Istana Bawang 5 (Kate vs Meghan): The Arrival of Sussex Baby
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234126 replied at 13-5-2019 08:24 PM
Narc kan... negatif pun negatif la asalkan tak sendu mcm her senior wallis sampai mati terperuk al ...
mati kecewa wallis.. dah la dia tinggalkan laki demi seorg raja.. last2 jd persona non grata ..
meggot ni kalau dia betul betul sabar, mesti anak dia jd anak yg sebaris dgn anak2 brf yg lain.. tp kalau sendiri cari psl taknak beranak.. hurmm.. nothing much we can say. |
I second sis andromeda dpt tacang... |
Oh TP dan DD tu i rasa mcm lidah istana je.. utk hint maklumat BRF kpd rakyat jelata..yelah zaman socmed ni.. istana pun kena up to date utk face jenayah cyber.. so TP dan DD ni byk juga bantu bagi hint..
psl MM dlm custody tu..mcmana plk dia boleh post kaki archie kat IG sussex tu.. on mother's day
baby silikon tu mcm my instinct before this.. bila baca2 komen ummah Brits kat youtube baby darren ramai yg buat spekuan surrogate initially mmg ada ttp tarik diri saat2 akhir..either asking for more money atau surrogate x sampai hati nak serahkan baby kpd MM bila tau MM ni mcmana orangnya.. so leaving MM and PH desperately.. so at last pakai reborn baby.. inilah teori dia org, tak pasti betul ke tak.. tgk jelah kalau PC and Camilla atau The Cambridge pay a visit to baby Archie seminggu dua ni maknanya tak betul la teori tu.. sbg keluarga terdekat mesti dia org nak visit baby yg baru lahir tu kan..
dia nak pantang stail cina yg pesen sebula ntakyah mandi. suka sgtlah dia tak mandi |
khabarnya dah ada media UK buat permohonan utk pelepasan birth certificate Archie kpd public |
achingggg adalah yg tak tenang tu
dani-rox replied at 13-5-2019 11:17 PM
Alamak... Pasnih takdalah tesis kat IG panjang berjela sambil address diri sendiri dari mula sam ...
Dia nak jadi macam ex Chris Martin agaknya, si Gwyneth yg meng-new-age-kan kaedah bertangas tu.. Padahal org2 Asia dah berkurun buat.. I foresee she will take credit on this Postpartum Confinement too.. |
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Why meghan markle and prince harry? Patut prince harry and meghan markle.. nmpak sgt xbetul |
dani-rox replied at 13-5-2019 11:41 PM
khabarnya dah ada media UK buat permohonan utk pelepasan birth certificate Archie kpd public
Chingggg...kalau btol tak salah si meghan ni,transparent je la pasal anak dia...tnjuk birth cert aci tu...kan senang... |
Eh. Seriousssss aaa KP ada post camni? |
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That's Meant. She has two surrogates or what? Goshhh.. |
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cikjasmine19 replied at 13-5-2019 11:33 PM
Oh TP dan DD tu i rasa mcm lidah istana je.. utk hint maklumat BRF kpd rakyat jelata..yelah zaman ...
tak tau if TP or DD lidah istana.Seorg kat Canada, seorg kat Morocco..
about baby reborn tu, x pasti la sis mcmana.. byk theory.. kalau pun Archie wujud as per ramai anggap, I think lagi la bagai nak gila MM akan buat.. anyhow.. gmbr tu kata background tu bunga kesukaan Lady D kan.. Kata The Charlatan Duchess bunga fave Lady D adalah white roses and waterlili. Bunga ni d tanam di perkuburan Lady D dan white roses digunakan dlm acara wedding anak2 Lady D. so salah la info yg meggot or whoever trying nak bgtau kat ig kat SR tu |
dani-rox replied at 13-5-2019 11:41 PM
khabarnya dah ada media UK buat permohonan utk pelepasan birth certificate Archie kpd public
woooow. tatler or telegraph? |
joy_ah replied at 14-5-2019 12:34 AM
Credible ke idok?
bukan BP kena renovate ka? |
JRmommy replied at 14-5-2019 05:26 AM
Eh. Seriousssss aaa KP ada post camni?
ramai nampak kekdahnya.. tapi ramai kata tu fake KP account |
eva replied at 14-5-2019 06:20 AM
ramai nampak kekdahnya.. tapi ramai kata tu fake KP account
Perghh! Berani dorang buat KP fake account eh? Tak kena tangkap plak. Huhu. Tadi i baca ada satu twitter ni post. Dia cakap KP post pastu delete. Takan lah? |
Thank you mod, kakak eva and dani for the tacanggg
The law at birth
Under UK law, the woman who gives birth (the surrogate) is the legal mother.
If the surrogate is married when she conceives, her husband is the legal father unless it is shown that he did not consent to the conception (although this is not easy to prove, and a spouse can't simply 'opt out' of being the other parent). The same rule makes the surrogate's wife or civil partner the other legal parent if she is in a same-sex relationship.
If the surrogate is unmarried, in most cases the intended father will be the legal father (assuming he is the biological father). However, if conception takes place at a fertility clinic in the UK someone else can be nominated as the second legal parent, for example an intended mother or a non-biological father (find out more about the rules at UK fertility clinics).
If the child is born in England or Wales, the surrogate is responsible for registering the birth and will be registered as the mother (together with her spouse/ civil partner if he or she is the other legal parent). The child can nonetheless be given the intended parents' surname if everyone agrees. If the surrogate is not married or in a civil partnership, then the other legal parent (one of the intended parents) can be registered as the father or second parent, provided he/ she attends the birth registration. If that intended parent is not the biological father, he/she will need to produce the HFEA forms signed before conception to nominate him/her as a parent.
Parental orders
The UK legal solution for resolving parenthood in surrogacy cases is a parental order. This is a court order which makes the intended parent or parents the legal parents of the child and permanently extinguishes the parenthood of the surrogate and her spouse. Once a parental order is made, the birth will be re-registered to record the intended parent/s as the legal parent/s, and a new birth certificate will be issued. The original birth certificate will be sealed as part of the Parental Order Register and will be accessible only to the child once he or she is over 18 (in a similar way to an adopted child).
Kalau betul la archie tu baby surrogate... thats why meggot & harry refuse to show the birth cert. sebab nama mak akan jadi nama surrogate tu. kalau berjaya buat adoption, maka that record is sealed until archie is 18 years old. it all make sense no? sebab tu dorang kata tanak show. bukan sebab tanak...tp mmg takleh by the accordance of the law.
keji gila. kalau takleh beranak pun, declare je la. org akan applaud kot. sebab ramai je ada masalah TTC ni. baby surrogate pun surrogate je la. tp jangan nak claim takhta je. wei, bukan anak ko dibiar tepi jalan pon kalau surrogate. BRF will take care of their own. duh.
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