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Author: Truth.8

Aku nak tanya pada muslim..

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Post time 24-4-2014 12:03 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 23-4-2014 11:11 PM
so, many do not agreed on the issue covering head...even malay

"Isu  pakai tudung adalah perkara remeh temeh dan tak dak relevan ngan islam.  Bertudung kepala ada la amalan budaya orang di Timor Tengah dan Eropah  sebelum islam wujud. Malah penganut kristian & yahudi jugak memakai  tudung oleh perempuan mereka. Dalam Alquran pun tak dak ayat menyuruh  tutup kepala apa yang di ajaq supaya menutup aurat jerr. Memakai tudung  ada la pendapat ulama salaf dan bukan nya hukum Allah...!!!" - anon. ... -perkara-remeh.html

....and some muslims are so stupid and quote :

But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered, disgraces his head. But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is the same as if she were shaven. For if a woman is not covered, let her be shaven. But if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head. A man indeed ought not to cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God. But woman is the glory of man. For man was not created for woman, but woman for man. This is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority over her head, because of the angels

the above verses saying if she is shave or let her cover...even some hindu women who shave their head for thaipusam....later they cover their head...

Ha ha , tambi , looks like you don't even know how to read an article. If you read make sure you understand. In the same article :
sebenarnya, ada ayat quran yang suruh bertudung, tu masalah dia, terlalu percaya apa orang kata, orang kata xda ayat quran suh tutup kepala, dia pon percaya...
ni ha ayat dia

surah An-Nur (24) ayat 31 (tafsir ar-rahman)
"Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka melainkan kepada suami mereka, atau bapa mereka, atau bapa mentua mereka, atau anak-anak mereka, atau anak tiri mereka, atau saudara-saudara mereka, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang lelaki, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang perempuan, atau perempuan-perempuan Islam, atau hamba-hamba mereka, atau orang gaji dari orang-orang lelaki yang telah tua dan tidak berkeinginan kepada perempuan, atau kanak-kanak yang belum mengerti lagi tentang aurat perempuan dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kaki untuk diketahui orang akan apa yang tersembunyi dari perhiasan mereka dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, wahai orang-orang yang beriman, supaya kamu berjaya."

abstract yang penting dari ayat diatas

".... hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka ......"
Ha ha , you just refuted yourself .... again. What's new eh? Is this an example of 70% of muslimah disagree with hijab? Ha ha , do you know how to read? Apa lah lu tambi ....

Do you now agree that your 70% claim (of muslimah don't agree on hijab) is just a number you pulled from your ass?

Ha ha , now you are running away from yoru own bible with regerds to head covering per 1cor11:6 - Do explain the following verse :
But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is the same as if she were shaven. For if a woman is not covered, let her be shaven. But if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head.

Need head covering or not? I bet you would be too scared to answer.

Where do you get the idea that not agreeing to hijab makes the person non believers? Another one of your 'facts' being pulled from your ass? There is no intelligence at all from you.

Per your post #112
(1) How do you come to the understanding that us muslims understand hijab = head cover? Nobody stated so
(2) Look at your post #101 , is there a bracket between the word 'head cover'? Yes or no?
(3) Where is the reference of the article that confirm 'khimar' is not head cover? There is no authoritative reference

Can you provide the authoritative source(s) that the word 'khimar' in Quran24:31

does not mean headcover?

Last edited by sam1528 on 24-4-2014 12:09 AM


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Post time 24-4-2014 08:29 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 23-4-2014 05:05 PM
kan saya tulis pakai yg bersopan dan pakaian tidak begitu ketat ....dan kain yg tutup bahagain dad ...

Quran memberi arahan(command), kemudian nabi Muhammad saw akan menerangkan semua spesikasi secara lengkap, basic dia tutup semua sekali,  kecuali muka dan tapak tangan untuk wanita, tetapi, boleh juga kalau nak pakai furdah, pakaian tidak menampakkan bentuk tubuh, terbaik warna hitam.

