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Author: eddlisa_uyuk

[SBS] RUNNING MAN [HOUSE 2] -Every Sunday 5.20pm [KOREAN TIME]

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Post time 24-6-2013 12:50 PM | Show all posts
rambut Haha mmg buruk tp BYUL suka

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Post time 24-6-2013 01:28 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 22-6-2013 01:05 PM
satu yg me kagum psl member2 RM ni sbb diorang sgt2 fit dan stamina hebat wlpon dh tua..
even VJ2 p ...

bukan peserta RM je perlu fit & berstamina hebat...
aku pun cukup respek pada cameraman & photographer yg follow diorg dlm game2...
sure penat giler....kena bawak equipment berat2 lak tu...


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Post time 24-6-2013 01:41 PM | Show all posts
10 wishes idea for running man...


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Post time 24-6-2013 01:58 PM | Show all posts
MissMamamia75 posted on 24-6-2013 01:41 PM
10 wishes idea for running man...

bg me,ada idea yg best,ada yg tak best..

yg tak best:

1) RAIN vs RM ---->Korean pon dah tak peduli psl dia sejak kontroversi psl army,kira reputasi no point nk amek dia jd guest

2) LIZZY/JONGKI ---> diorg ada or takder tak bg impak sgt pon...haha

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Post time 24-6-2013 02:04 PM | Show all posts
MissMamamia75 posted on 24-6-2013 01:28 PM
bukan peserta RM je perlu fit & berstamina hebat...
aku pun cukup respek pada cameraman & photogr ...

vj2 semua tu kena gi gym gak..haha..
kekuataan vj pon dipadankan dgn kekuatan member RM..
mcm vj sukjin tu mmg sesuai pair dgn dia
vj jongkook plak tgk fizikal pon serupa dia gak..


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Post time 24-6-2013 02:16 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 24-6-2013 01:58 PM
bg me,ada idea yg best,ada yg tak best..

yg tak best: pun rasa mcm tu...RAIN dah xpopular lagi..
SuJu pun mcm slow dah..
Big Bang gak yg still the best..I suka sesgt diorg...hehe..
me & my kids...tgh wish if RM nak invite Big Bang skali lagi..

also nice to see if diorg nak buat versi Harry Potter...magic in da house


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Post time 24-6-2013 02:25 PM | Show all posts
latest recap for RM - episode 150
sila baca di sini

comelnya diorg jd SuperHero...

Jae-suk: Captain Running Man (Captain RM) whose water-gun/shield can enlarge opponents’ nametags.
Kwang-soo: Giraffe Eye whose arrows can bring misfortune to his opponents.
Dr. Ji who can transform into the Hulk when angry.
Kook Thor whose hammer can obstruct his opponents’ vision.
Iron Ha who has all of Iron Man’s capabilities to fly, fire weapons, and high-tech gadgets.
Black Mung who can steal other superheroes’ powers once they’re eliminated.
Gary: Spider Gary who can shoot webs and has another mysterious power Last edited by MissMamamia75 on 24-6-2013 02:29 PM



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Post time 24-6-2013 02:57 PM | Show all posts
With fame comes humility for Yoo Jae Suk

Many call the popular star the "MC of the nation" given his track record of turning show into hits once he takes the reins. He came to fame as an entertainer on "INFINITE CHALLENGE" and "RUNNING MAN".

When flipping through the channels on the weekend, it seems like every program features Yoo Jae-suk. On Saturday evenings, he participates in outdoor adventures on MBC’s “Infinite Challenge,” and on Sundays he runs to complete missions on SBS’s “Running Man.”

Unsurprisingly, Yoo is unique among comedians. Unlike Park Myung-soo, who puts on an angry attitude, or Kim Young-cheol, who is known for mimicking veteran actors, Yoo has no particularly famous trait.

"When the CEO of one of my former agencies criticized my lack of charisma, I told him that it’s never made me uncomfortable,” said Yoo. “As it is hard to change one’s personality, I told him that unless it’s something he can buy for me, I will just live my life.”

Clearly his character is not holding him back. He has won numerous awards, including the Grand Prize for Television at the Baeksang Arts Awards last month.

