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Author: alongim

Anak comelku Autistic Spectrum Disorder

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Post time 19-12-2006 05:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yatiedin at 19-12-2006 04:29 PM

hi delifrance,
thankx for the wish.
nak tanya skit. is your son an autie as well? sorry sbb dah baca postings lama2 tapi tak ingat sapa anak sapa. how old is he?


no my son is more og ADHD....
tp i nyemak kat sini asal2 nye sebab dok share what my doctor advised my son about taking GCFC diet yg sesuai utk budak2 autism..

he is 5....mild ADHD...mild dylexia too...

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Post time 21-12-2006 09:09 AM | Show all posts

Reply #160 yatiedin's post

tq so much yatie..
no wonder la sometimes we dont understand y they behave in certain way...
contohnya my son, kalau dengar guruh jer..sure tutup telinga dgn mata pejam2 sekali, cam mende tu sesuatu yg menakutkan...agaknya dia dengar cam lain...

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Post time 21-12-2006 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Delifrance at 19-12-2006 05:18 PM


no my son is more og ADHD....
tp i nyemak kat sini asal2 nye sebab dok share what my doctor advised my son about taking GCFC diet yg sesuai utk budak2 autism..

he is 5....mild A ...

Oohhh.. patut la dia tulis 9 terbalik. dyslexic mmg kadang dia nampak wordings terbalik kan? Yatie ada baca bout GFCF tapi tak amalkan. susah la especially kat alor star ni susah nak cari substitude. yatie cuma jaga benda2 yg sweet tak bagi makan sgt. kalau tidak too much energy dia tak leh nak tidur malam

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Post time 21-12-2006 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by norsha at 21-12-2006 09:09 AM
tq so much yatie..
no wonder la sometimes we dont understand y they behave in certain way...
contohnya my son, kalau dengar guruh jer..sure tutup telinga dgn mata pejam2 sekali, cam mende tu sesu ...

tu la norsha. kita sometimes heran apasal la anak kita ni benda2 skitpun nak nangis2. rupa2nya they all nampak, dengar semua cam lain dari kita.

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Post time 22-12-2006 10:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yatiedin at 21-12-2006 09:43 AM

tu la norsha. kita sometimes heran apasal la anak kita ni benda2 skitpun nak nangis2. rupa2nya they all nampak, dengar semua cam lain dari kita.

nangis bukan cam budak biasa lak tu kan nak runtuh rumah..:lol

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Post time 22-12-2006 12:44 PM | Show all posts
norsha, yatie and mothers....

dari segi fizikal diorang nampak biasa saja ke?  Ada tak perbezaan dari segi fizikal yang they have in common yang membezakan dia dari anak-anak lain?  contohnya pada mata ke etc?  Ataupun kita boleh kenal anak-anak ni cuma bila tengok behaviour dia?

Macam mana pulak caranya doktor buat test on them untuk determine whether a child is autistic or not?  As early as when dah boleh detect?

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Post time 22-12-2006 12:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by norsha at 22-12-2006 10:20 AM

nangis bukan cam budak biasa lak tu kan nak runtuh rumah..:lol

betul tu norsha. bila time2 melalak tu jangan la dok pi dekat2 sgt. kang ada yg kena flying kick...

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Post time 22-12-2006 01:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KakFie at 22-12-2006 12:44 PM
norsha, yatie and mothers....

dari segi fizikal diorang nampak biasa saja ke?  Ada tak perbezaan dari segi fizikal yang they have in common yang membezakan dia dari anak-anak lain?  contohnya pa ...

