Reply 1858# dee556
safe flt dee n kak faan... |
Reply blackmore
tq kak blackmore.. lama tk jumpa.. dulu selalu jumpa kt thread lain.. sihat ke? h ...
kancil_comel Post at 12-5-2011 11:35 ...hello...heh...alhamdulillah...sihat...pagi karang dah nak berangkat ke vietnam... |
Reply 1853# marufie
maru,u rasa mana murah kain viscose,cotton...binthay or bentharn?chiffon plak? |
Reply 1862# blackmore
safe flt...hotel tu tak jauh dr saigon tax,saigon square |
Reply blackmore
safe flt...hotel tu tak jauh dr saigon tax,saigon square
nila Post at 13-5-2011 01:14 ...thanks nila...baru dapat info from my colleague...not staying at duxton...we are going to stay in a service apt yang berdekatan ngan hospital hanh phuc...got butterflies in my stomach dah...hehehe... |
Reply 1860# marufie
wajib i bawa packet mushroom soup,energy bars,3 in 1 milo,bread n tuna,serunding,instant curry n kurma. |
Reply 1865# blackmore
which district? |
Reply 1865# blackmore
holly smoke,i think the apt is quite a distance fr downtown... |
Reply blackmore
which district?
nila Post at 13-5-2011 01:19 ...im not sure where our service apt would be...but i supposed it will be somewhere near the thuan an district...cos thats where the hanh phuc hospital is.. |
Reply 1863# nila
ada bc kat internet binthay lbh murah, org benthan amb supply dari binthay. yg real cheap kat china town tp masalah bahasa la pulak. kat chinatown kena beli satu bulk tu dlm 12m, org meniaga oklah, lst time kami share 3 org
kat chinatown guna dong, harga utk 4 m viscose dlm rm21 je |
Salam, new comer..
Flight Ke HCMC 2th June 9.10am- balik 5th June 9.20pm. Baru Khatam Part IV. |
as slm
ada tak siapa2 tgk rsa halal oriental bru2 ni..ada tjuk Farah pergi kg mel dkt tgh bndr HCM..tmpt tu jahit telekong...byk telekong dlm rmh tu...minah tu rambut perang bdn chubby2 gitu..kat mana tu ya..kot ada siapa2 pnh sampai tmpt yg farah pergi tu.
TQ |
Reply nila
ada bc kat internet binthay lbh murah, org benthan amb supply dari binthay. yg ...
marufie Post at 13-5-2011 06:57
marufie, check ur pm ye. |
dah lama tak masuk sini... last pi vietnam Aug'09.. ni excited balik nak pg lagi next week kali ke 4 ...
serimelur Post at 12-5-2011 22:34
melur, aku pi dulu ye. esok nk berangkat. sape ada kt sana esok?? |
salam.. sy nak tanye kat mane ada jual bj ready made beaded tu ye? buleh share harga dlm bpe RM? tq.. |
Reply 1869# blackmore
really,roughly 13km fr cbd.border of saigon.. |
Reply 1870# marufie
double check sbb nak pastikan i pun rasa murah sana tp i tk sempat nak xplore semua kedai... |
Reply 1862# blackmore
ok kak.. Selamat meroyan kat HCM yaa. duit tk cukup tkpe.. pakai je kad kredit.. hehe.. |
Reply 1871# wdn790x
slmt khatam part 5 n 6.part 6 pun dah dekat nak abih dah ni...hehe |
Reply 1875# lady_sarah83
hong anh ada 2,minh,mery,mai saigon,vi anh,hjh basiroh,pasar mlm,kedai2 sekitar bentharn pun ada tp yg biasa2 je... |
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