Although he is always asking questions of others, he rarely takes the time to talk about his own life. So he sat down with the JoongAng Ilbo earlier this month to share his bumpy road to stardom.

(Yoo Jae Suk waves at his wedding to MBC announcer Na Kyung Eun)

Q. What were you like when you were young?

A. I was a very funny kid. I performed lots of pranks, and I was in charge of entertainment whenever there were school events such as field trips or festivals. I studied hard when I was in an elementary school - I thought that was worth noting

Since when did you dream of becoming a comedian?

I have loved making my friends laugh since elementary school, so it was natural for me to decide on this career. As soon as I started at Seoul Institute of the Arts in 1991, I entered the KBS College Comedy Festival. My professor said I should try it after I graduated, but I was dying to become a comedian. I receive the lowest award.

How did it feel to get that award?

I was arrogant. I expected to be ranked [at the top]. Since people always told me how funny I was, I just expected that the comedy scene would be startled by my debut. I expected that the comedians I saw on TV would be dying to take me on their shows. But then my name was announced for the lowest award. I thought something had gone wrong and that there had been a huge mistake.

What did you do?

I picked my ear while I went up to receive the award as a sign of protest. I really didn’t know what the real world was like. After I made it into broadcasting, other comedians did come to find me, but not for the reasons I expected. They were looking for the arrogant me who picked my ear in front of the cameras. Now that I think about it, I was extremely mistaken and I should have been thankful to become a comedian at all. My life as an unknown comedian started that way.

You were unknown to the public for seven or eight years. What was the problem?

It was very simple. I didn’t put in enough effort and I always blamed others. I never blamed myself for not doing well and believed others didn’t recognize my value. I was once asked to play a person who was just hit by a bomb. I had to have a messy hair, put black makeup on my face and wear the most tattered clothing. I should have put my best effort into playing that role, [but I didn’t]. Instead, I was only thinking about how I could look cleaner. I wondered why the producer hated me and used me for such roles. I never tried to come up with ideas [for the comedy shows]. I just blamed other people every night before I went to bed.

Do you regret your actions?

What I regret the most about my life in my 20s is that I spent time meaninglessly. What a waste of time. I’m so regretful of the times when I didn’t have an aim and only talked badly about others. I wouldn’t have this regret if I had put my passion into something.

You have been on “Infinite Challenge” for seven years. What’s your take on the program?

I never thought that I would be doing this program for so long. It contains traces of our lives. Park Myung-soo got married and now has a daughter, Minseo. After this, my child was born. More and more cast members got married. I should not make any wild guesses about my life, but I think my career in entertainment will remain in sync with the program.

What about “Running Man”?

After the first episode aired, many people were very skeptical of whether we could succeed as a weekend show. I got scared. I was scared of disappointing the people around me and the people who followed me [to the program] because they trusted me. If the program were to be canceled, its members would have been scattered around again.

Do you think you are at your peak?

I hope my high point has not come yet. I do want to stay in the good times until the day I stop [working], but I don’t think that’s possible. Someday [people] will say that Yoo Jae-suk is old school. I’m ready for that moment, and I don’t think I will be startled when the time actually comes. As long as I pledge to do my best for as long as I can, there is nothing to be afraid of. Of course, I will reminisce from time to time. I wonder if my son will believe me if I tell him that I used to be big.

Have you ever suffered from depression or felt the urge to take your own life?

I have spent enough time worrying, but I don’t think I have suffered from depression. And frankly, speaking of suicide, I get scared of death.

You have many different nicknames. Which one do you like the most?

Grasshopper. I hated it so much at first. In the late 1990s, a TV producer gave me a grasshopper mask and said that I should wear it to get on TV shows since I wasn’t known well. At the time, I hated being called grasshopper and just wanted to be Yoo Jae-suk. The mask also messed up my hair. But it made me who I am now.

Do you work to project a certain kind of image on your shows?

I don’t plan what I do. I just focus on what comes at the moment. If I have to speak harshly, I’m willing to do that. I don’t plan on sticking to the image I have right now. I do say this to guests on the program so that they aren’t so anxious. It is not easy to make others laugh on entertainment programs. I know this because I have gone through such struggles. Of course, it is good to have some humorous moments, but we don’t need jokes every day.