kak fie,
budak2 auties ni tak ada any physical indication untuk mengecam depa ni. skali tgk macam budak2 normal ja. not like down syndrome or mongoloid yg kita boleh nampak dari rawak muka yg seakan-akan sama je semua. tu yg bila auties nie have a meltdown, especially in public, orang ingat budak tu buat kelaku je... kata mak pak dia tak reti nak ajar anak, disiplin anak. sabar je lah...
autism can only be detected by observing their behaviour. ada la certain2 test yg doctors can do to make certain it's autism or something else. tapi hanya as early as 1 1/2 to 2 yrs baru blh detect. it's the time when children are suppose to master language. bila budak2 ni still tak bercakap, baru orang notice sometjhing is wrong.
yatie tak penah buat any formal testing on nadiah. cuma terus bawak dia jumpa clinical psycholigist kat penang. dia yg observe nadiah punya behaviour and interview us parents. dari situ dia buat diognosis tapi kata dia tentative, tak confirm lg.

mothers yg lain macam mana? ada buat formal testing ke? yatie slalu dengar orang slalu bawak ke HUKM dulu. what sort of test your children kena lalui? lepas tu HUKM bagi surat ke to proceed jumpa therapist ke, psychologist ke? kalau tak ada surat boleh tak bawa jumpa macam speech therapist terus?

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Post time 22-12-2006 02:41 PM | Show all posts
Salam. Saya start baca messages kat forum ni rasanya dah 3 minggu. Sebab dok perasan anak saya 4thn speech lambat banding kids his age. In Nov we start sending him to Pre-school. Saja la tengok teacher observe dia mcm mana. Cikgu cakap dia kalau dia interested in sth he will concentrate and stay in class. Things he dont like he ignore and just keluar je. Pas tu kalau cikgu dok kat depan ajar, dia buat x tau saja. But one on one cikgu ajar, dia bole plak paham. My son eye contact ada, tapi dia x reti nak bersembang dgn orang. Attention pun kurang la, very active. So baca2 forum kat sini, ada org mention psl Dr. Kadir. So I pi la jumpa dia. As suspected, dia kata anak I ni autistic, but very mild. Dia suruh jaga his diet. No more dairy, wheat, MSG and refined sugar (gula mentah dan gula melaka dia bagi makan). Maksudnya roti, biskut, susu, milo, kek dan benda2 cam tu semua dah x leh. Dia suruh banyakkan makan kurma, madu dan kacang2 mcm kacang kuda, dll. At the same time dia bagi DHA, chollera dan tahini (bijan kisar, kaya dgn kalsium dan magnesium - utk ganti susu). Mulanya suspen gak nak berentikan susu, tapi dah Dr suruh, saya buat gak le. I make sure every meal dia makan kenyang2 so dia x de la mintak susu.  So skrg dah dekat 2 minggu amalkan diet nih (omputih kata Casein Free Gluten Free Diet). and I'm beginning to see results. Even babysitter dia pun cakap, anak I dah x buas sgt, bole la duduk diam tengok buku. Pas tu dah makin cakap banyak, pelat still ada, tapi at least its a good start. Minggu lepas dia tanya kat I soalan, "Mana abah? Jom pi amik abah".Dia x pernah tanya soalan ever! So terkejut la gak. Rasanya he is now more aware of his environment and people around him. ALhamdullilah. So I nak teruskan la diet nih, kena nekad, sebab nak sgt tengok dia baik, lagi pun x lama lagi dah nak masuk std 1. I will post what I've read abt the effect of Casein and Gluten ni to Autistic and ADHD kids. TIma Kasiiih...

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Post time 22-12-2006 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Sapa2 interested dgn Gluten Free Casein Free (GFCF) diet bole find out more di sini:

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Post time 22-12-2006 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Sapa2 interested dgn Gluten Free Casein Free (GFCF) diet bole find out more di sini:

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Post time 22-12-2006 03:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mami06 at 22-12-2006 02:41 PM
Salam. Saya start baca messages kat forum ni rasanya dah 3 minggu. Sebab dok perasan anak saya 4thn speech lambat banding kids his age. In Nov we start sending him to Pre-school. Saja la tengok tea ...

good for you mami06!


sebagai org yg tepek address dr kadir tu kat sini..
aku rase happy sgt bile ade org yg jumpa dan dpt positive results :love::love:

the other day i bought one box of chlorella.. kalau nak beli dgn i pm aje ok..