Masalah sekarang orang keliru, sebab hanya refer pada quran sahaja, sebenarnya segala hukum dan peraturan atau apa sahaja akan diterangkan secara detail oleh Nabi Muhammad saw. Jadi ini hanya masalah keliru.


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 Author| Post time 24-4-2014 10:33 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 24-4-2014 12:03 AM
Ha ha , tambi , looks like you don't even know how to read an article. If you read make sure you u ...

dont hahahah ...yes i hve read funny 70% muslims agreed on covering head and and few agreed....

you faith now in shaky  foundation


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 Author| Post time 24-4-2014 10:34 AM | Show all posts
zamkumis posted on 24-4-2014 08:29 AM
Quran memberi arahan(command), kemudian nabi Muhammad saw akan menerangkan semua spesikasi secara  ...
terbaik warna hitam.

aku suka warna hitam tapi kenapa zamkumis aka kuman terbaik warna hitam?

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Post time 24-4-2014 10:47 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 24-4-2014 10:33 AM
dont hahahah ...yes i hve read funny 70% muslims agreed on covering head and and few agreed....

you faith now in shaky  foundation

If you read it you should know that the same article states that head covering (aka tuding) is stated in the Quran. Ha ha , might as well rename you 'retard.8'. 'Syok sendiri' ka?

See , its easy to prove your dishonesty / lying ways? 70% of muslimah don't agree with hijab? Data from your ass again? Don't you realize that others are laughing at your less than average intelligent arguments? Typical of a loser. Once you start to feel that you have lost , you start lying.

Now cannot explain 1cor11:6? As usual - so scared. Considered asking a pastor?

Per your post #112
(1) How do you come to the understanding that us muslims understand hijab = head cover? Nobody stated so
(2) Look at your post #101 , is there a bracket between the word 'head cover'? Yes or no?
(3) Where is the reference of the article that confirm 'khimar' is not head cover? There is no authoritative reference

Can you provide the authoritative source(s) that the word 'khimar' in Quran24:31

does not mean headcover?

Last edited by sam1528 on 24-4-2014 10:49 AM


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Post time 24-4-2014 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 24-4-2014 10:34 AM
aku suka warna hitam tapi kenapa zamkumis aka kuman terbaik warna hitam?

warna hitam dapat mengurangkan daya penarik kepada lelaki, sebenarnya hijab dipakai untuk elakkan lelaki memandang dengan nafsu, perempuan kalau pakai seksi2, lelaki yang melihat rasa terseksa. Tapi itu semua utk luar rumah, dlm rumah dgn husband dia tak pakai apa pun boleh.
Faedahnya tidak mengganggu lelaki dan menjaga keselamatan wanita.


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 Author| Post time 26-4-2014 01:09 PM | Show all posts
zamkumis posted on 24-4-2014 12:32 PM
warna hitam dapat mengurangkan daya penarik kepada lelaki, sebenarnya hijab dipakai untuk elakkan  ...

salah anggapan itu...warna  hitam  lah yg paling sexy....


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 Author| Post time 26-4-2014 01:10 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 24-4-2014 10:47 AM
If you read it you should know that the same article states that head covering (aka tuding) is sta ...

moderator aka taliban not taking action this sam  who calling me retard...

double standard

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Post time 26-4-2014 04:12 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 26-4-2014 01:10 PM
moderator aka taliban not taking action this sam  who calling me retard...

double standard :huf ...

Going by your response , only retards respond like you. You know you are well beaten but your ego get the better of you.

Until now you cannot produce any authoritative source(es) that state of 'khimar' in Quran24:31 does not mean head cover

I think the moderator should take action against people like you who argue without evidence , aka 'syok sendiri'

Per your post #112
(1) How do you come to the understanding that us muslims understand hijab = head cover? Nobody stated so
(2) Look at your post #101 , is there a bracket between the word 'head cover'? Yes or no?
(3) Where is the reference of the article that confirm 'khimar' is not head cover? There is no authoritative reference

Can you provide the authoritative source(s) that the word 'khimar' in Quran24:31

does not mean headcover?


