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Author: myst_leen

S.H.E (Selina.Hebe.Ella)

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 Author| Post time 13-7-2007 05:35 AM | Show all posts
Ella voted as the most popular/most favoured artiste in Taiwan

huhuhh..yeay!!! for Ella..nampaknyer Ella memang dah makin popular giler....huhuh..i'm happyfor her..aku takde lagi full translation utk article nii ..

tp yg aku tau dia voted sebagai most popular/most favoured artiste inTaiwan ..hari tu menang poll the most unpretentious artiste..ehehe..aku happy niii ..happy happy ..memang fans sayang kat dia..tak pasti la kalau ini utk kategori wanita je..sebab top 5 memangwanita semua ..btw senarai top 5..

1. Ella
2. S.H.E
3. Selina
4. Jolin Tsai.
5. Hebe.

yg bestnyer..hebe , selina dan S.H.E pun tersenarai sama .Jolin kat no.4...

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 Author| Post time 13-7-2007 07:55 AM | Show all posts

Reply #159 errasazza's post

tuh la pasalnyer..memang tak senonoh ..gambo2 hebe dan selina masa shooting mv tu pun diorang ckp scratch butt jugak ..isk.tah apa2 tah .. bg aku ..normal la kalau tepuk belakang jeans...lagi pun masa tu diorang tgh rest dari shooting..bukannyer duk di kalangan penonton ..diorang pun manusia biasa jugak kan ..tah paper..

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 Author| Post time 13-7-2007 07:58 AM | Show all posts
Show Luo bravely show off cooking skills. Admit to having dated Selina before.

"Mouth-tight Prince" Show Luo since stepping into the circle has always been reluctant to admit anything about his love-life but his shut tight mouth has been loosen by Da Xiao S. Last time, he admitted to Xu Huai Yu in 100% Entertainment, this time, in "Da Xiao Ai Chi", he chose Selina for the question of who he will choose to reignite a relationship with. The three options were Xu Huai Yu, Makiyo and Selina. He chose Selina because the two of them have more topics to stuff about.

Da Xiao S argue over him  

Da Xiao S siblings start a new show and their ratings broke 1.72 just days ago, showing off their attraction. Few days ago, Xiao Zhu came onto the show to show off cooking skills and made fried pork handroll. His tightly shut mouth was forced by the sisters to open up and admit to having dated Selina before.

Xiao S said that "I worked with him for 2 years and never managed to dig out any stuff." And unexpectedly, Da S said"I had a closer relationship with him. When filming together, he will tell me some secrets." Xiao S was losing face and hence immediately acted angry and confronted Da S "Even I didn't know? What's your relationship with me? What's his relationship with you?" And then she mumbled to herself "What I know isn't any less than you!" The two sisters argued over Xiao Zhu, which made everyone present laughed.

Wants to do the full thing with Jolin

As Xiao Zhu was cooking, he had to answer some questions too. "If you have to get Jolin to do one thing with you, 1) Having a hot kiss with her by pushing her to the wall and then make use of your hands, 2) Bath together with her(nakedly) and help each other rub the body, 3) Female party wearing T-shaped trousers only and then dancing a leg dance on you, which will you choose?" Xiao Zhu thought for 20s and then said "Can I don't choose any? I feel that these seem like a full set."

After that, he got the question "If Makiyo, Selina, Xu Huai Yu(all Xiao Zhu's ex-girlfriend) were to return to your side, who will you choose?" After confirming that this is a hypothetical question, Xiao Zhu embarrassingly replied Selina and the reason is that "privately, we have more stuff to talk about." Xiao S then revealed "Shouldn't be! I see you and Makiyo having huge fun together too!" Da S then added badly "Should be have become sick of playing with Makiyo!"

*ehehehe..tuh la..dah agak dah show ni memang ade hati kat selina..kalau tgk kebanyakan variety show yg diorang pergi pun ..memang selalu show ni suka nyakat selina tu ..yg lawaknyer headline ni seolah2 yg show ni admit betul dated sebenarnyer kalau ikutkan ..xiao s tanya ..kalau la sekiranyer selina , makiyo dan sorang lagi tu ex show..saperkah yg show akan bagi peluang utk berbaik semula dengan dia..atau kira berkapel balik dengan plh selina sebab dia rasa dia ade banyak benda nak diborakkan dengan selina ...ehehe..ingat lagi masa selina kena kiss ashin dalam mv mayday hari tu yg tak pepasal cam tunjukkan kejelesan dia laks...