How do you want your fans to remember you?

I hope I get a review like, “Oh, he really did his best.” I could not ask for more if there are words like “fun” or “interesting” in my reviews. Last edited by clara_nur on 24-6-2013 03:17 PM



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Post time 24-6-2013 03:40 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 24-6-2013 11:32 PM | Show all posts
awal plk epi 151 ni keeluaar..kul 8 td dh kuar..

well,my comment tuk episod ni best jgk..masa minigames suka part kuiz..HAHA jawab DIY= Difficult I'm Young part teka negara,habis semua negara sebut..pastu jongkook teka betul negara Cuba,Haha ckp tak jauh dgn Jamaica tu..nk jgk sebut Jamaica then masa diorg men cube,mcm pelik sbb jenis 2x2..salu men yg 3x3 pnya..well,terer gak jongkook men cube ni..

mula2 me igt susah bg pihak member RM nk turn off 108 sebenarnya lg susah bg yg jd pemburu..wlpn byk mata,tp  penat ooo nk berkjar2 dr saatu tingkat ke satu tingkat..yg jdk mata pon naik gila dan confused kena monitor byk camera..haha..pulak tu kena kill ikut order...kalo ikut jaesuk dh lama kena kill kalo bkn sbb kena ikut turutan dahlah dia sorangg jer yg berkali2 asek bertembung dgn jung woo ssung mmg ada sikit kelebihan jd last person..apapun mmg kelebihan kt jaesuk sbb dia familiar dgn building SBS ni..

Han Hyo Joo spt besa mmg the best..kemain nervous gila ms final game..Jung woo sung did good job too with his some action scene..salu top artis yg jarang muncul kt variety show ni misterii ckit kt sini bole nampak part of his personality yg jrg kita nmpk..

p/s: kalo WONBIN tiba2 jd guest satu hr nanti dlm RM,mau beersorak satu Korea..



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Post time 25-6-2013 06:49 AM | Show all posts

Last edited by clara_nur on 25-6-2013 07:36 AM


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Post time 25-6-2013 08:49 AM | Show all posts
suka ah ep woosung mmg best...buat macam action movies ..lawak pun mmg susah lah bagi dia sbb kena eliminated RM ikut turutan..dahlah dlm bangunan SBS tuh..haha yg jadi cctv monitor pun buleh jadi gila..lagilah grim reaper kena lari sana sini

mmg advantage utk jaesuk sbb dia mmg familiar dgn bangunan sbs..satu lag jung woosung mmg hensem gagah

scene akhir mmg epik

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Post time 25-6-2013 12:10 PM | Show all posts
MissMamamia75 posted on 24-6-2013 01:41 PM
10 wishes idea for running man...

eh, best la kalu RM wat yg best friends tu.. teringin nk tgk camne diorg communicate ngn best frenz..mesti sweet je..

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Post time 25-6-2013 12:38 PM | Show all posts



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Post time 25-6-2013 01:04 PM | Show all posts




Last edited by clara_nur on 25-6-2013 01:05 PM


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Post time 25-6-2013 01:09 PM | Show all posts
kwangsoo yg salu kena buli



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Post time 25-6-2013 01:27 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 25-6-2013 01:04 PM

Hahahaha..... yang ni kelakar sangat

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Post time 25-6-2013 01:39 PM | Show all posts
suka tengok reaksi han hyo joo..comey jer


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Post time 25-6-2013 04:46 PM | Show all posts
Yoo jaesuk, , ,Han Hyojoo korang berdua mmg terbaekkk la!!
wow..aku tgk pun letih wei. . .ingat sng nak off beratus2 kamera tu...
next episode. . .dorang lagi...tak sabar nak tgk. . .aku suka Han Hyojoo tu..hehe
misi2 kali ni biasa2 je. . .misi jawab kuiz yg tak tahannya. . .kalau boleh semua negara dorg nak sebut. . .Jawapan Haha plg tak bole bla. . sabo je la!!

Last edited by cik_ted143 on 25-6-2013 04:50 PM


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Post time 25-6-2013 04:54 PM | Show all posts
Nak tanye 7 hb ni confirm ke de fan meeting rm kat malaysia?

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