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 Author| Post time 26-4-2014 04:26 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 26-4-2014 04:12 PM
Going by your response , only retards respond like you. You know you are well beaten but your ego  ...

I am waiting for moderator to act this calling forummer retard....if not i will used bad  words against this forummer

waiting for the moderator aka taliban to act


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Post time 26-4-2014 10:17 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 26-4-2014 04:26 PM
I am waiting for moderator to act this calling forummer retard....if not i will used bad  words against this forummer

waiting for the moderator aka taliban to act

Ha ha , podah lah tambi. Now trying to act the victim.

The point here only retards argue without reference and evidence.

Go ahead and use bad words .... it reflects your upbringing

Per your post #112
(1) How do you come to the understanding that us muslims understand hijab = head cover? Nobody stated so
(2) Look at your post #101 , is there a bracket between the word 'head cover'? Yes or no?
(3) Where is the reference of the article that confirm 'khimar' is not head cover? There is no authoritative reference

Can you provide the authoritative source(s) that the word 'khimar' in Quran24:31

does not mean headcover?


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 Author| Post time 27-4-2014 02:51 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 26-4-2014 10:17 PM
Ha ha , podah lah tambi. Now trying to act the victim.

The point here only retards argue witho ... i call retard because 70% of muslims include sister in islam do not agreed on the head covering.

not only u retard but u act you know well in quran..


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Post time 27-4-2014 04:41 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 27-4-2014 02:51 PM i call retard because 70% of muslims include sister in islam do not agreed on the head covering.

not only u retard but u act you know well in quran..

Ha ha , you sure have a big ego. You have lost and lost badly.

Like I stated , only retards argue from speculation. 70% of muslims don't agree to hijab? This data from your ass? Since when did 'sisters in Islam' became scholars and them being a point of reference? You are making up 'evidence' from your wild imagination.

Per your post #112
(1) How do you come to the understanding that us muslims understand hijab = head cover? Nobody stated so
(2) Look at your post #101 , is there a bracket between the word 'head cover'? Yes or no?
(3) Where is the reference of the article that confirm 'khimar' is not head cover? There is no authoritative reference

Can you provide the authoritative source(s) that the word 'khimar' in Quran24:31

does not mean headcover?


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 Author| Post time 27-4-2014 07:08 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 27-4-2014 04:41 PM
Ha ha , you sure have a big ego. You have lost and lost badly.

Like I stated , only retards arg ...

ego my foot....u act like you know the quran but all the scholar who are born muslims aware that head covering is not part of God commandment. not only u are  retard but stupid

The German Islam Scholar Lamya Kaddor

Why I as a Muslim Woman Don't Wear a Headscarf
Does the Koran really demand that women wear headscarves? Or is it mainly older men who claim they can decide how women should dress – with no theological foundation whatsoever? For the Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor, there is no question about it: the headscarf is obsolete

​If I as a Muslim woman living in Germany ask myself whether I should wear a headscarf or not, that gives rise to the question of whether the additional head-covering called for in the Koran (33:59) still fulfils its original purpose of protecting women from male desire. My answer is: no. In contemporary Germany such covering-up no longer serves that purpose. It is even more likely to bring about the opposite of what God intended by exposing wearers of headscarves to discrimination.
Today the intended protection against 'annoyances' is provided by a well-functioning legal system rather than by adherence to social rules from the past. A free state based on the rule of law protects a woman, for example by punishing attacks on her person. This protection may be primarily concerned with bodily integrity, but people in a modern state are more than ever responsible for themselves with regard to the freedoms accorded – including in the realm of moral integrity. Covering my head cannot relieve me of that responsibility. I cannot hide myself behind a little piece of cloth. A free and democratic state grants rights and also imposes responsibilities. In such circumstances I can behave honourably with and without a veil or head-scarf – or not, as the case may be.
A 'fashion accessory' from Koranic times?
If this argument is accepted, one can also abandon the Koranic demand for additional covering, directed towards women in Early Arabic tribal society. What would still initially remain is the khimâr, the head covering that was part of women's clothing at that time. The Koran neither speaks against nor in any way emphasises that form of covering. God uses the word only once in the Koran (24:31). That occurs in passing in connection with a call for moral behaviour. So there is no Koranic emphasis on such head covering. However, if God had required a special head covering, would He not have said so explicitly? The khimâr thus merely constitutes a 'fashion accessory' according to the spirit of that age. Viewed rationally, functions consciously or unconsciously associated with head coverings across the course of history – such as protection against sand or evil influences – are all superannuated today and have lost their validity. People's powers of imagination have changed.