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Post time 22-12-2006 03:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mami06 at 22-12-2006 02:41 PM
Salam. Saya start baca messages kat forum ni rasanya dah 3 minggu. Sebab dok perasan anak saya 4thn speech lambat banding kids his age. In Nov we start sending him to Pre-school. Saja la tengok tea ...

subhanallah what a miracle.  Rajin-rajinlah mami update progress dia kat sini ek.

Lupa pulak...lagi satu mami, boleh tak mami list down apa yang anak mami makan dalam sehari untuk main meal under  GFCF diet ni.  Thanks mami.

[ Last edited by  KakFie at 22-12-2006 03:29 PM ]

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Post time 22-12-2006 03:43 PM | Show all posts
From  Dr Spocks (one of my favourites child expert) website

How Is Autism Diagnosed?

by Robert Needlman, M.D., F.A.A.P.
reviewed by Robert Needlman, M.D., F.A.A.P.
Parents often recognize that something is wrong when their children are still infants. Many times, however, it takes years before a doctor makes the actual diagnosis of autism. In the U.S., the average age of diagnosis is between two and three years; in other English-speaking countries, it is later still.

One reason that it takes so long is that children's behaviors are complex and changing; it is not always easy to see a pattern before it has fully emerged. There is no clear-cut line between very mild autism and healthy children who are just somewhat odd socially. Autism is not unique in being bordered by a diagnostic gray area.

Also, doctors who are not specialists in developmental disorders are often reluctant to label a child as autistic because the diagnosis is so upsetting to parents. Many parents are referred from one doctor to another, until finally one of them proclaims the diagnosis. There is no blood test, brain scan, or other high-tech test for autism. The diagnosis relies on the judgment of an experienced doctor, using a combination of interviews, questionnaires, and observations. Physical examinations and selected tests are important to look for other conditions that can be confused with autism, or that can occur along with autism.

Diagnostic criteria
You may read in a doctor's report that a child "meets criteria for autism." This may sound mysterious, but it isn't. In order to create a universal standard for the diagnosis of autism (and hundreds of other conditions), groups of experts have created lists of criteria. The most widely used are the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV), and the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10). The criteria in these books are very similar, so that for practical purposes it doesn't matter which one a doctor uses.

The criteria for autism include problems with communication and social interactions, as well as repetitive and narrow behaviors and interests (as described in What is Autism?). The DSM-IV breaks down each of these problem areas into four criteria. For example, one criterion is "failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level." Another is "apparently inflexible adherence to specific nonfunctional routines or rituals."

The diagnosis of autism requires that a certain number of criteria are met, that problems are evident before age three, and that there is no evidence for certain other conditions that can mimic autism. Reading the DSM-IV criteria can make diagnostic process seem mechanical or objective. In reality, it is neither. It takes an equal measure of art and science to interpret the criteria, and match them against observations of a complex and changing child.

You can view a copy of the criteria by downloading a recent article, but it's probably best to borrow the entire Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders from a library and settle down for a long read.

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Post time 22-12-2006 04:03 PM | Show all posts
Kak fie tak sure whether to put this in this thread ataupun dalam thread anak lambat bercakap. Rasanya should put in both kot.  Heh.heh..gila kuasa.    Kak fie terjumpa assessment questionnaires untuk tentukan sama ada anak ada PDD (pervasive developmental delay which includes autism) atau tak dalam

Kalau kak fie silap mintak sesiapa yang really expert in this betulkan akak ek.  Thanks.

PDD or pervasive developmental disorder is a behavioral disorder of speech, communication, social interaction, and repetitive type compulsive behavior. Autism is a form of PDD. There are five types of PDD's. The most commonly encountered are PDD NOS (pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified), childhood autism, and Asperger's syndrome. All these "different" conditions have common diagnostic and physiologic features but differ slightly by the specific diagnostic criteria.

Who should be evaluated for autism or PDD?

