kita berdua je ke kt sini...
mana pegi yg lain2 nih...
nony dr tadi menyepikan diri...
ley pun dh ilang lesap ntah ke mana...
peng mu wat apa skang nih...
Originally posted by derose83 at 19-4-2009 16:25
kita berdua je ke kt sini...
mana pegi yg lain2 nih...
nony dr tadi menyepikan diri... ley pun dh ilang lesap ntah ke mana...
peng mu wat apa skang nih...
mamat neh masuk pertandingan hero remaja thn ble aku dah lupa..
muka dia x ensem tp gambo sebelah neh jer aku tgk cute sket..
padahal dia mmg x ensem..
aku pon seperti ko jugak..tak kire siang mlm pagi petang mencari cerita tntang MinSun ni jer
mmg aku dh gilerrrr ke hapaaku tak sangke diriku jadi peminatttt tegar Minsun yg kronikkkkk+ ...
harusss aku ade teman seperjuangan!! :victory: :victory:
Originally posted by Ley at 19-4-2009 12:49
tempek gambo HS
seksaaaaa.....hotttttt cm Minho jugak
cute hokkayyyy...lebih c ...
hokkayyy!!! ....nk tambah lg.....yg xsuke....sile duduk tepi diam2....xpn, sile klik TV: Drama & Telenovela ( TV: Drama & Telenovela ) kt atas tu....kekeke
Originally posted by Ley at 19-4-2009 14:18
ko tak kire..golap ke terang sapu jer...
sape nk sapu ni??? nk pnyapu ke?? nahhh.........kekeke
Originally posted by Ley at 19-4-2009 15:04
nk tempek jugak artical ini...hehehehe
Talent Kim Shi Hyang, “Lee Min Ho was my boyfriend”
KimShi Hyang, who started out as a racing model but later became abroadcaster, revealed her specia ...
minah ni KECOH!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Ley at 19-4-2009 14:43
nk tempek jugak....
Lee Min Ho @ KBS Ent Relay
Lee Min Ho’s response to question, “ ...
When I meet the right girl, age doesn’t matter.”<<<harusss ngan goo he sun
:victory: harus + sunat + wajib!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Ley at 19-4-2009 15:38
Nony Laling
jgn luper sebbb gambo ni taw...ngan bodyguard kaka Jel sekali nony kena sebbb
xkire!!! sume seb.....even nmpk full muke bodyguard n muke MH sparuh jek....totap aku sebbb....
@kaka wink2
Originally posted by penggwin at 19-4-2009 12:53
gamba atas tu, pakai sluar ke idak tuh?
seksi bangat
yg pasti pki suar dlm..........
[ Last edited by anonymous5050 at 19-4-2009 17:37 ]
sbb mmg tak penah pon tengok muker owang sebelah ko tuh..lebih2 lagi penah masuk pertandingan..tu yg aku heran..buleh jadik artis pulak..memule aku pk avvy ko tuh..anak sedara ke..sepupu ko ker..nk tanyer terlupe jer...tup2 nony jugak yg tanyer...mmg bijak nony nih