"Sura 24:30-31 calls on both men and women to behave chastely, but exegesis of the Koran up to the present day only puts the emphasis on chaste behaviour for women," Kaddor writes

In the Germany of the twenty-first century – at the very latest – women's hairstyles are no longer per se an erotic stimulus. The sight of head-hair no longer provokes sexual fantasies and thus immoral behaviour – except perhaps among fetishists. When you walk along a city's pedestrian precincts no one turns to look at you because of your hair. Only if you dress provocatively or in a particularly original way, and behave accordingly, do you attract some attention. In addition, this isn't a male world that still thinks as it did a thousand or more years ago. Thanks to the achievements of a free and democratic state, and thanks to the prevalent understanding of relations between the sexes, you no longer necessarily need a head covering in order to live morally. The headscarf has become obsolete.
Misogyny by Islamic scholars
Today's orthodox comprehension of the obligation to wear a head covering is primarily based on the interpretations of scholars who lived several generations after the Prophet Mohammed. One can follow their judgements but they are not sacrosanct. As human beings all scholars are fallible. Conservative and fundamentalist circles constantly emphasise that our behaviour should follow the Koran and the Prophet. Their spokesmen maintain that this directly accords with what was laid down during the Prophet's lifetime and the initial period of Islam.

The depiction of the headscarf as a unifying element within the Muslim community is not well founded, Kaddor argues

Last edited by Truth.8 on 27-4-2014 07:11 PM


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 Author| Post time 27-4-2014 07:09 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 27-4-2014 07:08 PM
ego my foot....u act like you know the quran but all the scholar who are born muslims aware that h ...