In every child who has any type of speech delay, the question of autism or PDD NOS must arise. Recent recommendations by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) specify some general early guidelines in that regard. These include:

    * No babbling by 12 months
    * No pointing or waving bye-bye by 1 year
    * No single words by 16 months
    * No spontaneous 2-word sentences (for communication, not repetition) by 2 years
    * Any loss of acquired speech or communication skills at any age

Several speech developmental screening and rating scales are suggested by the AAN but the above guidelines cover the vast majority of children that require a more specific evaluation.

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Post time 22-12-2006 11:22 PM | Show all posts
Kak Fie, ni contoh menu anak saya:

Pagi - scrambled egg 2 biji (Dr Kadir recommend telur LTK sebab ada DHA) ataupun nasi lemak

Tengah hari - Nasi (anak saya suka sup, pas tu gorengkan sket ikan or ayam, kurma dan masak lemak pun dia makan. Kalau rajin saya buat nasi ayam, his fav.)

Ptg - Yg ni pening sket sebab dulu dok bagi koko crunch, biskut atau roti bun. So skrg I cuba2 la bagi keledek goreng, muruku, rice crackers, pas tu tambah dgn buah, takut dia lapar kang...)Keledek saya goreng pakai tepung beras, maruku tu pakai tepung kacang dhal rasanya, kira bole la. Nanti kalau ada masa nak buat kuih lopes or seri muka...anak I suka.

Mlm - nasik lagi, selalu makan je lauk yg masak utk tgh hari ataupun beli lauk tambah kat kedai, contohnya beli siakap kukus ke...saya bagi tau kedai tu jgn letak perasa mcm ajinomoto...) Bihun pun bole bagi sebab dibuat dari beras. Soto pun ok...make sure jgn letak ajinomoto. Mee x leh sebab dibuat dari tepung gandum.

Mlm sebelum tido I bagi air suam, campur dgn madu. In between meals I bagi la kismis or kurma. Ada gak cuba vacuum pack fruits (cosway ada jual), ok gak coz no sugar, preservatives etc.

Lagi satu I ada gak cuba bagi dia rice milk pagi2 bila dia bangun tido, seblm breakfast. I campur la sket madu. Mula dia x minum, skrg dah minum dah. Tadi cuba buat almond milk plak, I rasa lagi sedap dari rice milk. Besok pagi nak try bagi kat dia tengok dia minum ke dak.

Nak stop susu dan dairy product mcm cheese tu I rasa ok la bole buat. But nak stop tepung gandum ni payah rasanya. Kadang tu ngelat la gak, bagi anak I tu makan roti wholemeal. Dr Kadir kata bole bagi roti wholemeal sikit2. Ada gak bagi kat dia biskut 2 keping sekali sekala. Tapi dah banyak kurang la banding dgn sebelum amalkan diet nih. Saya rasa lama kelamaan mmg nak berenti terus tepung gandum, but I have to look for replacement first.Kena belek2 dan cuba resepi dari internet. LAgi satu ,mulanya I cadang nak stop susu lembu dan switch to soya. Tapi Dr Kadir x bagi, dia kata soya pun x elok, budak boleh dapat masalah dgn thyroid dan masalah hormon. So I ada gak search info mengenai soya milk, kalau ada sapa2 nak baca lemme know, nanti I postkan di sini.

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Post time 23-12-2006 05:05 PM | Show all posts
no wonder you can see the results so fast... u mmg follow religiously!! tabik spring lah!!!!

i masih kasik his daily coco crunch sebab kalau tak dpt mengamuk2...

cuma yg bezanya now our house no longer store roti and biscuits.. and ribena has been replaced with roselle and he religiously takes his chlorella (tp mak pon kene makan jugak kalau tak dia start mengelat)..
a few have noticed some positive behaviour changes tp sket aje dia tak bercakap gopoh macam dulu..tak berebut2 brg sgt dgn adik dia... and kalau dah satu petang main bola dgnk awan2 kat taska, mlm dia ade sket 'sober' lah tgk tv diam2.... dulu2 manjang summersault sana sini mmg tak rreti dokdiam! but i have yet to see other improvements insya Allah i have to work harder lah..dpt jadi separuh macam u pon dah bagus gila!

