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Author: skymania


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Post time 29-8-2011 05:23 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 29-8-2011 18:32
the prosecution said that even tho daesung made ths mistake of not keeping a safe distance between (the cars) but there are no clear evidence to support that he caused the death of the motorcyclist. as a result, daesung has been cleared of all charges.

source: soompi..

uwaaaaaa.............. akhirnya.........penantian kita berakhir dgn berita gembira!!

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Post time 29-8-2011 06:44 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1920# fiza1

tapi hape pun, the guilt is still there. he just have to face it bravely.
VIPs are waiting patiently for him to recover soon.
sesama la kita byk bersabo ye...

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Post time 31-8-2011 10:17 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1922# luvsushi

Sushi-shi!! i found this!! the kelakau!
Can't wait to more of these @ KMW!! weehoo!!



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Post time 1-9-2011 01:36 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1923# stanum123

kekekekekek....i tau ni part mana! with that look on his face, and expressions dancers...wahahahahah....kelakar giles!
evacuate! evacuate!

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Post time 1-9-2011 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by luvsushi at 1-9-2011 13:05

daedae's doing ok. glad to know he's doing ok.
mmm...kalo le dia muslim, bole dia buat keje amal kat masjid.. dpt pahala

Daesung is Doing Well, Volunteering at a Church
01 September 2011

The episode of SBS’s Late Night TV Entertainment, which aired on the 31st, talked about Daesung’s life after being acquitted on charges in a car accident.

A representative of Daesung’s agency says, “He stayed home, but he recently went to the dormitory. We’re not keeping close eyes on him because it might be uncomfortable to him. He’s just spending his days going to church.”

A representative of the church that Daesung goes to says, “He comes to volunteer every Sunday. The church is currently under construction, and has many things to do.”

He continued, “He looks fine. He is doing very well in church. I think he’s trying harder than anybody else after the incident.”

Source: TVReport
Translated by [email protected]
Taken at BigBangUpdates


rambut baru tabi hubby...hanskemnya dia!

apa bururng tu buat kat situ? (motip jeles kat burung )

Big Bang’s T.O.P. to Star in Gummy’s Debut Japanese MV
01 September 2011

Big Bang’s T.O.P. will be supporting labelmate Gummy by starring in her debut Japanese music video!

On September 1st, the star took to his Me2day to write, “I’ll be working with director Lee Jae Han for the second time since our movie, ‘Into the Fire‘, for Gummy-senior’s Japanese title P/V. I hope that you’ll all look forward to it.”

With his hair dyed into an ash-blond color, T.O.P.’s latest style looks modern and clean. The pigeon on his shoulder adds a fantasy-like feel to the overall cut, making viewers curious about the MV’s plot.

Netizens commented, “Your hair color is pretty”, “You look a bit tired”, and “Looking forward to the promotional video.”

Source + Photos: TV Report via Naver
Credits & Translations: Allkpop


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Post time 1-9-2011 11:32 PM | Show all posts
uolssss.. klu nak gi stalk mase gdtop n SR dtg mesia nanti, jgn lupa ajak iols ye..

neway, selamat hari raya!

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Post time 2-9-2011 02:39 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1926# amemiya

diorang ada kat singapore on the 23rd tu. so rasanya maybe 24th pagi baru diorang ada kat kl. or kalo tak pun, malam 23rd tu baru diorang bertolak ke kl. too bad i won't be around utk stalk diorang, ada workshop pagi sampai mlm le pulak. isk! however, i don't think they'll be staying here long. maybe 25th tu diorang dah balik korea. kalo diorang stay pun, might probably they'll hang out kat the most hip and popular club kat kl - Zouk, perhaps.   

however, i'll be going to the concert ngan cik stan, AM and another fren. got our tix already. yay!

okies, sementara tu...meh layan tabi hubby i yg hanskem ni gi new york. buat ape ntah? ngan yoon eun hye lak tu... photoshoot kah? mv gummy kah? dramakah? more likely i think it's a photoshoot.

he's donning a new hairstyle and hair colour. aaaaa.....this is how he gonna look like when we see him in KMV 2011 msia nanti
btw, he's rocking the jeans too. bila tgk dia cenggini, mcm tak percaya yg dia tu pernah gemuk dulu. he worked really hard to get the body
  TOP at the Airport Leaving for New York!
01 September 2011

Choi Jinwoo: NewYork과 가장 잘 어울리는 멋진 남녀 주인공 누굴까요?? 정답은 빅뱅의 TOP과 배우 윤은혜입니다!!!
Choi Jinwoo: TOP ready to fly to Big apple NYC With calvin klein jeans! Everyone guess what amazing and best fitting pair is going to New York? The correct answer is TOP and Yoon Eun Hye!

