 10:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by myst_leen at 17-11-2007 08:54 PM
ekeke...sori ..aku tak check thread ni beberapa hari ..uhukss..mesti ko akan baca msg aku ni hari isnin ni ..takper..nanti aku akan pm ko ...huhuh..dan hari ni la berita yg paling menggembirakan  ...

knapa x blh ckp?? nak tau sgt..

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Post time 17-11-2007 10:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19625 myst_leen's post

ella gi tgk prlawanan baseball tu xde pminat serbu dia ke??
pakaian dia simple sgt..dia nmpk xksh pun kan wlau artis..xpyh pkai bju cntik2,mahal2,seksi2..xpyh cover2 pun..jd diri sbenar..byk bce brita ella kat internet,wartawn asyik condem ella..pastu lak kat forum2 lain org rmai kutuk ella..sian ella.. asyik kene bnding dgn selina ngan hebe je..

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Post time 17-11-2007 11:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19629 yufa_321's post

takpe ..nanti akak pm yufa..

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Post time 17-11-2007 11:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19630 yufa_321's post

peminat tak serbu sebab masa tu diorang pun bz nak tgk perlawanan tu ..ade banyak la gambo ella yg dirakam dari belakang oleh peminat..ehehe..mmg ella ni jenis yg tak pernah nak cover ..she's very true to herself .tu yg akak kagum dengan dia , sebab tak pernah lg la jumpa artis mcm ni sebelum ni ..very talented laks tu .mmg kalau dalam berita..wartawan apple daily suka sangat ade2kan citer ttg ella..padahal diorang saje tuduh ella je..selalu buat berita palsu ..ntah apa2 je la wartawan tu kalau ella buat benda yg baik , misalnyer buat kebajikan ke ..tolong kanak2 dan orang2 tua ..sentiasa ramah bila di interview ....takde pun diorang nak tulis elok2..kalau ella pakai seksi sket , ckp ella sengaja nak tunjukkan aset dia..kalau ella pakai ala2 simple dan boyish , ckp ella tomboy ..kalau ella menang sebarang poll nanti media ckp yg vote ella tu geng2 lesbian jer...padahal diorang tak tau fansbase ella mmg besar giler geram sgt kat wartawan yg dengki kat ella tu .. mmg ade yg bandingkan ella dengan selina dan hebe ..sebab diorang terus tgk pada penampilan ella yg agak boyish , dah terus tak suka..diorang tak kaji selidik camner personaliti ella yg sebenarnyer naseb baik la ella ni jenis yg tak mudah amik hati walau pun kena kutuk berkali2 oleh wartawan ..dia jenis yg suka pk positif.

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Post time 19-11-2007 01:22 AM | Show all posts


huhuhuh..diam tak diam , dah setahun citer Hanakimi ni ditayangkan ..cepat betul masa berlalu ..uhukss..btw ...sempena anniversary ni ..nak post beberapa gambar bts utk scene Quan berjaya lompat tinggi dan dipeluk oleh Rui Xi ..huhuhh...


ni scene yg Ella duk berdoa supaya Chun dapat lepasi halangan lompatan tu ..

huhuh..real betul diorang peluk ...

kalau perasan, dalam gambar2 kat atas tadi semernyer ade crew kan ..yg ni takde , sebab yg ni ..hehee..diorang bukan peluk utk shooting.. . diorang ckp Ella gives Chun a kiss time ni ...aku tak dapat pastikan ..but then seeing the way of their position ..ade kemungkinan la kuts.. hehehe

and's the sweetest part of it ..

after the hug , both of them gets shy ..ekeke..tgk reaksi Chun dan yg bestnyer Chun ni ..malu2 pun ..mata tu tak lekang jugak pandang Ella..yg ni mmg time tak shooting dah ni ..lepas shooting utk scene tu selesai ..ehehehe..isk isk ..mmg obvious sgt dua org ni ..Ella laks malu2 buat2 tak pandang kat Chun sebab dah malu sgt ..buat2 tak tau jer.. .yg kelakar tu , si Chun pi berdiri dekat je dengan Ella tu ..pandangan Chun tu ..adusss...penuh bermakna..ekeke..

credits to CE FC .

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Post time 19-11-2007 02:04 AM | Show all posts

credits to CE FC

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Post time 19-11-2007 08:28 AM | Show all posts

HK 1st Anniversary - Quan dotes on Rui Xi

2nd episode:

3rd episode:

4th episode:

5th episode:

6th episode:

7th episode:

9th episode:

10th episode:

11th episode:

12th episode:

13th episode:

14th episode:


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Post time 19-11-2007 09:22 AM | Show all posts
myst...kau kata ada rahsia pasal ce yg tak bole tulis kat aku leh citelah sikit

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Post time 19-11-2007 09:24 AM | Show all posts
sukanya nengok adegan2 chun pegang kepala ella dalam hanakimi ye...banyak rupanya adegan tu

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