dr kadir also asked me to sembahyang tahajjud and doa hajat utk anak2..u kenesekali tak?? mujur lah time dia suruh my son baca al fatihah he passed the test!! kalau tak sure kene marah macam2 lagi.. he he he

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Post time 23-12-2006 10:40 PM | Show all posts
delifrance, how old is your son? dia bole berkawan and pi main bole kira ok gak tu. Anak I even though mild ASD, he got no sense of danger. Kalau dia tengah seronok tu kalau dibiarkan mmg dia main lintas je jln, or terjatuh masuk longkang. (x pernah jadi, but kalau I biar, mmg possible jadi cam ni).. coz dia x reti takut. SO jarang la I bawak dia pi playground, susah nak control, I yg berlari ke sana sini ngikut dia. Yep, Dr Kadir mmg ada suruh sembahyang tahajud. Tegas kan dia tu. Btw, anak I x mau makan chlorela tu. I call la Dr Kadir tanya cam ne nak buat. Dia kata x pe, jgn paksa budak tu. Nanti bulan depan dia suruh datang lagi. U mcm mana delifrance, ada gi jumpa Dr Kadir lagi?Dia tu org mana? He dok speaking je dgn kitaorang.

Anak I suka sgt tengok kipas meja dan kipas yg berdiri tu. So bila pi carrefour mmg dia akan berlari ke tempat kipas, suka la kat situ kipas banyak berpusing. Tapikan, tadi kami pi carrefour dia x de pun ke tempat kipas, dia still seronok belek itu ini, but dia x pun buat his usual routine pegi tengok kipas tu. I tak tau la ini another sign of his improvement atau kot dia terlupa nak tengok kipas mcm biasa...Apa pun, I mmg nak sambung je GFCF diet ni. Risau la, Nanti dia masuk std 1 kalau cam ni gak mcm mana? Kesian dia kena masuk kelas khas. Padahal he's not stupid. Lagipun sapa nak tengokkan dia kat sekolah, kot jatuh tangga ke apa ke...Dia thn depan umur 5 thn, I dah risau dah nih...

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Post time 24-12-2006 12:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mami06 at 23-12-2006 10:40 PM
delifrance, how old is your son? dia bole berkawan and pi main bole kira ok gak tu. Anak I even though mild ASD, he got no sense of danger. Kalau dia tengah seronok tu kalau dibiarkan mmg dia main  ...

nak tanya  pendapat mami...anak-anak even with mild ASD patut tak masuk special school yang boleh cater "masalah" diorang..ada cikgu-cikgu yang trained to manage anak-anak ni?  Ataupun lebih baik kalau dia mix around dengan anak-anak lain di sekolah biasa dengan harapan eventually dia akan blend in dan jadi macam biasa?

[ Last edited by  KakFie at 24-12-2006 12:10 AM ]

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Post time 24-12-2006 01:57 PM | Show all posts
bagus jugak ur kids leh follow the diet..
my son nie cukup susah nak change his food..even his milk pun dia refuse to drink kalau color dah lain (campur mende2 lain la)..air2 l;ain, he refuse to take..
food pun payah nak ubah..dulu2 norsha nak bagi dia makan kismis dgn kurma..sampai mampus kita org tayang2 kat dia pun, dia tak heran..nasi pun dia hanya makan nasi kosong or mee kosong without kuah2..kalau lauk, hanya ayam goreng and susage je dia makan..kuah2, big no for him..telur pun dia taknak, tak kira la buat style camne pun, apa jenis kuih pun dia tak son nie satu..dia tak kesah org nak tayang2 kat dia ke..nampak cam sedap ke..kalau dia taknak, means taknak..mmg tak jalan nya nak tukar2 food..
so..i have no choice tapi kena bagi dia makan roti dgn margerin or cheese in between sebab risau dia lapar..
sebab tu susah kot nak control hyperactive dia..

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