Source: bestiz// choi jinwoo + Trans: Sammi@ibigbang via miseremei@tmblr
Taken at BigBangWorldwide

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Post time 2-9-2011 08:05 AM | Show all posts
Reply  amemiya

diorang ada kat singapore on the 23rd tu. so rasanya maybe 24th pagi baru diora ...
luvsushi Post at 2-9-2011 02:39

so takde sape2 vipz kt sini yg gi stalk diorg ke? Iols dh lah tk gi konsert tu..

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Post time 2-9-2011 09:14 AM | Show all posts
so takde sape2 vipz kt sini yg gi stalk diorg ke? Iols dh lah tk gi konsert tu..
amemiya Post at 2-9-2011 08:05

Alorr mieya! naper x pegi lalink??!!
Err, stanum rasa aritu si bintangchomel ada kata nk pi  stalk kat airport...cer tanya dia...(hehe, nak stalk pun kene plan bebagai ek... )..ikot ati mmg la kitaorg tingin nk stalk, tp mcm tak sesuawei jer...maklum le, kami ni dh category ahjumma  x cukop  stamina nak kejor2 retis nih dek! walaupun hubby2 sindirik...

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Post time 2-9-2011 10:03 AM | Show all posts
serius tetinggal jet dah nih...sonok sgt makan rendang

btw,thx a lot sis sushi! even kita lost contact (sori xinform AM tukar nomor), u still belikan utk i...sayang sis lebey2..muahks3 {:1_147:}

sis sten, nnti kita serang kedai ahjumma cari lightstick eh

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Post time 2-9-2011 09:33 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1929# stanum123

errrr...cik stan...i kan, kalo tak kerana ada bengkel keje on the 23rd tu rasanya mmg i tido kat klia kot
i sanggup je stalk kalo pasal Bigbang and 2ne1. walopon i ni dah berumur (ke? ) tapi jiwa tetap muda remaja lalalala!
cik stan, u tu pun sama ngan i... kalo u kat kl mmg i heret u sekali gi stalk ahjuma tak ahjuma...itot!  

AM dear, no sweat! i teringat u mention ari tu u nak pegi sbb ada baby panda. since kita bertiga mmg dah beria nak pegi tak kira hape, so i belikan je tix tu kat u tho i tak dpt contact u ari tu.

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Post time 2-9-2011 10:06 PM | Show all posts
kalo pujian ni datangnya dari artis US ntah mana2, takde la affected sgt. tapi since this is coming from Ludacris, rasa jugak la bangga yang teramat tuh i think perhaps luda get to know YGE and the artists (BB, 2ne1 and se7en) sbb dia kenal yg produce US album 2ne1. and particularly lil kim (clan2 dia jugak la...) pernah collaborate ngan se7en satu ketika dulu. i think most of all yg byk cite kat dia kot pasal YG. isk... tak nak la riak, tapi tak dpt control rasa bangga nih! woohooo!!!


Ludacris praises YG Entertainment’s role in globalizing K-Pop
by VITALWARNING on September 2, 2011 at 1:39 am

On August 19th, American rapper Ludacris arrived in Korea for the first time to promote his new high definition line of headphones, “Soul By Ludacris“. Recently, the world-renown rapper expressed his thoughts about the rising popularity of K-Pop and in particular, praised the influence of YG Entertainment.

Ludacris stated, “The reason for K-Pop’s rising global popularity may be because of the singers’ outgoing appearances and performances, but what’s more important is the music they produce. In that regard, I feel YG’s hip hop music is the best. YG’s crossover hip hop genre has more than enough competitive edge for the worldwide market. If the opportunity comes, I’d definitely like to exchange music with them.

Ever since his debut in 1999 with first album, “Incognegro“, Ludacris has sold over 17,000,000 albums in the U.S. alone and 24,000,000 albums worldwide. Ludacris is currently working with mega teen hit Justin Bieber as well as other famous musicians to produce numerous #1’s in both hip hop and pop music.