However in reality this view is mainly based on the ideas of scholars who lived some 600 (!) years later – such people as Ibn Qudâma (d. 1223), Ibn Taymîya (d. 1328), or the latter's pupil Ibn Qayyim al-Jawzîya (d. 1350). Bearing in mind the patriarchal social structures of that time, it is unsurprising that interpretations of sources concerning relations between the sexes were usually unfavourable for women – even though that contradicts a striving (to be found throughout the Koran) towards improving women's situation. That tendency is even less surprising if one recalls the misogyny demonstrated by many scholars throughout the history of Islam. Linking shame and a head covering is by no means as self-evident as it seems. Sura 24:30-31 calls on both men and women to behave chastely, but exegesis of the Koran up to the present day only puts the emphasis on chaste behaviour for women.
No political symbol
Nevertheless, the Koranic injunction to dress in a way that is generally demure remains a religious demand, to be fulfilled by wearing 'appropriate' clothing. A woman believer sees this as signifying that all those parts of the female body which nowadays excite the idea of possible sexual contact should continue to be 'properly' concealed beneath the kind of clothing usual today. What is entailed in 'proper', 'appropriate', or 'decent' is left to the reasonableness of every mature woman citizen, since at present there are no specific directives based on Islamic sources. In prevalent practice, it is mostly older men – learned or unlearned – who assume the right to determine how a woman should appear, but there is no theological or sociological foundation for this.
A similar situation prevails regarding evaluation of the headscarf as a token of Islamic faith. Such a function cannot be demonstrated in the history of Islam. The depiction of the headscarf as a unifying element within the Muslim community is not well founded either. In addition, its function as a political symbol, so frequently evoked in public discussions today, also constitutes a historically unfounded inflation of the significance of this item of clothing. This has occurred only in recent decades, as an element in the opposition to Western influences within the Islamic world.
Lamya Kaddor © Goethe-Institut 2011
Lamya Kaddor was born in 1978 in Ahlen, Westphalia, as the daughter of Syrian immigrants. As a student she specialised in Islamic Studies, and went on to train Islamic teachers of religion at Münster University. Since the 2003-04 school year she has been involved as a teacher in the 'Islamic Studies in the German Language' project. Her most recent book is "Muslimisch – weiblich – deutsch! Mein Leben für einen zeitgemäßen Islam" (Muslim – Female – German! My Life for an Islam in Keeping with the Times), C.H. Beck Verlag, Munich 2010. This text is an abbreviated version of a study published in Thorsten Gerald Schneider's Islamverherrlichung [Glorification of Islam], VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2010, pp. 131–158.
Editor: Lewis Gropp/
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                  Comments for this article: Why I as a Muslim Woman Don't Wear a Headscarf   
                            the head scarf debatecan i make a simple request can i ask the german islamic scholar to wear the head dress for a year  as an social experiment  let us then annylise the difference it has made in her life  the difference it makes in her behaviour & the behavoiour of her fellow beings who r around her in their nomal cource of life
the statements she has madeabout head scarf becoming an obscelete acessory  i want her to prove it  she cant just make a commit like that & forget it
she being an  islamic schjolar ( which i am not) i cant argue with her on the islamic dictate about purdah she knows it better then me
if she has spend all her life till date with our head scarf  why not give it a try & c the difference t makes in her life her self
but at the end of it she has to be honest not to us but to herself
Abdul Rauf  Trumboo15.04.2011 | 08:54 Uhr
          Why as a Muslim woman I dont wear a scarfAs 14 centuries past the Koranic revelation Muslim scholarship continues to debate the issue of hijab – whether or not a Muslim woman should cover the head or the face, it is time that it takes cognizance of the fact that he Koran has no specific instruction for women to wearing any external head to toe veil (burqa), face veil (niqab), covering of head, or for gender-based segregation. The writer had stated this in a summary report sent earlier [1] drawn on the textual analysis of relevant Koranic verses appearing in a recent publication [2]. This briefing explores the historical background to the issue, as reported in the referenced publication.
Until the advent of Islam, practically all the major civilizations subjected women to various forms of restrictions. The Zoroastrians (Persians) kept their women in confinement, guarded by eunuchs. The Greek followed their example and kept their women in gynaecium, often under lock and key. The Hindus burnt their widows alive on funeral pyres of their husband’s bodies - a practice continued until recent centuries. The Chinese bound their women’s feet in iron shoes as a cultural norm, obviously, to restrict their movement. The Christian Church placed women under total domination of men. (The Bible, Genesis 3.16). Roman male citizens could kill their women by law, if they found them committing adultery (Thanks to the Justinian Code).
Therefore all the Christians (including the Romans and Greeks), Zoroastrians, pagans and Hindus who embraced Islam brought misogynist notions into Islam from their previous religions. This inevitably influenced their interpretation of Koranic exhortations on modesty. With time, this gave rise to imposition of varying restrictions upon women, including their full veiling and segregation when outside the house – a custom borrowed understandably from “the Greek Christians of Byzentium, who had long veiled and segregated their women in this manner.”[3]
The truth is the Koran features altogether five verses relating to sartorial modesty and sexual morality: 7:26 declares that clothing is meant for concealing nakedness as well as for personal beauty but reminds that the cloak of conscience is the best. 24:30 calls upon men to ‘restrain their glances and cover their sexual parts. 24:31 has identical instruction for women (as in 24:30), but allows them some latitude to enable suckling of their babies in the presence of close male relatives and restrains them from wearing or bearing themselves provocatively. 24:60 relents towards the elderly and senile women, because of the lack of their sexual appeal. Finally, 33:59 restates sartorial modesty, but forbids women from hiding their identity under the veil. This is another matter that the traditional gendered reading obscures the identity and enhances the sexuality of women by insisting on veil, head gear, segregation etc. In a word, in today’s context/debate, veil and head-covers are fake symbols of ‘Islamic’ as the true identity of a Muslim lies in his/her inner beauty: conduct, behaviour and performance and not in veil and head-cover.   