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 Author| Post time 13-7-2007 08:24 AM | Show all posts
Erraaaa!!!! aku rasa nak menjerit nii ..kalau la aku boleh call ko skang jugakk ..huhuhuhuh...

latest news about CE ...

ARGGHHHHHH!!!!aku rasa nak menjerit niiii ...huhuhuh..nak menjerit ..nampaknyer assumption ce fans mcm betul ...huhuhh...dalam latest variety show ...Selina terlepas ckp somethingggg...ahakssss!!! adesss..aku hampir luruh jantung bila baca pasal hal niii ..OMG!!!!! but then it's really a good news for CE fanss aku tak rasa menda ni akan masuk lam berita ...dalam rancangan tu ,Selina ckp yg Ella is so greedy coz she has 2 lovers (OMG!!) ..ok ..yg ni kira tak serius sangat lagi lepas tu dia terlepas ckp ...dia ckp, "Zun Hua dian xin" ... maksudnyer Chun dan Ella masih lagi berhubung with each other through phone..masa ni memang dia tak tersengaja ckp ..sebab nyer lepas tu dia terus tutup mulut dia dan bisik kat ella mcm yg dia dah terckp sesuatu secara tak dia bisik slow je ..Ella laks pura2 tak tau!!maknanya memang ade sesuatu antara Chun dan Ella..kalau tak , kenapa mesti Selina terang2 ckp ella greedy sebab ade 2 lovers..ok ..dalam article kita dah tau sorang tu DJ ..sorang lagi mesti Chun aku rasa sebenarnyer antara Ella dan DJ takde apa2..sebab cuba bayangkan ..kalau Ella dan DJ bebetul ade something kenapa Chun masih berkontek dengan Ella..huhuh..tak tau la nanti hal ni akan jadi bahan berita ke tak ..btw ..klip ni baru je released hari nii adelah fancam vid

huhuh..actually  sebelum tu host tu tanya Ella yg DJ dan Ella berkontekthrough phone ke..masalahnye si Selina tak sebut DJ dia sebut "ZunHua Xin Dian." akakaka..adess..nama Chun yg terlepas .. Hua tu mewakilinama Ella .aku tau dia terlepas ckp Zun Hua diang xin tu pada minit ke 2:15 ..then nanti korang tgk reaksi  Selina dan Ella..Selina bisik something kat Ella..nampak cam dia risau dia terlepas ckp ....Ella buat2 tak tau ...ahakss!! fishy ..fishy ...oh yerr ..aku dah tgk ..yg Selina ckp Ella has 2 lovers tu pada min 2:10 .

tunggu nanti rancangan ni ditayangkan ..ahaks!

btw ..bukan aku yg translate nii ce fans punyer topik tu yg aku tau tu..

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 13-7-2007 08:29 AM ]

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Post time 13-7-2007 06:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #164 myst_leen's post

akakaka..aku pun rasa cam ko...nak melompat ada sesuatu je CE nak hide kan sesuatu je...akakakaka...agaknya tulla teori kita kan leen...huhuhu...sonoknya...ini cam satu berita yg buatkan fan CE mula berbunga kembali...huhuhu...ella pun dah mula nak kontrol ayu nampaknya...bila je mc tu sebut nama DJ...ella nampak cam tak ceria je...trus air muka dio berubahkan leen...huhuhu...chaiyooo CE...hehehhee

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Post time 13-7-2007 06:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #161 myst_leen's post

wahhhhhhhhhhhh.....ella tetap unggul......

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Post time 13-7-2007 06:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #162 myst_leen's post

paparazzi kat sana memg...suka cari keburukan artis...lebih2 lagi artis yg glamer cam SHE ni...huhuhu...