Source:  Sports Chosun via Naver


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Post time 3-9-2011 12:55 AM | Show all posts
tumpang tanya, slalunya tix vvip tu sape yang duduk eh? hhehehehehe. insyaallah nak pegi lah tengok, tp mcm pelik jer nanti, band2 lain xkenal, kenal gdtop and seungri jer. korang ambil tix yang mana? rock pit? kite nak sad pit je lah! HEHEHEHEHEH

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Post time 3-9-2011 02:02 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1933# maksimrvica

hi maksim, selamat hari raya
kitorang amik tix RM288 tu. if u buy now until 7th september, dpt discount 10%, tinggal RM259.50.
beli le cepat. esok skymania nak pegi beli. u can contact her if u want to. office galaxy tu bukak kol 11am. tapi baik le beratur awal. at least kol 10.30am dah ada kat sana. kalo tak pun, u can always buat booking through phone.
masa i beli ari tu, seatings takde pilihan. sape cepat dia dapat le dok depan sket. if u wanna go, better ajak sorang lagi or in groups. takde le nanti u tgk sesorang, takde geng lak. sorry maksim, hari tu i just bought 4 tix for those yg dah bebetul confirm. kalo i tau u dah confirm ari tu nak itot, i boley tolong belikan. takpe, masih ada masa before 7th. hopefully tak sold out lagi.

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Post time 3-9-2011 09:29 AM | Show all posts
tumpang tanya, slalunya tix vvip tu sape yang duduk eh? hhehehehehe. insyaallah nak pegi lah tengok, ...
maksimrvica Post at 3-9-2011 00:55

jom jom maksim!! biar le grup lain tu x penting...BB je yg penting..hehe..(keji kan??!) owh, ada owang dh tnya tix VVIP tu. rega dia rm800++..hmm, takpe lah...

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Post time 3-9-2011 09:35 AM | Show all posts
RM800++? errr....takpelah, yg tu kita save utk Bigbang's full concert kat KL

btw, update! tabi hubby i...kat NYC. gamba ni blur. i think these were captured by passerby. luckynye!!!!


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Post time 4-9-2011 12:06 AM | Show all posts
love love love love love GD and CL
together they make great music. undeniably, these two have explosive charisma on-screen and off-screen.
nampaknya MNet pun setuju ngan i. tak percaya rasanya. teehee...
i thot i was the only one toying with the idea that GDCL is a perfect couple on-screen and coughoffscreencough like no other kpop idols to date


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Post time 4-9-2011 01:23 AM | Show all posts
ahahahah stanummm racun baekk punya suh g. agak2 dpt dengar dorang perform lgu tonight tak? ekekekekeke ;D mesti lah tak kan, abg taeyang takdok..

luvsushi, slamat hari raya. wahhhh bestnyeeee dah beli tix! mesti hapy sangat kan  ? ;D itu lah takut jugak xdpt pegi, sebab tix msti dah byk soldout kan.. kwn ni ha dia kene yg numbered seatings, fobia ramai orang kekdahye cehh, lagi dia pk nak ambik vvip seatings, memang rabaks ler kalau vvip hahaha. insyaAllah dia pegi beli monday ni tix, kalau dpt tix la.

korang pegi ramai2 ke? boleh la jumpe korang kt sane ye? ala segannye baru jer berkenalan ngan bigbang ni hahahaha lol..

big bang pergi singapore dulu eh before dtg malaysia tu? rjin beno g singapore hekhek.

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Post time 4-9-2011 11:34 AM | Show all posts
so takde sape2 vipz kt sini yg gi stalk diorg ke? Iols dh lah tk gi konsert tu..
amemiya Post at 2-9-2011 08:05 AM

KALO kene ngan time akak ngan time diaorang sampai, Insya ALLAH akak p.. sky pon p jgk... jommmmmmmmmmmm

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Post time 4-9-2011 11:37 AM | Show all posts
sori, selamat hari raya seme.. maaf atas segala salah silap

beberapa hari sblm raya aku dikejutkan dgn sms dari seseoarang ckp sal GDTOPn baby dtg sini.. tak keruan aku dok kat kg... (mcmla aku dpt p)
teruja giler ms tu.. tu blm lg seme member yg datang.. kalo la seme member dtg, sure la akak moyan tak cukup tanah

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