Mohammed Yunus              
2.        “Essential Message of Islam,” by Muhammad Yunus and Ashfaque Ullah Syed, Amana Publications, Maryland 2009.
3.        Karen Armstrong, Islam, A short history, New York 2002, p. 16
mohammed yunus16.04.2011 | 23:38 Uhr
          Reply to your false propaganda
This is the reply to the above piece
Self proclaimed scholars like Lamya do no service but create confusions. Islam is the religion that liberates women. In fact, Islam was the first religion that talked and put into practice the equality of women. But unlike the Orientalists, we don't sell our mothers and sisters. Rape cases and prostitution centers are not our giving to the world. Hijab liberates women.
Hakim iqbal Abdulla17.04.2011 | 19:05 Uhr
          "Scholars"It's not as if you can't reject the clearly false opinion of a person because the call themselves "A scholar". The Quran commands us to obey the Prophet(PBUH). You, therefore, have no right to obey anyone when it involved disobedience to Allah.
Sahih International
Say, "Obey Allah and the Messenger." But if they turn away - then indeed, Allah does not like the disbelievers.
No need to say ...05.07.2011 | 18:23 Uhr
          Self proclaimed scholarsI am sorry, but this woman doesn't know what she is talking about. If she said she doesn't want to wear headscarf or it shouldn't be forced on the woman or society shouldn't judge a women for putting it on I will agree with her. But to say since it is not mentioned in Quran then it is simply an older men misogyny for women or a 'fashion accessory' from Koranic times, this is a nonsense talk and I don't know how she called herself a Muslim scholar.
What this lady missed that Faraeid and feqh al hadeeth for haram and halal based on Quran 'AND" Al Suna from prophet Mohammed SAAW. One of the main pillars in Islam is praying five times in a day. Did Quran say anything about how to pray or how many times we pray? No, but we learned that from prophet's teaching. And since she only based her argument on Quran, did she ignore the Ayah (O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger and those of you who are in authority; and if ye have a dispute concerning any matter, refer it to Allah and the messenger if ye are (in truth) believers in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and more seemly in the end. (59)) Al Nessa. Or the hadeeth ("Ayesha (r) reported that Asma’ the daughter of Abu Bakr (r) came to the Messenger of Allah (s) while wearing thin clothing. He approached her and said: 'O Asma’! When a girl reaches the menstrual age, it is not proper that anything should remain exposed except this and this. He pointed to the face and hands." [Abu Dawud]). Women and men's costume were declared many times in Quran and hadeeth but I guess for some people it is a matter of pick and choose.
This is a deep science and not everybody can simply go in public and make halal or haram and mislead people because he/she read some versos from Quran. And again, I am against forcing any woman to put it on or judging her if she wears it or not, but I refuse making false claims about the religion and mislead people. If a Muslim doesn't want to pray or
Murad Kablan13.04.2012 | 00:42 Uhr
          Self proclaimed scholar con'tor fast in Ramadan this is his/her choice, be he/she can't say it is ok in the religion to do so or it not mentioned in Quran so we can ignore it.
Self proclaimed scholars like Lamya do no service but create confusions. Islam is the religion that liberates women. In fact, Islam was the first religion that talked and put into practice the equality of women. I recommend any woman or man to read the book ( Liberating the woman in the message's era by Dr. Abdul halim Abou Shoqa) or to watch Dr. Tareq Swydan episod in youtube titeld (Hijab is it 3ebada or3ada ?)
Murad Kablan13.04.2012 | 00:44 Uhr
          hijabthe word "khimar" is  there and since quran was meant for all times and not just for that particular period,it is definetly valid in the 21st century too.i feel she misses the beauty of the exact precision of the words used in quran.
sania mariam25.04.2012 | 23:28 Uhr
          FreedomI do respect your opinion but it doesn't make you right or wrong. However, I do disagree with the entire article especially the term "Koranic times". I don't really know how you came up with this terms as long as I know that Koran is Koran and Islam is Islam and you can't change it to whatever you desire. With respect to the Church, same-sex marriage was prohibited years ago but then the church found itself being hated by people who do support this case then it allowed it in an organized manner. The church wanted to keep its role and love by allowing that already prohibited act, and that's wrong. After a few years, a new weird thing/case and the church will refuse it then it will be forced to approve it.
I don't want that for Islam.
I respect the freedom of expression but when it's logical and based on facts and well-known knowledge. Therefore, you can do whatever you want but that doesn't give you the right to form your opinion as the correct way. What I know is that Quran asking woman to cover their head, now, could you please bring me a text from the Quran or from Sunnah that doesn't say that?
Muhammad  Badi09.07.2012 | 20:16 Uhr
          Agree, but...Of course, I can only agree with her that the concept of a universally compulsory headscarf was spun by scholars, who themselves are a product of their time and place. She may have added a note on the definition of the word "khimar", which people now choose to interpret in a way that agrees with their idea of what women should do.
Unfortunately, her argument that for her personally, as a Muslim living in Germany (where the sight of hair does not provoke men's fantasies) the headscarf is obsolete, only forces us to conclude that in places where it does cause such provocation, it remains necessary. It may be a fact, sadly, but does that mean that certain sick fantasies will forever be allowed to determine the fate of certain societies?
Nesrin A.10.07.2012 | 10:54 Uhr
          head scarfYou call youself a scholar...why reject the ahaadeeth and only use quraan??obviously hijaab and niqaab are nessasary articles of clothing for a muslim for a true believing muslim woman..if you disagree that's your choice but do not falsely claim that hijaab is not from islam and quraan...nabi saw was sent as a messenger for ALL all laws in the wisdom of Allaah were made for ALL times..they cannot be changed simply because you feel its for previous times you not know the hadeeth stating that a group of angels praise Allaah in the words "Glory be to the one who has beautifies women with long plaits of hair glory be to the one who has beautified men with beards" this proves that the Hair of a woman is an integeral part of her beauty and should be coverd.Hijaab is liberating..try it and see!!!
amatullah bint ...11.07.2012 | 17:48 Uhr