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Post time 13-7-2007 06:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #167 errasazza's post

kalu aku jd artis sane, mst  aku dh psg loyer...saman malu

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Post time 13-7-2007 08:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #168 casper541's post

aku sokong...mahunya aku saman sampai berjuta2 lemon

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Post time 13-7-2007 10:51 PM | Show all posts
Leehom Invited Selina to Sing At His House, 1 Million Copies Sold
Friday July 13, 2007 Taiwan

WANG LI HONG's (Leehom Wang) 12th album, "Gai Bian Zi Zhi" (Change Me)makes its global release today. Yesterday Leehom attended a pressconference for this album in Beijing. Leehom's appearance was extremelygrand, appearing above a large model of a globe 10 feet above thefloor. Leehom said that in this new album, he is using environmentallawareness as his main theme. Recycled paper was used as wrappingmaterial for the album instead of the usual plastic.

He alsorevealed that he sang a (Taiwanese) duet with S.H.E's SELINA. Hepraises Selina and says that she has a very youthful voice. To furthurdisplay the charm of the song, Selina went to Leehom's house to recordthe song. When asked if Leehom is afraid of rumors, he laughs, "No onetook pictures of us, and a lot of people went with us." (Do a lot offemale celebrities go to your house?) "Let's talk about the album!"Aside, the press conference announced that Leehom's new album sold past1,000,000 pre-ordered copies. He also announced that he officialyjoined Coca Cola, now part of the Coca Cola party.

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Post time 14-7-2007 01:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #169 errasazza's post

nnt kite kaya ngn duit saman jer la

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 Author| Post time 14-7-2007 02:06 AM | Show all posts

Reply #170 errasazza's post

wahhh!!! good newss..memang looking forward nak dengar lagu Lee Hom dengan Selina ni ..dan yg bestnyer Lee Hom pun dah jadi spokesperson Coca Cola ..means dia dah join sekali S.H.E dan Wilber Pan yg merupakan spokesperson utk Coca Cola..huhuh..lepas ni nanti boleh la tgk iklan Coca Cola featuring Lee Hom dengan S.H.E mesti Hebe jeles ni kalau baca berita yg wartawan nak cuba gossipkan Lee Hom dengan Selina ni ..ekeke.thanks erra for sharing...

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 Author| Post time 14-7-2007 02:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #166 errasazza's post

huhuh..tuh laa..dan yg lg best tu sebab vote ni merangkumi utk penduduk taiwan dan china sekali ..means our dearest Ella and S.H.E memang popular dan disayangi laa..huhuh..

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 Author| Post time 14-7-2007 02:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #171 casper541's post

hi cas..tak tido lagi ker??

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 Author| Post time 14-7-2007 02:08 AM | Show all posts

S.H.E - Lao Po MV

huhuh..akhirnyer released gak MV ni ..such a cute and touching MV ...menceritakan suka duka diorang selama 6 thn bergelar artis ...great friendship...

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Post time 14-7-2007 02:20 AM | Show all posts
hi all blom tido lagi ke.....

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Post time 14-7-2007 02:21 AM | Show all posts

Reply #171 casper541's post

akakaka..tu la...kaya dgn lemon je

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Post time 14-7-2007 02:23 AM | Show all posts

Reply #175 myst_leen's post

suka tgk klip ni....dan juga perjalanan SHE...dlm bidang seni..
memg byk suka dukanya....huhu....tapi aku suka tgk ella...cantik sangat...
dan ella nampak kurus la skrg ni....

[ Last edited by  errasazza at 14-7-2007 02:29 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 14-7-2007 02:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #178 errasazza's post

tuh laa...cute giler ella dalam klip tu ..hebe dan selina pun cute gak comel la mv tu kan ..ehehee..suka sangat tgk yg diorang tjk perjalanan  hidup diorang sebagai artis tu ..a'ahh..ella dah jadi kurus seb baik tak sekurus hebe lagi ..rasanyer suka tgk dia kurus tahap ni je..jgn kurus sangat...

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Post time 14-7-2007 02:34 AM | Show all posts

Reply #179 myst_leen's post

tu la...tapi walaupun ella dah kurus tapi badan dio tetap nampak curvy lagi....
huhuhu...suak tgk ella buat wajah comel tu...huhuhu...cute je ella masa tu....

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