link : ... nt-wear-a-headscarf


Last edited by Truth.8 on 27-4-2014 07:17 PM


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Post time 28-4-2014 12:32 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 27-4-2014 07:09 PM
ego my foot....u act like you know the quran but all the scholar who are born muslims aware that head covering is not part of God commandment. not only u are  retard but stupid

Ha ha ... ha ha , you are confirming everything I stated. Only people who are retards coupled with an ego plus who can't even read english appeal to such article.

Lets look at her credentials (from your link)
Lamya Kaddor © Goethe-Institut 2011

Lamya Kaddor was born in 1978 in Ahlen, Westphalia, as the daughter of Syrian immigrants. As a student she specialised in Islamic Studies, and went on to train Islamic teachers of religion at Münster University. Since the 2003-04 school year she has been involved as a teacher in the 'Islamic Studies in the German Language' project. Her most recent book is "Muslimisch – weiblich – deutsch! Mein Leben für einen zeitgemäßen Islam" (Muslim – Female – German! My Life for an Islam in Keeping with the Times), C.H. Beck Verlag, Munich 2010. This text is an abbreviated version of a study published in Thorsten Gerald Schneider's Islamverherrlichung [Glorification of Islam], VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2010, pp. 131–158

She teaches in Gothe Institute which is a learning institute for German Language and culture. At most she only has a 'bachelor' degree along with a couple of thousands in the Islamic world.

When did she became a scholar of Islam like Dr Yusuf Qaradawi?

From you own link again , comment 13.04.2012 | 00:42 Uhr
I am sorry, but this woman doesn't know what she is talking about. If she said she doesn't want to wear headscarf or it shouldn't be forced on the woman or society shouldn't judge a women for putting it on I will agree with her. But to say since it is not mentioned in Quran then it is simply an older men misogyny for women or a 'fashion accessory' from Koranic times, this is a nonsense talk and I don't know how she called herself a Muslim scholar......

comment 25.04.2012 | 23:28 Uhr
the word "khimar" is there and since quran was meant for all times and not just for that particular period,it is definetly valid in the 21st century too.i feel she misses the beauty of the exact precision of the words used in quran.

Again , you are not a careful person. Thsi lady is just a teacher not a scholar. Do you know what is a scholar? Apparently you don't. No wonder you are making one blunder after another.

Per your post #112
(1) How do you come to the understanding that us muslims understand hijab = head cover? Nobody stated so
(2) Look at your post #101 , is there a bracket between the word 'head cover'? Yes or no?
(3) Where is the reference of the article that confirm 'khimar' is not head cover? There is no authoritative reference

Can you provide the authoritative source(s) that the word 'khimar' in Quran24:31

does not mean headcover?

Last edited by sam1528 on 28-4-2014 12:34 AM


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 Author| Post time 28-4-2014 09:13 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 28-4-2014 12:32 AM
Ha ha ... ha ha , you are confirming everything I stated. Only people who are retards coupled with ...

i m right about being retard....
she is born muslim  and arab is her mother language...

she have quoted according to quran verses because she is scholar

u study in pondok in kampung and trying to act like arab wannabe...
shame shame shame



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Post time 28-4-2014 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 28-4-2014 09:13 AM
i m right about being retard....
she is born muslim  and arab is her mother language...

she have quoted according to quran verses because she is scholar

u study in pondok in kampung and trying to act like arab wannabe...
shame shame shame

Ha ha , only retards argue that 'arab is her mother tongue' hence so and so is a scholar because the person quotes the Quran. This means that we have millions and millions of arabs by your logic are Quranic scholars because they speak arab. This is another case where your ego gets the better then your intelligence. Where did she do her Phd and then being accepted and did research in the said field? The answer is nowhere. It confirm that you don't even know what is a scholar.

The Quranic verse 24:31 states of khimar meaning head covering. She calls it fashion accessory. No reference is made to any authoritative source(s). Again her unlearned opinion.

Well going to pondok school and FINISHING it is better than you who failed form 3. What do you think?

Per your post #112
(1) How do you come to the understanding that us muslims understand hijab = head cover? Nobody stated so
(2) Look at your post #101 , is there a bracket between the word 'head cover'? Yes or no?
(3) Where is the reference of the article that confirm 'khimar' is not head cover? There is no authoritative reference

Can you provide the authoritative source(s) that the word 'khimar' in Quran24:31

does not mean headcover?
Last edited by sam1528 on 28-4-2014 09:45 AM



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 Author| Post time 28-4-2014 10:36 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 28-4-2014 09:44 AM
Ha ha , only retards argue that 'arab is her mother tongue' hence so and so is a scholar because t ...

here we go again with a retard person do not understand modesty dressing and head covering

let the forummer judge how stupid this retard person



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Post time 28-4-2014 12:48 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 28-4-2014 10:36 AM
here we go again with a retard person do not understand modesty dressing and head covering

let the forummer judge how stupid this retard person

Ha ha , I think the person without understanding is you. You know lah , arguing like a retard without any evidence.

The issue here is that you die die argue that the Quran does not state of head cover. You have been proven wrong in Quran24:31. All you have are just the unlearned opinion of lay people. All I ask is the reference from authoritative source(s) that support your argument. So far all you can provide are
- articles from polemicists with their unlearned opinion
- articles from Quaranists with their unlearned opinion
- article from a teacher not scholar who can speak arab and to you a scholar giving her unlearned opinion
- a lie that an Azhar University PhD candidate questioning head covering
- data from your ass that 70% of muslims do not suppport the hijab

In short you have nothing but argue for the sake of arguing because of your ego but then resorting to lying. However you are having such a thick skin but small in courage. You are afraid answer my questions

Per your post #112
(1) How do you come to the understanding that us muslims understand hijab = head cover? Nobody stated so
(2) Look at your post #101 , is there a bracket between the word 'head cover'? Yes or no?
(3) Where is the reference of the article that confirm 'khimar' is not head cover? There is no authoritative reference

Can you provide the authoritative source(s) that the word 'khimar' in Quran24:31

does not mean headcover?



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